East West Inc

Approval Rate: 100%

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  • by


    Sun Oct 25 2009

    East West Inc are the perfect company for your needs they develop really good ideas to great systems. I bought a gaming computer from them. Performance gamers know exactly what to look for when it comes to hardware. The computer brings the absolute cutting edge in prestige hardware configurable according to any budget. We spec’ed our machine in an effort to find a good compromise between performance and price. At just over $1,800, the standard “gaming” configuration of my machine is a stylish and powerful gaming machine. You can tell from fifty meters off —it features the distinctive build and extraterrestrial aesthetic that has defined the this brand for over a decade now. The chassis features an organic looking grate that glows menacingly with LED light, colored according to your order. And naturally, you’ll find the incandescent-eyed logo feature prominently on all sides of the blackouted system. Assuming that the somewhat over-the-top look of the computer strikes your fancy, you... Read more

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    Sat Oct 10 2009

    I just was surfing the internet on some products and noticed this review for this company. I use their computer system at the salon I work at and I think the salon has been using their software since it was open. I really like this program because it helps me analyze client retention numbers which for anyone in the salon or spa business knows how important that is. The client retention report gives us a clear idea which employees are keeping our most important asset ... duh the clients. The other important feature is the client prospecting system that allows me to review clients who have not been back and help us with follow up services and sales calls. This system also has reports for me to see how my top clients are by sales and what services and retail items they prefer. I am not sure what we would do without their system, I have worked at other and bigger salons that did not have this system and wonder if we lost money without a powerful program like this. Good job.

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    Sun Oct 04 2009

    This company is great. I had used them serveral years ago then my computer crashed and had lost my software disk I originally purchased. So I thought I would have to buy software from them again like I was new customer, but when I called they gave me a download link and sent me a full install disk at huge 80% off. My initial purchase was over 5 years ago but they where still able to help me retreive my data. I saw this rate me online and had to mention this great customer service. They took the extra step to listen to my needs and help me along the way. I got a person on the phone and did not have to leave a message. and btw love the software is very stable over the 5 years I only had to call customer support 1 time and that is when my computer crashed because of a bad hard drive. Next time I will also purchase hardware from them not only software. Do not hesitate purchasing from them.

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    Customer service is number one at this company, I use Cafe Advantage for my restaurant and used POS Advantage in the gift shop as well. The point of sale interface is user friendly and very easy to setup. I have only used them for 1 year but they are so nice to talk to. Also the toll free number works from Canada which most US companies it does not work from. Both toll free numbers the sales toll free number and support toll free number work from Canada. I pay 195 dollars US for technical support and its toll free and free updates wow what a Value. I especially like the inventory control message that reminds me when inventory is low for a certain item and the automatic purchase order system. very powerfull feature. Also the system has an weekly payroll report that includes overtime, double time hours included the 6 day rule for overtime. Thanks for reading this.

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    I wanted to share my experiance with this company. I use their software program for salons now for 6 and 1/2 years. I have used them for this long because of how economical their support fees are and how user friendly and powerful the software is. The easy to use employee work schedule program is integrated with the appointment book which lets me set employee work schedules week by week and day by day. each employee can have a different schedule and i can make sure that no one is schedule too much for overtime reasons. The appointments flow over to the pos(sales functions) which makes check out fast. The pos automatically calculates commissions and tips that are incorporated to the payroll program. This saves me a lot in paper work and in commission and payroll calculations. You should try the program if you think it will work for you. The trial version is free.

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    I like this companies products. They are real affordable business software programs that help me with my businesses. Quality programming that I have not seen like this before in my research. I bought the spa software 3 years ago and especially like the email appointment reminder features that help me keep in touch with my clients. The other good feature is the shortcut from the appointment book to ring out the sale in the point of sale screen. This program saves me about 3 hours a week in commission calculatons that incoporate product costing and variable commission rates per service. My employees like the professional reports that makes them feel like I am fair with my commission structure. All the marketing features helps me build my business. The interface is really user friendly and alot of my employees pick it up quickly. Cheers ....

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    Super Super Service, they just helped me recover my data files from my computer hard drive that crashed. Thank you so much for the emergency help over the weekend this means alot to me, I thought I had lost all my client and appointment data but the staff from the technical support department saved the day. They do have emergeny technical support on the weekends just leave a voice message with your number and they will call you back. 5 stars

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    Wed Sep 09 2009

    I have used their software for 5 years no problems getting in touch with support. Maybe someone needs to pays his/her support fees on time.