Dr. Laura
Approval Rate: 35%
Reviews 0
by ayn9b559
Sun Jun 14 2009If I wanted to feel like shit while asking for advice, I'd call my mom.
by jamestkirk
Fri Dec 22 2006She annoys the hades out of me, and probably even more annoying are the idiots who seek her out for advice and the ridicule she inflicts upon them. She is right about most things, but I don't view her responses as "no nonsense" or "telling it like it is" as much as I perceive as arrogant and a lack of tact. We all make our choices, and her choice is to be a jerk towards others.
by edt4226d
Fri Dec 22 2006Even if I were into this dreck, which I'm not, I would think it would get tired very fast...at least if you had an IQ above room temperature. A masochistic, semiliterate neurotic calls "Dr." Laura in order to "confess" she has slept with a man she isn't married to, or several men she isn't married to, or a woman she can't be married to, or that she smoked a joint while her kids were in school, or that she didn't take the kids to church last Sunday because she was hung-over, or anything else that conflicts with this mummy-faced harpy's endlessly-advertised "Judeo-Christian" morality. Said mummy-faced harpy (and hypocrite..."Judeo-Christian" morality didn't prevent her from unveiling her...ahem..."charms" for nude pictures, which are still, so far as I know, readily available for viewing on the Internet) then unloads shrill invective upon the sad, sputtering fool. Real exciting and informative talk-radio, day in and day out, week after week! Format never changes. Maybe a refreshing chang... Read more
by jamie_mcbain
Sun Dec 10 2006She is the last person, I would call for advice.
by james76255
Thu Dec 29 2005Ring a ding ding. Dr. Laura gets a five from me. Look up obnoxious in the dictionary, and there is her picture. God, I can't stand this woman.
by djahuti
Thu Oct 20 2005This nutcase is obviously not taking her meds.(or maybe taking them all at once)
by agm69a
Wed Oct 19 2005She is blunt, sincere, and wants what she thinks is best for her listeners. She may come across as being rude, but some of the folks who call in simply are relational doormats sho need to hear the truth bluntly. If you want a loving and caring counselor who would listen to you gently for 55 minutes and charge them $200 dollars, don't call in to her show. She articulates her value system clearly, consistently, and logically, and she does so without identifying and attacking other people. Just because you don't agree with her value system doesn't mean she is a hypoctitical bitch.
by genghisthehun
Wed Oct 19 2005Well she is blunt and calls a spade a spade rather than an excavating device. She hits the nail on the head a lot of the time, but doesn't do it in a very soothing way.
by redoedo
Tue Aug 24 2004An intolerant wench. Hardly worth listening to or taking seriously.
by molfan
Thu Aug 05 2004I dislike the way she is sarcastic and demeaning to someone who has a different opinion than hers. I am glad her show is cancelled. she is not even a dr. and she tries and passes herself as one, who is she to try and help others.?
by blooeyz2001
Mon Aug 02 2004(1 star for TERRIBLE!) Ugly, old, dried up prune face with a turkey neck & a bug up her ass. She's a hypocritical, narrow-minded douch bag.
by ladyshark4534
Sat Apr 03 2004Highly obnoxious. Talks about how important morality is and how gays are immoral while she poses for porn.
by abichara
Sun Feb 01 2004Who made Dr. Laura the moral police. I don't like people who have a chip on their shoulder all the time. It just happens that they are the biggest hypocrites out there.
by lukskywlkr
Sat Jan 10 2004I really feel sorry for those folks who would actually listen to her ludicrous advice. There's one thing that I can't stand in a person, and that's being a know-it-all, and she's the poster child for that. What would really be entertaining is this: get Dr. Laura and Judge Judy in the ring together and let them fight to the death for the title of Most Obnoxious Public Figure of All-Time!
by tvtator
Fri Jan 09 2004Obnoxious isn't the word for her, the word is b***h
by irishgit
Thu Dec 18 2003Vicious, ignorant witch, with the intellectual depth of a petrie dish, and the conscience of a pimp.
by enkidu
Sun Sep 21 2003She's a bully; she cuts people off, interjecting her solution to a problem before she even hears the details of what it is; and she let her mother's body rot in her apartment without even checking on her. What an insensitive, vile, mean woman. Five stars.
by solenoid_dh
Thu Aug 14 2003Why is she on this list? She's not an entertainer and doesn't try to be one. She's more of an Ann Landers - except that Ann Landers was a very liberal adherent to Judaism, whereas Dr. Laura is orthodox.
by kamylienne
Wed Jul 23 2003(5 stars being really really bad): Wow, I'd hate to be her kids . . . first, her ph.D isn't even in psychology, psychiatry, or anything remotely related to the field which she bases her career off of. Second, I heard her say that parents SHOULD look through their kid's rooms to spy on them . . . gee, what a GREAT way to get your kids to trust you . . .
by twinmom101
Wed Jul 23 2003All that preaching and screeching from a woman who has authenic naked photos of her swirling around the internet, a divorce in her past and a mother who recently passed away, yet nobody knew she died for over two weeks as the body laid in her house. I agree with SOME of what she says, but her manners and empathy are ATROCIOUS and given her less than stellar personal life, she's got a lot of nerve getting on her high horse. Still, her hypocrisy makes for some true entertainment which is why she gets 5 stars for obnoxiousness!!!