Approval Rate: 72%
Reviews 0
by wasteoftyme
Thu Jul 14 2011I've been on this site for a year & ready to cancel it. It SUCKS!!! Everyday I get mail from girls that live 500 to 2000 miles away. There is no way to block them. I sent over 100 messages & received 5 back. When you see a profile's pic & on the right it will tell you the last time they logged on. Some will say; a few days, a week or a month. But, if it's blank, they haven't been on for a long time. Most girls I was interested in are blank. When you cancel your profile, you have options. One option is to leave your profile up, in case you want to rejoin. So, all of those girl's profiles that are blank. You don't know if your messages are going to a girl who hasn't been on for more than a month or not on the site. It all means, your money is just going down the drain.
by sanjosecasenio_r
Sat May 07 2011(My comments are as a USA citizen which may result in complaints not shared by GB members.) Cupid plc has several on-line dating web sites: BeNaughty, Flirt, Click and Flirt, GirlsDateForFree, and YouCanGetMe. They may have more. I don't think there is an honest bone in any of the people who run the family of sites. I suspect that BeNaught was originally created by a USA citizen and later purchased by Cupid plc. It is, in my opinion, the best of the lot. My comments refer to all of the other sites in the Cupid plc family. One minor thing is that they send members emails saying that another member has sent them a message, when, in reality, Cupid's computer is only informing the member who received the email that a new member has joined and might be of interest. The management is so inept as to state the costs for upgrading memberships in GB pounds and weights of members in "stones and lbs" and Kg instead of US lbs. A very small percentage of USA citizens know how to convert the wei... Read more
by rickysea
Mon Nov 29 2010I also joined them for my nephew.They show three prices for 3 deferent times $34 for 1 monthly $29 for 3 months $18.98 for 6 the entire time they make it look like you'll be billed this monthly.When they really charge you for all 6 months.They say it theres but the way the format it you don't see it.(or they make it look like thats the total price after 6 months)Then when you write them back they tell you will get a refund then send you to different refund emails that get answered late.Then say that by term and cond we agreed to even though. I wrote them the next day 6 days before the charge cleared they had ample time to refund me my money but chose not to.Do not use this company there are much better ones that don't use decitful tactics just to get your money and keep it.There probably a complete fraudulence company from over seas that our government once again lets them take advantage of.
by hello32
Mon Oct 25 2010Not worth your time in the slightest!! the company and the website is one BIG SCAM!! is full of fake members who wink and email you as soon as you signup for basic membership then disapear as soon as you become a paid member. You have to become a paid member before you can find out who's been emailing. In either case has NO CUSTOMER SERVICE department and will not respond to any billing of questions you might have. That should tell you plenty about the true nature of also hosts people from Nigeria who's goal is to act as American's living in America they then get to some story about how they lost all their money and need yours for some trip back to America. has no comment with regards to these people and makes no effort to remove their membership or limit activities. In other words is complicit in the crimes, is not interested in what you have to say about it in addition to taking your money as a paid member should ... Read more
by paulypaul182
Sun Jun 13 2010Its a con. As soon as you sign up a stunner winks, adds you as a friend and then wants to chat. The only way you get to chat to her is if you pay. Once you pay this stunner stops talking to you. Nice ploy, doesnt work with me!
by friskytantra
Sun May 16 2010I got propositioned to join the site by numerous ad campaigns and eventually signed up for a 3 day trial at 66p a day. I got hit straight away by the customary 'fluffer' after I entered my profile details and photo in response to, you know, 'wow! I'm really interested in you and would love to go out with you and have sex with you' I answered and of course (well, I am always just a sucker for tarty knee jerk mind control programming by beautiful women, you know these companies employ psychologists to jerk your chain). Yes! I would love to meet up with you (a reply to her could only be sent after coughing up a couple of quid for three days). Needless to say, I've been round the block a few times (though I almost never try to communicate this way, but it can be a way to get past mere guessing) and of course, there was no answer, I wouldn't normally be suckered in to this kind of cheap bullshit, but I was handicapped by the goodwill produced by a couple of cans and really thought someone m... Read more
by nonamenoblame
Sun Mar 28 2010If you ever want to delete your profile, forget about it. They keep it. You can hide your profile but not delete it. I am suspicious of any of those sites where you are not allowed to delete your profile. Maybe that's how your profile ends up on other dating sites that you never heard about.
by bob7502
Sat Nov 07 2009I think some of the contacts are generated by the site. They have no photo' and always send an I am not a gold member, will you take the first step message. I don't think it is worth the time or effort.
by girly5678
Sun Dec 02 2007It is a good site. I got several dates from it. One guy I dated on and off for about a year but I saw that he was still visiting the site regularly and he was also afraid of commitment. Another guy I found genital herpes medication at his home so I ended that pretty quickly. It is good for dating but the chances are slim to meeting "the one". Hey... you never know. However, you are taking a risk because you don't know their past or where they've been as opposed to meeting someone through a friend, etc
by jrj1430
Fri Mar 09 2007very good site...lots of options and customer service is outstanding there are a lot of people to choose from and the ad topics are very complete
by ypp80c2b
Wed Feb 08 2006Very good service
by aftershock
Thu Dec 15 2005three months into my separation from my husband......lonliness was getting the better of me...... so I decided to utilize this site as refuge from my dateless nights (my STBX is enjoying many date filled nights all while living rent free in the comfort of his mommy's basement....lovely) Anyway. It is free to set up your profile and add a picture, which is highly recommended. The freebies with a free membership include bland, prefabricated greetings called "eyecontacts" that you can send to someone that catches your eye. You can also respond to messages sent to you by a paying member. The constant ping pong game of sending eye contacts though loses it's magic........ QUICK, and eventually, one or both of the parties will lose interest and eventually dissapear off the radar. One way some "free" members try to get by without paying is to sneak in their yahoo screen name and encrypt it into their headline, example...... "hotstud at the hoo", usually yahoo. The administrators of thi... Read more
by cwscifun
Sat Nov 12 2005Do use the website, but do not go out with Ralph Peterson!
by kaleeena
Mon Oct 31 2005The best dating site I've found.