Dr. D. James Kennedy
Approval Rate: 74%
Reviews 0
by programmerring_o
Sun Mar 01 2009I can't speak for all of D. James Kennedy's beliefs, but I can comment on one of his beliefs: he was absolutely wrong in his views on the Separation of Church and State. Instead of seeking to understand Separation and what it was truly about, Kennedy chose instead to promote misrepresentations and outright falsehoods. It's quite sad, in my mind, that Kennedy was seemingly too beholden to a certain Christian "dominionist" agenda to see that Separation is a benefit to Christians and religious freedom - not a detriment.
by jamesherbert
Wed May 21 2008A good man we needed to live longer!
by ssalava
Mon Dec 17 2007Not very exciting but at least he's intelligent and avoided scandal (so far).
by 3jthedj
Sun Dec 16 2007A man with all his degrees, especially in theology, should have stuck more with the message of salvation. He was a brilliant orator. 3 stars because he didn't seek first the kingdom of God.
by questioneveryt_hing
Sun Sep 16 2007He will be truly missed! You can still listen to him at the Coarl Ridge website: www.coralridge.org/
by agabus
Mon Aug 20 2007I don't find any Biblical justification for a man to stand up for 45 minutes and preach to a group believers. Paul did it after returning from a 3 years absence, but that is it, what I do find in the first century is shared giving (1Cor:14:26) of spiritual gifts not one professionally trained orator hogging the spotlight. What everyone knows as clergy actually comes from Rome, which comes from Babylon along with Sunday worship and all the holidays. American Christianity is mostly pagan from start to finnish, and traditions are proudly protected. I have yet to meet a "pastor" who could teach or a teacher who could pastor....something is really wrong. I believe many christians are going to be supprised that most of their clergy will not be in heaven.
by doobiesnhof
Fri Apr 27 2007The Devil in disguise who is more political than politicians themselves plus he is a homophobic bigot (among other things)...
by passtheloot
Mon Mar 26 2007What's up with the old guys in drag ??
by rok100
Sat Mar 24 2007[!] UPDATED [!] A true slime-bag of the first order. There's a documentary video online of this man plotting, along with several other TV evangelists, to take-over the Republican Party by stealth tactics, without the knowledge of the rank-and-file and outside the knowledge of their respective congregations. The level of dishonesty and deception shocks even those of us who gave-up on "Christian morality" decades ago.I predict a multi-million dollar slam-dunk lawsuit, once this documentary is discovered by the few secular conservative Republicans that still haven't caught-on to what happened to their once-viable political orgnization, those who are left with a fractured party in the wake of record profits of digital satellite TV churches and other sleaze-bag war profiteers. Faith-based funding - my ass. This was EXACTLY what Neil Bush did to the Savings and Loan sector. They bought it and emptied the profits into their friends' pockets. That's what the Christian-Right did to the RNC... Read more
by galut9fc
Sat Mar 24 2007excellent ministers ...researches his sermons well
by sej27c5b
Sat Mar 24 2007He is a tremendous blessing to the nation of America and the world
by gbybee
Sat Mar 24 2007Dr. Kennedy is a humble yet brilliant man who teaches accurately from God's word. Sad to see that many are threatened by his wisdom and knowledge (see those who laughably criticize his hard-earned credentials). In a country that is gradually forgetting its Christian heritage, it is refreshing to hear him address the spiritual, social, and political issues facing Christians today. Selah
by go10go4
Mon Mar 05 2007The alignment of Christian views with right-wing, Republican politics is very disquieting. At least most preachers try to hide this sentiment to a certain extent. With Kennedy it's very blatant. I tend not to trust any Christian leader who aligns himself with a party. I wish we could get politics out of the pulpit, but these guys keep foisting the idea upon us that only one particular group can do the Lord's work. Too bad. Especially when that same party has a history of ignoring the downtrodden and oppressed. Apparently they skipped over James when they read the NT. How convenient.
by alanlovesdevon
Tue Feb 27 2007This man is so intellectually challenged he has to boast ( and quote ) all his academic qualifications at the end of his weekly comedy hour.
by bo777db8
Sat Feb 24 2007It's always nice to know that only the right wing neo cons are going to heaven. I guess we will get to hang out with Bush in Heaven. Mabe Jesus will be able to find the WMD's for bush then.
by jcsaves
Sat Feb 10 2007Extremely pompous, haughty, and high-minded. Prideful of his degrees and position. All the qualities that the pharisees and sadducees would be proud of
by ferrari
Tue Jan 30 2007Only watched a few times. His information is usually very accurate. What's wrong with pointing out social and political problems? Didn't John the Baptist do the same? Dr. Kennedy puts me in mind of great early American ministers during The Great Awakening, Cain Ridge, etc.
by hhhdan
Fri Jan 12 20074 stars for his consistancy in preaching Christ. E.E. was helpful and he has taken on moral issues without compromise all these years. I've always heard him preach primarily about an issue in the courts or politics and I don't know if these are just taped ones or does he do this every week live to his congregation. Either way, he's helped the Christian world to wake up in some areas and for us to examine what we believe and where we stand whether we agree or not,so that's a good thing.
by bebe23
Tue Jan 09 2007UPDATE #2: In this week's sermon, D. James said that without Christianity there would be no science. What a lot of hooey! Arab and Indian cultures have lent much to the sciences and mathematics. Where does he get this junk from? When is he going to stop papering over actual history and start stating facts? UPDATE: The IRS has created a special office to look into inappropriate political activities taking place in the pulpits of America's churches. Several churches have come under fire from the bureau already because of anti-Bush, anti-Iraqi war rattlings from several people. Does anyone here seriously think that Kennedy himself will come under the same kind of scrutiny? Just curious. I don't trust him because of his arrogance and his ultra-right wing slant. His association with those like him such as Phyllis Schlafly and Pat Buchanan make me sick to my stomach. They all want a theocracy instead of a democracy. His broadcast make me queasy with fear with the thought of what will happ... Read more
by godlybrotha
Sun Jan 07 2007I wholeheartedly believe that Dr Kennedy embodies the Pharisees of Jesus' day. His pomposity is unequalled, with his long flowing robe(Luke 20:46), and topped off by his pride in all the letters of the alphabet that accompanies his superimposed name on the TV screen. But not only does he seem to believe that the multitude of degrees he's acquired qualify him to be above the knowledge of the average preacher or layman, his persistant use of the old King James vernacular when he prays("Father, we thank thee that we are thine"), is truly baffling...as though talking in the KJV makes ones prayers that much more effective. You would think that a man of his scholarship would know that Jesus didn't even speak ENGLISH...let alone olde King James english.
by tunaa8ad
Sun Jan 07 2007Dr. Kennedy had a severe heart attack last week and was on life support. On his website they are asking for prayers that he will get well.
by hasanamonique
Mon Dec 25 2006Preach Jesus, man and leave the politics at home
by cloudten
Thu Nov 02 2006I think he's Presbyterian. The main thing is that he preaches Jesus Christ and salvation through His blood.
by tvchristian
Sun Oct 22 2006Watched his church service on TV this morning because the music was so good. Dr. Kennedy is a fine preacher with good theology.
by antonbarone
Sat Sep 23 2006Kennedy lets everyone know about all his degrees each week. Then tells us how much we don't know. And thats the sermon.
by junef4b4
Thu Sep 14 2006Went to his church in Ft. Lauderdale years ago and he spoke the truth about Christ. He seems to be charismatic.
by jro1936
Tue Aug 15 2006too policical
by sweetdee06
Sat Jul 15 2006"Dr" Kennedy seems to relish in the fact that he has all those degrees. When they superimpose his name on his TV broadcasts, you see a virtual listing for alphabet soup. But this truly gets me about this man..his prayers from the pulpit being spoken by him in old King James english("We thank thee, O Christ that we are thine!"), as though Jesus spoke that way, and as if speaking like that makes his prayers more "authentic" and spiritual, and therefore more apt to be heard by God. Jesus didn't even SPEAK english, and neither did the apostles! And yes, sometimes you won't even HEAR the gospel in his sermons, but an hour-long political history lesson.
by 40carats
Sun Apr 02 2006Kennedy likes to tell people how 'uninformed' they are and then explain how 'informed' he is. I believe the word is 'pontificate'. Lots of head knowledge. Very impressive. But the substance of his 'preaching' is more cliche filled than spirit filled. Often his 'sermons' are more of a political history lesson. He also cleverly writes 'petitions' to Washington officials which he prints up so all we have to do is sign one and mail it back. I doubt if any official takes notice of these pre-printed petitions. I would rather that he ask his viewers to write personal letters to the officials. Can you guess why he doesn't? Could it have anything to do with donation motivation?
by darrengjohnson
Tue Mar 21 2006I agree with those who have pointed out the fact that he has too much politics in the pulpit. When the Apostle Paul was writing his letter to the Romans he did not say if we can convince the Senat or get enough votes in the Senate then we can create a Rome that God would bless, but rather Paul said "I am ready now to preach the Gospel to you who are at Rome, for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." Notice it is the gospel (which by the way Kennedy gets wrong too, because he thinks gospel means a method of getting to heaven when you die)that he preaches, which is the proclamation that Jesus is Israel's Messiah, the son of David and by extention Lord of the world as has been proclaimed with power by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. In other words, Jesus is Lord and Caesar is not. Those who trust in him are his people and will be raised up with Jesus. This was, at least, the message that Paul preached and no... Read more
by harrison_hartley
Sat Mar 11 2006Kennedy is one of the most narcissistic, self-righteous, pompous purveyors of prejudice immaginable. His "Christianity" smacks of economic opportunism and his "arguments" and "historical references" are usually based on misquotes, partial quotes, and quotes taken completely out of context. He preaches against environmental awareness because the Bible promises us an era of bliss in the future - what about planetary stewardship now? He claims that because America was founded by Christians (exclusively, according to him) and on Christian principles (he ignores Plato, Locke, or Hobbes, etc.)that it should be a theocracy! I suppose he imagines himself as the American Ayahtollah. Kennedy is a smug, prideful,vile, bilious, mean-spirited man and his example is the worst possible representative of anything that could remotely be considered Christian, let alone "Christ-like."
by dennyb
Sun Feb 26 2006Too much politics from the pulpit,not enough Jesus!!
by oscargamblesfr_o
Mon Feb 06 2006I have more respect for Dr. Detroit. Just another humorless, fun hating fundy demagogue and blowhard who wants to control your life.
by mrclm788
Mon Aug 29 2005Boring, but theological sound (except the paedo-baptism).
by gracealone40
by edelmann
by philoah
Wed May 18 2005Ah yes! The Reverend D. James Kennedy, the man who put the P in Protestant. I wonder when he wears his robes why they always look like they're on backwards? Does this mean he is going in the wrong direction? Theologically even? Kennedy claims that we are saved by faith alone, but actually, he believes that works must follow faith or one is not saved. (legalism) Also, underneath all this openness of the gospel to everyone, he is a five-point Calvinist and that means salvation is really not open to everyone; only those whom God has predestined for salvation.
by dogpreacha
Wed May 04 2005It doesn't get much better than this! Scholarly, passionate, sold out to preaching the whole counsel of God!
by jambone
Tue Apr 19 2005Dr. Kennedy is the avuncular figure in a JC Penney ad or Norman Rockwell cover, safe as yesterday. Unfortunately, for me, his delivery of The Word is Norman Rockwellian, I don't care haw many times you've been born again...
by gainknowledge
Thu Apr 07 2005Wake me when it's over...
by beelzebub
Tue Nov 23 2004I guess if being a judgmental, homophobic, right-wing, fundamentalist wack-job is the definition of a good preacher, then this guy is GREAT! What a pinhead.
by texaspresby
Wed Oct 27 2004Good preaching style, and I often get something out of his sermons, even if he is in the wrong denomination of the Presbyterian church ;) . Enjoy his logical argument approach as opposed to the touchy feely seeker friendly preaching we so often see.
by solenoid_dh
Wed Oct 27 2004Although I don't agree with some of his doctrine, I think Kennedy is the finest broadcast minister in America right now. He knows how to be sensible, historically accurate, logical, and spiritual all at once, plus he injects a little humor from time to time. The music program at his church is fantastic. (even though I prefer more informal styles of worship). I hardly ever watch TV preachers, but if I were to choose one, this man would be first on my list.
by fin_rave
Sun Oct 03 2004Dreary...even his congregation looks bored sh*tless.
by disciple
Sun Sep 05 2004Too much politics in the pulpit from this guy. Also, what's up with that great big pagan looking sun in his worship services? I don't trust him much.
by larryjg
Fri Jul 23 2004Dr. Kennedy is making a difference in our world and he preaches The Word of God not word of faith.
by alisonmelissa
Tue Jul 06 2004To PBeaver: Please stop writing stupid, ignorant lies about a person just because you have the forum to do so. Jim Kennedy is one of the very few TV evangelists who deserves to be on TV because he is NORMAL and not a con-artist or false prophet. Any profit he makes from his books (which are mostly compilations of his sermons and certainly not best-sellers) goes back into the ministry to pay for air-time. Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church is just a large, neighborhood church on N. Federal Hwy. in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. It's a magnificent structure and a monument to the glory of God. Coral Ridge looks like a church and not some garish TV studio or sterile auditorium. His wife, Anne, is a lovely and unpretentious woman who simply just sings in their wonderful choir - where dignified, traditional anthems are sung accompanied by a large, majestic, glorious pipe organ, as opposed to the frenzied, emotional, hootin' and hollerin' you see on some of these shows. Kennedy rarely pleads for money, a... Read more
by loudkidb
Sat Jul 03 2004Dr. Kennedy is not necessarily the most interesting or motivating person, however the greatest stregth in his ministry involves the truth with which he speaks. There is no rhetoric or crap involved with Kennedy, he is truthfully about the work of God and delivers the message of God in truth.
by warrior4thelor_d
Mon Jun 28 2004Dr. Kennedy has a political agenda. He teaches a very hardcore gospel. He appears to have a great zeal for Christ. Some of his messages make you think deeply about what is going on with your life.He doesn't seem to focus on money a lot, and that is a good thing.