Do UFOS and Aliens Really Exist?
Approval Rate: 50%
Reviews 27
by magneticd
Mon Oct 17 2011We're descended from aliens. Most likely, little creeps from space infested (infected?) the atmosphere and soil, eventually adapting into bigger creeps. Then even bigger creeps. Then medium sized creeps. Get used to it, creep. I submit to you the humble tardigrade (moss piglet, water bear). He's sort of a cute little moss-stalking beast, but this thing can take all manner of heat, cold, radiation and even reproduce in space. He's what dragons evolved from. Man's earliest ancestor was the retardigrade (mall shithead, pudding guppy). It dies if it gets too sad. Curse the luck.
by djahuti
Fri Apr 16 2010Where do you think Lady GaGa came from anyway? Cleveland?
by abichara
Fri Apr 16 2010Never seen them personally, but it wouldn't surprise me. After all, considering the vastness of the universe, there has to be other forms of life out there. The odds certainly favor it.
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Mar 29 2010They can't ALL be Baloon Boy.
by misspackrat4je_sus
Tue Oct 21 2008I knew some people who believed they did. But these people read tabloids, too.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Tue Oct 21 2008Ask the FBers. I'm sure they have an answer.
by irishgit
Thu May 01 200830 million hillbillies can't be wrong.
by genghisthehun
Sun Apr 27 2008Extraordinary claims take extraordinary proof, and by that I don't mean a bunch of goobers going on the tube to state "I seen one!" I mean scientific verified proof by competent physicists or aeronautical engineers or both.As to eyewitness testimony, please remember that many folks have seen Elvis, visited with him, and for all I know, backed him up in his band.
by cyclee
Sun Apr 27 2008The people who are skeptical and haven't seen them think those who claimed to have witnessed them are crazy. And the people who are believers because they have seen them are probably, well, crazy. The point is, we are probably never going to convince everyone until they cover our entire sky and bom us with something we don't even recognize.
by numbah16tdhaha
Sun Apr 27 2008I speak wookiee...UPDATE: scoooaor scwo ahww rooohu schucao, rhhuao waoo ahwhwawowowa ah cakworaor ohooooorahwowoUPDATE: fitman, you mock my linguistic skills!?!?!? I must then respond with your own secret weapon so YOU TOO can converse with Chewbacca..., A LINK!UPDATE: Go fig, fitman used it...
by canadasucks
Sat Apr 26 2008Two seperate questions. UFO's are quite silly in the main, but 'aliens'? The two major forms exist - illegal laborers and life on other worlds. . .you betcha.
by lmorovan
Sat Apr 26 2008Of course they exist. In the imagination of writers, cinematographers, sensationalist media. How many more sci fi movies and books you need to read and watch to get convinced?
by xagent
Thu Nov 08 2007I'm sure the conspiracy people have something to say about this.
by reaverto
Sun Jan 21 2007I have not seen any definitive evidence but lots of anecdotal evidence. It is inconceivable to me that we are the only "intelligent" (Even defining intelligence is up for debate, dolphins are supposed to possess intelligence although distinct from humans.) life form in the universe. Whether that same intelligent life could cross light years to reach us is up for debate in my opinion.
by james76255
Thu Aug 25 2005Going by what most people consider a UFO, and not the literal definition, unless one decides to land in the middle of Times Square, this will remain unanswered. I think it's theoretically possible, and I have seen a couple of things that I damn sure couldn't explain. That doesn't prove that it was life from another planet, just that I can't explain it. And just to add... If there are UFOs visiting Earth, they might very well be flying around bigger cities, not just visiting hillbillies. The bigger the city, the brighter the lights, the more difficult it would be to see anything like that in the sky. Possibly, the reason people in BFE see them so often is because they are the only ones that can.
by cherrysoda99
Fri Apr 08 2005A UFO is an unidentified flying object. So if you see something in the sky at night and you don't know what it is , then would it not be and unidentified flying object. UFO's are always linked to aliens, but I don't believe that they should be. I believe in UFO's, but not in aliens.
by ghjkhkjhjkh
Mon Feb 14 2005peter
by jamie_mcbain
Sat Jul 24 2004If they do exist, why go after hillbillies and instead go after people from MENSA and scientists?
by enkidu
Wed Mar 24 2004I don't doubt that the aliens do, somewhere, but the people who believe in UFOs seem even weirder than the aliens are likely to be. A more interesting question is the Fermi Paradox: With billions of galaxies, billions of stars, either there is no other intelligent life, or they can't get here, or they choose not to visit us. Fermi thought that all intelligent life might be self-limiting, and destroy itself, a little the way cancer destroys that body that engenders it, as we have been on the brink of doing for more than half a century. So where are they is a creepy question if you think about it for a bit.
by virilevagabond
Sat Mar 06 2004Given the projected number of stars and planets in the known and unknown universe, it seems highly likely that there is life outside our own solar system. The chances of intelligent life is lower (of course), but still likely again given the size of the universe. UFO's are another matter. Interstellar, much less intergalactic travel seems impractical unless space can be bent somehow and under controlled conditions. Moreover, I tend to gravitate towards the Sagan philosophy, namely that any civilization that has survived long enough to be technologically advanced for interstellar travel must be peaceful.
by fwmorris
Tue Dec 30 2003It's just like you silly earthlings to think your alone within the vastness of the universe. EMPH!
by scarletfeather
Thu Dec 18 2003I tend to think that a logical explanation lurks behind UFO sightings. And perhaps people who claim to have encountered aliens just forgot to take their meds for a while.
by jontheman
Sat Dec 06 2003Aliens almost certainly exist given that life can survive in the most ungodly conditions. As far as UFOs go, they already exist and are created regularly on earth. I'm not talking about flying saucers here but if I tossed a strange object into the air and someone didn't know what it was it would become an Unidentified Flying Object by definition.
by stanuzbeck
Fri Nov 28 2003I met some aliens once. They were real dicks. They came over to my place and managed to eat an entire jar each of mayonnaise and hotdog relish, which they did with their fingers (all eighteen of them), and they mistook my television for some kind of evil robot which they proceeded to destroy with their laser pistols. Man, next time aliens show up at my door I'm gonna pretend I'm not home.
by kamylienne
Sun Nov 16 2003Aliens: Probably. Whether they're anything more than unicellular (or whatever the equivalent would be) is another question. UFO's: Probably not.
by reenyf4b
Fri Nov 14 2003We are not alone!
by tvtator
Thu Nov 13 2003Yes! Ever been to Los Angeles, the state of Arkansas, places in New York and other parts of the country? Ever worked in retail? There's proof that aliens exisit.