Approval Rate: 60%
Reviews 0
by pcpeter774
Mon May 23 2011Legalize it and tax it. However, I still think people who take it are assholes.
by davidxcore
Tue Aug 17 2010I love it, I don't have a addictive personality because I don't believe in addiction so that cause is out. And yea Its dumb to do ALOT but from time to time you'll love it, Its a really good way to get to know a person and its a fun experience. In high doses, yea it will kill your ass but if you do it smart and know where your getting it from you'll be fine Do some research when you do drugs and not from those dumbass kids sites cuz alot of those lie And the hangover thing can be stopped by smoking some marijuana but thats if you want to No drug can open door unless you let it If you have any concerns or doubts look up "Rolling Movie" on Youtube and every part of that is true Its a good movie to explain the affects and outcomes of the drug
by hello12345
Mon Jul 05 2010haven't been on it. but sounds great.yeah there's some risks but they arent as high as alcohol and other things. i hear its great. there is lots of people that say not to try it, but they've only heard of it. but everyone that's tried it loved it.
by mike_564
Sat Dec 12 2009have no clue
by shaunee
Mon Sep 28 2009I do it maybe twice a month if that and I love it! The first time you take it your hangover is horrible. After a while you don't get bad comedowns. And if you do smoke weed! If you make sure you get pure MDMA or close to it you will have amazing time and not feel like shit. Also know how much to take and have information on rolling
by redthunder25
Thu May 07 2009Used to be really good shit. Now it's just plain shit.
by the_drug_czar_slave
Thu Apr 23 2009Took it while in school. Best experience of my entire life.
by itsbriiibaby
Thu Oct 30 2008i love it. it's a great drug. i test and check reviews before i drop. when you know what you're eating, it's hard to die. just be aware of what you've got before hand. <3
by lizzzzzz
Mon Oct 20 2008i've seen a lot of people saying that ecstasy 'isn't worth it' or you 'shouldn't try it'. that's simply not true. ecstasy is a drug that, yeah, you have to be really calm minded about- it's a psychoactive, like most other drugs. but, ecstasy (which is a different drug from molly; don't get the two confused) is an empathogen - entactogen as well. not many recreational drugs fit under this category. these kinds of drugs produce specific social and emotional effects, including the release of oxytocin; a sort of bonding chemical; in the brain. ecstasy is usually a mixture of two or three phenethylamines, all drugs whose compounds are strangely similar to the serotonin compound. ecstasy hasn't been studied on humans enough to know how dangerous it is, but, yeah, i've been rolling and have 'felt' the holes in my brain. i'm not sure what causes those feelings, but it's interesting. if someone has taken ecstasy and died, it probably wasn't ecstasy. not all pills have mdma/mda/mdea, and some... Read more
by sheronda
Tue Sep 23 2008HMMMMMM.
by droog9ac
Sat Sep 20 2008from being a recreational user and fair enough to say abuser for a number of yrs in my early 20's, i feel i have a good grasp of understanding on the drug. i cant even remember the last time i took ecstasy, but i can remember times when my tolerance was so high to them that i could take up to 15 pills in a night, along with taking other drugs, and drinking lots of booze. i honestly cant say that i was ever that concerned about drinking water. they were probably some of the best days of my life. but it wasnt all rosy. the drug was responsible for some of the worst paranoia, anxiety and depression i have suffered. so my advice is: if you want to take drugs and experience the highs, make sure you can handle the lows. im glad i have now put drugs behind me but at the same time i dont have any regrets about my youth. peace!!
by cookiemonster8_4
Fri Sep 12 2008i took pills every wknd for 2 years and i just want to put a few things out there... do not skull water like theres no tomorrow wen ur on them cos thats a good way to die... if u drink too much water you will thin out the salt levels and ur brain will swell and you will die... the only problem i ever had was wen i double dropped once and they turned out to be acid based pills. they are fine as long as u urinate regularly, drink water in moderation and just keep ur wits about u
by edt4226d
Thu Aug 28 2008I've never tried it, although I've known people who have and claimed to enjoy it. Then again, there were very few drugs these people didn't try, and didn't also enjoy. I was scared off from any desire to "experiment" with Ecstasy by what I read about it from apparently objective sources and by a special that HBO ran a few years ago on a guy in California named Scott who used to do it regularly with his kids (I know he was arrested; wonder what ever happened to him or his kids? I think they had demonstrated on the show that one kid had a markedly lower IQ as a result of his dalliance with Ecstasy.). From what I understand, if you take Ecstasy enough times it can irreparably damage the part of your brain that regulates the release of seratonin. I would venture to guess that almost any drug that is abused enough can cause some degree of brain damage...certainly alcohol does...but something that f*cks with the pleasure center of the brain in such a debilitating way is a drug I would tend t... Read more
by genghisthehun
Thu Aug 28 2008I know of it and know some people who have used it. Probably wise to avoid.
by apesintheak
Thu Aug 28 2008Ecstasy seems like a fun and easy drug to do, but in most cases it's not. I've tried it a few times, the last experience is what made me stop. I've known people that have tried it and they've died their first time. When I was in school, one 15-year-old girl decided to try it for her first time and she died. It's very sad, as she will never get to experience the rest of her life. Why people take them before going to raves or while they're in raves is a bit confusing. As you need to keep hydrating your body and being in a rave makes you hot and sweaty with all the bodies around. Also, most times you have to go in and buy water, as you can't bring any in. Ecstasy helps you feel relaxed, happy, and feeling all-around good. Your senses become more hightened, your heart beats faster. My last experience was the worst. I took about three "double stacks," puked all over my bedroom, kept having dry mouth, despite the large cups of water I kept drinking, had major anxiety attacks, and couldn't ge... Read more
by kimmie254
Wed Aug 06 2008Never tried that one!
by beauman
Thu Jul 24 2008Yeah...this is my idea of fun
by j269e0f2
Sat Jul 19 2008???????????
by tiredofevry1
Fri Jul 18 2008Lots of people die from this.
by blinker_fluid
Sun Jul 13 2008I want to try it but then again im not sure if i should. Ive heard to many stories about it.
by ms_206189056
Sat Jul 05 2008i liked it! but i have a new life now
by god164
Sun Jun 29 2008like it to much to do allthe time
by da_boogeyman
Sun Jun 29 2008candys!
by whatever_lola_wants_she_gets
Tue Jun 24 2008Not interested...
by antone792
Sat Jun 21 2008DIZ IZ DA SHIT!
by george
Thu Jun 19 2008terrible...but u feel good for a while,definitly not worth it..
by oo_michelle_oo
Thu Jun 19 2008No thanks - some dipsh*t college kid mixing this stuff up in his dorm room - I'll pass.
by jamie563
Wed Jun 18 2008Thizz!!!
by 1_phuked_up_guy
Wed Jun 18 2008Now this is more like it something I can relate to.
by tru_2_mi_boo
Tue Jun 17 2008neva did it and won't
by tinky_wnky
Tue Jun 17 2008hahaha not dat i ever tried any!!
by wrendy
Tue Jun 17 2008must be careful not very likely to find anything good
by raffa711
Tue Jun 17 2008i love having a threesome with two girls on x. the next day you feel like shit, mouth hurts, headache, and nausea. but hey just think about the fact you had a threesome last night for hours.
by nicole_395
Tue Jun 17 2008depends on who im with
by courtney364
Tue Jun 17 2008Rolling is a great time
by mrsbabyluvpayn_e
Tue Jun 17 2008Nuh-ugh. not for me, unless I get my hands on one in two more years when my man gets out. ;)
by basicallyhear_tsessie
Tue Jun 17 brain herts afterwords
by meghann
Mon Jun 16 2008Very very bad for your brain and your life. Just take my word for it. You can be as carefree, happy, and loving as you want, without taking a harmful substance.
by elcougar
Sun Jun 15 2008that was a great phase. glad it didn't last too long.
by me_you_fucker
Sat Jun 14 2008X!!
by myspace_82815436
Sat Jun 14 2008sowy never tried it
by myspace_89662955
Fri Jun 13 2008It use to be some good shit. The crap now sux.
by april707
Fri Jun 13 2008certainly dont need this one to keep me going
by us_soldier_boi
Tue Jun 10 2008go ahead, let it turn your brain to cheddar cheese
by southern_belle
Mon Jun 09 2008undecided