
Divorce existed in antiquity, dating at least back to ancient Mesopotamia. (Wikipedia)

Approval Rate: 39%

39%Approval ratio

Reviews 47

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    Tue Apr 16 2013

    i believe when you marry someone you marry them for life. ofcourse there are times when divorce is the right answer but way too many people use it for a way out or as an excuse. marriage is a big deal dont do it if you dont want to be with that person for life.

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    Sat Feb 16 2013

    Keep it. People deserve to leave each other.

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    Thu Apr 26 2012

    Want to avoid it? Don't get married in the first place...

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    Thu Apr 26 2012

    It's not something that people are hoping for when they get married. However, my divorce was the best thing I could ever do. If hadn't gotten divorced, I might not be alive today. I know in a lot of cases that people are better off being divorced than married. Hell, one friend of mine is best friends with his ex-wife, they just couldn't be married. Also, people who stay together for the sake of the kids, sometimes that is worse than an actual divorce, kids know you aren't happy...

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    Wed Apr 25 2012

    I'm against this one. Why even go out with someone if there is no true love. First learn how to love someone else more than yourself before asking or pondering the marriage concept. Divorces hurt everybody! Yourself, the other partner, your children, your family, friends, everyone get hurt. Many people however tend to use someone so they can get stuff and money out of it in the divorces and this is so disgustingly wrong. It is a sin as well! God meant for us to stay together not break apart like we are just throw away nothings.

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    Sun Mar 11 2012

    Not a big fan of it, but sometimes it has to be done. Better to divorce than to stay together in a bad relationship.

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    Fri Sep 23 2011

    It can help women to overcome a passive situation in many cases, especially in some countries which consider men's rights as priority.

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    Sat Mar 05 2011

    No problem with it tbh;)

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    It's either that or try and figure out a way to off your ex with out doing serious jail time!

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    Tue Dec 08 2009

    I bet divorce prevents more murders per year than the NYPD,Chicago PD,Detroit PD,Miami PD and Scotland Yard all rolled into one.

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    If you hate someone (or if its just not working, found someone better, etc.), why be with them?

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    Fri May 29 2009

    If your personal situation has come to the point where you are considering divorce, I really don't think you are spending a lot of time thinking about it's overall impact on society.  Society is grown up and can look after itself.

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    Tue May 26 2009

    Divoce sometimes helps, but if the other is mad, they still might come back for the other, even after the divorce.

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    Sun May 03 2009

    Divorce is better than someone hurting someone else!

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    Wed Apr 29 2009

    In my own experience, getting married is something like buying a houseplant. You buy it cause it's beautiful & you look forward to watching it grow & bloom. But then you realize you've gotta water the damn thing every day, prune it, give it nutrients, make sure it's getting the right amount of light..if you just expect it to sit there & look pretty all by itself, surprise--it wilts & dies. If you're not willing to put the work into it, stick to dating, which is more like..renting a cactus? Of course there are extenuating circumstances--partner is abusive, children are better off in a less volatile environment, etc. But by & large, seems to me we live in an era where people demand instant gratification in all aspects of life, & are all too eager to "upgrade" to something new the moment things aren't going their way. I think it's sad that divorce has become such a widely accepted social custom to so many people.

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    Wed Apr 29 2009

    It's hard for both parties when this to happens!!! Some divorce is because of abusive behaviors, others because of their own wants or because they realized that he or she is just not what they thought they would be!!! In my opinion most divorces are because of a selfish wants or desires with a few exceptions. When children are affected by divorce it can in most cases be detrimental. It affects their schooling and their general attitude on life! Now children recover and have that uncanny ability to bounce back. But it can be as traumatizing for them, as the for couple divorcing! Now I do understand that with some divorces, it can be the best thing for all. But being pro marriage I find divorce a distasteful thing in my mouth! But then again I'm in a very good marriage and love what I have! I would never wish divorce upon anyone, especially those who have kids. But would strongly advise counsel before throwing the towel in!!! Yes I feel it is harmful, but also feel it can bring freedom f... Read more

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    Wed Apr 29 2009

    I know it's wrong to do this, but I have a hard time not judging people who get divorced. Deep down, I know that divorce is the right option for a lot of people -- and for the welfare of their kids. But I also have a tough time shaking this very cynical view I've always had, that too many people get married with naive expectations about riding off into the sunset, and that divorce provides them an easy way out -- at their kids' expense. I hear and give credit to the argument that an unhappy marriage creates a bad environment for kids. But do single-parent homes always make for better environments? Might kids (mis-) construe divorce as a message that it's okay to walk away from family?

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    Mon Apr 13 2009

    Divorce should be avoided if possible. But sometimes there are violent spouses, control freaks, or those that abuse the youngest of our society. Divorce is never easy, never pretty and very costly, but staying in it for the children often does more harm than good.

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    Wed Mar 18 2009

    Alot of people are getting married to soon in their relationship......... make sure that the person you want to marry is someone that you want to grow old with...... otherwise, stick to dating

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    Up date: People arent strong anymore, so they take the easy way out. I see WAY too many kids that get stuck in the middle. Marriage has become a joke. Not like the old days. Your supposed to stick together through the good times and bad times. Thats what your wedding vows are for "Till death do us part". Nowa days one big fight, and its over. I only think divorce is acceptable if its been several yrs, and its just getting worse. After like 6 months or a yr? Give me a break. You shouldnt rush. Especially people that were married more then 3 times. I guess they really know how to pick em.

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    I don't agree with divorce, although I know it is a sad reality these days. The only time I feel that is the only way to fix the problem is when there is abuse, then I say "get out quick"! A lot of times it comes because there is a lack of communication, or stress because of money problems, and in those cases, there are things you can do to work through those issues. Even in the case of infidelity, I am a believer in forgiveness, to a certain point--and in this case I'd say marital counseling is the best thing to do, because stress and lack of communication is usually what leads to cheating. I don't think it's a sin or anything, some relationships just don't last forever, but I do think that a good portion of the time people give up, they stop talking, they get wrapped up in their jobs, the kids, etc. Communication is the first step to deciding if you really want to divorce or if you just want a quick fix.

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    Mon Feb 23 2009

    Depends on the situation...

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    Sat Feb 21 2009

    maybe you should get to know the person before you go and chain yourself to them?

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    even the two dont jive...better to be apart

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    I think with the pop culture, and divorce becoming trendy i believe it's hurtful. When you get married, you share everything, a house, children, finances, cars, and more. A divorce often divides those up, causing problems with banks, children grow up with issues, finances are split, often with child support, alimony, and more. It's a dangerous situation, all around. And no one comes out of divorce unharmed.

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    It's great, remember that Blink 182 song? without divorce we wouldn't of had that masterpiece.

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    I agree with divorce...but I think its more expensive to divorce than it is to get married majority of the time..People need to think clearly before they choose who to marry so that they can divorce less maybe

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    Crappy review. If the marriage sucks get out. If your happy why ask. The kids will be just fine!!!!!

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    I think it hurts morally, but sometimes it is just time to move on. Love can run it's course and over time it can take it's leave. But how people just get married on a whim these days... do vows mean nothing?

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    If your unhappy... divorce!

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    People should try to work things out - but staying married for your children is as stupid as having the children because your marriage is in trouble.

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    This is a tricky one...I think that marriage and divorce are taken far to lightly...and as a whole that has a negative effect on society. People jump in to quick and jump out with out working on the marriage. However, there are instances when divorce is the healthiest option for everyone involved. Morally, our country is becoming bankrupt.,

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    Im down the middle here. I think some use divorce to not try as hard in a marriage but sometimes it is necessary.

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    I think that til death do us part means something but if that death may come sooner because of your spouse then you should get a divorce

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    Sat Oct 04 2008

    You can only take so much shit from one person before killing becomes an option, lol.

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    Thu Oct 02 2008

    I think it's gonna continue to be detrimental until people postpone marriage rather than rely on divorce; the ease of obtaining one and the dissolving stigma make it a handy alternative to working hard and/or waiting until one's mature enough to get married. Not that I don't advocate it. Absolutely, it does have a purpose for liberating men and women from the bonds of tyranny in all its forms. But it's not a joke.

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    i was raised by a single mother, who raised 15 children, so i've never been effected by divored parents.

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    Tue Sep 30 2008


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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    Divorce will usually make someone happy and someone miserable but if it's amicable then that's cool.  Mr. Powell from Charles in Charge stated that "married women are just single women w/husbands."

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    ok when it needs to be

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    you get married, you work it out, that or your a dumb ass for not knowing the person fully before marriage....get a house with them, its the relationship tester

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    good for someone single bad for everybody else

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    If it doesn't work, then it simply doesn't work... but I disagree with the seriousness of commitment and marriage being trivialized because divorce is a "popular/commonplace" option on the table.

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    Sometimes it is a great thing!!

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    If were married to my husband you'd divorce to.

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    Come on people. Either live with someone first in order to get to know them, or stick and work it out.

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    devorce helps sociaty somewhat but It also hurts alot of people. however I think it would hurt people even more if they had to stay in a relationship that was not good.