
Approval Rate: 67%

67%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Tue Oct 28 2008


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    Thu Sep 27 2007

    what store sells these DRI BOTTOMS??? [email protected] thanks

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    Sat Aug 04 2007

    If anyone has noticed, and they are hoping we wouldn't, dri bottoms have lowered the quantity of diapers per package.I used to use size 4 on my son with 120 count for about $15.50, now they have 90 for the same price. I am so disapointed. I now use huggies because i can get 30 more diapers for $19.95. Only $4 more for 30 diapers.

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    Sat Dec 03 2005

    If you ever have a problem with a bag of diapers, call the 800 number on the bag and complain to them. they will ask for the size of diapers and a code printed on each bag. In return, they will send you a coupon for FREE diapers for your trouble. This works for any company or any other product that you may have a problem with.

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    Mon Nov 14 2005

    I have used dri bottom for the last four and a half years between my two sons and they are the best diapers I have ever used. I am thankful also for them being so cheap.

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    Fri Nov 11 2005

    Hello everyone.. Hope all in well..I am running out of diapers and dont get paid until Wednesday..can anyone spare some diapers in the Santa Rosa, CA area?? I need size 5 or 6..please help!! [email protected]

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    Thu Oct 27 2005

    I have tried all of the cheaper brands of diapers on my daughter and all of them she would blow out in except for dri-bottoms. I love them I even like them better than the bag of huggies that I used. The only problem know is that they are hard to find to buy. I sued to get them at wal-mart. Only they do not seem to be carrying then anymore, at least not at the one I shop at. Any Suggestions of where to get them?

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    Fri Jul 29 2005

    I don't like these diapers on my granddaughter. They give her a rash, and they fall apart so it hangs when they get wet. They're a cheap brand and not a good value inspite of the price.

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    Fri Jul 29 2005

    Dri-Bottoms diapers are the ONLY diapers that work for my son. We've tried everything from Luvs and Pampers to Huggies and even store brand names such as Walgreens and Publix and nothing works nearly as well as Dri-Bottoms! I've never had a problem with diaper rash from wetness with these and I never smell an odor when he's wet. Dri-Bottoms is the cheapest brand on the market and they are by far the best. Thanks for such a great product!!

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    Mon Mar 07 2005

    The new tabs are terrible! We have used these diapers from size three until now (five) on our son. The last 60 pack I bought I ended up throwing away almost half of them because they didn't have the tabs on the diapers or they tore off before I could get them on my son!

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    Fri Feb 04 2005

    i tried putting these on my grandpap and he peed right through them. worthless.

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    Fri Feb 04 2005

    Who sells Dri Bottoms diapers? We received a few packages for a baby shower and I'd like to return/exchange them. Thanks.

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    Sat Dec 18 2004

    my husband and i are on fixed income, so naturally we buy cheaply priced but good enough diapers for our son, of whom is now 11 months old. those dri-bottoms we have been really happy with, until they came with those new tabs. those tabs break off to easy. and at this rate, we'll run out of diapers before we can afford to buy him anymore! if someone can email me on how i can get some more diapers please let me know. [email protected] i really don't have any spending money, except this $5 i have to use tomorow to buy sandwich meat so husband and i can eat tomorow. i really don't like the new dribottoms, but i can't afford to pay higher prices.

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    Agree! Before the new tabs this was a great diaper. Worked very well on our 20 month old little boy. I have thrown away at least 3-4 per package because of the new tabs. I will be calling the company as well to discuss the poor tabs. If the tabs would have stayed the same...I would use them for my twin boys coming in March!

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    Fri Dec 03 2004

    I LOVED the Dri-bottoms, my husband and I went and bought all the diapers just to really see which ones were the best. We found out of all of the diapers these were an A+, they would hold ALL night and my daughter would NEVER have a leak. Now with the new tabs and wings they just don't hold up to what they were before. I am trying to find the company to write to them and plead for the old Dri-bottoms back.

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    Wed Nov 17 2004

    I agree with Steffismommy, I to have been using these diapers for a year now and since they have changed the tabs they have also made them smaller and I have proof. I still have some of the diapers in my daughters diaper bag before they changed them and I also have the new ones, both are the same size #3 and the old ones still fit her great and the new ones do not. I don't think they had a right to make them smaller, I am so very unhappy about this. They don't stay on her and she is always leaking out of her diaper now. Very unhappy mom!

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    Fri Nov 12 2004

    These diapers are the worst i have ever tried! I don't know if it is because they are cheaper than the leading brands, but I will never ever waste my money on these reject diapers again

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    Thu Nov 11 2004

    I used these diapers for two years since my daughter was born. They were great, better than the name-brand diapers. However, the new style is HORRIBLE. The tabs pull away from the diaper when trying to fasten. Also, the diapers seem to fit smaller than the original ones. I will no longer be purchasing Dri-Bottoms.

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    Tue Nov 09 2004

    I had a whole bag of defective diapers, there was no velcro on the tabs so they could not fasten.

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    Fri Nov 05 2004

    I love these diapers! I've been using them on my son for over 2 years and on my second son since he was born 8 months ago. They did change the tabs again, didn't like the hard ones but the new soft ones are awesome. These diapers are better than Huggies!

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    Fri Oct 29 2004

    I am very upset. I have been using dri-bottom diapers for 2 days on my 3 month old, and those tabs cut my son's legs. I am horrified by what has happened. I cannot believe that diapers that are meant for a baby can cut them the way my baby's both side of his legs were cut. These diapers are horrible. They may be cheap, but they harmed my son.

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    Wed Oct 27 2004

    Used to love the Dri Bottoms. The new tabs are bad. Go back to the old ones. Not just my opinion. I am a Grandma. My sister, my daughter and her friend all hate the new ones. Please bring back the old ones. Thanks

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    Wed Oct 27 2004

    Have been using Dri Bottoms since my son was born. These new tabs are terrible. Please bring the old ones back!!!! Thanks.

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    Thu Oct 14 2004

    I have been using Dri-bottoms for years. They just changed the tabs again on the diapers and it is not for the better. They claim to be adjustable fit, like pampers, but the tabs don't stretch. This good diaper is now crap!

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    Fri Oct 08 2004

    I am a mother of a two year old with another on the way and I love the dri botttom diapers their very inexpensive for something you buy to throw away in the end. I've never had a problem with them leaking or tearing. They are great.

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    Wed Oct 06 2004

    I Love Them!! Never had a leak problem yet and have used them with 2 children for the last 2 years.

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    Sun Oct 03 2004

    THESE DIAPERS ARE POOR IN QUALITY!!!!!!!!!!These diapers are horrible and I agree with everyone that says that, they already had to reimburse me once and they took forever sending that check now they are going to have to reimburse me again, my sister has been having the same problems.

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    Wed Sep 29 2004

    I used them for 1 day. She was crying everytime she was wet. They leaked. They were saggy and just the worst diaper ever.

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    Fri Sep 24 2004

    I have tried every diaper out there. The worst was Huggies. I complained they sent me coupons for more Huggies. I didn't even use them the leaks were awful. I tried Dri Bottoms as an alternative from Pampers, also good because they are cheaper. They are the BEST!!! $10.56 for 80 diapers size 3.

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    Wed Aug 25 2004

    these diapers leaked and mde my little person develop a diaper rash

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    Sun Aug 01 2004

    I have used Dri-Bottoms for over 3 years. I loved when the finally switched to the velcro tabs. For those of you who have had problems keeping the tabs, I had 1 package I had trouble with, but called the number on the package and they sent me a coupon for a free replacement pack. I have always found Walmart and their store brands to be an excellent value and they stand behind their products.

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    Sun Jul 25 2004

    I have 2 toddlers, ages 1 1/2 to 2 1/2, and I have been using Dri-Bottoms since my oldest was 8 months old. I loved them. I liked that the other brands were cloth-like and velcro and like other moms wished they too would switch. I was overjoyed when I saw they finallly had. But since using the 'new' diaper I will be using something else. My kids pee once or twice, and the filling seperates and they end up with a ball of wet cotton hanging between their legs. I want the 'old' Dri-Bottoms back!

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    Sat Jul 24 2004

    I purchased a cheap package of diapers and that's what I got! The tabs are made of plastic, not fabric like other diapers, and the gave my baby rashes on his legs. Although, I haven't had a problem with leakage the diapers don't seem to fit snug so it's probably only a matter of time. I'd have to say that I would rather spend just a few dollars more and get dependable and comfortable diapers than waste five dollars on these.

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    Tue Jul 20 2004

    I have almost exclusively used Pampers for my now 21-month-old daughter, but tried Dri Bottoms after a recommendation by another mom and I am so glad I did because they have worked wonderfully! I have found no problems with the tabs coming off - though I do prefer the velcro tabs when I can find them. Leaking has also not been a problem - even at night. I have another on the way and will soon start stocking up on Dri Bottoms for him.

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    Fri Jul 09 2004

    I love Dri Bottoms, I have been using them for over 3 years. I started when my oldest son was born. I have never had and leak issues, even overnight. The tabs have always stuck. I am glad that they change to the velcro. My oldest son was/is skinny and I found that Dri Bottoms fit him the best. My second son is chubbier and they are still a great fit for him. You can't beat the price, I reccomend these to all my mom freinds who use name brands.

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    Thu Jul 08 2004

    I was very displeased with Dri Bottom diapers compare to the others. The diapers Leak and they don't absorb as much as the others. Even after one wetting my babys bottom turns red from the way the first layer sticks to him. I can change him every hour and it is the same way. I will definately go to the better diaper to prevent leaks and diaper rash.

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    Mon Jun 14 2004

    hi i love this brand of diapers, i have a 3 year old that can't ware hardle any brand of diapers/ pullups because of some thing they put in them,causes her to have rashes that i just can't clear. thanks to walmart and there brand we stoped get thoses rashes. I just wish that they would come out with a line of pullups for our potty training.

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    Fri Jun 04 2004

    I have three children at this time and just love the wal-mart dri bottoms. When my first son was born he wore pampers. They SUCK!! The dri bottoms don't leak, the tabs stick well, and they have never given my children any type of rashes!! Way to go Dri Bottoms!!

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    Fri May 07 2004

    Dri-bottoms cost more because of more laundry, clean up from falling off and throwing out the rest of the defective product. Julie L.

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    Mon May 03 2004

    these are the only disposables I used before I switched to cloth diapers. Great for the price.

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    Sun Apr 25 2004

    after looking at everyone's comment, I had to leave my own. I never had a problem with the tabs breaking off when they were sticky, and I was really happy when they switched to velcro because I love Huggies so much (the cost keeps me from buying them) I think the absorbency is excellent too and it cuts down on rashes (walmart brand cornstarch baby powder is great too)

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    Tue Mar 23 2004

    i have found that dri-bottoms work the best on my son. he is 6 weeks and i was using huggies cause i got them at a baby shower well the huggies leaked his pee and pooh so much it went all over his clothes after just having put them on. so i went to Walmart and got dri bottoms and they work like a wonder. i love them. plus they cleared up his diaper rash in like 3 days. i would say they are the best

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    Thu Mar 18 2004

    I also have had problems with the tabs eith not staying put, or tearing off altogether. I have found Smiles brand at Sam's Club, that is wonderful, and just as affordable. There are 152 in the size 5 box, and it costs around $25.

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    Sun Dec 21 2003

    I have always been happy with dri-bottoms diapers, but I recently bought a Super Mega package at Wal-mart. About half of the diapers I had to throw away because the tabs fell off when I tried to fasten them. I tried very gently... I guess it was just a defective package. I would have saved money by buying Huggies.

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    Wed Dec 17 2003

    I used Dri-Bottoms for my daughter who is now 5, and had been using them on my son who is 16 months old. The last few packages I have bought were the new diapers with the velcro tabs vs. the sticky tabs. I am finding that the new diapers will come off even when my son has his pants on. The velcro tabs do not stay fastened and I have found a not so nice surprise in my son's pants on more than one occasion. I wish they would return to the sticky tabs as they held much better for active children. I will be changing the diapers I use in the future as I am not impressed with the changes made to Dri-Bottoms.

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    Wed Nov 05 2003

    I don't have children myself yet but I have kept lots of children in my house over the years. As a matter of a fact I am keeping my cousin's child now and I suggested them to her when she was trying to find a diaper that didn't leak and/or smell like pee at the slightest sign of wetness. She had already tried Luvs, Huggies, Pampers, and all the other more expensive namebrands. As far as the new and improved Dri Bottoms I love the velcro tabs over the sticky ones. They don't stick to the baby during changing which just makes changing faster (which we all know is a good thing the older they get). So I will contiue to use them and will recommand them to anyone.

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    Tue Oct 28 2003

    I too am very upset with the changes made with the dri bottoms diapers. I used them for my 1st son and now I'm using them with my 2nd son. I have never had a problem until now with the changes. My 16 mo. son will wake up and have his diaper at his ankles!!! They don't stay on him and he leaks now!! He never did before. I liked dri bottoms for the cheap price but I guess I too will have to go out and spend more for the better diapers.

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    Sat Oct 18 2003

    I love these diapers. I tried all the expensive brands first and they all leaked with my son. Luvs was the worst! Then I tried these and no more leaks plus less money thrown down the toilet!

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    Thu Oct 09 2003

    I am so upset with the changes in dri-bottoms. The material is different, it leaks now as soon as it's wet. And it leaves little crystal-like pieces of the diaper on my son. And I hate the velcro fasteners. That is the reason I have never liked white cloud. They don't stick like the tape ones, and often come completely undone. I won't buy anymore dri-bottoms unless they go back to the way they were! What a waste of money!

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    Tue Oct 07 2003

    I have a one month old daughter and I have used White Cloud, Luvs, Huggies,Pampers, and Dri-Bottoms. I have seen no difference in Dri-Bottoms performance as compared with those more expensive brands. As a matter of fact, when I was using Pampers, I was changing her sheet in her crib twice a night and have never had that problem with Dri-Bottoms.