Dora the Explorer

Approval Rate: 61%

61%Approval ratio

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    Mon Jul 16 2012

    One star for the insufferable cartoon (which my grandkids love to watch); five stars for this absolutely hysterical movie preview:

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    Thu Nov 10 2011

    Everybody learn spanish because good lord knows they refuse to learn to speak english.

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    Sun Mar 14 2010

    No me gusta Dora, porque la emisión no demuestra el papel de los padres en la vida del niño pequeño. Dora es demasiada independiente, y hace todo sin sus padres y sus amigos. La falta de contacto humano en Dora nos conducirá a un niño introvertido y sin amigos. ¡No es sano para nuestros niños! Pero, me gusta mucho la idea de enseñar el español a los niños, porque la gente hispánica es la gente creciendo más rápidamente en los estados unidos (legal o ilegal, pero usualmente legal), y en la vida del niño, él tendrá que poder hablar el español para comunicar. El inglés no es el idioma oficial en los estados unidos, y no lo será nunca. Cada ciudadano estadounidense puede hablar cualquier idioma que se quiere hablar, inglés, español, y otros. Es bueno que enseñen nuestros niños los dos. I don’t like Dora, because the show doesn’t illustrate the role of the parent in the toddler’s life. Dora is too independent, and does everything by herself, without her parents or her friends. The lack of... Read more

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    Wed Oct 07 2009

    yep really teachs kids(sarcasm) "no mister robber no robbing!" *shoots kid* no kids dont call 911 tel the murderer "murderer no murdering!" yeah that'l work *rolls eyes* and is dora frikin blind the objects right behind her not hidden at all and she can't find the DAMN BALL! im not rascist but why in the hell do kids in AMERICA need to know spanish yes i know immagrents (one of my best friends is mexican so don't go "RASCIST!") but really! and i know its okay for them to get along with other ethnicities but is there a single black or white kid? no! and theres a monkey wich leads me to beleve there in cuba. so....FUCK DORA!!!! thank you.

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    Fri Aug 15 2008

    dora is almost the most annoying show on tv, but my daughter loves that crap. at least she likes spongebob too...

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    Why is she always yelling?

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    Thu Feb 28 2008

    you guys are all losers. dora is the shiz man. my little sister loves her and learns a lot from that show!!!!!

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    Sun Jan 27 2008

    okayyy that's so dumb. first of all the show is very educational and why should americanc hildren be learning SOME spanish words? because it's not hurting anybody and it's actually helping your kid. Not to mention wether Dora was teaching spanish or any other language that should be taught because we do live in america and there's hispanics, asians, european, etc.. So it's the reality and if you weren't aware Dora is shown in Latin america and she teaches hispanic kids English so this arguement would go both ways...

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    Sat Dec 15 2007

    I'm not hispanic, but I think it's great for kids to get to know other cultures through tv shows. In fact, I would love it if there are other characters representing French, Indian, name it. However, I now dislike all things Dora for a completely different reason. Notice that Dora is always the "leader" who leads other animal characters. In fact, have you ever seen her playing with other children? She is always the "star" and somehow figures out everything on her own (without a single failure). Her parents are very much in the background and Dora is so independent that she never has to ask her parents for help, nor do her parents ever ask her or teach her anything. (There is a big contrast with some other shows like Angelina the Ballerina, etc. Alas, Angelina is a mouse! Do we expect our girls to idolize a mouse?) I'm afraid that Dora is breeding a whole generation of girls (actually, toddlers) who are desiring too much independence too soon (before they can rea... Read more

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    Tue Sep 11 2007

    I HATE IT!!!!!!

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    Thu Mar 29 2007

    Dora sucks in every way! And I particularly hate the fact that she inescapable. I have a 2 yr old daughter that I do not allow to watch the show. I do not (When possible!!!!!) purchase products that feature Dora. She is everywhere and on everything for girls. I do not have a stigma against latin people or the spanish language. I do however disagree with the fact that Girls 4 and under are practically being force fed and branded by Dora the Explorer even before they can recognize characters. And look out Bob the builder you are quickly being replaced by Diego, Dora's cousin. Then parents of both girls and boys will be left with few choices in TV, clothing, Toys , snacks .... I could go on but I think that Dora needs to be toned down.

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    Thu Mar 15 2007

    What some of you guys don't seem to understand is that this show is for PRESCHOOLERS, not adults. So what if you don't like it? You don't like how Dora pauses, but if you set a little kid down in front of the TV and watch then watch Dora it's great, because those pauses are filled with yells of "The blue one, the blue one!" or "Over there, over there!" The show is supposed to be educational for preschoolers and it does a very good job at doing that. If you can't get into talking with Dora and helping her out, don't be so arrogant as to keep your children from it. And this whole mess about "Mexicanizing" America, give me a break. Do you have any idea how good knowing a second language looks on job and college applications? And you're all going to have to deal with someone who speaks Spanish one day or another so why not know the basics? They make it a requirement in school, so why not get a head start? If you don't agree with me, just do me a favor: set your PRESCHOOL-AGE son, daughter,... Read more

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    Sat Jun 03 2006

    General social question: WHY should our kids feel obligated to learn Spanish???

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    Wed Mar 29 2006


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    Sat Mar 18 2006

    America's children should be improving their English, not Spanish. I don't approve of the sneaky tidbits of Spanish either, I think it's a secret plan to make American children to prefer the Spanish language instead of English. Also, it takes Dora too long to figure out obvious things. My voice used to get hoarse screaming at my t.v. with my niece.

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    Sat Mar 18 2006

    My daughter learned how to count in Spanish because of this show. I sure didn't teach her that. So I give it a 5.

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    Wed Feb 01 2006

    Wow....Dora's "Long Pauses" are so that the children watching can interact by yelling out the answers. So it's like she's trying to give em time to answer and stuff. The show is cute and informative for kids, and they love it so I guess thats all that matters when it boils down.

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    Tue Jan 31 2006

    The first time I saw this show was with my little cousin. We were wondering why does it take Dora so long to ask a question? Dora: Who has the red ball? *Dora stares blank into the screen for 30 seconds. Me: The freaking bunny has the ball, jeez! Cousin: Dora can't see the bunny, the bunny is 2ft away from her! Me: Darn it, if Dora keeps asking pointless questions, they'll never get to their destination! Also, I respect hispanic heritage, but why are we teaching little kids spanish? How come there aren't any white, black, or other minority characters? It's a cute little show, but Dora's long pauses take up too much of the show's time.

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    Thu Aug 25 2005

    This show's purpose is to Mexicanize America, so that illeagal and illiterate Mexican's don't have to learn English! One big question that I have about Dora is that doesn't she have any white or black friends. From the very few times that I have seen this show, I haven't noticed any token whites or blacks. My niece watches this show because my brother wants to be politically correct in every way. However, when i have children, I won't allow a program such as that is pure propoganda!

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    Dumb show, with so many annoying little catch phrases, the show gets real old, real fast.

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    Thu Apr 28 2005

    repetitive, annoying, repetitive, annoying, repetitive, annoying, repetitive, annoying, althought I have nothing against children learning another language. Jack Janet Chrissy, you could benefit fof some education yourself, specially spelling.

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    Mon Apr 25 2005

    this show gets annoying very quickly

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    Dora Dora Dora the explorer. My niece is obsessed with this show. I sat down and watched it with her just out of curiosity. It's positive and fun and kids love it. I love that they teach kids spanish, how awesome is that.

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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    Dora - What was your favorite part? Me - When the show ended Annoying much? Si

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    Fri Jul 02 2004

    i agree with rainbow on this 1 learn some damn english. but i disagree with darkness. i always loved playin sonic games when i was younger on the sega. overall this ahow sux!

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    Sun May 16 2004

    This is a rip-off of the best educational kid's show, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog I mean look at it. Boots=Tails. It's NO coincidence. Dont let your children watch it.

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    Mon May 03 2004

    The least annoying kids show I've been forced to watch. My daughter is 2, and she is obsessed with Dora. Which is ok, because it actually teaches her some cool things.

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    Thu Apr 29 2004

    It S-U-C-K-S sucks sucks sucks!!!I hate every part of it.Especly when Dora says What was your favroit part---I liked that part to!''

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    Wed Apr 28 2004

    I hate this show more than death! if your the guy who made it cancel it now! plus it's garbage and she's in sain!

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    Wed Apr 21 2004

    dora is crazy..

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    A mental freak speacking only spanish don't let your'e kids watch this garbage it is horribal.

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    Sat Aug 16 2003

    This is the first time i've rated a cartoon for kids. My kids are 3 and 4 and they love Dora, they get excited when it's on, it teaches them how to interact with her and they speak spanish more than what i do lol.

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    Wed Aug 06 2003

    It is sad that people for whom the show was not intended would leave such negative remarks for such a great show. This is a truly educational show that kids adore. My two year old niece can sing the songs and even knows some Spanish words. Like many childrens TV shows, it won't exactly be captivating for the adults. However I have sat and enjoyed this show with my niece. The fun is watching her learn from this wonderful show. Swiper, no swiping she yells at me on the phone or WE DID IT WE DID IT. Great Show

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    Wed Aug 06 2003

    I have to agree, I get so tired of adults trying to ruin cartoons for children. These shows are NOT meant for you, so quit being so selfish and let the kids have a little bit of fun with their cartoons on Saturday morning. Good grief !

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    Thu Jul 03 2003

    Fantastic show for children. Have watched it may times with my 2 nephews, and find myself interested.

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    Sat Jun 14 2003

    It's a great cartoon that's very educational! My 3 yr old boy goes crazy speaking all this Spanish stuff! The repetitiveness during the show boosts memory skills too! I like Swiper! Boots is an odd character tho' :) Sure beats the crap out of Teletubbies! Yuck!

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    Mon Apr 14 2003

    Terrible..i can't stand that show

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    Thu Mar 13 2003

    Pretty boring addition to the NICK JR schedule is actually a bit confusing at times, and includes a wildly repetitive song. Will appeal to the die-hard toddlers only.

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    Sat Feb 15 2003

    this is the worst TV show ever. An annoying latino girl and her pet monkey on all sorts of adventures. I absolutley hate it more than death itself. Good thing there is a fox in it that steals from dora. That is the only good thing about it. Do not watch "dora the explorer" . It is really that bad. Watch something cool like "cubix" or "the simpsons" instead.

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    Thu Oct 24 2002

    This is supposed to be a sort of learning show, but it's the worst kind. It talks down to kids. They don't need that. They need something that's gonna stretch and expand their minds and imagination. Plus, that Dora character is pretty annoying.

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    Tue Aug 20 2002

    my 2 baby girl cuzins LOVE this show

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    Tue Feb 19 2002

    Dora Dora Dora the Explorer..Swiper no Swiping, Swiper no swiping, Swiper no Swiping..I think I let my children watch too much television. Dora is another great, interactive kids are yelling things out to her..chasing swiper away and speaking, educational and entertaining (another one the adults can tolerate if they want to sit down and watch cartoons with the little people).