Approval Rate: 49%
Reviews 0
by misspackrat4je_sus
Wed May 12 2010Nothing but trouble, only out to torment and oppress. Wish there were a way to give zero stars.
by christaxi
Thu Apr 15 2010Lucifer is his name. He is not an angel but a cherub, which is much bigger than an angel. He has the face of an Ox ( ever hear of Holy Cow?) He has bat like wings with hands at the ends if you can call them that, more like claws. If you read your bible from the beginning in Genesis you find Satan(Gods adversary) in the Garden of Eden tempting Eve with the fruit. If you read the rest of the bible you find out why he was in the garden in the first place. Lucifer was God Anointed cherub, to be anointed was a special extra thing done for him by God. He was Gods covering cherub and he worshipped God. He was Gods greatest creation. He also apparently was in the world before humans arrived during that creation week. God created angels and heavenly creatures for his pleasure, just like he created mankind. Lucifer failed the test just like Adam. Lucifer was in the same garden that Adam and Eve were in, just years earlier. God destroyed that world as well, by a flood just as he did in the days ... Read more
by ayn9b559
Thu Apr 15 2010Speaking strictly from a Biblical standpoint, the Devil is a pretty pathetic character. It seems he can't do much without God's permission. (Job) For Christians Lucifer is an angel who fell from grace because of his pride. For Muslims, the devil (Iblis) is an angel who fell because he refused to bow down to humans. For Jews, the Satan works for God as the epitome of temptation. He is the challenger, the one who makes choosing between good and evil a hard enough choice that it becomes meaningful. In the future, the Devil is a robot played by Dan Castellaneta. Futurama's real, right?
by christina7250
Wed Sep 24 2008master of all lies......
by livvyloo
Sat Sep 06 2008Fallacies like what? Sex? Real food? Yahweh opposes the human nature that he supposedly created. "Satan" was misunderstood. Just read Anne Rice's "Memnoch, the Devil".
by roarofthunder
Wed Aug 20 2008Are we reviewing George W. Bush here or something?
by river2
Fri Aug 15 2008I hate the devil
by melanie
Tue Jul 15 2008bad, but very real
by valkyrievoice
Sat Jul 12 2008I believe there's a Satanic force amoungst us and if it's to go by the Biblical version of a "devil", or, "Satan/Lucifer", so be it. He's got awesome power(s) and minions who'll do his bidding at every turn. I respect Satan. I don't revere him in any shape or form.
by eric_offshore_drilling_is_cool
Sat Jul 05 2008Evil fool
by rachfc69
Thu Jul 03 2008EVIL!!!!!
by mantyplayer
Thu May 22 2008well, without him special effects in movies would suck, and we would be short a few episodes of futurama, but you know, he's tom weinert's hero, so yeah.
by myspace_30849171
Wed May 07 2008I think he is used to hold the people down
by samantha
Fri Apr 11 2008He could be real...he could be what is to blame on all of our problems, but I believe in cause and effect more than blaming things on Satan. I believe in negative entities. However I believe that Lucifer was a fallen angel and was cast out of Heaven. I believe him to be Satan but I don't know if he's the root of all of our problems.
by genghisthehun
Wed Apr 09 2008Loads of symbolism here, to say the least. This being seems to change over the course of the Bible.
by lmorovan
Tue Apr 08 2008The archenemy of mankind and of God, Satan's fate is his eternal doom in the Lake of Fire.
by irishgit
Tue Apr 08 2008Doesn't get as many good lines as he does in Paradise Lost, but still a solid character.
by binnietheblood_ybooh
Wed Mar 26 2008A laugh riot, you gotta love Ole' Scratch!
by schadenfreudia_nslip
Thu Apr 12 2007He merely puts the temptation there? I can get that from any flirtatious woman or master chef. If that's how Satan operates he's a lamer.
by pugwash01
Thu Apr 12 2007UPDATE: 04/12/2007 He is certainly NOT lame, not by any means! The Devil can't make you sin or fail, but he can make SIN look good, exciting, not so bad, even sugar coat it!!!!! Without understanding everyones responsibility towards God, you will never understand what the Devil does and why!!!! He is very good at what he does!!!!He is the tempter of tempters!!!! The Devil is responsible for putting the temptation there; it is YOU who are responsible for the snatching of the bait!!! The Devil makes you do nothing, you do the choosing!!! Sin can only be done, if you willingly choose to do it!!!
by moosekarloff
Tue Mar 20 2007He has a much better role in Milton's "Paradise Lost."
by traderboy
Sat Apr 08 2006Only as "wicked", "influential", and/or "powerful" as the deities who create them allow for. Our current visual depictions of Old Nick show a true cross-pollination of cultural imagination: the goatee is Spanish, the hand-held gig is Roman, and the hairy-legged, cloven-hooved "manimal" is a pre-Christian Germanic interpolation (which cast Lucifer as a friend to lumberjacks and wayward soldiers). The Bible owes its advent of "Lusty Dick" to the Zoroastrian concept, which was heavily borrowed upon by the Apocryphal writings of early Judaism (represented as an impulsive urge, to be confounded by the blown shofar on Rosh Hashanah). "The Adversary" in Hebrew, and shown to be Yahweh's cabana boy throughout scripture (Numbers 22:22, 1st Samuel 29:4, etc.); casually shows up with the other "ben Elohim" in Job 1:6-8, a real slice of Limburger where the Omniscient One has the disingenous gall to ask "where he's been". Often portrayed as inhabiting the mentally ill or physically impaired in the N... Read more
by joshua_01
Sun Jan 01 2006The only thing worse then a coward is a coward with power. The devil is a loser and will never defeat in anything unless u let him(trust me i know) i dont know why he wants to mess with everyones mind man he knows hes gonna go to hell whenever jesus decides to come back.
by jaws298b
Mon Nov 28 2005He looks good on my motorcycles.
by scarletfeather
Mon Nov 28 2005I tend to skepticism but sometimes I think this dude is alive and well.
by rowbite
Thu Oct 06 2005Satans a jerk.
by planetarygear
Tue Sep 06 2005Sorry gang, not interested in theosophical discussions here, just thought I'd celebrate my 666th post in the most logical fashion I could think of..
by canadasucks
Tue Apr 05 2005Pick one. The 'serpent' in genesis isn't named Satan although it is assumed. . .should they be separated? Not being a smart-ass, it's a real question. . .
by usilly
Tue Apr 05 2005lasagnabro, ur a weirdo...satan is a loser
by lasagnabro
Sun Feb 27 2005he's such a great character, a perfect example of what not to be in life. without his example and mininons of followers what would the world of today be? i mean, no rapes, murders, abortions would be borrrrrrrrring. he's da best!
by tocwelsh
Tue Feb 08 2005The Pits.................
by gentle_jude
Thu Feb 03 2005The evil one's life story is very interesting. God didn't creat the devil, Lucifer did, think about it! The devil is an absolute scum bag whome God hates. What makes the devil such a scum was because, eg, when you get a really evil, violent person, you can say Jesus' prayer at the cross Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Because usually, hurting people hurt other people. Bad people really are ignorent and mere humans, that is partly why God has so much mercy on us. But what is so foolish about the evil one was the fact that he had things perfectly. Lucifer didn't know what suffering or death was, he had a blissful life. But because of his selfish pride, he gave it all up and knowingly made himself to be everything that God hated (evil, violent, lieing, hateful, vile etc). He has no excuse. In Ezekiel 28, God called him a deluded fool who was going to have a terrible death (and in Eze 28, God's main focus wasn't an earth king, but Bible commentaries believe th... Read more
by seraph
Wed Jan 19 2005I also wish the Bible had more on the background of Lucifer/Satan. Pretty much the only words the Bible has about him are He's baaaaaad. Quality literature has in-depth development of the villain. How did he go from being an exalted six-winged seraph to ruler of Hell? I mean, it must've gotten boring flying around God all day telling him how great he is (according to the Bible, that's what seraphs do...maybe I should change my name). Is it wrong for me to want to hear his side of the story?
by jirai1d4
Sat Dec 18 2004Every good book has to have a good villian. And it doesn't get much better than Satan.
by visiondude8
Wed Nov 24 2004He's where he deserves to be.
by bookworm1
Fri Apr 02 2004Interesting to know that Satan used to be Lucifer and one of the most exalted angels in Heaven. His M.O. is desiring praise and glory, and yet he hasn't done jack to deserve it. He sure as heck didn't die for the sins of humanity, that's for certain. We do know that he only speaks lies, because the Bible says that he's the father of lies and that's his native language. Pathological liars don't make good friends.