Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by numbah16tdhaha
Fri Feb 26 2010Little dogs can be funny, but I like a dog that's big enough to wrestle with.
by frankswildyear_s
Fri Feb 26 2010I'm with Gris, the notion of 'Best' implies that there should ultimately be only one choice once the winner is determined and life just doesn't work that way. For some people a dog is too much work and intrusion on thier lives. They require exercise, attention and affection, three things a cat generally couldn'g give a rats ass about, or at least is not interested in your thoughts on the subject. Personally, I think that if you are looking for a low maintenance/impact pet, I wonder if you really need a pet at all? I got a dog so that I would go outside every day for a walk/run. I got a dog so that someone would greet me at the door and be good company when I'm at home. I love that my dog has a personality and strives to make a connection with me. I love that she has the ability to communicate beyond the two phrases "feed me" and "clean the litter box". Our dog has been such a great addition to the family that she now has a little brother.
by cyclee
Fri Feb 26 2010I love dogs as long as I don't have to take care of them. It is well known that most of them have great personalities, rarely hold grudges even if you abuse them, are always trusting even after they've been abandoned before. They are by far the best animal friends for human as a combination of loyalty, temperament, and intelligence. However, as far as pets go I just can't give it a full 5-star rating as they indeed need a lot of work. They are not genetically pre-programmed to like cleanliness. Their affection is wonderful occasionally but their need for attention is a little too much to handle for busy people. If one cares about their well-being, then walking them daily is almost unavoidable. In places that have harsh weather conditions it just seems less feasible. I've had a dog and I loved him to death. However, it was also him that made me understand that dogs are not suitable pets for my life style. Not before, not now, and probably not in the future.
by gloria_ehrlich
Mon Feb 01 2010I am a dog lover, I admit it be it that it is an expensive endeavor as a pet lover and owner, I know I am bound by a responsility to love and treat my dog with about as much respect as I would treat a human being. I have to make sure my dog gets excercise, even whey it is ugh cold out side, lets not talk about rain, because I will not drag my dog, or dogs out if it's raining. Fortunately I do have a back yard where they can go and releave themselves, and I have a enclosed front porch. My babies time otherwise is with me indoors, it is hard to resist their furry little faces, which are 3 Yorkies, a mother and father and their son. Then I have a shelter dog a Shitzu, and medium sized poodle, that makes 5. But 3 are on the smaller side, I still cannot describe the joy they give, they all love to cuddle, they at times do fight for my attention, but I quickly stop that behavior. I have to be on guard, because I do have 2 males that more alpha dogs, they begin with low growl and then snarl a... Read more
by mchobbit
Sun Jan 10 2010Yes, dogs can be noisy and messy and taking care of them is time consuming. But it's also very rewarding. If I had the room and money, I'd have a dog right now.
by kraduate
Wed Sep 16 2009No-- I love dogs. I've had three different somewhat scary things happen with dogs. Twice in my life I have had a dog inexplicably start circling me as I was walking down the street, and both times they wouldn't let me walk away, just kept circling me for about 10-15 minutes. Another time an unleashed dog walking in the park with its owners randomly decided to attack me. It ran across the field, barking like a freak, and I was 90% certain it intended to bite. Luckily, I had an umbrella which I lowered to defend myself. The dog paused for a second and finally the owners realized what was going on and called their dog back. Despite these occurrences, I'm not afraid of dogs and never could be.
by zorohem
Sat Sep 12 2009Not at all, but I am not a big fan of them either.
by gris2575
Mon Aug 10 2009Never been given a Reason to fear These guys.
by minkey
Mon Aug 10 2009From a young age I've been petrified of large poodles. Granted it has subsided a lot at this point, where all I do is take a step back when I see one. I was 3 years old when my Grandma warned me not to go near this poodle, which was the pet of the owner of the motel she worked at. I didn't listen one day, reached to pet and was snapped at and bit. It is still my biggest fear of any animal that I've encountered.
by samiiiii
Thu Aug 06 2009nooooooooooo. they r soooooooooooooo sweet. is any1 scared of dogs?
by pamela_murray
Sun May 24 2009Unless of course this dog is bigger than me, coming my way and foaming at the mouth...
by fadeout
Wed Apr 15 2009No contest
by astromike
Mon Mar 23 2009Some of them can look intimmedating. Im a dog lover by nature tho. They can sence fear, so if a dog is close to me and barking (not attacking) me, I just look at it for a second, and keep walking at my normal pace. They usually just back away after that.
by alexxf7c
Fri Jan 30 2009no i love dogs
by starktruth
Tue Jan 13 2009Only the big snarley kind that froth at the mouth. I used to be terrified of dogs until I realized one day that the heavy leather biker boots I wore would do serious damage to the teeth of that little b*stard who was heading my way in a threatening manner. Odd thing... the moment this thought occurred to me... the dog stopped dead in his tracks and backed up. I keep this thought in mind whenever I feel threatened and find that dogs are more afraid of me, than I am of them.
by p_jake_q
Thu Dec 11 2008depends if they are mean
by lush7999
Wed Dec 03 2008ONLY the BIG ones!!!!
by breezex
Mon Nov 03 2008dogs r the best. i have 2 big ones.
by meghann
Wed Oct 22 2008I was scared of dogs from age 2-18. Now I love them.
by bage_l_stealer
Wed Oct 15 2008I LOVE DEM~
by lindsay9529
Mon Oct 13 2008i like dogs
by bill4829
Thu Sep 25 2008just enough to put me into kill mode if they are agressive
by alex6816
Thu Sep 18 2008Can be scary
by veronica1219
Wed Aug 20 2008hahah dogs????
by eric_4273
Tue Aug 19 2008dogz r baller!!!!
by halcyonstorm
Tue Aug 19 2008Dogs shouldn't be inherently scary. It's the people who own them who can be scary and who make them scary. I've got a dobermann, and while he would defend me or my family with force if necessary, he's the biggest baby in the world if you know him. Dogs are so trusting and loyal. There is a quote by Andy Rooney that says The average dog is a nicer person than the average person. I've been around dogs my whole life and I have to agree.
by damn_it_its_me_waynefcgngr
Sat Aug 02 2008dude no comment XD
by malory_622
Thu Jul 31 2008If its like one thats about to bite my face off then yeah,but for the most part i love dogs.
by fallen
by linda_jj_lara
Mon Jul 21 2008i love dog!!!
by jillian202
Sun Jul 20 2008I have a boston terrier....and a doberman pinscher!
by im_a_bitch_and_i_know_it
Sun Jul 13 2008i love dogs, and as long as they are in the right environment for them then they are great companions and pets.
by valkyrievoice
Sat Jul 12 2008I LOVE PUPPIES! Oh! They're grand! Dogs rule! Cats drool!
by myspace_380812710
Thu Jul 10 2008not scary, I was mauled by a dog and it bit a lot off of me, but I'm still not scared my it.
by elaine681
Wed Jul 09 2008just like dobermans and dogs i don't know that are protective
by cristian_354
Tue Jul 08 2008nah..
by ms_373411574
Tue Jul 08 2008No, not all dogs! Some dogs scary me.
by d_at_h_b_at_d3t_boricu_at_on_d_at_h_block
Sun Jul 06 2008I love doggyz
by k_a_y_l_a
Sun Jul 06 2008some are vicious but most are awesome!!
by diana_3
Sun Jul 06 2008Of course......... hahhaha there not scary!
by jamie118
Sun Jul 06 2008I get scared of stray dogs because I dont know if they will bite or not. I got bit once and it was from a dog in a yard. The thing is I was just walking by, I didn't even see the dog until it was to late.
by bebebc01
Sat Jul 05 2008DEPENdiNG ON WHAT DOg iT iS
by bella552
Fri Jul 04 2008i hate dogs...mostly because of their bad parents.....
by mgirl29
Sat Jun 07 2008They are fun to play with and I love to take mine for a walk!
by itme0a30
Fri Feb 29 2008woof
by sifer3e8
Fri Aug 03 2007dogs are good but horses are better so are goats. i have 2 dogs 1 cat 1 goat 6 horses 3 sheep 2 pigs. i should know which is the best
by deniafa2
Wed Feb 21 2007they are only good because they sometimes keep you safe.
by genghisthehun
Wed Feb 21 2007I don't know what I would do without my trusty sidekick, Fido.
by mat5897
Mon Jan 08 2007Dogs can find people that run away or get lost. They can help people that are blind. They can smell out drugs. They bark when strangers come by the house. Dogs can be a good friend. Dogs can cheer up people in hospitals and nursing homes. Dogs can help farmers to herd cattle or sheep. Dogs can keep unwanted animals away from farms..such as the fox or coyote. We second graders believe that dogs are the most important and helpful animal of all.
by portecrayon
Wed Mar 08 2006Dogs are incredible Pets. I own an All American Mutt and A Rat Terrier. Raised properly and you will know why dogs are mans best friend. For those who say dogs cannot think and work only on instinct I say Bull Sh*t. Dogs have intelligence, Dogs are loyal,Dogs Protect and will give their life for their master, Dogs are heroic, Dogs loved to be trained to please their master hence all many jobs dog perform. My Dogs go everywhere that it is possible for them to go. I will never go without a dog in my house and by my side.