Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (Robert C. Atkins)
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Reviews 5
by justinguyguy
Wed Jul 16 2008I love the Atkins diet it worked great for me and others. The Atkins shakes and brs are really good also. You can get them for cheap at http://www.imedmart.com/Low-Carb-Bars-Shakes.html
by newbirth
Thu Nov 17 2005I've lost 60 pounds and am healthier than ever. My acne cleared up and my cholesterol has improved (LDL went down, HDL went up). I feel GREAT! I've been eating this way for just over 18 months as I write this. I will never go back to how I used to eat and feel. Thank you Dr. A!
by iwac9891
Mon May 05 2003Great whether you agree or disagree with the Atkins method. It is a fresh look at the different types of diets which may suit different types of people. In particular the diet would be great for Carbohydrate addicts. For all the bad press - the diet has been vindicated now by several studies and has been proven to work for 99% od those who follow it under strict conditions. You can still be smart and get all the nutrients you need without cheating the diet. When you zoom out and look at the BIG PICTURE, these facts solve the problem for anyone in doubt: 1) The diet more closely immitates the diets we were evolved to eat as early man (without large rice/wheat harvests and before manufacturing) 2) Why has there been such an epidemic of obesety and diabetes since the high carb "Food Pyramid" was introduced. 3) Miraculously, it works. Even if you don't agree with Atkins and all the book achieves is to get people of sugar and refined carbs - it will save the western world from it myriad... Read more
by af403bc2
Thu Jan 02 2003I wish I had enough time and energy to write an entire book on why the Atkins Diet is bad for you, but I will only stress a few major points. Atkins is doing a lot of people a very bad service. 1. The Diet is impossible to maintain in the long run. No fabricated diet that calls upon the individual to completely forego an important part of a normal human diet can be sustained for longer than a few weeks, maybe months. If you are able to stick to the diet for longer than that, congratulations, you probably have enough willpower to lose that weight without Atkins. 2. Atkins is essentially a metabolic trick, a gimmick if you like, which fools the body into 'thinking' it needs to burn off fat. Blood contains an amount of available glucose (obtained mostly from carbohydrates) which once depleted, will cause the body to go into a fat-burning mode. The reason for this is simple: once the body believes it is starved- essentially when no or little glucose is detected in the blood- the body use... Read more
by ilys2785om
Sat Mar 04 2000This book is well written and well thought out. It makes sense. The diet is hard to stick with for more than a week or too. I had a hard time feeling guilty for eating an apple!