Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Approval Rate: 38%

38%Approval ratio

Reviews 56

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    Mon Nov 08 2010

    Not only annoying, but a hypocrite. http://www.drlaura.com/photo/plink/dl-gets-a-tat-glenn-west-of-classic-tattoo-and-dl-confirm-the-size/37442

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    This one's a real pip.  First, she goes around calling herself "Dr.," which is as pretentious as you can get, seeing that she doesn't have a medical degree.  She has established a questionable brand among the noodlebrains by giving ill-considered half-assed advice over the air to people she has never met face-to-face.  This is grossly irresponsible and quite unprofessional, but that doesn't keep this loudmouth from venting her verbal flatulence and the noodlebrains from tuning in.  You have to wonder what kind of human wreckage makes up this charlatan's audience.  Also, being a conservative pinhead, she's on the wrong side of virtually every social issue she slackjaws about, and tends to make one-side-fits all value judgments that are about as useful as a turd in a punchbowl.  It's also disingenuous that someone who's been estranged from her mother for decades and has nude photos of herself, spreadeagled, posted in some of the more disreputable corners of the internet.  How can you exp... Read more

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    Fri May 02 2008

    Dr Laura stands up for sisterhood on the View by implying that it's actually the fault of Elliot Spitzer's wife that Spitzer cheated on her with prostitutes.  Yeah, Silda Spitzer should let an 80-year-old man take nude photos of her. LOL.  I'd rather take martial advice from Jerry Springer than this shrill right-wing quack.

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    Tue Jul 24 2007

    Just another shock jock who has found the schtick that makes her rich. As with pretty much all of them, if you seriously expect to get help from them, you need serious professional help.

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    Sat Jul 01 2006

    She's a disgrace to her sex in her anti-feminist rantings. What some people will do for money...

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    Mon Jun 05 2006

    I think her advice is right on. I know that I made terrible choices and regret them. I think anyone raising children right now would have them listen to her. She gives advice to people so that they may make the right decisions so that they and their families won't suffer the consequences later.

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    Sun Apr 09 2006

    She hands out good advice, generally, but her caustic manner is repellant. I wonder who listens to her? The leftos really hate her, so she must have something on the ball.

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    Mon Dec 19 2005

    A complete ZERO. Bad Advice. Bad Attitude. Holier than thou Morality.

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    Tue Nov 15 2005

    This woman is a joke. She is not living in the 21st century and her views on women's issues are obsolete and unrealistic. I think she is full of sh*t. Anyone who would take her advice needs professional help.

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    Tue Jul 12 2005

    She pretty much has a face for radio and her voice isn't much better. She lets off this vibe that she's way better than everyone else and knows all the answers, hence the reason shes got her own show.

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    Thu Jul 07 2005

    This woman needs help. But she's so sure of her perspective, she'd never take it.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Too bad there is not a zero rating. This lady needs to be off of the air. She is too judgemental, and talks about a person as if she herself is perfect. Don't have any other words for her but ZERO.

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    Tue May 31 2005

    Screaming at people over the phone, doesn't constitue as helping them.

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    Wed May 25 2005

    Her neck was completely untelegenic, but since the lowest I could give Star Jones was a 1, all other hosts deserve at least a 5.

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    Tue May 10 2005

    Awful, no real skill; degrades women in particular; says hurtful things; not kind. Acts superior.

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    Fri Feb 11 2005

    Words from those who profess to be the tolerant ones : Dr Laura is a disgusting repellent human being a vile creature a pius fake who should be invited to dinner with the Himmlers because she may be the love child of Hitler himself and Eva Braun. This all because she disagrees with the assertions that homosexuality is a lifestyle that needs to be promoted equally with heterosexual relationships. She has gone so far to calling homosexuals peverted. The rigidity lies with those who can see human freedom existing in no other manner than for human pleasure- that we are just the composite of sensory receptors who spend life in pursuit of perpetual masturbation. Those of us who believe to the contrary, that each thing exists within nature for a virtuous ends and that behavior should be predicated upon the rational understanding of what the virtuous ends should be are not given the tolerance supposedly alloted by the tolerance crowd. Instead those professing a belief in moral values are... Read more

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    Mon Jan 31 2005

    Don't even get me going on Dr. Laura. She irritates me so much. I had read an article on her in Psychology Today magazine a few years ago. I already knew she had her PHD in something like physical therapy, but many people were totally clueless. Anyway I wrote an editorial that was published in the magazine and the editor read it on his talk show out of San Diego. What a pious flake!!!

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    Fri Jan 14 2005

    A shrill, bigoted harpie spewing moralistic bile and claptrap.

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    Thu Jan 13 2005

    Her delivery is not very polite.She's nasty to too many people who have called her.She's sexist and appeals only to the far right.A tyrant female John Gray with a radio program.

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    Sun Jan 09 2005

    This lady is such a bitch

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    Sun Nov 28 2004

    Hateful.....and deservedly hated.

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    Mon Nov 22 2004

    makes mussolini look like abbie hoffman.

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    Thu Oct 14 2004

    Just when you thought T.V. personalities could stoop no lower...This woman is in serious need of therapy herself.

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    Wed Aug 04 2004

    Regardless of her political views, her show is not bad. Being in radio myself, I'd love to have her job, actually being allowed to mouth off to the idiot callers, because we get plenty of them.

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    Thu Mar 11 2004

    Yet another right-wing hypocrite whose illogical and hate-filled rants are filling the airwaves. Liberal media bias, my gluteus maximus!

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    Fri Oct 31 2003

    Racist, bigot! *****"ľ Salad Bar Christian o Name given to Christians who "pick and choose" the parts of the bible they deem important. For example, believing the part about homosexuality being an abomination, while discounting the directive to kill your children if they are disrespectful to you. Applies to most every Christian not already in prison for killing his own children."***** Oh, by the way, "sloop" wrote in: "Finally someone with strong morals who isn't afraid to say it and who dosn't care what others think. It is the only talk show that I will have on in my house - the others are pure trash - Dr. Laura's is pure truth. All her show is is pure common sense - it is unfortunate that few people in our country have any common sense any more - thus the moral decay of our country." Is sloop high? Or has sloop just been sleeping for the last million years???? Has sloop not noticed that the MAJORITY of the country has the same "strong morals" and "common sense"? Stop whining!... Read more

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    Thu Aug 21 2003

    Dear Dr. Laura: Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination. End of debate. I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the other specific laws and how to follow them. 1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing smell for the Lord - Leviticus 1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them? 2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what to you think would be a fair price for her? 3. I know that I am not allowed to have contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual cleanliness - Leviticus 15:19-24. The problem is, how do I tell? I have tr... Read more

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    Wed Aug 13 2003

    I have a story to tell about this woman. A friend that I haven't spoken to in a few years called. We started talking. She told me that she quit work and now stays home with her two children. I am a single working mother, never married (By the way, I was in my late thirties when I had my baby-my birth control I used with my then boyfriend did not work.) When my "friend" found out that I had a child without being married, she began to pass judgement on me. She then said "Well, I listen to Dr. Laura and Dr. Laura says...." She went on and on about Dr. Laura and her moral honor. I said to my former friend, "Do you know Dr. Laura's background? How can someone do all the things she preaches against and then have the audacity to condemn others?" My friend said, "she is just trying to teach the right thing. She has a right to move on, forget her past and help others do right." She also went on to say that she is no longer a Democrat and is a staunch Republican because of "Laura". My... Read more

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    Tue Aug 12 2003

    I just plain hate her. No explanation needed.

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    Tue Aug 12 2003

    She was and is a total bitch from hell. Almost as bad as Judge Judy. I will never watch her on television. Waste of time and space if you ask me. Another hate mongering idiot !

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    Tue Aug 12 2003

    Doctor, eh? She doesn't have a Ph.D or an M.D., or a D.D.A. or any degree that would make her a doctor. It makes me angry that people like this exist, who are given radio and television time, not because they are thought to be an important contribution to society, rather because they stir up hatred an intolerance and so improve ratings. This bitch needs a molten lead enema.

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    Tue Aug 12 2003

    I am glad that her show is gone. I did not like her know it all opinions. Her constant eye rolling and treating others who do not share her opinion like they are fools annoy me. She is not even a doctor. who is she to give advice.She was always trying to be witty.....Not!

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    Fri Apr 18 2003

    What a social pig! Not worth anymore than this final word: OINK!

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    Wed Apr 16 2003

    The only comment I have is she should not advice anyone. She should be off the air.

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    Sun Mar 30 2003

    Everyone has their own personality and way of getting a point across. She is a very moral person who helps many people. At least there is a shrink out there who is willing to talk about the 10 Commandments and tells people right from wrong.

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    Wed Dec 18 2002

    Her talk show’s obvious premise is to strongly defend the conservative idea of basic decency. I have to give her some credit for the guts to go against the politically correct moral mush mentality of our times. Still, she almost always turns right around and blows it with her offensive more-often-than-not bitchy attitude toward the caller. By doing this most of the time she isn't just preaching to the choir - she's screaming at them and she's doing it as loudly as she screeches at the people who disagree with her completely. The big question is, if she did calm down and take a softer tone - would ANYONE listen? My guess is it would pretty much kill her quasi shock jock approach. After all, people tune in because they WANT to hear her humiliate her callers. It sometimes makes you wonder why people actually continue to call.

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    Wed Nov 06 2002

    I’d like to see this wretched lizard-faced gargoyle butt-slam-gang-banged by a roving band of mongoloids with the vilest of STDs. Otherwise, I thinks she’s OK.

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    Fri Oct 25 2002

    this tyrannical witch reminds me of judge judy! screw this whore. we're past the days of persecuting the jews, but i sure would love to strangle this one.

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    Thu Oct 24 2002

    I don't agree with pretty much anything she says, but at least she seems to be a competent talk show host and that puts her ahead of quite a few of them.

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    Fri Oct 04 2002

    I hate this woman! She tells women across America to give up their dreams of having careers and just be mothers at home being barefoot and pregnant, yet she neglets her own children. Not to mention what she has said about the gay community. She is a deplorable human being who should be shot.

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    Tue Apr 16 2002

    "Dokor Lor", as Bud Dickman refers to her as, comes off as quite arrogant and overbearing. The show may help out some people, but I'm sure many callers have ended up very frustrated. Also, sources tell me that in real life she is quite a witch. (not that exact word, if you know what I mean)

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    Fri Mar 08 2002

    What bothers me about Dr. Laura is that she comes across as judgmental and condescending with so many of her callers. If people have enough respect for her that they are calling to ask her advice, it seems that she could at least show some mutual respect for them. Talking down to people is not a good way to persuade them. But as far as the core values she promotes she's pretty much on track. Many people don't seem to realize when their problems are self-inflicted. They want the freedom to do what they want but don't want to face the consequences of their actions. Dr. Laura points these things out to them. She also seems objective, not automatically siding with women every time the way feminists do. If only she'd soften up on that harsh tone!

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    Wed Feb 20 2002

    Shrill, vicious, condescending, and arrogant. This woman continues to defraud the public by calling herself "Doctor" Laura, leading people to believe she is a psychologist or psychiatrist when in fact she has a doctorate in physiology. She also posed in the nude during the 1970's for a man with whom she was having an adulterous affair. It should come as no surprise that many of her staunchest supporters are right wing hypocrites like "Rightwinger" who have the nerve to call themselves Christians. If you ever wanted proof that there's an American Taliban filled with intolerant religious bigots one need look no further than this worthless excuse for a human being.

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    Thu Oct 18 2001

    A combination of a liar and a hypocrite. Lies about her credentials. She has no psychology degree. She is not upfront about this fact. Her PhD is in physiology, a biolical science, not a behavior science. Turkey neck rants against working mothers, but how many hours does she devote to her radio show, book writings and tours, flopped TV show, etc. Shouldn't she be home taking care of little Derek. She also talks of family closeness, yet doesn't speak to her mother or sisters.

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    Wed Sep 19 2001

    generally good advice but a little too strong on legalism, short on grace

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    Tue Jul 10 2001

    Not helpful, self-serving, arrogant, talentless - what else can I say about "Dr. Laura"?

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    Sat Jun 02 2001

    This woman is self-righteous, overbearing, arrogant, and hyper-strident in her views! Lest we forget, this is the same woman who posed topless in the 1970s and didn't become an Orthodox Jew until as recent as 1998. (Atoning for past indiscretions, no?) Her intolerance of homosexuality and her put-downs of young women who call her show looking for empathy and support are abusive. Good doctor, heal thyself. She is no role model for a society that claims to have everyone's best interests at heart. I wonder if she and Rush Limbaugh exchange e-mail every so often? Nice to see her TV circus has been cancelled.

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    Sat Apr 07 2001

    Dr. Laura writes some very good books, but can she act??? No, no, and no. She looks so stupid on TV, and she can't hold together her own talk show. It would be nice if she got some good writers and editors, and maybe changed her suit, and stop wearing pink.

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    Sat Mar 24 2001

    A big mouth full of hot air and little sense. Fortunately no one gives a damn as evidenced by the number of stations which have dropped her cellar dwelling show like a rock.

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    Mon Feb 26 2001

    Laura Schlessinger is a sad, angry, emotionally troubled woman. I think she harbors a lot of guilt and bitterness against both her parents and others who have hurt or betrayed her through the years. I have listened to her radio program many times, I watched her show, I've seen her in various T.V. appearances, I've read many interviews of her. She always seems angry, uneasy,and uncomfortable. She makes many mistakes in her information, often passes off opinion as fact, and is completely unable to accept even the mildest critical response to anything she does or says. Radio suits her problems very well, for she can vent at an anonymous voice without having to see the damage that she does. I wonder: can that many of her callers verify that she actually helped them with the problem they called about? I have discovered that using insults, degrading comments, ugly, hateful remarks rarely results in someone changing to please me. More often, those things result in hurt feelings, ange... Read more