Does hell exist? (thanks felisberto)

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    Tue Oct 27 2009

    Buy Scarlett Johansson's album and you'll know the answer to this one.

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    Fri Oct 31 2008

    Hell certainly does exist.  So does Father Time, Baby New Year, the Easter Bunny, Mother Nature, Paul Bunyan, Uncle Sam, the Tooth Fairy, Cupid, Santa Claus and Casper the Friendly Ghost.  And the Stork brings babies...

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    Mon Apr 28 2008

    Having seen Sudbury, Ontario, Thompson, Manitoba and Butte, Montana, I have no doubt that Hell exists.

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    Tue Apr 01 2008

    The Bible teaches more about Hell than Heaven, not only because it is a real place, but because we are warned about only one of the places that we will spend eternity.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    Hell is as real as Heaven is.  You can't have one without the other.

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    Tue Feb 12 2008

    Yes, as sure as there is a earth and a heaven there is indeed a hell.

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    There is no way to prove that hell exists or what form it takes. Like most spiritual concepts, a person must rely on faith. I think that if a person believes that heaven is exclusive of some souls, that there must be another option which could be considered hell.

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    You better believe It exist, and If you are not saved by the grace of God,(1 Cor15:1-4) you are a heart beat away from It. check out  Psalms 9:17- Proverbs 9:18, 23:14, 27:20- Amos 9:2- Matthew 5:22, 10:28, 16:18, 18:9- Mark 9:45- Luke 12:5- Acts 2:27- 2nd Peter 2:4. Just to name a few, the problem is you hell unbelievers, is that you don't want to accept the fact that It is a real place, I tell you, Train is not worried about "funny" votes, my stay here at RIA, is not a popularity contest, and hell does excist, and you don't have to go there.

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    <<<  In the life of a free Christian, the voice of conscience is important and is the only healthy standard of human actions. Our conscience, therefore, is our master, our judge and our chastiser. This voice cannot be muffled with impunity. Human conscience can only be influenced by good example, that means, that humanity should be educated in moral matters not by the threat of punishment in hell, not by anathemas or torture but only by the proper education of man. I strongly believe in Divine light, the light of man's reason and the light of humanity. Therefore, if a man errs one should not cast him off, punish or maltreat him, but he should be helped in a brotherly way, instructed, inclined to improve himself and in the end gained for Gods cause. Let us remember to forgive one another, even our enemies... -- Bishop Hodur >>> E2DB133BF934A25751C0A964958260

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    Hell exists wherever one person brings suffering upon another. The true "hell" is far worse, yet much simpler. It is being totally cut off from God and from your fellow human beings, totally alone and without hope. Here is the biggest twist about it: those who are there made the choice to be alone, and can never take it back...

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    Mon Jan 14 2008

    Yes, Heaven and Hell both exist, and we actually choose our destination by the way we live our lives here on earth. If we try to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Jesus Christ we will go to Heaven (notice I said try). God knows our hearts and knows if we are truly trying or not. But if we choose to live like Hell, that will be the final destination.

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    Wed Feb 07 2007

    I'm torn on this, and have been for some time. I do not believe Hell is as we've been taught to believe it (if it exists). The opposite of Heaven would be, as pugwash explains, a place devoid of God (of goodness). I don't believe in the "fiery furnace" of it, but that does not mean there is not a place devoid of God. The "fiery furnace" concept, I don't know. I think it's just something described to people as a way to scare them into doing as the storyteller wishes. Hell may be just a blackhole, but a person is more likely to fear eternal hellfire, than it's exaggerated in hopes of keeping people in line (or so I believe, of course).

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    Thu Feb 01 2007

    Any Tampa Bay Devil Rays vs. K.C. Royals Game. Front row seats at a .38 Special concert. Underneath Roseanne Barr. Midnight in a 26 dollar a night motel in Appalachia. Seriously, most scholars believe the popular conception of hell is either directly taken from Zoroastrian beliefs, or at least heavily influenced by that state religion of ancient Persia.

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    Mon Jan 08 2007

    Hell does exist and we live it day-to-day. Where else do they murder innocent people, molest children, attack the vulnerable, have civil wars for invalid reasons where some of the most evil people have roamed this earth and most people seem to get away with almost every deplorable crime? None of these acts are committed in heaven. Heaven is the very opposite of this so hell must be right here on earth, it honestly wouldn't surprise me.

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    Sun Nov 19 2006

    Sure.Just outside any major city at rush hour.

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    Wed Nov 08 2006

    Well, it was a loving God who gave us free will so, I see this as a personal choice. Contrary to certain of what I will term denial philosophies, there are still consequences to our actions - you shoot someone, you go to jail and so on. So, yes, I feel there is a Hell and that if we go there, we make that choice by denying God's forgiveness. However, I don't see it as a literal burning pit but as a separation from God's Love - which would be an intolerable, wrenching existance. Some teach that it isn't eternal torment though and the souls that end up there will eventually be destroyed.

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    Wed Nov 08 2006

    Yes, Hell does exist.

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    Tue Nov 07 2006

    We as christians believe in heaven and hell. I would like to think that at least heaven exists.

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    Tue Nov 07 2006

    Trenton, N.J.

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    Tue Nov 07 2006

    If you are on the roster of the Arizona Cardinals it does...

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    Tue Nov 07 2006

    There is not a doubt in my mind that it is very real. Fire, brimstone, darkness and eternal torment, not my kind of place.

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    Mon Nov 06 2006

    If there is heaven, there are must be hell. Life is all about balance - Good/evil, hell/heaven, etc.

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    Mon Nov 06 2006

    More times than not, when hell is spoken of in The Bible, the word is intended to mean the grave. Burning forever in hell fire started being taught when Molechism was a popular culture. Very evil teaching, indeed. These days, some people use it as a way to scare their kids straight. God is merciful. Yes, hell exists, and, I don't want to go there, but, when something burns up, it's done. it doesn't keep on burning. The final hell fire will be like a melting away of all bad. Poof!