Drying clothes on an outdoor clothesline.
Approval Rate: 75%
Reviews 26
by lix0d3d3
Sun Oct 19 2008Yes, right after plucking them out of the barrel shaped washing machine when you've fed the clothes through the two rollers that flattened them and pressed the water out. But it's only because it was second hand from a relative.... :: Laughs :: Love the smell of clothes dried outdoors. well, used to.. back to when there wasn't so much pollution
by atomickitty300_0
Wed Jul 16 2008I just started drying my clothe outside and it's great. Save a lot on hydro and it gives you a chance to spend some time outside. I find it really doesn't take that much time to put them on the line. Now if only the clothes would fold themselves... :)
by x_factor_z
Wed May 28 2008We still do that, many people do-it saves on electricity.
by irishgit
Tue May 27 2008My mother and most of the neighbours did this. Some of us kids got our first scandalous look at women's undergarments this way. Particularly if our friends had older sisters.
by twansalem
Fri May 25 2007I think this has as much to do with where as when. People who live in rural areas still hang their clothes outside. I went to visit my parents a few weeks ago and I helped my mom hang up the laundry. I'd rather dry my clothes outside anyway. Unfortunately when you live in an apartment complex this isn't really an option. I hate it when clothes shrink in the dryer.
by blueorchid
Fri May 25 2007My grandma STILL does it.
by genghisthehun
Fri May 25 2007In the 1940's and 1950's, a dryer was a rarity. You had to hang your clothes on the line. The only time you would see a dryer was in a laundromat.
by molfan
Fri May 25 2007we did that some in the summer. most of my life we had a dryer. but as a kid yet up north when we used to be lucky enough to have a lake to go to, we hung clothes all of the time. it was very common when I was a child to hang clothes on the line and look down the back yards to see a sea of clothes hanging on the line.
by xagent
Thu May 24 2007We bought one and used on while our drier was busted.
by kringle
Tue Jan 23 2007It saves a ton of energy. Clothes dryers typically are about 2/3rds of your electricity usage. Imagine cutting your electric bill by 2/3rds, get outside more, and help the environment. It is extra work, but you'll feel good about doing your share.
by sexy12
Thu Jul 13 2006why do people even bother putting these f***** things online. Y dont they put on my sexy nude phots on www.girlthings.com. Its got a purrrrrrrrrfect picture of my boobs
by djahuti
Fri Apr 21 2006Yes.The sunshine and fresh air made them smell wonderful.It still works,by the way.
by vudija
Fri Apr 21 2006Sure do, living in a small country town in Texas; most people did this when I was little, including my household. This gave my mom time to hang out with us outside, watching us play and enjoying the sunshine and this HUGE flowering bush in the backyard that attracted hummingbirds (I miss those days...)
by drummond
Mon Feb 27 2006We still do it. Saves on the energy bill, and we have a big line in the back yard. A few years back there was an outfit advertising "solar clothes dryers" for something like 50 bucks. Guess what you got when you sent in your check. Can't accuse them of fraud, because it was in fact functional.
by donovan
Mon Feb 27 2006Sure, it's really more of a convenience issue than anything else. People still like to do this as some have already mentioned because it makes your clothes smell fresh and my wife is one who does. Of course I do remember hanging clothes out before people really had clothes dryers as a norm and I personally prefer the dryer.
by trebon1038
Wed Nov 30 2005Psople still do this when the weather is nice
by hotel283
Mon Oct 31 2005I remember this. But the clotheline was not a line, it was a small tree like pole with wires to hang stuff off of. Later in life, when I moved to a more "upper-middle class" neighborhood, I found out that there was a by-law forbidding outdoor clothes drying!! Most importantly, when I was out in the field in the military we had to hang dry our clothes. Do that for a while and you quickly realize just how hard the dryer is on your clothes.
by mad_hatter
Thu Oct 20 2005The first house my parents and I lived in, we didn't have a dryer so we hung are clothes out to dry.
by james76255
Wed Jul 20 2005My grnadmother did this most of the time I was growing up, and still would when the weather wasn't in the extremes even after getting a dryer. My mother still does the same thing.
by texasyankee
Wed Jul 20 2005Of course; people still do this. I agree with line drying smells better, but I have to say in the fall, it doesn't smell as good, especially if you have dead leaves all over. Just seems to pick up the smell of decay.
by traderboy
Wed Jul 20 2005Tragic to see this age-old domestic tradition go by the wayside. EVERYONE did this when I was growing up (you could climb a tree and survey yard after yard of gently-flowing material for miles), and clothes dryers were already a modern convenience. To be fair, it WAS a stubborn chore (getting anything wet and heavy suspended on a rope with wooden wedges proved to be unwieldy), but it was done for its natural benefits. Nowadays, you've got allergies to tangle with, and edicts from homeowners' associations who find the practice unsightly and low-rent. Personally, I'll miss my games of hide-and-seek in back-yard sheet farms across the neighborhood.
by 93century
Wed Jul 20 2005My neighbor has always done this. I think it is too much work. I understand it makes your clothes last longer, but the clothes dryer is much easier. It may have too much heat, but i am lazy.
by kamylienne
Wed Jul 20 2005I've never done this. I probably never will. I don't think my neighbors really want to know what kind of underwear I wear.
by sundiszno
Wed Jul 20 2005GoneAway sure has it right - clothes smell so much fresher and better when they are line-dried. We used to live on the second floor and had a line on a pulley that ran from the porch to a pole at the other end of the yard. I can still remember my mother and grandmother pulling in frozen clothes during the winter - they finished drying inside the house.
by canadasucks
Wed Jul 20 2005Sure I do. I wish I still could. .. but I don't have much free time because of work. Throwing the clothes in the dryer is so quick. . .hanging them up saves $ on the electric bill but takes too long. . .
by randyman
Tue Jul 19 2005Lol, Irish, you just brought back some old memories to me, I guess it's true, boys will be boys. O.C. I still remember my mother drying clothes this way. Early on my wife did this too. At one time every backyard had a clotheline in them. A thing of the past.