David Gilmour
Approval Rate: 82%
Reviews 0
by boomboomboom
Tue Nov 16 2010One of favorites .He is one of kind.
by goalie1351
Wed Sep 01 2010Went to see Pink Floyd on the Pulse tour and I think the experience can say it all. Grown men everywhere mesmerized by Gilmour’s solos almost to the point of tears. He plays in tones and in a style in which makes a person feel something unique compared to any other great guitarist. Anyone can play fast and blow you ear drums out but to be able to capture an emotion the way Gilmour does sets him apart from the rest. All due respect to the other greats, this guy is the best in my book.
by malevu
Sat Feb 06 2010Quite simply he's the best IMO. Some guitarists sound great in the studio but struggle to recreate that sound live. Gilmour if anything sounds better live with barely a missed chord. A true legend of the Rock scene who has longevity over many of his rivals who shone brightly for a few brief years before fading away. The fact he is as good today as in the 60's is a testament to his talent. I'll never tire of listening to him play. Thank God for the day Roger Waters pissed off anf Floyd were able to fulfill their dreams. Thanks David for a lifetime of inspirational music.
by tshot22f
Sun Jun 21 2009Gilmour is brilliant! I can't stop listening to his music, Watching him live in concert is on my list of things to do before I die. Number 12 on this list is too low, he should be top 5 for sure.
by rikdrokr
Sun Mar 08 2009under rated
by front476
Fri Jan 23 2009I've really got to give major props to David Gilmour. He's not just another guitarist in the wall. Very creative and didn't seem to believe in short songs.
by giokster87
Fri Jan 09 2009the best guitarist of all time!
by ejmfoley
Thu Jan 01 2009Best space-blues-rock ever
by mfaye8a4
Wed Oct 22 2008Dave Gilmour is my pick for my favorite guitarist for many reasons.
by antorbeetles
Tue Oct 14 2008His playing shows a characteristic in extreme degree.
by vanhalenisgod
Sun Oct 12 2008great at creating textures and moods but lacking in technique. a tad over rated.
by reggie1957
Sat Oct 11 2008philmick24 hits the nail on the head. One of the most endearing qualities on any guitarist is to create a sound all of their own. Hendrix, Clapton, Van Halen, Edge, Dick Dale and George Harrison all come to mind.. you can spot their Music by the Guitar work pretty quick. Gilmours work is signature ...Shine on You Crazy Diamond blows my mind.
by caroline112
Wed Oct 08 2008brilliant stylings,definate master
by josephpalex
Mon Sep 29 2008i am big fan of david gilmour. I have heard is music much better than the rest of the rock groups my rating
by eric1152
Sun Aug 31 2008Favorite Guitarist of All Time!!!
by the_masked_cracka
Tue Aug 19 2008great player, better sound, but I hate his band
by loganb31
Tue Aug 19 2008The Greatest soloist of our time !!
by paul375
Mon Aug 04 2008Solid Guitarist but not the best.
by myspace_373553756
Tue Jul 29 2008Nothing compares to getting all blown out and listening to Pink Floyd
by beauman
Thu Jul 24 2008Huge fan..but I can't put anyone above Hendrix
by asdfiiiskkdd
Mon Jul 21 2008Why are all of the comments reading like paraphrased Wikipedia articles? What the hell has the internet gone to David Gilmour is good, 4 stars good. He is a 3 star guitarist but 4 overall.
by the_half_blood_princess
Mon Jul 14 2008Only because I hate Pink Floyd!
by lordinera
Sun Jul 13 2008how are you old man...
by monkey11611
Fri Jul 11 2008Pink Floyd FTW
by kitty_kak
Mon Jul 07 2008One of my favs!
by julie763
Thu Jul 03 2008I love Pink Floyd!
by theotherbruce
Wed Jul 02 2008incredible rendering of alternative blues
by will292
Sun Jun 22 2008pink floyd thats all
by i_luv_summer
Sat Jun 21 2008i wouldnt sae that hes the best person eva just yea
by linusfrancis
Tue May 06 2008Enough has been said about this incredible guitarist.Just hear his new stuff in the AOL sessions,what can be said more...hits the soul more than anything else.
by trav6369
Tue Mar 18 2008i dont care what anyone thinks of him, i just know when he plays i hear it through my soul not my ears
by snakepit22
Wed Mar 12 2008Comfortably Numb has some of the greatest lead work I've ever heard. Slash would be proud to have played that. However, I just don't see enough of that sort of stuff from David. I know he can be great, but the overly artsy pot fest that is Pink Floyd overshadows him I think. I'll say he is great, but I don't think we can put him in the top 10 because I'm not sure what he would have done if all the songs didn't have some crazy spoken word stuff and unneccessary sound effects. David Gilmore has soul and depth, but I just haven't heard enough of it to think that he could do it as effortlesly as Slash or Kirk Hammet.
by philmick24
Thu Dec 20 2007I believe he is without a doubt the most underated guitarist of our time primarily because people are more familiar with "Pink Floyd" the band rather than Gilmour as an individual musician..If you were to personally ask jimi hendrix, eric clapton,jimi page, carlos santa,ect what they think of David Gilmour's ability to play the guitar they would all have nothing but immense praise for the great man(and for many different reasons).. His sound is like no other..He has an uncanny ability to make his guitar bring life to everyone of the tracks he has ever been apart of.."Yeah" there are many guitarists that have great technical ability but thats about as far as it goes. Gilmour, (along with a select few)has proven to create memorable solos that fit in perfectly with the emotion of the song without being too "overbaring" A TRUE SIGN OF GREATNESS!!!!!Not only is this man an amazing guitarist but an unbelieable musician all around. Have you ever heard him sing? His vocals are insane,so powerf... Read more
by chris0122
Mon Dec 03 2007An incredibly smooth and talented guitar player with great technique. A vary original writer both lyricly and musicly.
by fb61200893
Sun Nov 04 2007I love Pink Floyd, especially Dark Side of the Moon. The lyrics to that album are truer than the Qu'ran.
by floyd1
Wed Sep 19 2007Great!!! no-one guitarist (bar hendrix)has ever or will ever be as talented as gilmour. he is possibly the most creative guitarist of his generation and if not, he is up the. How can anyone criticise a legend like gilmour. He genuinley loves playing his guitar with all his heart, Floyd would never have been the band they are without him. He is the GREATEST!!!!!!!!!!!
by mildcombat
Sun Sep 16 2007One dimensional . Hideous addition to any ''Great guitarist list".
by hurricaneditka
Fri Sep 14 2007even plays great in his 60s
by rayrose
Tue Sep 04 2007my fave guitarist by quite alot(ace frehleys my second)i just toally dig pink floyd and i think his style is the most destinctive around.Fave:hey you
by rikadog
Wed Jul 11 2007Can't believe he's not higher on the list. Very creative, can play great music, instrumental or part of a group.Very underrated!!
by greggorangee
Sat Jun 23 2007He is really boring
by olaarnt
Wed Jun 20 2007To you Wistler, if you think Gilmour hase a lack of soul and feel in his music, u cant know anything about music. David Gilmour is the best guitarist of ALL TIME. U can see when he plays, that his guitar playing comes right from the heart!!!!
by wistler
Mon Apr 02 2007Im sorry, I can't buy into this Gilmore craze without smiling ironically--I grew up listening to Pink Floyd; in fact, D.S.O.T.M was the first cd I ever owned. All said, I can't put this group up there with the acts we'll be talking about 50 years from now. Lots of great bands abound with flashes of musical transcendence over their respective genre in an album; ie, D.S.O.T.M and Wish Y. W. H, but as I said, we're talking LOTS OF ACTS!....Floyd will amount to a footnote at best in future critiques of rock n' roll history circa 60's and 70's, period. GILMORE is-or rather was- a fine guitarist. I love some of his solos--they were soulful and very memorable. At his prime, he had range too and could drive a heavier, grittier sound. I think too much stock is put into area's of technical strength such as 'T O N E"-"Oh, Gilmore has the greatest tone..." Okay, so that makes him legendary? Please, save me....Gilmore these days is a total joke. I had the misfortune of actually attending t... Read more
by hunyrider
Sat Mar 24 2007How tedious.
by jtwhit
Mon Mar 19 2007Gilmour defines, "playing with feeling". Superior guitarist that burns out solos that fit perfectly with the mood of the track. So many players have great technical ability and just can't seem to create memorable solos or solos that fit within the emotion of the song. Considered as one of the best progressive rock guitarists of all time by many people...quite an accomplishment within that genre.
by doodude
Sat Mar 17 2007David Gilmour is the very best in his class...
by moonspell
Mon Mar 05 2007David Gilmour (Pink Floyd, Solo) - best guitar tones ever from the instrument. wide use of effects, pedals, original work, great song writer, sings, plays electric, acoustic, slide, pedal steel. one of the longest tenures as lead guitarist for the same band. amazing vibrato as well as tremolo use, not necesarily the best technically or the fastest, great rhythm, harmony, lead, solos. Each and every solo is a song within itself.