Dodge Viper
Approval Rate: 71%
Reviews 0
by bulldog16
Sun Oct 21 2007Not the best car but it looks pretty cool. It isn't as good as a porsche though.
by williammorgan
Sun Apr 23 2006Anyone who criticizes Viper for the things it isn't is totally ignorant of the car's primary purpose and those who own and them. Notice I didn't say "lacks", but "things". A car is "perfect" and "lacks" nothing to the degree it meets those objectives and satisfies the buyer's reason for owning it. Nothing else counts.
by massive_bite
Tue Jan 31 2006if theres any one on this site that knew any thing about cars then they would know that the dodge viper is one of the most unique cars ever made. i`ve seen them beat ferraris and cost a crap load less and theres NO car sexyier then a viper venom i`ve even seen them beat lamborghinis so if you whant a car thats one of the best cars in the world but dont want to pay an arm and aleg for it then get a viper.
by sir_hiss
Sun Jan 29 2006vipers are the (BEST) .period.
by squall_leonhart
Tue Aug 23 2005ok honestly now its not the fastest car we are all aware but think about it unlike all the other fast cars like a lamborgini diablo this doesnt need repairs after the first 3 times of driving it not to mention it just looks so damn good
by developer
Wed Aug 17 2005I recently rented this car for 1 day and 1/2. First impressions, it looks great from the outside. Nice low mean look to it, but the inside is another story. I'm a little over 6' so it was very tight for me. I drove the SR version which is about 100K, and I was suprised to find the interior to look allot like a dodge caravan! Very cheap looking/feeling knobs for both the radio and heating/cooling. The seats were not even electronic. The gas tank lid on the side of the car has zero security, anybody can open both the lid and gas cap without any problems (maybe this is common to most amercian cars??). But after all of the above annoyances, the car has some serious serious power. Well another annoyance, a car like this should come with the OPTION of traction control. I mean, 500 horsepower on a rainy day can be pretty dangerous. This car should not be pushed hard at all on turns, the low end torque will send you into a curb/ditch pretty fast! The tires are so wide that the gr... Read more
by mad_hatter
Tue May 24 2005Fast, powerful, and beautiful. It can out perform a good portion of the Ferrari and is the least expensive sports car out today. (Note: Road & Track classified the Viper's as a Super Cars not a Sport Cars) UPDATE: My dad works with a guy who specializes in Dodge Viper repares. He said that there is not much money in repairing Vipers because they don't break. The car is built on a frame built to handle 800 horsepower. The Vipers stock engine is only 500 horsepower (yeah, only). The frame is built for the racing Vipers which have the 800 horsepower engine.
by wildkard51
Tue May 24 2005you now u r rolling big if ur cruisin in a Viper. They are outragously fast and incredibly unnessisary but damn are they saaaaweeeet! You wanna draw some stares, drive a Viper because there is nothing low-key about a 500 hp, 10 cylender, rear wheel drive supercar. I have had the privalege of driving in one and beleve me, they fit the description of sports car.
by petro9c7
Sun Dec 19 2004this car lkooks really good..... not go f>uck your mum. i hope it's fast because thats all it would have. ok got it good
by fred_barr
Mon Nov 22 2004SHAKE,RATTLE and ROLL! (rolls fast though)
by sk8sour3
Sat Oct 09 2004best car sh!thead
by numbah16tdhaha
Thu Jul 29 2004Ha ha ha ha! Viper stomps balls!
by satterjm
Fri Jul 02 2004All I know is that at the 1/4 mile my Viper tears up the competition!!! There is nothing to me like the feel of a twin turbo charged 500 hp viper ripping down the pavement. I like the older body styles better though. I took the new engine and dropped it in the RT/10 body. NICE!!!
by whitemoon
Mon Jun 21 2004OMG i love this car it makes me want to ... every time i see them!
by cherrysoda99
Sat Jun 05 2004Ah, the ledgendary Dodge Viper. Not all it's cracked up to be. Nice sports car, but nothing special.
by ansgard
Fri Jun 04 2004It's a nice car but never as nice as a Lamborghini Diablo guys !! And never as fast
by venom_800tt
Sat Nov 08 2003Well in my oppinoin The Viper in any form gts, rt/10, or vemon is a great vehicle. now i come from a family that would rather buy an importend car from a junk yard rather than buy an american made car. But the minute i saw the viper i feel in love with it. The looks as well as the power is just astonishing. and to all the people who say that the viper is crap and that a celica or supera can beat or is better must of been high when they wrote this. because the viper venom 650rs would smoke there asses let alone a venom 800tt.
by xviper
Mon Jul 21 2003Simply a sweet vehicle. Drive one before you knock it.
by bigbaby
Sat Feb 01 2003Its fast, no doubt, but a $50000 Corvette is much better. Its very unreliable and overpriced. An $80k Dodge? Please.
by joshb172
Mon Nov 25 2002The Dodge Viper is the best car manufactured. It is the best American sports car. What more could you want? Sleek design, Speed that takes the rinkles out and handling on rails. If you can, Get this car!!!!
by crazynewfie
Fri Jun 14 2002This is one of the best cars that was ever made. "liddlebopeep" you have no clue what you are saying. Poor gas mileage and a harsh ride? Have you ever been in a Viper?!?! Only someone who actually has been in the passenger seat of a car like that or has had the luck to get behind the wheel can say things like that. Not someone who is just saying it because they are jelous that others know stuff about cars and she dosent!
by warhorsez28
Tue Jul 10 2001ok, the viper's not the smoothest ride ever, and the gas mileage isnt great, but if u buy it 4 the gas mileage, u r an idiot!! it's a back to basics muscle car with styling that changed the automotive industry, anyone who kno's cars kno's this is it or not!!
by liddlebopeep
Thu May 31 2001The Viper is a one trick pony. Yes, it's fast off the dime but is that enough to justify it's pricetag and it's accompanying trade-offs merely for raw power (i.e. poor gas mileage and harsh ride)? It's all a matter of balance and the Viper can get tiresome. This isn't a car built to drive on winding and twisty roads, it's trump card is on the drag strip that's all.
by cage_rules
Thu May 31 2001Well its not hard to figure out why the dodge viper is awesome for most of us. We all know it has great looks and sound. But for some of us who dont know a thing about speed, Celica Trd, I will give this moron a wake up call. Celica says a supra that he could "mod" would smoke a viper at high speeds. Translation: a V6 turbo with maybe up to 350 hp would smoke a V10 aluminum big block, 833 horses (venom) 8.8 twin turbo. 0-60 in 2.43, 0-100 in 5.5. Heres the part that is going to make you want to scream at Celica. This is funny. He says the viper venom 800tt will get passed at high speeds even though it accelerates quickly to a MAX OF 235mph!!! Somebody back me up here. Celica , you would be better off racing honda civics!! I think I prooved my point, idiot.
by pit_bull
Mon May 21 2001Its the best car in america!Tha GTS is tha best car I think its better than most tha dodge vipers but everyones got there oppinion. I like tha dodge vipers with tha white strip in tha middle of tha car it makes it look racey, I like tha way its built, tha way you can feel it vibrate when tha car starts up, well anyways I think its the best car!
by celica_trd
Sun Apr 29 2001well you buy a venom and ill buy a supra and with the money ive got left over ill mod the supra. now theres no way in hell id beat you off the line but you would get passed at the 180+ mark
by viperv272
Fri Mar 16 2001any of you smucks out there that dis the viper can stick ur head up ur ass! the viper is the best car out there expecailly for the price! anyone who knows cars knows what a great thing dodge has done by bringing out the viper. check out the viper vemon if you wanna see a ride
by s2000f93
Mon Mar 05 2001ITS A DODGE!!!!! NUFF SAID
by zpawn2b0
Tue Jan 16 2001fast and burly but no techno saviness or finess..
by gomerpile
Mon Jan 15 2001The Dodge Viper, in either GTS or RT/10 form is a breathtaking automobile. In the tradition of the Shelby Cobra, these cars combine emense power with perfect finnesse.
by sac68194
Wed Jan 10 2001LOL at Celica TRD...the Viper gets passed at high speeds? By what, the Diablo for $200,000 more? The Vipers powerband is broad and smooth, typical of large engines with high displacement and many cylinders, unlike rough feeling turbo-four cylinders with small powerbands and chopping firing. The Viper is as powerful as it is gorgeous. No American car has ever performed at such an outstanding level before. Get behind the wheel and you'll see what I mean...feel the power of that smooth idling V10 and hear it roar as you plant the gas pedal to the floor...and realize that you can smoke every car around you.
by steelers72
Wed Jan 10 2001As Swarzkopf said, this car is a real beauty... You can't argue with an 8.0L V10 blasting past you. This car in GTS trim runs factory 12s...thats Ferrari territory for 1/3 of the price. But wait, Celica TRD says that at high speeds Vipers get what man, your Celica? Give me a break idiot.
by spectre
Thu Jan 04 2001The same compant that gave us the K car....LOL
by swarzkopf
Tue Nov 14 2000Plain and simple: An OUTSTANDING car at an OUTSTANDING value; this car shows up overpriced Ferrari's and Porsche's all day long with its 450hp V10. A superb handler as well as a muscle car. Just look at it: it's style just can't be beat! Nothing has the same mix of sexy curves and pissed off aggression. In my opinion, the best factory American car ever made. The mixing of classic European sports car with American muscle.
by vija1388om
Sun Nov 21 1999Looks good.
by bl84926du
Sun Nov 07 1999My dream car dodge viper blue with white racing stripe
by lard559om
Sun Oct 31 1999Illegal in CT.