Dave Ramsey

Financial radio talk show host

Approval Rate: 75%

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    Tue Sep 13 2011

    PROS: Ramsey's financial peace advice is effective. People call it simple, but not only is DR's finanicial plan somewhat sophisticated for the average Joe (budgets, prioritizing, etc.), but, more importantly, it is also VERY HARD to do. As with many "simple" plans, developing the psychological setting and strength to execute the plan is very hard. And THAT is precisely what Dave's advice is effective at...the psychology of getting financially at peace...which, if you are married, goes way beyond money. It dramatically improves your marriage. For example, the *how* to lose weight is simple: exercise and eat better. But actually doing it requires a lot of psychological work for people. So those who think Dave's Finanical Peace plan is simple, you either don't understand the pyschological barriers most people have or you are arrogant...probably both. Thanks to DR's plan, my wife and I paid off all of our $62k of debt and improved our marriage! ALSO, his advice on mutual funds really h... Read more

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    Wed Nov 24 2010

    I'm a former insurance "endorsed" local provider. I'm very familiar with the Ramsey organization, after 6+ years as an ELP. I finally terminated my ELP contract because I simply could not afford the ever increasing fees I paid to be endorsed. That's right - the endorsements are sold, not earned as Ramsey claims. The hundreds of Ramsey clones I worked with over the years assumed I'd been vetted through a thorough, rigorous interview process. Yeah right! Their main concern was getting access to my bank account so they could draft that $1,000+/month fee.. I always felt a bit awkward paying money to be endorsed, especially since Dave's listeners aren't informed of this and are led to believe Dave chose the ELP because of certain characteristics or skills evident in the ELP..

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    Sat Mar 06 2010

    The first impression I had of Dave Ramsey from his radio show was that this guy is an arrogant, jerk. Having listened to him quite often and being somewhat involved in his financial peace program , has not changed my opinion of him at all. Well I guess it has as I also find him narrow minded and somewhat of a right wing nut.That being said, most of what he says regarding finacial advice is trueSimple but true.Too much debt is a problem that is devouring marriages and causing untold stress to individuals.Most of the advice he gives is quite basic and simple but the financial IQ in our country is very low. He seems to be ruthless with people who file for bankruptcy.I agree that a lot of people use it unethically and end up right back in debt. However a good percentage of new bankruptcies are seniors stuck with high credit card debt resulting from medical bills and prescriptions.These people worked hard their whole lives and are responsible people. .I am sure Dave is against the presc... Read more

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    I attended Dave's 1 day Entreleadership in September 2009 in Nashville. Dave is very personable and gave many useful and practical tips in running a business. Much of the seminar dealt with practical business issues such as hiring and firing and time management. It also included one lesson on debt free business operation. I paid full price for the seminar and then received an email that it was now of sale for $99. The fact that I paid significantly more than $99 is truly my only complaint. I would recommend it to anyone in business. Luther Maddy, ChristianManager.com

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    Fri Oct 23 2009

    I'm off to a Dave Ramsey live event after listening to his radio program and following his advice for the last 5 years. I was reading some of the comments posted here and I am amazed by the lack of understanding of Dave's program. Yeah, he's cheesy and a cornball, but his advice is simple and it WORKS! Most people think a financial plan has to be complicated and sophisticated to work. Dave says the same things over and over and over again because that's what it takes to override the numerous voices in our society that tell us to live beyond our means and stay in debt. It haven't used a credit card in years, I have no debt, and I have money in the bank, and I can tell you from experience- it is the best, most liberating way to live!

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    Tue Sep 22 2009

    Do not buy the wallet, coupon organizer or any of that other 'organizer' tools he sells on his website. I made the mistake of buying the wallet and organizer and it's the thinnest, cheapest vinyl available and wears away to holes within months. These have to be by far the biggest rip offs on this website.

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    Sat Sep 19 2009

    Dave exploits the "new" liberal, selfish theology that is totally self-centered in order to make himself sound "religious" which will sell more books and tapes. He quotes bible verses but preaches revenge, hate and "me first". He sets a bad example for christianity.

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    Tue Jul 07 2009

    Very good,and correct secret information almost, on how to make your life successful in capitalism, if you want to know the truth. This is one of the rules of life that can put you in the top 10%, avoiding the "90% rule"- which summarized is: thinking like 90% of the people- just going along. To live like the top 10% you have to think different than the other 90%, and not just about these financial matters, though that is what sparked the theory I in me back in the early 1990's originally. However, it is nothing to do with religion, like Dave thinks it is, though it can have to do with being ethical, having good habits and replacing bad ones with good ones, which makes it easier to eliminate the bad ones (another secret), etc. So, barring this aspect, and some of the too right wing adjuncts, this radio show and it's info is 5 stars or close to it. I'll sign my name so nobody can take credit for my theories which I reserve the rights to, and allude to minimally here. D. Hansmann cu... Read more

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    Tue Apr 28 2009

    A little TOO Simple... Dave Ramsey does a good job about getting quite a few people out to listen to his lecture series on financial peace. There's no doubt that he can sell stuff, but you have to question what exactly is he selling. One of the fundamental concepts this guy teaches is to save, save, save for the future. However, there is a concept that says that money is worth more today than tomorrow. More simply, inflation happens and what might have cost $1 today on the McDonald's dollar menu might cost $1.25 in a year. Some people say "No Big Deal" it's only a quarter and who doesn't have that? Well, try and relate it to a large purchase such as buying a car which Dave advocates saving up for. A new midsize car might cost $25,000 this year, but as inflation occurs at an average annual rate of 3% in 3 years when you finally saved up $25,000, it may now cost $27,345. If you would have taken out a loan this year you would only pay $25,000 for the car along with interest of $2... Read more

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    Sat Mar 07 2009

    Very motivating when it comes to finances. Makes you think about tomorrow instead of living for today.

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    Tue Feb 03 2009

    Dave is like a broken record, same beat different caller I listen to him for about a week, after that it became redundant info

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    Mon Sep 29 2008

    He's all over my affiliates' airwaves. And he's a one-note player. Like Clark Howard, one show sounds jut like the last. New callers should listen to the previous shows, and they'd have all the help/advice they need.

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    Mon Jul 14 2008

    A show that gives a lot of knowledge, even if it seems to be said over and over, people seem to not know how to save or spend money

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    Wed Apr 02 2008

    Dave is like a broken record. If you listen to the show once, it is just like you have heard it a 1000 times. He offers nothing new after the first few shows. Plus the guy is very arrogant. I am very successful financially without Dave.

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    Tue Feb 05 2008

    Too bad this program is not required listening for everyone from the age of 8 to 80. If it were, we would not find ourselves in this sad financial situation, personal, and governmental.

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    Thu Nov 15 2007

    This stuff does work. Simple and effective. Not sure why people are against his show, seriously. Are they opposed to saving? To spending less then they make? And as far as selling books, everything in his books is covered on his show. I never bought one of his books for myself. Didn't need to.

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    Mon Oct 01 2007

    Kind of has a unpleasant edge to his laugh and advice. I turn the channel,  usually, if I'm listening to the radio at that time.

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    Mon Apr 16 2007

    A GAINT ad for his books.  Just another goof ball.

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    Sun Apr 15 2007

    Just a gimmick to sell books and suckers on his live money shows. Not much there .. there.

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    Sat Mar 31 2007

    My wife and I went to a live event in Greenville SC and loved it. the VENUE was great plenty of parking and excellant staffing. Dave Ramesy's advise will change your life if you put it in practice. I can't wait for the day that my wife and I can call his show and scream We'er Debt Free. Keep on keeping on DAVE

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    Mon Mar 26 2007

    Dave Ramsey changed my life. I was in financial despair when I ran across the radio show. My wife and I avoided bankruptcy and are now 3 months from being DEBT FREE. The plan works if you work it!

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    Sun Feb 18 2007

    Dave Ramsey's radio show is my favorite. I just so happened to tune in, probably on the way to or coming back from work, and am hooked. The bottom line is, every year I want to clean up my debt, quit using my credit cards. While everyone might not agree with some of his particular ideas, I'm tired of paying into the debt machine, and I will get my bills paid off. I ordered his "Complete Money Makeover" book. I like what I hear on the radio, I want to read more about his take on things. While I know what I have to do-quit spending-I do have enough "THINGS", the more I listen to the show, the more fired up I am about sticking with a plan. I do understand budgets-but I'm not going to pay off my cards just to use them again like I've done in the past. Dave Ramsey has gotten me motivated to get serious about this, I might blog about it. If you can do this, it can only benefit you.

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    Sat Feb 17 2007

    I went to go see Dave Ramsey in person today at the Deltaplex in Grand Rapids MI. What a rip off. They over sold tickets, people were sitting on the floor with no chairs. There was not enough parking in the parking lot of the Deltaplex so there were hundreds of cars parked in area business parking lots for blocks. When we took our first break they announced that anybody parked in an area business parking lot would be towed if they didn't move their cars. We asked workers and even a local police officer where we can park and we were told that there wasn't any place to park in the area that you wouldn't be towed from. We asked for refunds and they only said that they don't refund ticket sales. So there were hundreds of people that had to leave after hearing just 1 hour of Dave. Any good Christian person would have made sure that there was ample parking and seats at a location before holding an event there. This leaves a very bad taste in my mouth and I am sure that I am not the ... Read more

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    Mon Jan 29 2007

    Dave Ramsey will say things you don't want to hear. He's tough. But, you need the things he says. He can be harsh when he needs to be, but he knows when to be gentle. Listening to and following his advice is common sense, but that's what we often overlook. He's just there to remind us that it works.

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    Mon Nov 20 2006

    Gets old after a while... like after a week!

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    Thu Sep 28 2006

    has a great informative show

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    Wed Jun 14 2006

    This show is excellent. I listen to the podcast because my local stations don't carry him yet. I really wish they would!

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    Sun May 14 2006

    What can I say, he has a great show.

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    Tue Apr 04 2006

    Just Love It. It's the best radio program I have heard. It's a great place to learn about your financial issues, home, small business and for your whole family. If you don't like to hear about the truth about money you may not want to stay long- because Dave Ramsey will tell you like it is. If you are struggling and don't know what to do he will walk with you to solve your problems.

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    Sun Feb 19 2006

    I really believe that his weekday segment is some of the best listening on the radio today. His show is basically all callers with financial success stories, or more often financial train wrecks. Dave gives callers some basic advice so as to help as many people out of debt as possible in three hours. No matter what your financial situation is in life, there is always something to take away from each day's show. If you've never heard the sound of a "plastectomy" - where callers drop credit cards into the blender while on the phone, you don't know what you’re missing.