Djarum Black

Approval Rate: 89%

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    Sat Jan 23 2010

    very hard cigarettes

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    Tue Nov 17 2009

    love the black cloves, have tried to import, but customs is now confiscating all incoming shipments. I have to wonder, why this ban was really passed. Just another liberty that the government seems to think they can take away. I have done research on making your own. If you google make black clove cigarettes, you can read how other desperate lovers of the cloves are making their own. Haven't tried it yet, but am going to. It just makes me sick, that one of the few things in my life I enjoy, has been taken away by our lawmakers.

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    Wed Oct 21 2009

    I love the original djarum blacks. I was fortunate enough to stockpile some cartons..... Anyone interested... These are considered "collectibles" now, so you may want some for the memories. Let me know.

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    Sun Sep 27 2009

    I hate government. why do they have to take every thing away. I want my old Djarum Black cigarettes back. They renamed it as cigar. and it taste like it, too. That clover taste can never be the same again....

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    Wed Sep 23 2009

    Someone must know how to buy these now? Please?

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    Mon Sep 21 2009

    Last night I flipped out while enjoying my personal favorite clove cigarette ( Djarum Bali Hai ) because everywhere I looked online about cloves it said they were to be banned tomorrow ( September 22nd, 2009 ). I then woke my girlfriend up explaining what I had read and we hauled ass over to our local smoke shop. I stepped into the store with an almost morbid curiosity of if I would find a few packs of my sweet little friends. Well, I have a personal message to everyone who has decided to post the vile comments reguarding the fate of my beloved Kretek's. PEOPLE IT'S NOT THE CASE!!! The owner of the shop was as curious as I was so he called the distributor. The sale of cloves will not be illegal ( atleast for now ). Djarum is finding loopholes to be able to continue the sale of thier products. If they market them as cigars of cigarettes they can get away with it and that is what they're currently doing. So for now we can all calm down. As for my personal review of Djarum Black: I as s... Read more

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    Mon Sep 14 2009

    an extremely addictive and flavorful cigarette comprised of clove, and various other sugary reductions which for some reason helps goths to congregate in the same area and do the same things with said product. an excellent marketing tool to get scene / goth / club kids to smoke these pieces of trash- in my personal experience the delightful sugary taste- wore off after a year of smoking them- after that they started to taste like pepper. fail

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    Sun Aug 30 2009

    does anyone know a good online supplier of the american Djarum Black? The euro ones and indonesian ones are just so different and the Djarum Black cigar thats being introduced to the US doesnt have much of the taste and quality that Black smokers have come to enjoy. Its really sad that in a free county we have to take away the liberties of one to ensure the freedom of another. I AM AN AMERICAN AND ITS MY DECISION WHAT I SMOKE! Don't be silent let congress know what you think about the Kretex ban.

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    Mon Aug 24 2009


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    Sat Aug 15 2009

    I have always hated smoking and never thought I would ever smoke. Well a few days ago that all changed. My friend bought some of these and they smelled amazing so I tried one. I love them. I have only had 3 because I haven't gotten my own pack yet and ' want to take anymore of his, but I will be buying my own tonight. Anyways I think these are amazing.

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    Sun Jul 26 2009

    i love the taste, its a secret tho. u have to find it. i love the crackling sound when you drag. not too harsh, dry but mellow taste. PRETTY DAMN GOOD CIGGS. just picked one up 2day/

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    Mon Jun 22 2009

    Great smokes! I never smoked (...tobacco) on a regular basis before trying these beauties. Great, smooth taste and long lasting. Love at first puff. Far less offensive than any other run of the mill cigarette brand I have ever encountered personally. I too was fed the rumors about fiberglass and coughing up blood soon after trying these. However, a quick bit a research on the web proves those claims completely false. In fact they have less nicotine than average smokes, though admittedly more tar......what do you expect? they burn for like 12 minutes! anyway I would highly suggest at least trying these Christmas flavored goodies if you haven't already. on a side note, I find it hilarious some people below me chose to give these a low rating for reasons relating to personal image. That's not what this page is for, it's a product review you morons.

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    Sat Jun 20 2009

    my friend offered me one the other day because i did not have any cigs. he said they were good but they taste like crap i thought i was gonna vomit. it was almost like inhaling a large cigar. i could not finish it!

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    Sun Jun 07 2009

    these cigarettes have such a unique taste, i love them. i personally don't smoke them all the time because i live in jersey and regular marlboro's cost $7something so a pack so djarums are like $9something. definately need money to enjoy them, currently i want to quit smoking but i will say right before i quit my last pack will be djarums.

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    awesome cigs! i tried these a week ago and instantly fell in love. i've been smoking winstons for 20 years, 3 packs each day. now i smoked these for 5 days, 2 packs a day.

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    Wed May 06 2009

    Absolutely Awesome! Taste is very unique and I love the sweet taste it leaves on your lips like a flavored chapstick or something, Lol! Only bad thing about them to me is that they are so expensive! I paid $8.49 today for a pack. But if you have the cash they are definately worth it! One question though to long time Blacks smokers.. do you guys have trouble packing them due to the black paper or have I just not found the right technique?

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    Wed Apr 29 2009

    Djarum Blacks are simply excellent. I decided to try kreteks on a whim one day (before that I was a Kools guy), and now they are my smoke of choice. I'm a menthol guy, so I totally love it's complex, minty aroma. If you like your straight, no frills Marlboro Reds or Camels you might not like this. But if you like Kool & Camel Crush, and want something new than this is a great choice. The cloves have a very interesting effect in easing and relaxing your lungs. To be honest, these are some of the most inoffensive cigarettes to my lungs I have. Kreteks in general go down very easily, and again the flavour is very enjoyable and rich. It also comes in some other options like Bali Hai and Gold, and none that I've tried have gotten a thumbs down from me. I'm a kretek-guy now I suppose. I think every smoker should give cloves a try, as it's a quite a different experience than a regular cigarette. Not everyone's going to love the black wrapper or the powerful flavour, but it definitely sets it... Read more

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    I love these. They are hard to find (at least where I live) and at the few gas stations they are sold at they are hidden behind the counter... probably because they are so appealing to teenagers. They sell these at a lot more tobacco-related places like Pipefitters and Tobacco Outlet. I personally think they look cool and taste different than any other cigarette. I don't inhale these because of the reason that Juansidious said and I hardly ever smoke them because of the health fact and they are pretty expensive - more than $7 a pack I think? I suggest you give them a try.

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    Mon Feb 23 2009

    Taste wonderful! I don't really inhale these, since that would have about the same health effect as sucking on a car's tailpipe. The smoke is dense and looks beautiful. Great for the occasional french inhale.

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    Sun Feb 22 2009

    They taste pretty good, but I don't get a buzz and the black paper/filter is ugly in my opinion. They are way too expensive for me so I only smoke these when my friend gets them.

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    Wed Dec 31 2008

    I do not consider myself a smoker but I do occassionally smoke these, and they are amazing. The taste of the cloves and the slow burn make them well worth the price, if you ask me! It's all about preference, thought, as some people may not prefer the taste, as they don't taste like regular cigarettes. My advice-at least give them a try!

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    These are nice every once in a while as a break from your regular cigs. They give you a nice head rush, although it's not from nicotine but from the cloves themselves, so you will probably feel it even if you smoke regular cigs. Honestly don't like the taste too much, and they make you sick if you smoke on an empty stomache. I don't know what the trends are in other places but these are sort of the trendy cigarrettes, so you won't usually see me smoking one (at least not in public). I don't like associating myself with the sort of people that think they are more sophisticated because they smoke these. Also they have a lot of tar so smoking too many hurts your lungs. We've all heard the stories of people coughing up blood and such. Good every once in a while, but don't overdo it.

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    Mon Dec 01 2008

    of course, everyone loves the pretty black cigarette, the long burn, the smooth taste, the nifty smell.. but these amazing cloves are like six bucks. and one week, i bought three packs in one day. not because i smoke 60 coves in one day, but because three packs, in a row, literally tasted, smelled like dirt. like someone had rolled up some dried out dirt and lit it up. yes, these are great cigarettes. a bunch of us went out to virgina to stay with some friends for a week. we partied and hung around where ever, and the taste these blacks leave on your lips is awesome for a dry mouth. but if you run out, you're done. no one in the 50 mile radius of this place in virginia sells the things. not a single djarum in the entire state of virginia. so a friend of mine hands me a menthol. i loved these things. the brand. but seriously, once you go black, you really cannot go back. it just does NOT work that way. and then i came home, and everyone was out of blacks. EVERYONE. even specials. they... Read more

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    Tue Nov 18 2008

    This is a very nice cigarette if you enjoy kretek. Blacks are primarily clove, and deliver a very strong, spicy burn. I do not recommend these to a smoker who has never tried kretek however, for this reason. One thing I find satisfying about Blacks is that they burn for a very very VERY long time. Ive smoked a black for ten minutes before it went out and I was very pleased. Overall I feel this cigarette is a success because of the taste, the eugenol buzz, and of course the black color. Very stylish. If anything could be improved, it would be the paper. Although the black does look nice, it makes a harsh burn and that takes away just a bit from the experience. 4/5

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    Tue Nov 18 2008

    These are the best Clove cigs sold in America! Of course they are bad for you, but almost everything is now days. On the good side, I seem to be able to quit Clove Cigs way easier than normal cigs, when I have to. Original Blacks are the best, do not confuse these with Supersmooth Blacks, which lack the full flavor of orginial Blacks.

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    Thu Nov 13 2008

    Fairly strong and leaves a dry, numb aftertaste that makes you want to vomit. The guy below me speaks the truth.

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    Tue Oct 28 2008

    According to the "nutritional information" on my pack, a Black contains: 44.2 - 86 mg of tar 1.73 - 3.24 mg of nicotine 18.1 - 39.5 mg of carbon monoxide 0.0862 - 0.178 mg of formaldehyde 0.312 - 0.538 mg of hydrogen cyanide 0.0947 - 0.142 mg of benzene Where I am, they cost $11.54 CDN (About $8.90 USD or so)In comparison, a Camel has: 14 - 38 mg of tar 1.1 - 3.2 mg of nicotine 14 - 32 mg of carbon monoxide 0.039 - 0.12 mg of formaldehyde 0.15 - 0.39 mg of hydrogen cyanide 0.044 - 0.075 mg of benzene They cost $10 CDN even, or roughly $8 USDSo Blacks are even more harmful and more expensive than regular cigarettes... That said, the eugenol makes them the only ones I can reliably smoke without getting coughing fits. Admittedly, they taste great, and at first they provide quite the buzz. Addicted as I may be, and enjoyable as they are, in the end it would be better if they were not a part of my life.

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    Thu Oct 23 2008

    My favorite smoke at any time. Tastes great and the eugenol from the cloves makes all of the harshness numb and unfeeling. Gives a decent enough rush and doesn't make you smell nearly as bad as other, much worse cigarettes like Marlboros.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    A friend of mine got a pack of these from the gas station he works at. I gave one a try and they are pretty good. They are smooth and easy to inhale. However I think inhaling these changes the flavor a bit. It's better when puffed into the mouth and puffed out the nose like a cigar or a pipe. I smoked Camels for 2 years and then quit. So my lungs had healed by the time I tried these.  I would not smoke them as my regular though. Every now and then when I see my friend I will bum one from him. Before I quit smoking entirely my main brand was Lucky Strike. I don't see this brand getting me back into smoking though.

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    These are ok if they are the ones that I am thinking of they have like a cinnamon taste its pretty neat but not for me on a daily basis.

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    Tue Sep 09 2008

    Buy them online direct from Indonesia, far cheaper than any local place. Around central Florida local places sell from $4.25 all the way to $7.00. Look around online and you can get a 16-pack for $2.33 or less. If you're a high school brat who just smokes for an image, go shoot yourself in the face.

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    Tue Aug 05 2008

    Does anyone every feel any psychological differences when you use Djarum Blacks?

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    Tue Aug 05 2008

    They are good and like  OUgrizz, they taste like christmas. I blew out my nose today and it made everything smell like perfume. They taste good They are very good and are cheap around here. I have found, though, that you can't smoke a lot of them in a short period of time. They burn your throat and chest. That's why I only give them a 4. I can't smoke them pack to pack. I only buy them for parties and special occasions.

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    Wed Jul 30 2008

    They taste like Christmas and dreams!

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    Wed Jul 16 2008

    Nothing beats Black

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    Sun Jun 15 2008

    I love these.  The specials taste a little better in my opinion, but nothing beats the design of these.  I'd recommend these to anyone.  Many people don't like the smell/taste of cloves but I find it truly amazing and ultimately relaxing.  I buy a pack of these on occasion but I don't smoke them constantly.

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    Thu Jun 05 2008

    These are a good way to wet your feet in the kretek market, and arguably one of the better smokes. I have tried many different brands though, and these certainly look cool. But the best kretek I have tried after experiementing with many is the Gudang Garam Professional. Their other offerings are too pleasant, but that one itself is great!

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    Wed May 28 2008

    These are awesome.  But not by any means a "back to back" smoke.The buzz is great, and the cloves do relax you, and even more if you break off the filter!

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    Sun Apr 27 2008

    very smooth and tasty, not at all harsh, pretty good but a little pricey

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    Fri Apr 18 2008

    they suck. like really bad. all kretek cigs make me sick to my stomach and give my mouth a weird feeling similar to kotton mouth. id rather smoke a pack of newports back to back then smoke ONE of these.

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    Tue Mar 25 2008

    disgusting, harsh, odd taste, over priced, more tar, half the n icotine of a regular cig.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    when i was around 15 i smoked one of these for the first time and was told that they have fiberglass in them, they make you cought up blood, and all sorts of other garbage. 2 days ago at a party someone gave me one and after i got home i did some research online about them and found out that everything i was told 6 years ago was complete garbage and i had no reason to not smoke these! yes they do have more tar in them than normal cigarettes, but there is no fiberglass and studies showed that there was absolutely no difference found in people who smoked these than people who smoked normal cigs. these taste amazing and are extremely smooth, cant even feel it on the throat! i like the look of these but i prefer the djarum specials.

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    Sun Mar 02 2008

    I LOVE THEM I agree with expressmoker

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    Wed Feb 20 2008

    i have been smoking these occasionally for about 7-8 years and i personally will NOT smoke anything else, forget it! i like to just taste the filter for a minute before lighting it up, then apply a match to hear that sweet,crisp crackling sound as i inhale the first puff. after about three or so, my head feels light and with the combined effects of alcohol, there is no other feeling like it. i too am not a smoker so i give credit to that for my excess 'buzz'. i personally hate cigarettes but since i have introduced these to all of my friends, thats all any of them smoke. i would not recommend smoking these as an every day smoker, i guarantee you they are twice as harmful as a regular cigarette, i tend to look at it like a glass of wine. like wine, it is something to be enjoyed on certain occasions, but not consumed on a regular basis. overall 10/10 for a 'cigarette', even though i consider it strictly a clove and would never call it a cigarette. i would recommend them to anyone, smoker... Read more

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    Tue Feb 19 2008

    smell good taste good super smooth all around awesome

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    Thu Feb 07 2008

    pretty good, really sweet. A friend of mine gave me hal a pack becaus e he was quitting. Dont smoke these on an ampty stomach though, I had one, then on the second one I though I was going to trow up. Pretty good though, they dont  leave much of a smell on you though. Really smooth

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    Wed Feb 06 2008

    I love these smokes! I love the taste, smell, and even the sound they make when inhaled. The only thing I don't like is there is more visible tar on the filter than a normal smoke, but that's prob coz they burn longer.

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    Tue Feb 05 2008

    Awesome taste. A great aroma, smooth hit, cherry flavoring. A bit pricey but worth it.