Divorce Court

Approval Rate: 76%

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    Mon Dec 26 2011

    This show is great for amusement. Some of the people are just so funny. But this is a fair judge, she doesn't pick favorites prior to sitting in her chair to judge the participants.

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    Fri Oct 17 2008

    I love Judge Toler. One can learn much from her wisdom that she spreads on the show

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    I think Judge Toler and Joe make a great team. She has a heart of gold and she helps out when she can.

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    Thu Oct 04 2007

    It was much better when mablean ephraim was on, now it just seems like the mew judge is just a copycat, not really herself, its just not the same.When you think of divorce court, you think of Mablean, plain and simple.

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    Wed Jan 31 2007

    outstanding job! you do good work and i love it. holla back ya girl dap from vidalia, ga

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    Fri Sep 29 2006

    I liked Maybelline and I like the new Judge Toler. Their styles are different, I actually like Toler better because she seems as though she really cares about the people and tries to get the couples to try harder, give their marriage another chance if they're divorcing over trivial matters and are good people. She also relates well and get personal talking about her own life, marriage, husband, kids, etc. She is very smart, of course, or she wouldn't be a Judge. And she is very wise about life. To me she is like Dr. Phil and a Judge wrapped up in one! She must have took some psychology courses along the way. She is also someone you can imagine being your mom - except, I am as old as she is I suspect. The new Judge is great! She is like someone I'd love to be in my life as friend. Very nice and caring person. Oh, she can be funny also, not the obvious kind of humor, playing for the tv. But a natural humor in just telling her own little stories. Like when the couple was divorcin... Read more

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    Thu Sep 14 2006

    oh please please please bring her right back i need to see her , she has been an inspiration to me because she brings enlightment to the truth about marriage and divorce. please bring her back

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    Mon Sep 11 2006

    I really liked Mayblean but will have to give replacement a chance tho so far, ain't no Mayblean!

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    Fri Aug 11 2006

    Judge Maybeline is wonderful. An inspiration to all. She is smart, compassionate, and funny. Her viewers can learn a lot from her. She has my utmost respect. This is the best court show on TV.

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    Sun Jul 02 2006

    More boring than anything. The judge tries to be authoritative but it doesn't suit her. Suits Judge Judy more.

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    Sun Jul 02 2006

    I love Maybelline. She has a lot of wisdom although this last season she's been playing to the audience.

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    Fri Feb 24 2006

    If you're a man, don't watch this. We can't win, even when we are right. Some army guy was lied to by his girlfriend and her 2 kids weren't his and the judge still ordered him to pay child support! That's not fair! The show often turns into a gossip show."Well how big is his penis gurl?" "Gurl your man like to wear pantyhose?" A lot of the cases are...well strange. You have business looking guys dressing in drag, and you have ugly, scrawny dudes strippers! Is Jerry Springer a ghost writer for this show?

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    Fri Aug 19 2005

    I love Mayblean Ephrim and I love when she says look deep before you leap. The only gripe I have is that she just needs to leave them wigs alone. The one she had on last week looked like a nest that was occupied by porcupines.

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    Sat May 14 2005

    this is only for entertainment and i watch it at 4am when i cant sleep cuz its the only thing thats on

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    Mon Dec 20 2004

    I don't know how Judge Mablean does it. She deals with some pretty tough customers - she may not change the most stubborn and pigheaded ones, but she at least puts them on notice that she don't tolerate their crap the way their beleaguered partners do - and her insights into interpersonal relationships are wisdom that everyone can use. She comes across as Everymother, beyond racial or socioeconomic separations, and when I found out she had 1000 episodes to her credit, I was annoyed that this incredible milestone was given only a half-hour episode - they should have had a 10-episode weeklong celebration instead! But long may she and her man Joe continue to try to help people find their way out of their problems - it's an area where more, not less assistance is needed. I'll listen to her before I do Oprah, that's for sure!

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    Thu Nov 18 2004

    Much better than other daytime shows

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    Wed Sep 01 2004

    The judge is great. She is real, personal, and I believe that she cares about the couples in her court.

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    Mon Nov 17 2003

    Perhaps the best of the numerous court shows that are inundating daytime lineups and eating away at the now by-gone traditions of the daytime repeats and daytime games, this one is more useful that one would believe. I make a mental list of all the dumb things that the people do to cause divorces, and add them to my list of things never to do (some examples include never having an affair, never stop giving gifts after the marriage among many others). As for the judge, she's funny and witty, and doesn't take anything from anybody, regardless of race or gender. The set is kind of bland and the theme song is terrible, but the announcer is alright. I can't give any reality show a 5, so this one gets a 4.

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    Wed Aug 20 2003

    this is my favorite court program. the part i don't care for is the end when the couples comment as they are walking out. that part seems very made up. i would to see some new cases.

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    Mon Jun 02 2003

    The judge is real and she's the bomb!! A great inspiration to Women and society.

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    Sun Jun 01 2003

    Unfortunetly I had to give this 1 star only because you have to just to reply,otherwise its not worthy of a rating at all. This court show should cease to exsist A.S.A.P. If this is what you have to go thru to get divorced its better to make ammends with your spouse.Its noisy,she allows litigants to speak to each other and to argue back and fourth.I replied earlier on the Peoples Court Rate it and totaly forgot this one because I thought it was off the air.Also this Judge Talks as if she has a limited vocabulary and was absent in her english classes. If this show is still running then its because she knows someone or has stock in the company that airs it.

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    Tue May 27 2003

    Now this show is just sad...

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    Sat Apr 12 2003

    When they record the funniest moments in the history of TV in the year 2020, they will have to include The Case of the Pretty Purple Penis. That episode in itself gives Divorce Court 4 stars.

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    Thu Feb 20 2003

    Some of the people who air their dirty marital laundry on this show make me cringe. (They should be on Springer's freak show.) I think the judge is pretty cool and I usually agree with her decisions, but I don't enjoy the show all that much.

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    Mon Feb 03 2003

    real married people actually live like this.....AND want to go on television to show it?????.....This show has to have been inspired by the great Jerry Springer

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    Fri Jan 31 2003

    I don't get off watching people's marital woes being exposed on national TV, I think it's degrading and sick.

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    Tue Dec 31 2002

    barely watchable. the way they interview the people coming out of the courtroom as they're walking is stupid .the cases are sometimes mildly entertaining but rarely. the little office chat between the judge and the no personality baliff are retarded . and the comments at the very end are straight outta jenny jones

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    Wed Nov 27 2002

    I think the judge is an inspiration to all young black females

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    Wed Aug 22 2001

    not as bad as other court stories

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    Mon Jun 25 2001

    She yells too much, the cases are as weird and annoying as her.

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    Wed Apr 11 2001

    Divorce Court is staring to wear out and get a bit old these days, but it is still as funny and stupid to watch. It's very entertaining, and it sure beats Joe Brown.