Cuba Reviews | RateItAll


Island country comprising the island of Cuba, as well as Isla de la Juventud and several minor archipelagos Website

Approval Rate: 63%

63%Approval ratio

Reviews 23

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    Mon Feb 28 2011

    A lady friend of mine went there a few years back & thoroughly enjoyed her stay.She speaks fluent Spanish & was able to truly mingle with the people (unlike the average "tourist").She had to fly there from Canada,since the US does NOT like its citizens to go there,for obvious political reasons.Tourists (at least American ones) are generally kept to limited areas.My friend,however,was staying with the relatives of her travel mate.She said that the people were wonderful, & that she felt completely safe going to nightclubs & mingling.She said the men were flirtatious yet respectful.She was highly impressed at the level of education the people of Cuba recieve.Her only complaint was that it was nearly impossible to maintain a vegetarian diet there. Evidently,some foods are scarce there,possibly because of trade embargos.

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    Mon Feb 28 2011

    Also see Cuba on anything by Humberto Fontova.. /02/02/the_cuban_hostage_crisis,_day_400

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    Mon Mar 09 2009

    As long as Cuba is ruled by the counter-revolutionary, Fidel Castro, I'm not going. However, I definitely resent being told I don't have the FREEDOM to make up my own mind.

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    Mon Mar 09 2009

    I'll probably get some heat from my conservatives friends, but I thought Bush should have acted in a more productive way to ease restrictions and work to improve relations with Cuba. Politically (votes), he dropped the ball here. The Obama administration decided to offer an olive branch to Cuba in an effort to repair U.S Cuba relations. I think about other countries we already do business with (terrorist countries). China, who last time I looked was still a communist country. This is a move that can benefit us and them. Obama scores a point here, IMO.

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    Thu Apr 20 2006

    Totalitarian dictatorship. The ranking would be much higher if not for Castro.

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    Mon Jan 02 2006

    Castro must go.

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    Fri Nov 04 2005

    I'm sure it would be a great place to visit besides the poverty that comes with the communism ditatorship.

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    Mon Sep 19 2005

    Let's see now, it has beaches. Is this the only place that has beaches? Hmm, probably not. So let's go someplace that deserves our patronage. Some day Castro will die and then we can grab all those 1957 Chevys.

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    Wed Sep 08 2004

    For those saying it's a great vacation spot, this isn't 1954. Your US dollars go to prop up Castro.

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    Thu Aug 05 2004

    Good people, bad leader

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    Tue Jul 06 2004

    Cuban revolution a roaring success? Come on, you must be out of your mind. Try to explain that to millions of cubans living in the island, (one of them my father and half of my family) in total poverty and struggling to live like a human being. I hate when ignorant people talk about Cuba without knowing the true situation under Fidel Castro's dictatorial government.

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    Tue Feb 10 2004

    Cuba is a pretty island near Haiti. Cuba was founded by Christopher Colombus as the Island of Dreams. Then Fidel Castro claimed the island in 1959. It's current government structure is a communist state. Cuban families are very close to eachother. They also treat tourists like family. Their main religion is Santeria. There are many tourist sites in Cuba such as the terracotta urns of Camaguay, Shrine Of The Black Virgin, the large copper mines in Santiago, Casa de Trova, Trinidad, Baroque Chapel, Gauchos, and mangrove trees. Sports popular in Cuba are baseball and boxing. Cubans get free education and healthcare. The music in Cuba is a mix of African beats with Spanish vocals. Street fiestas are also common. Cuba hosted many famous tourists from the United States such as Al Capone and Ernest Hemingway. A popular song down in Cuba is Guantantamera. As for the artistic movement, There are many bands, artists, painters, and dancers. Their musicals contain more sexual imagery than ours in... Read more

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    Mon Oct 06 2003

    I have to admit, tied for the #2 place I'd want to visit in the world (along with India and Russia, #1 Germany). To just talk about Cuba as a "vaction spot" is horrible, not that vacationing there is horrible, it is just they have so much more than pretty beaches and beautiful scenery... like culture, food, dance and drink! Amazingly so close to the USA, but somehow (unlike Canada unfortunately) has managed to keep its rich culture despite the extremely strong American influence on the world.

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    Thu Jun 12 2003

    the best of cuba is in cuba, all the losers have moved to Miami or other parts of the united states of terrorism.

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    Sun Mar 23 2003

    beautiful country! REcommended: varadero beach, cayo coco the purest, most beautiful beaches in the world!

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    Sat Feb 08 2003

    Communist dictatorship, they people there are dirt poor. Good vacation spots though.

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    Sun Nov 04 2001

    A Communist, terroristic little nation run by sociopath Fidel Castro. A beautiful island is wasted by the misery you will see if you travel there.

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    Wed Oct 24 2001

    It's probably not the best place to go. Castro is a real dictator. Why do you think so many people attempt escape from Cuba?

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    Thu May 10 2001

    Definitively it was a great trip! Very nice people, a completely different culture, a lot of fun (salsa), amazing contrasts, tasteful rum and food, lovely cities and fantastic landscape and beaches and the feeling you’re living something that will probably change completely in a years time.

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    Tue May 08 2001

    I recently had the opportunty to spend 8 days traveling in Cuba on vacation, and it was absolutely amazing. If you believe the billboards that line almost every road and every square, the Cuban revolution has been a roaring success. Che Guevara's charismatic face stares at you from all sides, emblazoned with slogans like "The Revolution is Ours," "Cuba will never be defeated," and "Cuba doesn't need your imperialism." However, a quick walk around the decaying beauty of Havana Vieja will show you how completely the economics of Castro have failed. Crumbled mansions line pot-holed streets, and Cubans line up for bread, milk, and other staples. Despite the crippling effect of Castro's policies and the US blockade on the average Cuban, the people there are still wonderful to hang out with. They seem to love Americans (though not our politicians), are extremely generous (I told a guy I met at a bar that I liked his baseball jersey and he took it off on the spot to give it to me), and ... Read more

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    Tue Nov 30 1999

    It's only three things you can use to describe this country: Salsa, salsa & more salsa! And merengue of course! :o)

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    Sun Nov 21 1999

    Why would I want to live in Cuba when living in Miami is like living there?

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    Tue Oct 26 1999

    I recently visited Cuba and it was a great historical understanding of my background and culture. Cuba is not the same as it used to be when my mother was growing up. It has now deteriorated because of Castro, but it is still a beautiful country.