Approval Rate: 70%

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    Sat Nov 20 2010

    I have always been a law and order guy.

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    Tue Aug 17 2010

    Never have been impressed or convinced. I did, for a short while, enjoy mimicing haracio kane...but beyond that...it's for sucker.

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    Tue Feb 02 2010

    The acting is laughable sometimes, the scripts are cliche and typical. This show is headed down the road towards Law and Order, which is, it was good once but it should end it before it gets pathetic.

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    Wed Oct 28 2009

    my mom loves this show . I will watch if nothing else on

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    Thu Apr 23 2009

    I hate crime shows. they are all the same. this is the most overrated of them. How many do they have to make? This is why T.V. sucks today.

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    Fri Apr 17 2009

    CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is still my favourite of the three CSI shows, but I'm starting to think it's gone on too long. Not to say that there aren't still good episodes, but the show overall doesn't have the appeal that it did the first few seasons. In my opinion, the season five finale "Grave Danger" was the best episode and would have made a great series finale. Now in season nine, there are still some interesting story lines, but the show started to lose steam even before the big cast changes of the past couple seasons. That being said, I still catch the show every week. I guess some of the appeal is still there.

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    Mon Mar 23 2009

    A lil over rated. I believe its starting to lose popularity as the years role on.

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    Mon Aug 25 2008

    Would go five stars if it weren't so graphic. I like William Petersen and the rest of the cast is good. Well written but for the too realistic corpses littering every show. This is for the CSI Vegas version.

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    Fri Jul 18 2008

    Always one of my faves. I love the mystery, the process of solving a crime, and the cast is awesome!

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    Wed Jun 18 2008

    w e alright

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    Thu Jun 12 2008

    crap, crap and more crap. The writers of shows like this just pick up the paper everyday, read about a murder or a sex offender and BAMM! theres your hour of someones suffering!

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    LOVE IT !!! nuthin to say except this and CSI: NY are the ONLY CSI shows I watch

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    Sat Jun 07 2008

    to fake and sci-fi for me

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    Sat May 10 2008

    I really used to love CSI but lately this whole comedy stuff is boring. Who is writing for them now I HATE IT I can't even finish watching the show. This was one of my favorite shows but now if this is how the shows are going I want nothing do do with them. Their so stupid. They should go back to the way they used to write.

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    Fri Mar 21 2008

    Like ER its losing some of its flair, but I love the characters. Grissom is the man!

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    Wed Mar 05 2008

    was great, but seems to be running out of gas. Most scripts for new shows seem like re-runs.

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    Sun Sep 30 2007

    csi has always held my interest, i have never missed a episode, and when one episode ends i find myself wondering what the next one will entale.........

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    Sun Mar 11 2007

    5 stars for cast and creativity.

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    Fri Dec 08 2006

    I think it is a well photographed show, but it trivializes and objectifies violence and the characters act too smug about themselves. In the last show, the woman laughs at a dead body. The Peterson charachter is acting more reflective this time, which I haven't seen him do before. The only reason I tuned in was to see how much slaughter house violence and torture they would show, so as to inform the viewer about their complicity in the factory farm industry by eating and voting for this suffering. For this I applaude them, as they probably could have done it in a warehouse instead. If you like to see more about where your food comes from, do a search for meet your meat.

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    Thu Nov 09 2006

    Ilove csi but i am sad that it will soon bite the dust. When I stop watching any show due to it now continuiing it's story lines it the kiss of death. Gauranteed this is the last if not next to the last season.

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    Mon Aug 28 2006

    He is as hot as anyone I've seen on TV. Good actor, too!

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    Sat Aug 26 2006

    I love CSI... It has a great cast & great story lines

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    Fri May 05 2006

    I'm in as a Criminal Justice major, so I have a soft-spot in my heart for forensics :-) The show is face-paced, with a great storyline and great actors.

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    Thu May 04 2006

    Interesting enough, but not worth all the hype it gets.

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    Sun Apr 09 2006

    Remember when i told you their is only five great shows on my list on tv. This is one of them,the way science deal in ways of solving crime is exciting and awrsome.I really injoy watching this show and the acting is just as good . My list of five fav shows this is number four.one of the best.

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    Mon Feb 06 2006

    This is my favourite as well as the rest of CSI shows. The cast, characters, story lines are great and I think stick to the 'truth' as much as can be expected.

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    Wed Jan 25 2006

    Saw one episode last night while waiting for Love Monkey. Turned it off during a prolonged and horribly graphic scene of an axe murder. Can't believe this is on primetime. I won't watch it again.

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    Wed Jan 25 2006

    Getting tired. Too many offspring out there.

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    Wed Dec 28 2005

    Fast paced, interesting.. Keep it up.

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    Sat Oct 08 2005

    drama, not sports!

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    Thu Sep 29 2005

    Great show I love all of them.

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    Fri Sep 16 2005

    CSI Las Vegas has been the greatest new show to come out in years--and now we can add the great THRESHOLD show as another 5* show. I love the cast of CSI/Vegas--William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger--all the cast really. Especially the one who plays Greg...They are each so human and their characters are so well rounded. I love it that Catherine Willows could be a former stripper and have such a fine mind and become such a great forensic investigator/scientist...I love how William Petersen is into his bug collection; Sarah Sidle is a favorite and the show wouldn't be the same without her and her dimples--and George Eads is great in his role, too. And the doc in the morgue, plus his assistant. Oh, I cannot forget to mention the actor Warrick with the gorgeous blue eyes...he would make a great love interest for Catherine, I think... CSI/Miami is my next favorite show on TV. I love David Caruso and his lovely long haired blonde assistant--Emily Proctor. Please don't ever make her cut... Read more

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    Wed Sep 14 2005

    Never seen the show (or the five hundred offspring), but I have to put up with their annoying commercials throughout the football season. Looks absolutely pathetic. Cookie cutter show...identical to 50 shows that have been on cable/satellite for years...no originality. For the record, dramas that go by acronyms...they suck.

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    Thu Sep 08 2005

    Simply the best show on TV...now the spin-offs, not so good.

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    Wed Aug 17 2005

    B*ll*cks to all the negative comments here. CSI (Vegas, NY and Miami) is the best cop series to come out of the US. Way smarter and more intriging than the overrated 'Hill Street Blues' and 'NYPD Blue'.

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    Sat Aug 06 2005

    Love Jorja

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    Fri Jun 24 2005

    When oh when are we going to be relieved from this genre of cop/crime/etc shows? Please enough already!

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    Thu Jun 23 2005

    5 stars for the Vegas show, the rest suck. I wouldn't watch david caruso act if my life depended on it! Yo, digust, how can you slam a show you've never watched? Give it a shot before lowering the boom. And lindamichelle1, you got it right in giving Jorga Fox a 5. I heard she is gay, but no matter. She's sexier than hell, and in a natural way, unlike makeup creations that clutter the airwaves. Jorga can collect ny DNA anytime!

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    Mon May 16 2005

    Five stars for CSI: Vegas, one star apiece for CSI's:Miami and NY. The main characters in CSI:Vegas have a chemistry that keeps even the slower shows going at a decent pace. The rivalry between Nick and Warrick, the tension between Sara and Grissom make the main characters almost as much fun as the various murders do. While the science may not be 100% factual, I believe it's real enough to be fascinatiing (I believe they mostly exaggerate how fast they can do things), and some of the mysteries they've solved were just fascinating. That, and the fact that some of the episodes are taken from the headlines of today....all in all, an excellent show.

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    Mon May 16 2005

    5 stars for CSI Vegas. The others just don't do it for me. I love the Vegas cast.

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    Sun May 08 2005

    Season after season this show stays on top with new ideas.

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    Thu May 05 2005

    really good show so real so intreaging so freeky

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    Mon Apr 25 2005

    Pretty good! I am getting tired of all the CSI spin-offs. I hear CSI Punxsutawney, PA. is coming soon.

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    Mon Apr 25 2005

    I'm waiting for CSI-East L.A.

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    Wed Apr 20 2005

    I love this show so much i want to be a forensic investigater

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    Wed Mar 30 2005

    this is good but i think that charmed is better!!!!!!!!!!

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    Tue Mar 29 2005

    I love the one in Las Vegas ONLY. The others bore me, but I find LV smart and intriguing.And that guy, Warrick wow is he hot.. those eyes....yummy

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    Wed Mar 23 2005

    Okay, if only for the unintentional comedy of the whole thing. Although much of what is depicted on the show appears to be accurate (and I am by no means an expert on forensics). If you have any kind of background in chemistry or biology it's easy to point out when the creators oversimplfy or just plain make up science. Overall, the show has a good cast is pretty enganging if you just let yourself buy in to whatever they're doing.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    A decent show that is following up on the popularity of all the non fiction forensic shows on various cable networks. It just bothers me though that the characters are peforming so many different roles. They should make it more like Law & Order, and have detectives who question the suspects, and then the analysts who work with the evidence. In real life the scientists who are conducting the procedures are getting their information from detectives and police officers who do the leg work. So the inaccuracy of their portrayal bothers me somewhat.