Department of Education

Approval Rate: 55%

55%Approval ratio

Reviews 12

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    Wed Mar 05 2008

    Unnecessary given that education is the state's responsibility.

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    Thu Apr 26 2007

    Worthless, but made worse by fantasy federal mandates with Orwellian-esque titles like "no child left behind" - let the states manage schools, period.

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    Thu Apr 26 2007

    Given the current conditon of our schools on the whole, its a wonder that any one is working at this department. Does any one even know what they do there because every thing seems to be state driven

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    Wed Sep 21 2005

    The deepartmnt of edjekation has dun a gud job.

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    education should be administered locally, not nationally.

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    Sat Dec 04 2004

    Not even worth a fraction of a star.

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    Thu Aug 21 2003

    Underfunded, poorly managed and not taken seriously. Face it folks: despite all the lip service given to this topic, Americans actually consider education to be a low priority item. We have some of the finest colleges and universities, art schools, engineering schools, law schools, medical schools and business schools in the world, but our K-12 situation is a sad joke and a disgrace. Your average American idiot yahoo doesn't want the federal government to spend much $$$ on education, despite the fact it's sorely needed, and more than anything, don't want the federal government to meddle with their crappy local school districts that aren't serving our youth. The conservatives are in charge, and their ethos in this regard is "let the states do it," yet the states have shown again and again, in every field of endeavor, year after year, that they are just as lame, or even moreso, than the federal government when it comes to solving problems. In addition, Americans of the redneck, yaho... Read more

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    Fri May 16 2003

    Have you noticed how much our educational system has improved since this superfluous group was formed? Neither have I. It exists for the pleasure of President Carter and the NEA, and for the benefit of virtually nobody else.

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    Mon Apr 28 2003

    This Department has done nothing to help the state of our nation's education system. Education should be controlled entirely by the state and local level with this Department's only job being to distribute funds to districts in need.

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    Mon Mar 03 2003

    What's up with thier liberal views? What have they done to make the education system work better? This group, and others like it, in my opinion, get absoloutely nothing at all accomplished. They just make things more difficult than they already are.

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    Wed Jan 01 2003

    Start paying teachers or start home-schooling. Better yet, help organize a community school program and be sure to contribute your share of teaching, based on your particular strengths.

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    Wed May 16 2001

    This is an organization that I believe is failing from trying to do too much. Over the years, Congress has created hundreds of programs intended to address problems in education without asking whether or not the programs produce results or knowing their impact on local needs. This "program for every problem" solution has added up to a cost of $120 billion a year to support hundreds of programs. Still, after spending billions of dollars on education, our children, and education system has fallen short of meeting educational excellence. I firmly believe that education is a state and local issue. I also firmly believe that it is the Departments responsibility to look across all states and put programs in place that bring the best education to all state systems by recognizing and promoting best practices and providing research for new educational deployment procedures. With their “program for every problem” mentality, they cannot focus the needed funds and energy on the core basic pr... Read more