Approval Rate: 47%
Reviews 9
by abichara
Wed Sep 09 2009The amount of collective knowledge we've gained in just a hundred years is incredible, especially when you compare it to our base of knowledge from the beginning of human history up until about the early 20th Century. At least in the sciences and the technical fields, we've had quantum leaps in knowledge. And what's even more exciting are the discoveries that are forthcoming. My major critique of our education system is that it encourages passive, rote learning, rather than active analysis, writing and critical thinking. People, even in college, go to class, write the notes the professor puts on Powerpoint and they don't even bother to question assumptions, ferret out fallacies, etc... You see this a lot, especially in the social sciences and in the humanities. The net result is that we're pushing young people through the schools who don't bother to question what they hear on the news or what their government officials say. That's troubling because the Founders of our country ma... Read more
by fitman
Wed Sep 02 2009The devolution of humanity appears to be a relatively slow process; not apocalyptic. Fast forward about five hundred years....
by irishgit
Tue Sep 01 2009The population of stupid fucks never gets any smaller, but fortunately they're easily distracted by reality TV, celebrity gossip, evangelical preachers, and voting for charismatic sleazeballs.
by genghisthehun
Mon Aug 31 2009If de-evolution or more properly, devolution, means that an organism can return to a stage from which it evolved, continue this process and finally disappear or destruct, solid scientific theory and evidence holds that this is not possible. Once an organism has lost a function it cannot recover it. Evolution appears to be irreversible.I can see a situation where it would be possible for the human race to become worse than it is now, physically, but that would require some type of population bottleneck, where genetic drift or mutation could create a less desirable strain in the population that would be dominant and eventually spread throughout the world. A terrible plague or an asteroid strike could reduce the population to an extent that such a change is possible in the resulting bottleneck.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Aug 31 2009Real zombies would be cooler than the zombies we have become...
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Aug 31 2009There'll be no big event apocalypse that will ever seen except maybe in retrospect by some sentient beings from some other world in a far off distant future. We are just passing through and we'll disappear so gradually that no one will even notice until long after we're gone. Sorry to dissappoint those of you who have been paying for front row seats on the payroll deduction plan.
by gris2575
Mon Aug 31 2009Don't believe it? Check out the underrated Mike Judge movie Idiocracy. It explains things quite well.
by tjefferson_liv_es
Sun Oct 19 2008I see the Baby Boomers are trying to make sure America doesn't exist by the time they leave the earth. Talk about being self-centered and selfish.
by lix0d3d3
Tue Oct 14 2008I grow concerned that the next generation after ours will be the first one raised with the expectation of not doing as well as their parents and the understanding that it's alright because the government will have a safety net for everyone and will be called Redumbdant Man and depicted by a figure also referred to as Lardass Man, possessing a vacant stare holding a video game controller in one hand and a microwaved dinner in the other.At some point the notions of self-respect, common sense, and personal responsibility have been tossed completely in the wayside so that now we have parents expecting that the state (schools) will raise their children while they sit around watching Jerry Springer, feeding their pets contaminated dog food from China and complaining about the economy and how all the jobs are being outsourced to other countries while damning their Welfare worker for the fact their check was late.The sensory/information overload seems to have moved to the point where people ca... Read more