Desperate Housewives
Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by ori95249
Fri Mar 11 2011I wish there was more than 5 stars, this has to be the best tv show going!!
by peachiehire
Tue Apr 14 2009How can you NOT like this show. Of course it's dramatic. HELLLO!!! The characters are hilarious to me and gotta love that Gabby. The plot is a bit all over the place but that's what I expect anyway. Keep the dramasodes coming.
by kirstenoel
Wed Jul 09 2008Brilliant acting and even though the storylines are well "out there," they're so clever, the way everything works out and a lot of the time you're left thinking Oh my god i can;t believe that happened. The theme, the music, the suspense, the camera work, the edit..everything works!
by hellokitty09
Sun May 04 2008A twister hits Wisteria Lane... This show jump more than Evil Knievel!
by wovoice
Sun Jan 13 2008Excellent acting...wonderful storylines. I look forward to this show each week.
by dasrg3d0
Sun Dec 02 2007Well, in all truth, ZERO STARS. Desperate Housewives = Just another garbage show... not worth the time and energy... sum it all up, the TV AUTOMATICALLY TURNS OFF when this show is on. DUCK AND COVER EVERYONE, this show is a total DISASTER.
by wendyvaldez
Sun Oct 14 2007desperate housewives show was a racist show...remember teri hatcher with the ,male doctor? the writer of the show should consider any other race's feelings! you suck!
by christenallen4_9
Thu Sep 27 2007This show is so interesting I'm doing my senior thesis on it. Most people consider it fiction, but when you look at it...a lot of the things that happen on the show have happened and are still happening in real life. That's why all the historical paintings in the credit lines are of desperate houswives...becasue this is how it has been for centuries. I look at this show not only as entertainment, but AS a portrait of women in society today. Regardless of what irrational feminists say, this show is how some housewives are, regardless of your opinion. It's just a fact. I just wish people could look at things more realistically and stop being such extremists. Not only does this show contain wonderfully directed plot points, and incredible acting. It's a humorous and true way that we live our lives.
by andrea369
Thu Sep 27 2007I think that many people don't really get it, it's not really a comedy, but its true in many ways, yea i know some of these things that happen are hard to believe, but they do happen!! I love this show, the best after friends (that one is the best ever) I like the first and 3rd season the best.
by thefunsebastia_n
Thu Sep 06 2007desperate housewives sucks! the first two seasons were really good, but this past year the show had no direction no "wrap-around" story who cared about the finale, there was no big mystery or secret why did they ruin the format? because marcia cross was preganant? seriously they should make actresses sign a no-get-pregnant clause for these shows so they don't ruin what used to be an excellent television show and please, for the LOVE OF GOD, show the starting instead of that stupid mini-version that NOBODY LIKES peace out
by mariaaa
Sat Aug 04 2007dh is the best show iv seen in a long has everythin:comedy,drama,murder anything u can think of.and it only gets better with time.seson 3 was the best one ever i was completly hooked on it.1 million stars!!!!!
by pitzerfamily
Mon Jun 04 2007Great writing
by misspennylane
Fri May 25 2007This show is not worth the wait, some weeks it's on some weeks it's a rerun. They resolved way too much in the first season(which was a great season by the way), but it has sucked since then. They should have dragged some of those storylines out longer.
by gloomyeeyore
Sat May 05 2007I like this show, the first season was really good, the second season slipped, the third season is starting to get back to the way the show used to be.
by fluffytuffy
Tue Dec 05 2006First year was a total 5 stars, second year was one star, this year, so far, two stars, I find I really don't care about them anymore, and don't watch half the shows, I find something else to do now, too bad, it was a fun, kind of edgy, and a bit spooky show, now it is just boring IMO
by kissmeback
Sun Nov 12 2006it funny,some time hard to believe,exciting and most of all real to it tame.desperate housewives the things that they do to get what they want everyday people do some of these same things.
by cloudten
Sat Nov 11 2006Very fast-paced. You have to watch each episode carefully to know what's going on. I like it a lot.
by suzanne21
Fri Nov 10 2006"Get real," people. This is a BLACK COMEDY. It's funny in a dark way. I've watched it from the start and with the exception of some of last year's storylines (Alfre Woodard's character for one) the plots have been pretty interesting. It's a show that you don't take seriously. It's for pure entertainment. Definitely NOT a soap opera or for children, or for everyone. If you don't like it, change the channel. I don't watch anything that annoys me. Thankfully, I have more well made TV series to watch this year than ever in my life and I certainly don't watch most of them. My favorites are: What About Brian, 7th Heaven, Desperate Housewives, Jericho, Gray's Anatomy, Brothers and Sisters, and Six Degrees. Also grateful for a DVR or I'd never find time to fit them in my schedule.
by imtherealdeal
Wed Nov 01 2006I Love thi show it's soo good even if this stuff doesn't happen in real life. So all you "haters" well if you don't know what that means all you people who are negative and are rude get a life no one forces you to watch the show. i love this show. Last year i wasn't that into it until the end because i was busy but i watch it every sunday or i record it. but yeah hears my opinion if you don't like it screw you!!!
by fitzpatrick
Wed Aug 30 2006Have you been reading the reviews these people have been leaving? I seriously think some of these reviewers are retarded. This show is so bad, it's not even worthy of a review from me. Seriously.
by andy999
Thu Jun 22 2006Its allright like. The second season just ended in UK and i have to say the ending episodes wheren't the best. I hope they sort out tere end of season episodes like losts season 2 episode ZOMG!
by ungodlyugly
Wed Jun 21 2006Trash TV at its very worst. Cursed the world with Eva Longoria...
by raterguurl
Fri Jun 02 2006I am a younger girl and I love Desperate Housewives! It is my favorite show. I have read reviews that people said about how it involves drama, sex, sleezy girls, and so much more. I see how these girls get pulled in by it and so I just do how not to. People learn my mistakes, so it is easier if you learn from other people's. Also, it's just T.V., and it's not like it really happened... it's just entertainment! Geeze... if you don't like it stop complaining and don't watch it! Gosh! Don't try to ruin it for the rest of us!
by vivvan
Mon May 08 2006Well written and good acting. I don't think of it as a comedy either.
by asuzast
Mon Apr 17 2006A very cleverly written show. The acting is excellent. I watch it as often as possible, yet I wouldn't put it in the comedy category.
by iamintheknow
Tue Feb 21 2006The best advertisement for the attractiveness of women over 30 to be found anywhere in media.
by teacherdawn
Mon Feb 20 2006I really liked this show in the beginning but I don't know why lately it's more like I can take it or leave it.
by mtrask
Mon Feb 06 2006One of the best fun drama's ever. Beats afternoon soap operas all to h...!
by rhapsody22
Sat Jan 14 2006I just can't make up my mind about this show. A few Sunday nights now, I've found myself watching this, hook, line and sinker. Even anticipating the next episode but then there will be a comment here or a plot twist there that turns me off. My one problem is that I'm a proud housewife and I hate defending my choice to all my urban,"I'm having it all", quasi-feminist friends. And now with the popularity of this show, they all look at me knowingly and say, "We know you're desperate too". And sure, sometimes when the laundry's piled high and the baby has woken me up at 4:30, I feel a little desperate. That's normally the night I turn on this program and watch. It takes me away for a little while with its ridiculous plots and primetime soap opera antics. As for the show itself, the cast is really quite talented with the exception of Eva Longoria. I appreciate it for what it is- a silly, entertaining soap and not a portrait of American housewives.
by agencyfan
Tue Jan 03 2006I like it but don't go out of my way to watch it.
by dawnsdinos
Mon Jan 02 2006While I really do like this show, and it is very good, it just doesn't keep my interest. I enjoy it when I watch it but don't go out of my way to see it. If it's on I watch it and if it's not I don't.
by worldcitizen18_44
Fri Dec 23 2005I personally can't stand soap operas - even at night. I don't like having to see all the worst aspect of humanity, thank you. There's enough to deal with in the real world.
by outsideblitz
Thu Nov 24 2005Beautiful ladies, but no depth in the plots. I also don't like the narration from that lady who killed herself. At least that's who I think is narrating.
by greeneyedgodde_ss
Mon Nov 07 2005I LOVE this show, it's great. There's something in all of the (female) characters I can relate to. And how can you go wrong w/ all the hot guys?
by justacomment2
Sun Oct 30 2005They couldn't get away with Janet Jackson, Donna Conger, and Victoria's Secret TV specials, so now we have this on primetime brainwashing the masses. Why exactly are these housewives' "desparate" and showing off their underwear and cleavage? They look well-to-do. This kind of show used to be only on playboy years ago.
by gobthehotcop
Wed Oct 26 2005This show is so overblown!!! It's just a grown up version of Beverly Hills 90210 or Melrose Place. Felicity Huffman is the only good thing about this show!!! She was stellar on Sports Night!!!!! I hate this show!!
by tunaa8ad
Sat Oct 08 2005This may be a type of night-time soap, but I like it a lot. Extremely well written because you have to hear every word to make sure you understand all that is happening. It's somewhat of a mystery, drama and comedy, with good acting.
by molfan
Thu Oct 06 2005Desperate Housewives is one of the better shows on Tv right now. I got hooked and tune in every week. It has all the stuff that make it worth watching. good plots that keeps the viewer coming back, great actors. good writing etc. so far they have managed to keep the show interesting. the only I get a bit sick of is the press overplay the show and actors and we see it everywhere. otherwise a good show. Anxious to see what will happen this season with a new character {Betty Applewhite} and new plots.
by bugahane
Thu Oct 06 2005To the poster below ranting how the show is nothing but trashy women sleeping with anyone, you obviously have not watched the show. Only one of the four main stars is having an affair, so please do not comment on something you haven't seen. As far as the show being good for children, why would your children be watching this anyway? If you have cable television I'm sure you have a choice of 150 channels to watch, change the channel!! Hopefully your children are not watching MTV either, there is more immorality in 2 minutes on there as there is to an hour of Desparate Housewives. Why must any show that is a little different with a little wit be criticized? I guess we should all be watching the dumb-downed mindless programming that is the norm of todays' TV
by paige_harrison
Wed Sep 28 2005Overall I think this series is fantastic. It has opened the doors inside what is going on in the lives of many Women. The show exposes so much about relationships and brings the current state of marriage into the national conciousness including the consequences of having an affair. This show is not morally pure and that is what makes it real. The issues of morality are taken a step further as feelings and emotions of the heart are looked at in both a meaningful and humorous way. There are legitimate frustrations of being married and a Woman and the show goes way beyond where any network television show has previously dared to have gone before.
by limpin_trenchfoot
Wed Aug 17 2005Clever and witty scripting that manages to juggle multiple storylines which end in a cliff hanger at the end of each episode. Some very intriguing and unpredictable storylines and very little that's obvious. Look forward to the new series coming to the UK.
by jazzackfl
Wed Aug 10 2005They don't actually seem to be desperate. They seem to be living in the suburbs, and they also seem to be skanks
by iloved_h
Thu Aug 04 2005desperate housewives is a really wonderful show. it is a great show that everyone should watch. it has normal everyday problems that normal people can have. it makes u laugh and u get to see a sexy gardener and plumber. it is a fun show to watch.
by arizona_bird
Sun Jul 10 2005This show is wrong for parents that have kids. It sends the wrong idea. This show contains older gals who are mothers or wives and they acting like young teenage girls and they are having sex all the time or with anyone! The first thing is that parents have to set a example for their kids if they don't want their kids to do crazy things in life. If kids know that the parents or the people they are around are having sex with anyone with a carefree attitude or doing anything insane they are going to do the same thing when they grow up. And their will be nothing the parents can do or say to the kids(that is truthful)that will help them. And if this happens it is not the kids fault but parents need to do their job the right way. If you did something wrong in your past you should expect your kids to do it(they have your genes). If these ladies from the show were in real life they would have a STD from all of the sex they have(it does not matter if someone is in their 30's or 40's anyone can... Read more
by randyman
Sun Jul 10 2005What a ridiculous premise for a television show. I agree with the previous reviewer, definitely not good for young kids. I have only seen it once, but that was enough for me.
by propensity
Thu Jun 23 2005Unbearably overrated piece of garbage.
by genghisthehun
Thu Jun 23 2005I gotta admit I like Terry and Nicollette.
by clr1080f
Tue Jun 21 2005TV drama at its best.