Approval Rate: 74%

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    Mon Dec 05 2011

    Bought my DGK about a week or so ago. I was too dumb and too pissed over the fact that my Plan B had just snapped, and I forgot to see if the board was worped or anything before I bought it. By the time I got my trucks on and got to the park, it was too late. Board is super fucking worped, but it actually doesn't really effect my skating. This board is still one of the best decks I've ever bought. Mellow concave (which I like), pop for days, and not too heavy, yet not too light. My tres are better than ever, and I've got a few new tricks since I bought this board. Even though mine is worped as fuck, it's my own fault for 1. buying from zumiez (which is sin) and 2. not checking it before I bought. I would for sure recommend DGK to all my friends. And all this bullshit I hear about DGK being for black people and that just because they're mainly known for their clothing and they can't make boards is absolute crap. Their team is amazing and so are their boards.

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    DGK Rules!!!!!

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    Tue Jan 12 2010

    I just looked down this list and saw some freakin ridiculous reviews, so i thought id add my own. First off, some bagel reckons DGK is only for black people; yeah go tell Wade Desarmo that. Second, people are saying they are 'bad for shoves'. How can a board be bad for shoves?!? I had the DGK marked black deck and i can certainly say they have great pop, its pretty similar to that of Baker and Sk8mafia, and the concave is pretty damn big. I had my DGK for 3 months, then a huge chip came on the tail; not the decks fault though, i credit carded bad and my weight on the tail de-laminated the plys in a way. The deck, apart from that held out really well, and ive just ordered the DGK classic in white and purple. I hope this review helped, peace.

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    Sat Dec 12 2009

    I got a DGK for my Christmas present and it is beast. I got Thunder Trucks and Spitfire wheels and Speed Demon bearings. It has lots of pop and medium concave. best board by far i ever rode. I'm poppin Lazer Flips like no other.

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    Fri Jul 31 2009

    im not really a fan of it but my cousin had it and he said it was awesome he had so much big ollies but it snap to fast i dont really know dgk i never riden one but i heard lots of good things bout it i have a zero board with spitfire wheels and thunder trucks and its pretty awesome but when that snaps ima get a Zoo York deck i recommend zero dgk and i very much recomend Zoo York! Hopes This helps Ya!

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    Thu May 28 2009

    Ive Ridden My friends DGK deck, sooo nice, love that shit. It dosent really matter if you black asian or white, you can always enjoi Dirty Getto Kids.

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    Tue May 26 2009

    I just got the DGK stevie williams chain deck. its a real good deck, nice pop and concave is medium. Its a little heavy but not too much. Its a great deck i recommend it. People saying its for blacks only are stupid. DGK skate team has 3 blacks, 1 mexican, and 1 white. So these decks are for anyone. BTY: im Mexican...

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    Sat May 23 2009

    WHATS WITH THE RACISM! DGK is for anyone! and they're sick too! really good pop, last long and they have sick designs! :)

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    Mon May 11 2009

    They @#$%ing suck. Its heavy, i has no pop, It is soggy. I would rather glue trucks and wheels to a four foot long surfboard than to ride that piece of s**t. Just please son't suffer like me.

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    Fri May 08 2009

    dgk steeviee williams 2009 destruckto 100 dollar bill trucks death wheels and bones swiss bairings good for street and park no good for vert cuzz thats just silly !

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    ae'rnt they for gangsters?

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    Thu Feb 12 2009

    I thought about buying one, but wait I`m white :D So I might get an Organika. but i tried my friends dgk and I liked it(: good boards

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    nice and light but could have better pop and concave

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    Mon Sep 22 2008

    shoud i get a dgk or zero plz help me

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    my dgk wade desarmo fallen deck with tupac on it, is absolutely perfect. Ive been riding on it for about 2 months, and it feels like it has more pop than it did when i bought it! Dgk boards are sick, underrated, and, grade a quality. Definately a must buy!

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    Dgk's are good. great pop, shape, and feel to the board. Like the designs too.

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    Wed Sep 10 2008

    Love the designs. I had a alien workshop skull frog deck, sucked ass, so i borrowed my friends dgk. It was effin amazing. Havent rode any other brand since. Dgk's rock. So much pop!

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    Tue Aug 19 2008

    dgk has good pop,concave,and durability and best of all... its forALL races if you dont think so then your gay or racist sereously

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    Sat Aug 16 2008

    Hey stupid the decks are made by the kayo corporation not reebok. Kayo also produces expedition one and organica. LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!1

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    Mon Jul 14 2008

    DGK are shit and anyway who would buy a deck made by  reebok

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    Sun Jun 29 2008


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    Fri Jun 13 2008

    do u get like harsed if u buy one and your white

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    Wed May 21 2008

    OKAY dgks were good i feel like all boards have the same pop in a way like its all skill but this board felt differnt   i mean  i could olie much higher good shovit  tricks and nice concave chips easly

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    Mon Apr 07 2008

    the best deck i skated yet!!! these things have awesome pop, plus i learned to flip em nicely. really good feel overall, lots of control while maintaining shape and pop... not too much concave so the shoves and manuals are natural ---chipped easily im not gonna lie---

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    Sat Apr 05 2008

    its the best deck i fucking had..lasted me about 6-7months and still had pop and rode good..jus got a pressure crack finally

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    Mon Mar 31 2008

    are DGKs for gang sters please reply i dont know what to get?

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    I have had 3 DGKs and so have the rest of my friends. Iv skated each deck every where possible. Staires, drops, hard streets, and even the smooth park. I love the dgks for about the first week becaouse that whn they still have there pop and flick. But then after that it started to chip and pressure cracks appeard fast. The board still keept its pop and scoop but i basicaly had no tail left. So wht im trying to tell u guys is that there good boards but they chip to fast. I went with habitat but they got pressure cracks to soon. Im about to try expedition 1 because there basicaly the same as DGKs but stronger. If not i might go with alien wrk shops.

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    i order my DGK  deck this week so when it comes ima bless ya with a review i hope my shit is better then my almost

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    Mon Feb 18 2008

    DGK are beast i mean there good really great pop and great pop like its beast  and it strong to but it has bad shove it o and its hard to shove it but if u get your shove its good u should not have a prob

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    Sat Jan 26 2008

    i bought one yesterday. i got the dirty ghetto pops team board and its sick. for all you fags who are saying its only for black people you should be punished. theres like 2 white people on the team, one black guy, and a mexican. there graphics on there boards are just more urban then your standard flaming skull... im black, i got one. i know white friends who have them, they're for everyone. overall DGK boards are strong, good shaped, fairly light. so stop the bitching and skate.

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    Sun Jan 06 2008


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    Sat Nov 03 2007

    ive had my DGK for 3 months and its starting to break. but other then this problem, my DGK has been nothing but amazing. this deck is not for only black people.these decks are simply amazing and i recommand skaters who have been skating for about 3-6 months to get this.and for the future... DGK stands for Dirty Ghetto Kids. no dirty ghetto kandy.

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    Fri Oct 12 2007

    Only good for niggas:)

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    Wed Aug 08 2007

    lots of pop very sturdy normal whiet,over all a good board

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    Fri Jul 06 2007

    neaver had one but all the fake rappers that try to skate have themwas i helpfulYesNo

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    Mon Jul 02 2007

    niggas only SUX im black btw so dont kill me

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    Fri Jun 01 2007

    DGK seems pretty lame cuz its all gangsta and shit but they decks are sooo nice. they pop super high and theyre strong like a mofo. they take awhile to get good flip but after its smooth sailing from there

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    Tue Apr 24 2007

    i jus got my dirty ghetto kandy board by stevie williams its awsome like my zoo york which had snap though

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    Thu Jan 04 2007

    shoot i my dgk right here near me and im black to but dat really doznt matta they got mad pop on em and are all around good. inspired by Stevie Williams. he B^ Po55in bout 3feet in da air

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    Mon Dec 25 2006

    nooooooo way i heard about this board i heard all bad no good

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    Mon Dec 18 2006

    DGK is AWESOME! My friend has one and he can ollie to his waist! It has freakin' awesome pop. Go Stevie!

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    Wed Oct 25 2006

    This board is the best i sejust that u get it

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    Tue Jun 20 2006

    i just bout a dirty ghetto kids deck and it is awesome and i liked it better then my element

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    Sun Jan 15 2006

    Pretty good shape

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    Fri Dec 09 2005

    good only for black people...though...no offense

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    Mon Jul 11 2005

    I just got a DGK and wow it flips great slides smooth and has good pop. Also they are quite strong.

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    Thu Feb 24 2005

    i just got a DGK but its one of the best boards ive ever had. Dirty ghetto kids, HOLLA!!!