Dave Matthews Band
Approval Rate: 77%
Reviews 0
by magneticd
Thu Oct 21 2010I wouldn't want to be seen as racist for saying this about a South African, but... I hope Dave Matthews dies a slow death on the end of a pike.
by lobstros
Sun Apr 18 2010Overrated, unoriginal, and completely commercialized. Some of the band members have actual musical talent, but they don't necessarily use it wisely in this venue. Boring drums, same-sounding guitar riffs in almost every song, and take-it-or-leave it singing. Bass tracks are actually pretty solid, and the horns range from great to mediocre. Basically music for yuppies and 'tween to teen girls, very little substance lyrically and the songs all feel like they were written in the same mold. King Crimson, Yes, The Grateful Dead and Pearl Jam all did it better. Much prefer anything from Les Claypool.
by whatupman
Wed May 28 2008Best band in history! There extremely talented, especially live with how they combine songs and each others talents all into one. I don't know how the band knows what to do when dave matthews does something totally out of context of the song, (which is awsome, especially his scats) but they roll with it making it sound good. When they are on stage they aren't doing what they rehearsed like most bands, there just rockin out, jammin, or however the hell you want to say it.
by clinthalcomb42_0
Tue Feb 26 2008If you know anything about music or talent you'll like Dave Matthews. I listen to anythting from blue grass to metal to classical. I LOVE MUSIC!!!!! The Dave Matthews band is my favorite band. If you dont like his style you at least have to give him a 10 for there talent. If you dont believe me try to play some of his music on a guitar like he does. If you can master the guitar like he has then you have the right to say he sucks. Kick Ass band!!!!!!
by tu3sday
Sun Jan 06 2008Brilliant lyrics, vocals, and instruments. Perfect in...pretty much every way. XD And Dave himself is just awesome.And I could not agree more with Twitchin' Monkey's comment! Seriously. DMB's songs are monsters when it comes to playing them on the guitar. o_o
by fb710637574
Tue Nov 06 2007They're ok, not exactly heavy enough for me really
by shim211
Mon Sep 04 2006dave matthews band is my favorite band. theyre so talented and i bet if people took some time to actually listen to their music they would like them too.
by kingguiness
Fri May 26 2006aaaggggggghhhhhh! Ghastly! Awful! Nauseating!
by ceb1964
Thu May 11 2006good, not great, band. good energy and creativity in concert.
by sfalconer
Mon Mar 13 2006This is another one I don't get, their sound is boring. I just don't see what the big deal is!
by twitchin_monkey
Tue Sep 06 2005These guys only get a 5 because i can't give them a 10. you wanna know what the big deal is? learn to play guitar, and then try to learn dave's songs. there's the big deal. not just on guitar though, on any instrument in their band. i believe each member of the band to be dang near the top of the list of musicians on the respective instruments. Carter Buford? have you ever seen the man play drums? bottom line, they're a musician's band. if you don't like their songs, or if they're boring it's just because you can't grasp the complexity of what is going on music-wise. whether you like the type of music or not, you have to respect the talent.
by sabasimba
Wed Jun 22 2005Seriously: What's the big deal?
by canadasucks
Sun May 08 2005Wuss rock. Pansy music. The worst part of this is that college chicks hated you if you told them you hated this band.
by imlynn68
Wed Oct 27 2004DMB is my favorite all-time band! The music makes me feel good and I can't help but sing along. They are one of the only bands worth paying the price of a ticket these days.
by chalky
Fri Oct 08 2004dmb got too big too fast...they're fun in a goofy way but the songs sound the same.....under the table and dreaming is a good album but basically the only thing good about dmb concerts are the girls who go to them
by lauren05
Mon Sep 20 2004fantastic band...love them
by gokmatt
Fri Aug 06 2004This is one of the best bands to hit the scene in the last ten years. It offers an alternative to the uncreative bunch of bands with their three or four guitar chords and bathroom lyrics. If all you like is teenage pop rock, stay away. If you enjoy profound writing and great musicianship, you better hop on and get ready for a delightful ride!
by ernesta
Sat Jul 10 2004Dear Mr. Matthews, There are some promising new drugs for Tourette's. Check them out.
by redoedo
Fri Jun 25 2004Snooze...
by jackofclubs
Fri May 07 2004Dave Matthews is a God!! Best musician out today!
by blairwitch187
Fri Apr 16 2004They're not bad. I have the Busted Stuff album. I really like Grey Street and Where Are You Going.
by bugahane
Wed Apr 14 2004Every one of their songs sounds exactly the same. But they definately have their fan base down pat. You know every weekend you go out that you're gonna see some 20-something dateless male thinking it will impress all the women if he has his Dave Matthews tour sweatshirt on.
by jed1000
Thu Apr 01 2004It all sounds the same after awhile.
by pennyroyalty
Wed Mar 31 2004Dave Matthews Band is amazing. Their lyrics are mostly positive and uplifting. And their music is fun to just sit and listen to. I agree that they may not appeal to everyone, but everyone should give them a chance! (((and Crash Into Me should NOT be that chance!!!))
by kolby1973
Tue Mar 09 2004Possibly one of the most boring bands of the last decade...
by dmb4life
Mon Mar 08 2004Any one on this page who says they hate DMB or Dave Matthews should be lined up and shot in the head. DMB rule and are one of the greatest bands ever.
by jglscd35
Thu Jan 22 2004i can't believe they are this low on this list. maybe they are an acquired taste, but i think they are great.
by standup80
Sat Dec 06 2003I use to have a good old four star for good old Dave, but his new solo album was a bad call on his part. I was not impressed with the cd at all. He needs the band to make that beautiful music I love.
by jojoey1976
Thu Oct 30 2003Dave Matthews is an unoriginal fat slob!
by alty6905
Sun Sep 07 2003Horrible, horrible music. Has the lowest target audience of any band in that only rich, white, suburban youth like him. Tasteless garbage.
by stanuzbeck
Tue Aug 05 2003I really don't get DMB. I mean, one has to acknowledge their sheer collective talent, but the songs themselves don't engage me in any way. I like jammy type music an awful lot, but this is commercialized jam, which wouldn't be a bad thing if they had more musical ideas to support them. It's sort of paradoxical, I suppose, that such enormous individual talent can combine to form such a mediocre band, by which I mean their songwriting skills suck. No better than a 90's version of The Eagles (ubiquitous but will be detested by pretty much everyone in twenty years.)
by jasonluver
Thu Jun 12 2003The best band pretty much! I love everyone of their songs!
by drfeelgood03
Wed May 28 2003WAY OVER-RATED!!!! Only college students who think they know everything because they are liberal democrats like this crap.
by antaresepsilon
Tue Apr 08 2003The music they create has musicality unparalleled by any other group today. Their songs are composed and rehearsed like a real group of musicians, not like the declining rock music that exists today. They perform real improvised solos as real jazz musicians, they don't string together repetitave machine licks.
by shnikees
Sat Mar 22 2003Despite the heavy press attention for Everyday, the band has really been continously great since their inception and has come up one memorable hit after another.
by crimson_and_cl_over
Wed Feb 12 2003way overrated and overplayed
by scar71
Sun Jan 26 2003how bland can straight music get?
by burntisland
Thu Jan 02 2003What is the attraction? The music is empty and milquetoast. Reminds me of the period after the Beatles broke up when the void was filled by groups who played just to be heard and had nothing of any substance to offer. This guy is making it big with people who aren't very demanding in their musical tastes.
by rebelyell1861
Sat Dec 28 2002There are VERY few artists around today with a truly original sound, and Dave Matthews happens to be one of them. But I must say that I really like the stuff that's just him and Tim Reynolds A LOT better than the stuff with the whole band. I encourage anyone to give it a try. For me it was somewhat of an acquired taste, but it's good stuff.
by tatanya28
Sun Dec 15 2002Perhaps I would be more apt to giving them a chance if I didn't feel like some disgruntled Cult member would come attack me if I mentioned that "Dave" (because you know him so personally) is in fact, NOT god (no!!!). I admit they are talented but to those of you that live and breathe only to protest against anything Non-Dave, get a better reason to live or just off yourself now. Also, for those of you that wish that you would hear more of their stuff on the radio, cherish the fact that they aren't played as much in your city for all of the little teeny-boppers to like for a few minutes before they decide that they like the new Christina Aguliera better.
by red630
Tue Dec 10 2002I have seen them in concert twice. The first time was one of the best concerts I have ever been too. The second time every band member had a solo on each song. At one point I asked my friend what song were we listening too - it was like a 20 minute Along the Watchtower.
by shukhevych
Mon Dec 09 2002I'm not impressed.
by dave_fan
Fri Dec 06 2002An amazing and talented band. One of the few in which they can play their insturments, and are still considered cool. The biggest reason you can tell that they are more of a group than any other current bands today is that their shows sound better than their cd's recorded in a studio!
by trpnstn1
Mon Nov 11 2002Back in '95 I would have given DMB 5 stars, but now they barely get 3, and that's just out of respect for how good they used to be. Back in '94 and '95 their shows JAMMED!!! Dave's lyrics, voice, arrangements, and folky style created a passionate connection with audiences that gave them popularity in the jamband scene. But then, they hit MTV and started targeting a new crowd, and now I hear they don't even want to be associated with the lable "jamband" anymore. That's probably a good idea, because, really, they don't jam anymore anyway. In reducing their jams, they have reduced the very thing that made them a great band. Now they are on the road to "sell out". So sad. Their CD's display less creativity and fewer great songs, and their live shows have taken a nose dive over the last few years into the "Save your money" category. Hopefully they'll pop out of it and start playing shows like we all know they are really capable of.
by paisan30
Sun Oct 27 2002Immense talent, and the best live show around.
by killerqueen
Sun Jul 21 2002what a bunch of crap
by thefreak
Sat Apr 13 2002Okay - first of all I have to tell you, I tend to vote against bands that single out one member as the ultimate frontman. But this one is actually a decent group and is definitely preferable to *NSYNC & Co. I l.o.v.e "Crash Into Me". Dave Matthews has the strangest voice I have ever heard...he can sound like grinding metal if he wants to, but then, in the chorus of "The Space Between", it's so sweet. I'm not going to go as far as to say that they are the greatest thing ever to come out of music, but they have some fun songs. Good instrumentals. I just wouldn't consider them one of the classics or the greats. Take care, everyone!
by damientc
Fri Apr 12 2002overrated to say the least!!
by dmb_luva
Wed Feb 27 2002First off, i would like to say that you cannot say that a band sucks simply because they are overplayed. If that was true than every band, artist would suck. Secondly, DMB is a bunch of brilliant guys that sing and play music that is based on love and hope. In the music today, for the most part, they "sing" about how life sucks period. DMB says that there are going to be periods of great joy and great sadness in your life, and during the latter part keep your loved ones close to you. Not, " My life blows, kill your momma, f**k". DMB has spectacular live shows. Many of todays bands sound good on cd but when you see them live its horrible. Like two different bands. They have true talent. With a sexy mix of rock/blues/jazz/gospel they keep millions coming back for more.