Deep South
Approval Rate: 44%
Reviews 30
by livuva
Sun Aug 22 2010I have not read one review yet of the deep south. having said that. I grew up in LA. I visited the "deep south" this summer and although it was hot as freakin hell i met the most amazing people. My god how do they live in such heat? The food was amazing,and I gained 10 pounds but I did not care. If i could take the heat I would so live in the south.
by redoubt
Thu Apr 02 2009Wow, all the negativity on the south. First things first. If you are inclined to believe everything you are told about the south then... just stay away. If you dislike someone because of their political leanings, then you probably don't have too many happy memories from your childhood. People are different... all people. If that bothers you, too bad. Cry me a river. As far as the 'rebel flag' goes, the one with the big X and the stars? It is actually the Confederate Battle Flag. It doesn't make you a racist, a redneck or apt to go around kicking dumb, uneducated and uncultured yankees in their rear end... though that latter kicking is an environmentally sound activity. NOTE: Actually, rednecks are everywhere and I have personally seen more 'rebel flags' being flown in Ohio and Wisconsin than here in Alabama. Same goes for racists and bigots too. Now then, if you honestly think we marry our sisters, kidnap rev'nuers and rape tourists... then just stay at home and play desk'pert o... Read more
by thedude29
Sat Jan 17 2009Way too socially conservative!!!
by ajnm38a0
Thu Nov 01 2007Lived five years in Louisiana and alot of the critisism of the deep south is well deserved. I'm sorry but you cannot have it both ways don't get upset when people from other regions call you rednecks when almost everywhere you go you see the rebel flag on cars and most state buildings. Don't get upset when people from other regions call you socially backwards when at every turn you try to bring back confederate like and Jim Crow laws to oppress African Americans at every turn. Statistically speaking, southerners travel less outside of their region than people from any other region in this country so why get upset when people say your provincinal and parochial i.e. narrow minded in your social view point? Bottom line the south as a region is last in all the important categories i.e. education, income/economy, social progression, etc... and first in obesity, ignorance, civil war reenactments, and missing teeth. Only redeeming quality of the south is the halfway decent weather in the ... Read more
by dpostoskie
Mon Nov 21 2005I lived there many years, influential years.fortunately I got out and became educated about the real world. Yes, the region has some history and its a great place to VISIT, just like wax museum, fascinating.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Nov 21 2005Y'all need to quit using The Dukes of Hazzard as your sole basis for what the South is like.
by tornado8
Sat Nov 19 2005Backwards
by genghisthehun
Sat Oct 22 2005I have a confession. I was born south of the Mason-Dixon Line, but I am a northernor. I love the deep south. I have visited many times. I love the food, the people and the ambiance. As far as race is concerned, there is more integration in the deep south than another other place in the nation.
by inmyopinion
Sat Oct 22 2005Overrated. New South, Old South. Doesn't matter, they are both crappy opposites of the spectrum. I will say however, that like any region of the county, many of the stereotypes places on Southerners are completely bogus. But also, the stereotype that many southerners like to put on the Northeast, that it is full of crime, is also even more bogus. In fact, the South has the highest crime rates in the country, and the northeast has the lowest. Overall, people in the South are freindly, and aren't all racist. But I never noticed and superior hospitality either.
by drunkbull19
Mon May 23 2005Damn shame i have to live here in the durty durty Florida inparticular. Nothing but rednecks and wanna be rednecks (preppys who buy trucks for no reason, and chicks seem to go crazy). It's really hot and humid. And I curse my parents for moving me down here. I can't wait to get my degree and leave this god awful place.
by specialboothvi_cjr
Sat May 07 2005lot better than the north. why is this in last place?
by thedude25
Wed Apr 13 2005Live in the south for 15 terrible years and can't wait to get out. Atlanta GA is especially bad, worst crime rate in the nation (Gone Away), horrible traffic, and some of the rudest people I have ever met.
by scarletfeather
Wed Feb 09 2005Chau--oops, I mean Jar Jar Binks, don't worry, no Southerner would want to be your friend. Seriously, I doubt many intelligent Northerners would want to be your friend.
by conus4cf
Tue Feb 08 2005True losers, racists, idiots, low-lifes, low educated people and chicken screwers would wanna live there. I'd rather live in Siberia than down there. The deep south people talk febrile, know-nuthin', stuttering nonsense. You can't hear a damn thing they're saying. I have NO RESPECT toward anybody who likes the south. Never have, never will. If you're a sutherner, I don't wanna be your friend.
by blanconino
Thu Jan 06 2005If I want to see white trash, I'll go to the local styrofoam recycling plant, thank you very much.
by brownie
Wed Jan 05 2005Oh, it's horrible. Uggggly. Hateful people backward people. Everywhere. Lousy weather. Whatever you do don't go there. Pleae. Just stay away. Don't move here. And...and if you know anyone who has moved here, I mean there, maybe you could talk them into moving back. You all, I mean yous guys PLEASE STAY AWAY. Oh, it's bad .
by orangecharlie
Wed Jan 05 2005Okay, there is a BIG difference between the Deep South and the South. Parts of the Deep South are quite bad but the majority of the South is extremely nice.
by skizero
Tue Dec 28 2004Ha ha ha ha!!!! so out there it doesn't exist. a breeding ground for functioning morons.
by mystic_mango
Tue Dec 28 2004I just moved to the deep south and I hate this place. Too many Christians, it scares me.
by nick88
Thu Dec 02 2004i hate it here, i want to leave NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY, STAY AWAY!!! I can understand why southern people like the south, that makes sense, but now that northern people are moving down here (like we stupidly did, and now i am hoping and praying to leave) they are just stupid, and they are getting southern people PISSED OFF. It gets way too humid too, the weather is NOT better like so many people think, warmer DOES NOT mean better!
by duckwings_16
Tue Nov 23 2004I LOVE the south...I live in Arkansas and i have to say that every single person that i know of that has came here from other parts of the country LOVE it here...They all say that we are the nicest people they ever met...the south is awesome!
by opinion585
Thu Nov 11 2004AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE THE SOUTH!!!! I lived in North Carolina for 9 years!! It sucked the life from me! It is the second most overrated area of the country after the Southwest, Northern people stay away if you want to be happy, none of the southern people wan't any of us down there anyway!!!!
by trisec
Sat Sep 11 2004Backwards, parochial, racist, unfriendly to outsiders, a cultural wasteland, and if it's not in the Bible, it's not relevant to us. And yes, I am a frequent visitor, but fortunately to Palm Beach, FL, which is mostly populated by northerners.
by irishgit
Tue Aug 24 2004I don't live there, and never have, and most likely never will. I've visited several times both socially and professionally, however, and spent a fair bit of time there. Generally I'd say I prefer it to many regions of the USA, and while there are rednecks in abundance, they are no worse than those found in other places.
by paleo99
Thu Jul 22 2004My perception of the south changed once I finally landed in Florida and met my father's old buddies. Almost at once the rednecks were saying N*gger this and that. They all wanted some type of race war, and when a black waitress came to us at a restuarant, they were hitting on her. Pure hipocracy! If that's not bad enough, the same types were leaving a wal mart with a doll they bought. After passing a black family that had the same doll, they went back in and got another one. Overall, I think that's a good indication of how your average southerner is, in addition to being a religious nut in most cases. Besides that, the climate is too dam humid, the schools suck BIG TIME--it's not uncommon for kids up north to be moved up 2 grades--and their NFL franchises SUCK. There's a reason why they got their asses kicked in the civil war.
by kidcartwright
Tue Jan 13 2004Ive been living in the south all my life,VA Beach and its ok to live here for snow and great weather in the summer but there isn't really the greatest place to live.Also there is no dumn country yokels here,besides the old people. VA is just like any other state.
by dustin_l
Sat Nov 08 2003I'm from NC....But I definately like the south
by enkidu
Sun Oct 12 2003I lived in the deep south for a few years, and learned to appreciate what it had: friendly people who cared about their neighbors; stunning natural beauty and wildlife (ever been chased by a cottonmouth? it's actually kind of a thrill); the joy of discovery of neat places that aren't overcrowded and full of tourists. The Gulf Coast beaches are amazing: white sand, not too many people, warm water. Gee, I guess I love every part of the U.S. --That said, the racial divisions here are still deep and there is terrible poverty, worse than I have seen in any other region.
by hilldeba
Sun Sep 21 2003what ever yall people said about deep south is BULLSHIT.''''Yall got sick mines yall freaks.
by rebelyell1861
Sun Aug 31 2003Looks like this particular RIA item is in dire need of some truthful comments. The southeast region of the US is by far the best place to live and rasie a family. Anyone who thinks it's just a bunch of incestuous country yokels needs to get their head out of their ass. The American south has culture and heritage running out of its ears. The winters are mild, the people are friendly, and you can go out at night without worrying about getting mugged. Kids still respect their parents (for the most part), and the regional food is unsurpassed. I mean who can ignore a good serving of chicken and dumplings, cornbread, grits, my granpa's mashed potatoes, etc. And you can get BBQ a few miles from here that'll make you slap your momma. And let's not forget the long list of cajun delicacies. The south also has some of our nations finest beaches; and finest women for that matter. I honestly can't fathom living in any other region of the nation. Gee, let's freeze to death, get mugged, and be... Read more