Darren Hayes

Approval Rate: 92%

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    Thu Jun 29 2006

    I like his voice. He can deffinetly sing. Normally, I like the sound of the woman's voice -it has emotion, feeling, passion, anger, desperation, etc, - things that man's voice lacking, but Darren's voice sounds very capticvating, emotional, somewhat feminine. He can hit high notes like no other man. His lyrics are very personal and have true and pure meaning of emotional nature and growth as an artist.

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    Sun Nov 27 2005

    I can't put my finger on it, but something about Darren's voice and lyrics just grabs you by the throat and refuses to be dismissed or ignored...it's romantic, dreamy, emotional, haunting, and almost unearthly. Truly captivating!

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    Sat Sep 24 2005

    he's HOT

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    Wed Nov 03 2004


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    Wed Sep 15 2004

    darren hayes is awsome i love his new album the tension and the spark!

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    Wed Aug 04 2004

    His new album to come is GREAT.... I've heard it at a listening party in America, and fell in love with it, and its out this fall called The Tension and the Spark.... No one can come close to this man in terms of lyric writing, singing, and all he has done for his fans through the years!!!!!

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    Wed Jul 07 2004

    Darren has the most incredible voice in the world, and he's an amazing songwriter and performer, if you ever get a chance to see him live, do it! I love the fact that he's always growing musically, each album sounds differently form the previous ones. He's great artist.

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    Thu May 27 2004

    Well, I don't really like his voice

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    Sun May 09 2004

    Darren Hayes is an angel in every word....the enotion that he puts into his lyrics makee you wanna cry....its like reading someones diary their inner most secrets.....he also has the moat gorgeous singing and speaking voices known to man......not to mention that he is absolutely gorgeous himself...I love him to bits..... ~~Sely

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    Sun May 09 2004

    You may think you know this artist. And assuming you've had the radio dialed to an AC or Top 40 station at some time in the last near-decade, chances are you've heard this voice. It's instantly recognisable. But the music contained in his fourth album, The Tension And The Spark, is as far from his previous oeuvre as Neptune from Newcastle. And listening to it, you realise that you don't really know this man at all... and it makes you wonder if we can EVER really know an artist. This album contains piercing accidents of truth, painful honesty, and such a totally re-invented, unexpected, courageous, multi-textured sound...it's a revelation. And it belongs uniquely to this artist. Nobody else sounds like this, or writes like this... and if you think I'm having a hard time describing it... you're right. ;) If someone asked me to describe the work of Damien Rice, or Rufus Wainwright, I'd have the same problem...all of these arists have what can be called an amazing sense of interio... Read more

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    Thu Apr 29 2004

    Yes, I am a fan, but having said that, the new album is TOTALLY DIFFERENT... the best thing I can say is that this isn't a pop star making an electronic record. This is an actual electronic record. The sound is fresh and is full of smart and knowing touches. Vocal texture is amazing. Synth textures are done with craft (all samples/sounds were engineered by Hayes and his collaborator R. Conley)and the album is all about tone painting matching sound with emotional color of the songs and lyrics. It is simply a great album and unlike what is currently in mainstream radio...

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    Sat Apr 17 2004

    he's crap.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    Great and funny personality, wonderful songs, beautiful voice. Very talented.

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    Tue Apr 13 2004

    Darren Hayes has the most incredible voice and good quality music! It's not just empty words placed in his lyrics! His music would touch anyone who listens to it, cause it's all about pure and honest feelings! I'm sure his next album, The Tension And The Spark will be fantastic!

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    Mon Apr 12 2004

    Darren Hayes is the best singer and songwriter ever!I think there isn't anyone who haven't heard To the moon and back,Truly madly deeply and I knew I loved you from his Savage garden days.But his new album The Tension&The; Spark will be great and I can't wait to hear it!!!

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    Mon Apr 12 2004

    What can I say about darren Hayes........He is an inspirational songwriter. His voice is the most beautiful and haunting I have heard. After the success of his first solo album, Darren is in the process of releasing his new album The Tension & The Spark. I just know it is going to be a huge hit.

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    Sat Apr 10 2004

    Darren Hayes is one of the greatest singer/songwriters to grace the music world. Basing his words around his life experiences he manages to capture a little piece of everyone within his words. Voice of angel, looks of a god and the mind of a genius! *****

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    Fri Apr 09 2004

    Darren Hayes is a truly amazing singer. He has a wonderful voice and writes songs that everyone can relate to. He is a lovely person who loves to have contact with his fan base and really values them and their loyalty to his music.

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    darren has such a fantastic voice and pple havent heard good music till they have heard darren...ENUF with the pop idol malarky, buy his album now and u will be happy

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    Darren Hayes is a very talented singer/songwriter with a wonderful voice. I loved his first solo album 'Spin' and I'm looking forward to the new one 'The Tension and the Spark'.

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    What can I say... the man is incredible in every single way, an extremely talented musician (as proved both in his solo career and with Savage Garden) and I can't wait for 'The Tension and the Spark'- his new album- to be released!

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    I love Darren Hayes! His voice and lyrics are just so amazing. He has incredible talent and its so great that he is able to share that with the world through his music. Also, unlike many artists, Darren always remembers his fans he constantly gives back just as much as they give him. 'Spin' was amazing and I can't wait to hear his new album 'the tension and the spark' (OUT SOON) Darren is a very unique, very special, very talented guy and I love him!

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    Darren Hayes is truly the best artist out there. He has an incredible voice and amazing talent way above any i've seen before in other artists. Not only is he a great singer but also songwriter, unlike many bands/singers of today. 'Spin' was amazing....loved it....and I cant wait until the release of his new solo album 'the tension and the spark' I love this man and his music and will continue supporting him throughout the rest of his career - which I hope is a very long time!

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    Thu Apr 08 2004

    I just LOVE the voice and lyrics of the extremely talented Aussi Darren Hayes. His words, voice and melodies speaks right to me heart and brain ;) All of his previous work for Savage Garden and as a solo artist is still playing on the top spot of my personly Heavy Rotation list and I am SO EXCITED about his new and LONG AWAITED soon to be released album titled The Tension and The Spark. I hope in my heart that this new album will bring him all the succes that he is so well deserving of.

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    http://ar.groups.yahoo.com/group/dhst_arg/ Darren Hayes Street Team Argentina

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren not only sings like an angel he looks like one to. Fantastic live can wait on the new album coming out. He also writes his ownsongs.

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren Hayes is a truely talented singer/songwriter who can put so much feeling and expression into his songs. Really looking forward to hearing his new album

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren Hayes is so much more than a singer-songwriter - he influences lives for the good and changes hearts. His sincerity shines through everything he does.

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren is in my opinion an amazing and true artist. he has a wonderful voice that brings out all the feelings of a song and i've rarely heard anyone who's able to do that.

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren is a very underated artist in my opinion. A fantastic songwriter and singer, it all comes from the heart and he is a beautiful person to boot! He was great in Savage Garden and will just go from strength to strength as a solo artist. Awaiting album no. 2... The tension and the spark!!

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren Hayes is a wonderful singer/song writer. He put's so much expression into his voice when he sings ang you can hear the sadness in his voice when he sings a sad song. So many people can relate to the lyrics. Darren is also not afraid to 'wear his heart on his sleave' and express all his feeling and past experiences, whether it be love, relationship or just something that he has seen. I think his music is absolutely lovely and i myself can relate to some of his lyrics.

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    Wed Apr 07 2004

    Darren Hayes has the voice of an angel, he's definately my number one. An inspiration to all that hear him. You should have a listen... his new album will be out soon!

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Darren Hayes is one of a few very talented singer, songwriters that actually show and feel all the emotion in his songs, and he has a beautiful voice to complement them. So please don't rate him until you have heard him.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Darren Hayes is a talented songwriter with an amazing voice. His music touches me in a way no other artist's music ever has. His first solo album Spin & his two albums, Savage Garden & Affirmation from his Savage Garden days are hardly ever out of my CD player. I am eagerly awaiting the release of his 2nd solo album The Tension & The Spark later this year.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Morning Children of the Revolution, My type of music is very rock based but Darren Hayes and Savage Garden are my exceptions. Darren cares greatly about his music and it really shines through, in a time when the charts are filled with clones with very little talent, darren is a ray of hope.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    What can I say, here is a man who can do no wrong...fantastic live shows, great albums with Savage Garden. His debut solo album (Spin) had something for everyone, and I'm really looking forward to the next (The Tension and the Spark)...and did I mention he's rather dishy too !

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Darren Hayes is Australias best export after Lager! He was half of Savage Garden but is now on his own, and hes just about to release his second Solo offering *The Tension and the Spark* after the platinum album Spin of 2002. I cant WAIT to hear it!

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Darren is the only true artist around, he does all his own stuff and i take my hat off to him i respect this guy so much ...love ya Darren :)...am so looking forward to his new album 'The Tension and The Spark' coming out :):):)

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Darren Hayes is one of the most under-rated and overlooked artists of the late 90's and 2000's. He has a voice that is just beautiful and songs that everyone can relate to.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    I think Darren is gorgeous and talented. Can't wait for the new album - just wish it would hurry up in coming out! lol xox

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Darren is FANTASTIC. Hes got an amazing voice, and I cant wait to hear The Tension and The Spark.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    He's just amazing! - incredibly talented as a song writer with a voice that sends shivers.

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    Tue Apr 06 2004


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    Tue Apr 06 2004

    Fantastic.. the best ever..

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    Mon Nov 10 2003

    Adorable, beautiful voice, plaintive lyrics. He deserves so much more credit than he gets.

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    Sat Mar 01 2003

    darren is great but it all dosn't count from the outside its on the inside of him that counts sure his hot and cute but u should look deeper and find whats on the iinside of him its not all looks and stuff

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    Sun Feb 16 2003

    He's a great artist and you should NOT beat him down! GRRR!!!

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    Sun Jun 30 2002

    If you like Savage Garden you will love Darren Hayes new CD entitiled SPIN. If you don't know, Savage Garden split and he was the front man but now he's a solo artist. He is one of the greatest performers out there because he actually writes and produces the stuff he sings. You should definately preview his music and don't be biased if you're into another genre of music. Life is all about being open and learning new things and his music can be appretiated if you approach it with an open mind. Thanks.

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    Thu May 09 2002

    I think Darren Hayes new cd INSATIABLE is one of his great disc out there , so far his first cd is good, and his second is good when your are feeling down,but this cd makes me feel every emotion possible.It has a lot of really cool beats ,and you can see he cares alot about life. THIS CD IS GREAT!!!HE IS GREAT!!!!