David Letterman

Approval Rate: 76%

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    Sun Jan 24 2010

    My favorite show as of late was the one where he made that joke about that married guy who slept with that girl who worked for him/the company..... what was his name again? You know, the one who was being extorted by someone else who worked there.. :: frowns and scratches head :: What's worse than his performance on the show, is the thought that the rumour about sex tape involving Letterman and one of his flings exits... you can bet that performance would be no better.

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    Thu Jul 09 2009

    Many jokes are repeated by David, night after night. A while earlier, the "fortune telling scene by Paul" is a stolen intellectual property of the Tonight Show w/ Johnny Carson of NBC. Also, some jokes appeared at Jay Leno show on a certain day, shows up at David's monolog 1 or 2 days later. The worst part is the repeat segments, dozens of time. For e.g., the sneezing monkey, it's only funny the first 2 or 3 times, when he does it a few dozens time, it's just not a 1 hr. show as he advertised

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    I’ve been watching Dave since almost day one. His mentor was Johnny Carson and he was to follow in his footsteps and take over the Tonight Show, and I believe when that didn’t happen Dave changed. He became ruder and a little mean at times to guests which wasn’t all that bad. Some of the prima donnas deserved to be treated that way. But all you have to do is see some old Letterman stuff to know how funny Dave is and can be. I think the thing I liked about Dave the most is how natural he is. Yep he does some silly things that are so obviously rehearsed you think why the heck does he do that, but I loved the Clinton jokes, how he made fun of Bush and how he continues to attack everything. Nothing is scared to Dave and his crew, even if some of it is lame and goes on too long. He is a great interviewer and manages even with difficult guests to get a few laughs. He has softened some since he became a Dad and I have to admit some of the funniest stuff he talks about is when he talk... Read more

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    He is pretty solid at times, but lately he is kind of hit and miss.

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    Tue Mar 03 2009

    From talking to people it seems that you can be a Letterman fan, or a Leno fan, but not both. I definitely prefer Letterman. I never watch his whole show because it's just too late to be staying up on a week night, but I'll watch his monologue every once in a while, and it's usually hilarious, especially the top 10 lists. For some reason though, it seems like most people I know prefer Leno, which makes no sense to me because I don't think he's funny at all.

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    Tue Mar 03 2009

    We are a Letterman house. I realize that he is not for everyone, that sometimes he seems like he is dragging himself through the show when he'd clearly rather be elsewhere, that he can be completely rude to a guest that thinks they will get treated with kid gloves and that he can fall on tried and true shtick from time to time. But he is also a character unlike any one that has been on the airwaves before. He has a comic sensibility that is completely unique. He can force people to be their best because they are in the bear pit, and has far more interesting tastes in guests, music and subject matter than his completely bland opposite number on the left coast. He's like a family member that you have a difficult relationship with, but love all the same.

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    Tue Dec 09 2008

    Letterman has always had an obtuse sense of humor.  He will take slightly odd things and try to exploit them in such a way that we laugh at them.  But they are not really that funny.  His Top 10 lists are great and I have no problem with him there.  But his writers are not that good and I find his approach to most of his guests and the world in general to be rather SNIDE.  Were I asked to be on his show, I would pause because Letterman can be downright rude at others expense in an effort to make himself look like the superior wise guy, and that ain't cool.  He is also ugly as sin and getting uglier.  He still can make me laugh occasionally and for that he deserves higher than the lowest rating here.

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    Mon Oct 27 2008


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    Sat Sep 13 2008

    He is mean and NOT funny.

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    I LOVE watching Letterman EVERY NIGHT. There are too many commercials, though, so I TIVO the show and, though the show starts at 10:35 here in Baton Rouge, I start watching it at 11 to 11:05 and still finish the show at the ending time...very seldom will I have 5 minutes after the show goes off. I really like his humor, and enjoy the way he interviews people. You can actually learn something when he talks to people. I hope he'll stay on the show MANY more years.

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    Thu Sep 11 2008

    No one can take a joke and beat it into the ground like Letterman can.  The "old man humor" is beyond boring, it's pathetic.

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    Tue Apr 29 2008

    Old, boring  and way past his prime.

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    Wed Nov 07 2007

    Classic, Genious, and still relevant. No one makes fun of Paris Hilton's trip to jail like David Letterman.

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    Fri Aug 31 2007

    The funniest talk show on TV. They get liberal at times, thus, only 4 stars!

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    Fri Aug 31 2007

    I used to really enjoy Letterman...on NBC...however, he's been completely inconsequential to the pop culture landscape for 15-20 years.  The only time he gets coverage these days is when that pyscho lady stalks him.

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    Thu Jan 25 2007

    Occasionally brilliant, but generally over-rated.

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    Fri Dec 22 2006

    Shell of his former self. Used to be VERY funny with that little Vietnamese guy he used to transmit funny comments to while he was a waiter. Used to be very creative. Gotten very lazy. Not funny anymore.

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    Fri Nov 03 2006

    Funny. . .hits more than he misses. . .but that Paul dude has got to go. . .

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    Fri Nov 03 2006

    Well, not too much to say about this one, except that, I didn't care much for his personality. I watched him a few times and then dropped it.

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    Thu Jul 06 2006

    I liked him a lot better before he got so popular.

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    Sat Jul 01 2006

    Yawn. Not worth staying up for.

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    Thu Jun 22 2006

    The most underrated talk show host on TV

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    Tue May 23 2006

    Although Leno's monologue tends to be better, Letterman is 1000X funnier with his guests, his self-depricating humor is a lot funnier than narcisitic Leno

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    Fri Apr 07 2006

    Great dry humor and the worst driver in Connecticut!

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    Tue Mar 28 2006

    I really like Letterman....watch him every night!

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    Letterman beats his own drum for sure but his off the wall humor appeals to me more than Leno. I think Carson was closer to Letterman than he was Leno because he sent material to Letterman to use on his show.

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    Sun Mar 26 2006

    Dreadful, most unfunny person in north America, probably the world?, they put him on tv when everybody is in bed, has to be a minus 5 and some, just awful......

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    Sat Mar 25 2006

    Maybe 4.5 stars as he can be a bit caustic.Still, he is funny and sees the world at a different angle from normal people.Great!

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    Fri Mar 24 2006

    Here's the *whistles* top ten. *whistles*

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    I like Letterman. I went off him for a while in the late 80's and early 90's, but I enjoy his oddball sense of the ridiculous again. He's funny in a quirky way.

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    Tue Dec 20 2005

    He is so not funny anymore and hasn't been in the last 5 to 6 years. He has those stupid ass top ten lists and i don't even crack a smile. Conan is so much funnier.

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    Fri Nov 11 2005

    Peaked a long time ago, as someone suggested below, he will say some phrase or word that just isn't funny and will keep repeating it in a vain attempt to get the audience to laugh. The creativity of some of the skits just isn't there. Belongs to the 80's.

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    Mon Nov 07 2005

    I think Letterman is great! Unlike Leno he gets in the guests face if he perceives they are trying to be coy or private. He does it with a little more sensitivity now than he did before his heart attack but he still does it nonetheless which sometimes brings out interesting and funny things. That's the reason so many guest are afraid to go on his show compare to Leno. He loves to expose Hollywood fake and does it in measured doses based on how much the guest is out of touch with their own persona. Carson was real patronizing to all his guests. Leno somewhat tried to follow that rule but more or less lets everyone know when he being patronizing with the unsaid message that it's 'part of the job.' Letterman never did this much and he is very awkward when he does. I like Letterman and Leno equally well and can't really pick between them. It has more to do with what mood I am in at the time.

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    Mon Nov 07 2005

    I like him a lot, much better than Leno. Him and Conan O'Brien are the only one's I'll watch.

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    Thu Nov 03 2005

    Dave is a funny guy. What other talk show does daily Top Ten lists?

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    Wed Nov 02 2005

    HORRIBLE! Letterman needs to retire and he should have several years ago!! He is not very funny and has some of the stupidest segments ever like "Name your meat".

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    Mon Oct 10 2005

    Dave's time is up! Once he seemed to have a talent for pulling it out when in the clinches. Now he is pathetically unfunny! Several years ago I went to one of his shows, and he just left the set at every commercial and left his guest sitting there alone. He can't have to pee that much.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    He needs to retire

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    Great at off the cuff type humor, Dave is smarter than he looks. I have no idea why Leno gets better ratings than this guy. I don't like all of the sketches, but the show still has a number of good ones.

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    Mon Mar 07 2005

    It's a real strain for me to think of anyone more overrated for this type of work.

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    Sun Dec 12 2004

    Afunny guy. He keeps it real, and doesn't brown nose his bosses at CBS.

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    Fri Dec 10 2004

    Letterman is funny but some of the bits that he does are a little over done. He has great comic timing and he does not ask the same stupid questions over and over again.

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    Tue Dec 07 2004

    I like his sarcastic, witty format but do believe he needs to start working on a type of humor that everyone can get.

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    Sun Dec 05 2004

    Dave isn't for everybody. But his humor, and 'no hold barred' with interviews are just great. His humor and wit is way more subtile than jay's. And the irony? Who else would have dog chase his tail on stage in front of 1 billion plus viewers at the oscars? Who else would show you how much time you're wasting watching T.V. by seeing if things float? If you didn't think of that, you should watch jay.

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    Sun Nov 21 2004

    Got any gum?

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    Fri Oct 08 2004

    SUCKS.....he has an off-sense of humor so i see why some people get him but i sure never will.

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    Wed Oct 06 2004

    Super partisan on politics. He keeps repeating stupid stuff like Will it Float? Seriously, who wants to see that stuff? I watched Letterman one night and I actually went to sleep on his jokes. At least with Leno, I can stay up and watch the whole thing until the show's over...

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    Sat Sep 25 2004

    David Letterman used to be a favorite. That was when he was the anti-celebrity. The worst part of his show were the Hollywood celebrities. David was great without them. But now he has become one of THEM. All partisan and elite. The show is not the same.

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    Thu Sep 23 2004

    Still funny, but needs to lay off the partisan politics. Entertainers shouldn't push views on audiences. Takes the fun right out.

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    Wed Sep 22 2004

    I like him, but I am getting real tired of his always repeating the most idiotic thing in his show two dozen times, it was not funny the first time, let alone all the other times he repeated it, kind of like that Oprah, Uma, Oprah, Uma crap he did at what, the emmys that time? He can be funny in his opening monologue, but his sit down stuff is real lame lately.