Drunk Driving
Approval Rate: 12%
Reviews 20
by lillyscott
Fri Mar 11 2011this is irresponsible and stupid because drinking and driving do not go together as we should know from all the lives that were either taken or destroyed because of someone who insisted that they could still drive after chugging a twelve pack or two.
by aplusaudeo
Wed Jul 07 2010Drunks can't think when they are drunk. Thats why they drink. So it should be illegal to drink.Like pot is to smoke,Both are drugs, neither is bad if used in moderation. Cars should have breath Annalisers and become inoperative if you fail a blow.That would save countless dollars on all the accidents that happen and will continue to happen. If car manufactures/Government know people drink and drive/ kill,just put the safety precaution in all cars or suffer like we are. Alcohol has effected many many many people and we can no longer put up with it killing.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Wed Jul 07 2010Many innocent people have lost their lives because of some careless and thoughtless drunk driver. If a person is going to choose to drink, they should really use their head for something other than a hat rack. Even if they don't have enough respect for their own life, they ought to at least have the decency and courtesy to think of the lives of others.
by jimbro
Wed Nov 19 2008The worst thing on this list.
by planetarygear
Wed Mar 22 2006I am somewhat confused here...on a list of "Bad Driving Habits" this is ranked near the bottom, meaning it is not a very bad habit according to the RIA community. Its average rating sits slightly above "irritating" according to the rating scale. Did the pro-drunk driving lobby decide to join the site?
by ih8rateitall
Mon Mar 20 2006I love beer. However, if you drink and drive at the same time you're asking for problems dudes.
by blueorchid
Wed Mar 01 2006These stupid idiots are always all over the road.
by outsideblitz
Wed Nov 30 2005Drunk driving is just a down right stupid and avoidable thing to do. I don't think there's any wrong with drinking, but only if people can do it responsibly. But even so, most people who drink can't do it responsibly. It's then they get behind the wheel and kill someone, all because they acted like an idiot.
by kattwoman
Fri Sep 09 2005this not just a bad driving habit its a deadly one and ususally for the ones the drunk drivers hit.
by visiondude8
Fri Nov 19 2004Obviously the worst of the bunch. It's just not worth it. I found some surprising facts about drunk driving here http://www.cdc.gov/ncipc/factsheets/drving.htm and you should also check out www.madd.org, www.itsnotanaccident.com and www.ncadd.com
by vudija
Thu Oct 14 2004Getting in a car drunk, is potentially making yourself a mass murderer. I just wish people would think about that BEFORE they get into their cars, not after they've crashed and killed someone.
by tripilgoddess
Sat Jun 05 2004You never know when that family in a mini-van is on thier way home home! Don't be the person that says well just this one time. It could be thier last time and yours.
by chrisk1177
Wed Mar 17 2004Repeat offenders and ridiculously high BAC's are the real problem, not the person who has 1 too many and blows .01 over the limit. Until we recognize that it is not worth our time.
by optionfootball
Sun Mar 14 2004Yawn. This issue is old, next topic please.
by minkey
Wed Mar 10 2004Just fyi - Right now there is a law in place that gives the accused 30 days until their suspension starts. This is so that they can get things in order by organizing rides to work, that sort of thing. There was recently a man who was still legally driving because he was in this 30-day period, however he was once again drunk and hit and killed a family. So government has been trying to pass a law which makes the suspension effective immediately.
by jed1000
Wed Mar 10 2004Drunk driving is much more than irritating.. it's potentially lethal and against the law.
by pikachan
Tue Mar 09 2004One of the worst habits of driving ever! People do not realize that Drunk Driving costs lives and think of how much cash you can blow from wrecking a good car. Then there's the tickets. I never drink alcohol so i am against this type of habit.
by classictvfan47
Tue Mar 09 2004Drunk Drivers are deadly. They must be stopped.
by enkidu
Tue Mar 09 2004Makes my blood boil. I know too many people who have died this way, or worse, been KILLED by these.
by abichara
Tue Mar 09 2004Beyond irritating. People who do this should be punished to the maximum extent that the law permits. Obviously some people have a higher tolerance for booze, but driving while extremely intoxicated is an immense irresponsibility. I've had a friend killed by a drunk driver and it's tough on everyone involved, but there should be zero-tolerance on this one.