Dr. Creflo Dollar
Word of faith/Prosperity theology minister
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Mar 18 2013His real name: Bobby Hustle.
by enoughofthat
Mon Mar 18 2013Update: 3-18-13 He has been stuck on the New Covenant and Grace teaching of late with harsh criticism for those who are religious legalist. Funny cause his teaching was legalistic for years esp when he made that stupid comment some years back with no apology that he would shoot all non-tithers if they did not keep the tithe law with Uzi's if not for the blood of Jesus. If that silly remark was not Old Covenant legalism I don't know what is. Now Dollar is saying everything a Christian merits is by unmerited favor due to Jesus and his payment on the cross. However, just like I thought he still found a way to keep those tithes coming in.. He still cleverly thought up a way to enforce getting that ten percent in dollars (tithes) even under the New Covenant and all that grace teaching. When it comes to tithe teachers they hold on to enforcing tithe payments like a dog to his bone. The up keep on Dollar's mansion and personal airplane takes dollar bills y'all. Update: 2-19-13... Read more
by kmbahaters
Tue Feb 19 2013Pastor Creflo is doing great things to try to lift our black people out of a poverty mentality. People hatin on him do this to try bring our black preachers down. Those type of devils want to keep us poor like slaves. Pastor Creflo has taught us how to believe we have greatness within and can do all things other than be poor, down and out. Whoever doesn't like it can go to hell and rot where you belong for being a tool of the devil!
by abichara
Mon Jun 11 2012A "prosperity gospel" (e.g.--a person who offers cheap motivational seminars cloaked in half-baked theology) televangelist named Dr. Dollar?? Yes, this is going to end well... In the final analysis, people like Dollar and Osteen are entrepreneurs who like telling people what they want to hear, not what they NEED to hear. Most religions are a business model, always have been, but these guys take it to new extremes.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Jun 10 2012A guy named Dollar peddling bullshit prosperity theology... are you fucking kidding me?
by krazyu
Sun Jun 10 2012Idiots, plz quit using the Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child bible verse. This does not mean child abuse or going out of control and needing the Police to come out and arrest your crazy ass!
by west2nd
Sat Jun 09 2012Now if they would arrest him for ripping off his congregation.
by ralphthewonder_llama
Fri Jun 08 2012He sure can show his Xhristian love in how he disciplines his children... http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/06/08/121267 77-televangelist-creflo-dollar-arrested-in-alleged-choking-attack-on-daughter?lite
by giftisnot4sell
Wed Dec 14 2011Christians Give of your finances to help spread the True Gospel of Jesus and of His death, burial & resurrection but under the New Covenant of Grace it is now Voluntary without stipulations on any set amount. The Levitical Priesthood with its Temple and endless Animal Sacrifices are over. Go to UTUBE and view his statement on "PAY TITHES ARE GET SHOT". He later said he was joking but the end of the sentence was "THIS IS A SERIOUS THING." If this idiot wants to compare how breaking various Old Covenant laws were punishable by death in the Old Testament, he stopped short of the penalty for breaking the dietary laws like eating Pork. The major Old Testament law was the Sabbath law, which he does not keep because his church services are NOT on Saturday. The Sabbath law dates way before Abraham and goes back all the way to Genesis but that law is never enforced by most Tithe advocates. Creflo Dollar teaches that Christians are little gods so it is little wonder that in his mind god doe... Read more
by graceplusfaith
Sun Jun 05 2011I am praying of this brother in the Lord and that he get a real good understanding of Grace and the differences in Old Covenant and New Covenant. The prosperity Gospel is no Gospel at all. Most all of Jesus Apostles suffered and died very violently for spreading the Gospel. In many parts of the world to covert to Christianity is a death sentence , at the very least you could be put in prison. Are Christians loved by the world NOOOO AND THE TRIALS & TRIBULATIONS ARE GOING TO WORSEN!
by heislight2theg_entiles
Sat May 07 2011He was rewarded for his threat (he said it was a joke) with more people joining his church and paying tithes when he said he felt that all Christians in his church that did not pay tithes should be shot to death. He needs a lesson on what Grace is. Yet people love him...Go figure..
by thejoyofthelor_d
Tue Apr 19 2011He preaches false Doctrine that is NOT the Gospel. Run and Do not walk!!! God help him and open his eyes!!!
by hisgraceisfree
Tue Mar 01 2011I'm fifty fifty on this one. Sometimes his teaching is really good at other times it is way in left field. I also have my doubts that he understands these following verses from the New Testament: Romans 10:4 "For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes" Acts 13:39 "by Him everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses" Galatians 2:16 "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified" Galatians 3:24 "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us to Christ that we might be justified by faith" Galatians 3:25 " But after faith is come we are no longer under a schoolmaster"
by notso7df
Tue Feb 15 2011It breaks my heart how Christians are attacking other people that Jesus died for. I love this brother in the Lord because he loves Jesus! Let him teach on success. Who want to be a failure?
by needtoknow
Sat Feb 05 2011I have not been able to verify this but is Creflomaniac a word that describes a shady person, or what does it mean? My granny said God gives us obvious clues that go unnoticed. If Creflomania is a word for thievery or a con artist then this is a big one.
by goodgod
Sat Feb 05 2011Seeing as how the tithe was food and Creflo teaches to pay your tithes or God will curse you and not bless you with his favor, I have a bundle of can goods I'd like to tithe to him in staying true to what the tithe really was. For goodness sake people need to learn what Jesus meant by It is finished. Creflo would have us think Jesus said half way paid and you put up the rest.
by toughlove
Thu Jan 27 2011So CASHFLOW DOLLAR has a "Dr." in front of his name, eh? Does that mean he's a spiritual doctor, or just a quack with his garden shears out to circumcise your paycheck? Watch my video to see what I think of these spiritual butchers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KUu7g8fvWI
by stopdissin
Wed Jan 19 2011I wanted to be fair & not judge this man on his crazy sounding name & not be adversely influenced because all of the negative comments on the internet blogs about him and the other Word of Faith Prosperity teachers. I pride myself in trying to be as fair minded as possible. I actually reserved my final comments until I actually listened to this guy. I was prepared to to be turned off but to my surpirse I liked him & his sermon tonight. He used all the correct bible quotes in his sermon and addressed situations in my personal life as well as things I've been going through. Plus, he gave illustrations on how to deal with various situations from a Christian perspective. When, or if I hear him promote Old Covenant tithing as if it is still a New Testament law after Jesus died and nailed our debts by paying them in full, then I will turn him off and respectfully disagree on the issue. If and when I hear him teach that we are gods like many other Word of Faith teachers then I'll simpl... Read more
by graceandmercy
Fri Jan 14 2011Additional info: Creflo Dollar's teaching on Christian tithing can be viewed on UTUBE. To Christians, The reason Crelfo Dollar said Christians are supposed to to pay tithes is: Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek. Melchizedek was the image of Jesus in the Old Testament. Like a skilled Master Magician that pulls a rabbit out of a hat there are people skilled in the art of deception. I cannot judge whether Dollar knowingly, or unknowing is a Master Deceiver but I will say this, his interpretation is not well researched. Creflo Dollar's reasoning on this subject is faulty and this is why: God blessed Abraham back in Genesis 12 when he called him out of his land God gave him an unconditional promise of THE BLESSING. God initiated the relationship with Abram and made himself known before Abraham met Melchizedek and gave him the tithe. Anyone can read and discover this encounter with Melchizedek was later in Genesis 14. The call and blessing is before this, it's in Genesis 12. It w... Read more
by greatwestern
Sun Jan 02 2011http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poGebF4Z5mQ
by outofthebox
Mon Sep 27 2010Crefo DOLLAR.... His name says it all....
by rob_johnson
Mon Sep 27 2010This guy is the biggest scumbag to walk the earth. How can all you idiots be so dumb to fall for his crap?
by djahuti
Fri Aug 20 2010Charles Dickens himself could not have come up with a better name for a Holy Swindler.
by irishgit
Thu Aug 19 2010Personally I don't listen to any of these guys and gals. I have more interesting ways to waste my time. Until I came on here I had never even heard of most of them. But this guy's name? Who came up with that, Groucho Marx? What a perfect name for a TV crook.
by keepingit4real
Fri Aug 13 2010Examples of Scriptures taken out of context from various Prosperity Teachers & Television Ministers: Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek (he represented Christ) before the law of Moses was given, therefore Christians must pay tithes. FACT: Abraham gave a Voluntary one time tenth from the war in which God gave him the victory over 4 Pagan Kings. It was their stuff Abraham took after he won the war. Abraham believed that God gave him the victory because he was out-numbered by thousands yet still won. Out of gratitude to God he gave a voluntary tithe to Melchizedek. FACT: This ONE tithe from Abraham is not a good example of continually paying tithes from every increase all the time. God never commanded Abraham to pay this tenth. It was not a mandate to get the blessing. Abraham believed the promise of God to make him a Father of many nations. This is how he was justified, he gained favor & blessing with God by faith in the promise ( which was the Messiah would come from his seed-lineage... Read more
by lovinghim4ever
Mon May 24 2010Question Update: Some blogs state that Evander Holyfield paid 7 million in tithes to Creflo Dollar's Ministry where he supposedly attends. So why is he losing his home and unable to pay his child support as some news reports are saying? Dollar teaches that the Old Covenant tithe command (not an instructions to Gentiles under Grace, after Jesus death on the Cross ) is supposed to bring a truckload of riches and material blessings, so what went array? Could it be this false teaching? Someone should tell Holyfield he can ask in Jesus name, at no charge for help because Jesus made the one & only necessarily payment on the Cross for us. Maybe someone will tell him this so he can stop being so gullible, pay his real obligations (child support) & do it quickly before he loses his last dime! I could hardly believe I was hearing this man teach on national Christian Television that Jesus was tortured in hell for 2 days for our sins. Give me break!!!! The victory was won the minute Jesus... Read more
by alexandrab
Mon Mar 22 2010I really enjoy listening to Dr. Creflo Dollar. He is passionate about the Word and he loves preaching. He is a prosperity minister and he is needed because much of the religious television viewing audience is seeking a God who wants them to be prosperous. Dr. Dollar delivers that perspective to those who want it. I admire his style and his commitment to what he believes in. He does what he does with purpose and passion. The life of TBN and other religious television stations would be short lived if all the the preachers were the same. How boring. God made variety and delivers it right here on religious tv for those who enjoy getting the Word that way. I enjoy them more than most news anchors...well except for Diane Sawyer who is my news anchor role model and Glenn Beck who is my favorite history teacher. Many thanks to Dr. Creflo Dollar for his many inspiring and inspired presentations. See you on the television. Many Blessings, Alex
by oscargamblesfr_o
Tue Mar 16 2010It's a good thing I haven't been smoking a joint cause if I saw this name I'd probably laugh myself to death. "You owe me twenty Creflodollars, motherf*****...!"
by anonymoustoo
Tue Mar 16 2010I have learned some things from him but some of his doctrine I mentally threw out because it did not line up with the (BIBLE) Word. When convenient he slants it big time, like the rest when it comes to Tithing. He claims it is still mandatory law. Examine just a sample of Scriptures below for the truth. Also God may not want you to be rich if riches will cause you to be self destructive or Independent of Him. Hebrews 13 "By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and aging will soon disappear". "Galatians 3:13 Christ rescued us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us on the Cross for it is written cursed is whoever hangs on a tree.( fyi: the cross was made of wood from trees)"Galatians 3:14 That the blessing of Abraham may fall on the Gentiles". (This means the blessing is from the work of Christ on the Cross not from tithing or any ritual or work). Giving to God should be voluntarily done because of love not law or to... Read more
by handlethetruth
Wed Feb 24 2010The Word-Faith Teaching is Twisting Bible Scriptures into a Metaphysical, Occult-like formula of Self Hypnosis and Positive Confessions that exalts man and demotes God. Do they think that they can pull a string and make Almighty God jump to their whims! Are they that deceived to really think that GOD is their Puppet & they're the Puppet Masters??? If God does anything for you including save you, it is because of His goodness & mercy! If God so much as sneezed this whole world would crumble. All glory, power and dominion belongs to Him. " Christ hold all things together", not your positive/faith confession! Col. 1:17 "He is before all things, and in him all things hold together". FYI: God does what He pleases when He pleases! Isaiah 46:10 (GOD Spoke this) - "Declaring the end from the beginning from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying My counsel shall stand and I will do all my good pleasure". Read and re-read what God said: " MY counsel shall stand and I... Read more
by mikeb71
Fri Nov 20 2009Pastor Dollar has been an inspiration to me and my family. His God given revealation has helped me reach a debt free life. People who have a problem with the prosperity message will be stunned when they reach heaven....streets of gold....walls of jasper....gates of pearl....foundation of jewels....mansion for each of us....and Jesus prayed "Your will be done in earth as it is in Heaven", prosperity is much more than money too, it's walking in the fulness of God's goodness! God desires to give us the kingdom, why....so we can help reach souls, and God desires to take care of His children because He loves us! Anyone who has a problem with being wealthy has the right to stay poor, busted, sick, and disgusted....but why, when God desires to bless you!? I choose to walk in blessing! Keep up the good work Pastor Creflo Dollar!!!!
by thelionandlamb
Thu Oct 15 2009Very sly and intelligent preacher who mixes some biblical truths with the prosperity and kingdom now doctrines! Please read all of 1 Timothy Chapter 6 for more insight into Dollar and most of the other TV celebrity preachers! May God Truly Bless You And Open Your (Spiritual) Eyes!
by quitfaking
Mon Oct 05 2009Jesus said to a wealthy Church teaching Prosperity and materialism: Revelation 3:17-20 "Because you say you are rich, you are wretched, pitiful, poor and blind" I heard Creflo Dollar say have faith like God or the God kind of faith to paraphrase. What was he talking about? This is evidence these word of faith teachers that all say these kinds of things have demoted the Almighty God while promoting faith and the actions of people. God does not need to have anything!!! He needs nothing to sustain Him or this Universe. God made the world and everything in it from nothing! God has All Power and is the Author of Faith. What would God have faith in? Himself?? God only needs POWER NOT FAITH. HIS POWER HAS NO OPPONENT OR LIMITATIONS! I CANNOT BARE TO LISTEN TO SOME OF THESE PEOPLES FALSE DOCTRINES! IF Dollar also thinks Believers in Christ are equivalent to GOD, like some Cults and what the serpent told Eve that she could be, then I would like to see him and the others speak another wo... Read more
by truthfullyspea_king
Tue Jun 09 2009I was wondering how many people have read the Bible from cover to cover so they can know whether Creflo Dollar is teaching every verse in the Bible correctly without a single error? If anyone thinks they're Minister/Pastor is always teaching every verse all the time correctly without one error, then this belief is the same as the Roman Catholic Doctrine which proclaims the Pope is Infallible (not capable of error)! The Apostle Paul called a group of Believers named Bereans noble because after he taught them they searched the Scriptures for themselves to make sure what he taught was accurate. Another instruction was to "study & rightly interpret the word of God". Yet Not many people can honestly say they have prayerfully studied their Bible from Genesis to Revelation on their own. After being told for years that Tithing is still a required New Testament Law but hearing from a few protesters that it is not in the New Testament, I decided to study the entire (KJV, NKJ & NIV -Author... Read more
by bishopdh
Wed Dec 31 2008Yet another word-faith false prophet. First Timothy 6 and Romans 16:17-18 commands true believers to withdraw themselves from such people. We have even confirmed reports that Dollar's church abuses power by obtaining tax records from members. While the purpose of obtaining the tax records is not 100% confirmed, it does not matter. Churches have no reason to review a member's tax records or verify one's income. This is an abuse of power and a red flag of the Dollar empire. With regard to direct ministry, Dollar preaches of the word and the world hears him (1 John 4). He is, indeed, a false prophet. He preaches decisionism (i.e., the sinner's prayer) and does not preach holiness.
by jehovahjirah
Tue Dec 09 2008As the word instructs, I study to show myself approved, and I have used Dr. Dollars site many times during my studies and have found it to be a great tool along side the word of God! I also have ordered some of his CD's to listen to while I'm driving...I have prayed for the Spirit to reveal Dr. Creflo's spirit to me and He has...Creflo is a spirit filled man of God...and is serving the Lord with the ministry God gave him....may the Lords blessings stay with him and his ministry as he goes out into all the world and preaches the gospel and helps the less fortunate in this world...thank you Creflo ministries!!!....before you judge this statement....check out his site...the studies are free...you can pick and choose the topics at your dicretion...awesome tools...enjoy!
by tempshepard
Mon Dec 01 2008Praise the lord,praise God for he is greatly to be praised. you can argue about it back and forth but it always is the same. how many steps do you need to write about sucess? what does a man gain is he gets all the money in the world but loses his soul? my journey with God has taught me somethings I would like to share. we are so blind as a people. so self decieved and we believe if we quote scriptures that we have true knowledge. But the sad part is the sword you are pulling out is only for show and if you can't properly use it then put it back into it's sheath where it belongs. the word is not there for anyone to make money off of nor is does God want his people to be more concerned about having money all the time. people think a successful ministry is one that makes alot of money, large in size, programs galore, and thousands upon thousands of people. but those are the unsuccessful ones. God's truth is only for the few that is why the road to God is narrow and only few shall find i... Read more
by herukhuti
Mon Nov 03 2008I have no problem with a religiously leader including financial advice into his sermons. I do have a problem with leaders who focus mainly on the finances, with the brunt of it being the flow of the money going into the church coffers.
by proverbs3110
Mon Sep 22 2008All I can say is you guys better be very careful putting your mouth on a man of God( Dr. Dollar). He preaches nothing,unless its in the Word. Please read your Bible before you start knocking the message or messenger. For all you guys who are putting your mouth on the man of God, ask yourself this...would God want me to hate on my neighbor? You might need to go back and read the Ten Conmandments. We are NOT the judge, there is only one judge(GOD)! It is said that America is one nation under God, that is so far from the truth, just look around you. Please make sure what you are saying is the truth! If you fast 3 to 5 days water only to hear from God, stay in prayer for days at a time to hear from God, read and study your Bible for hours a day, everyday then apply and obey the Word...YOU HAVE NOTHING TO SAY! People see the glory but they don't know the story. Dr. Creflo Dollar is an annointed Man of God. He is obedient, a tither and a giver. There was a couple of words, that I wanted to s... Read more
by lmorovan
Sat Aug 23 2008To me, Creflo Dollar is comparable to any ordinary "fortuneteller". If a fortuneteller can seethe future, how come they never hit the jackpot and live out of the fees they charge for their readings? Creflo Dollar has preached so much about money and prosperity that every one of the members of his church should be multimillionaires by now. The fact that they aren't is a slap in the face regarding the false teachings he spews from behind the pulpit. Ah, but of course, he's got a private jet, many luxury cars, mansions, etc. His theology works only for him, LOL.
by carolburch
Fri Jul 11 2008Creflo Dollar is very much deceived. I don't think he is a scrammer and I do believe he is sincere. He just happens to be sincerely WRONG in my book.. He is not teaching right theology..Christianity is a relationship with God thru Christ. God is more interested in maturing his children into Christlikeness, then he is in making us rich. I think TV evangelists are "ALL" totally wrong in asking for money simply because of the problems it causes as already presented. Carol Olathe, KAnsas
by oreoluwa
Sun Dec 30 2007I love this man's preaching,he is truely a man of God and i pray that one day i will meet him face to face.His preaching has changed my mentality as a pastor. Mike Ojetunde(abuja)
by lawatts
Sun Dec 30 2007He is a great example of a man of God that ACTUALLY READS AND APPLY THE WORD OF GOD! And he is funny, he explains the way the world looks at things and handles it, and then how the sprititual world is suppose to handle situations. its helpful and presented very simple for people to comprehend!
by breezyautumnda_ys
Thu Dec 20 2007Another Copeland cronie. And a dishonest one at that! I heard him say on his program one day that if a his dog found a paper sack filled with money and brought it to him, he wouldn't call the police to report it - he'd just praise God for giving him "found" money! Gee, that wouldn't bode well for the poor person whose life savings it might have been who lost it!
by 1611bible
Mon Dec 17 2007Creflo's cool.
by royalpriest
Mon Nov 05 2007CareWeMust... I've read your posts, and it seems as though you are not the leader of your home. You attend LCIC because your wife wants to go, then she slaps your hand and overrides your decision on what to give. You need to man up and start taking charge...in a loving way. Both of these ministers teach humanism, were it is man centered and not God centered. Read in the Word what the Holy Writ has to say about wealth, and pursuing worldly gain. I went to LCIC for years before I pulled myself and family out. It is very dangerous...and you really need to seek the truth in His Word, and take charge of your family. By His Word, God would want you to.
by karenkramer
Thu Oct 25 2007What happens when you see $$$ instead of Hearts.