Crosby, Stills & Nash
Approval Rate: 82%
Reviews 0
by frankswildyear_s
Mon Jun 08 2009An incredible collection of talent that has unfortunately only occassionally lived up to its potential since their first two albums. With or without Young, it's really too bad that they were not able to get past the clash of their individual egos to build a larger body of great music. In all they produced a box set worth of stone classics, but never kept their momentum going after Deja Vu. Their later day work has a high ratio of filler to killer material. Young has historically saved his better work for his own records and who could blame him. Stills had a period where he couldn't miss and struck lightning with CSN, two solo albums and a one off project called Manassas, then fell into a career of tragic mediocrity. Crosby blew it all away in a cloud of coke dust. Nash seemingly sacrificed a career of James Taylor-like Mellow Gold Success to play house mother to the band. A great group but they could have been The Greatest.
by astromike
Mon Jun 08 2009Gotta love CSN. Some years known as CSNY (Neil Young). I have never heard a classic rock group sing in unison and sound so good. They're voices harmonize very well together. My personal favorites are- "Suite Judy Blue Eyes" "Carry On'' "Southern Cross"
by lizbird
Tue Mar 10 2009Wow, can they sing. Interesting personalities, great songs. My favorite is Graham Nash.
by irishgit
Mon Oct 27 2008They were very good, but they haven't aged well. At their best, in Suite: Judy Blue Eyes and Wooden Ships, they were excellent. All too often, unfortunately, they were a little twee.
by chalky
Mon Oct 27 2008Probably would have to add the 'Y' to the equation to at least get a 3 star rating. Young alone is 4 stars.
by moosekarloff
Fri Oct 24 2008These guys could do it all: write, play and sing. Their one album was one of the greatest records of its time and still holds up very well 40 years later. The addition of Neil Young resulted in a second album that was just as good as the first. "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes," "Country Girl," "Wooden Ships," "Everybody I Love You," "Almost Cut My Hair," are all magnificent songs, masterfully executed. This is serious rock and roll music that distilled influences from other musical genres with aplomb, and makes most of the other contemporary fare sound like cartoonish crap for the kiddies. Listening to these two albums recently, what impressed me, as always, was the singing, but, the guitar playing is also truly remarkable.
by oceansoul
Fri Aug 22 2008CSN were good until they added Young. When Young left they made some more decent recordings. Basically, anytime they become CSNY they go down the drain. The vocal harmonies were amazing in their time and I think they are still great.
by psychosamatic_pixxi
Wed Jul 02 2008okay, but crosby, stills, nash, AND young is really where its at.
by limpin_trenchfoot
Fri Sep 07 2007Considering the amount of drugs being consumed - well by Crosby at least anyway - I'm surprised their stuff is so tame and middle of the road. I'd have thought that the one good thing drugs do is to free up the imagination, not that you'd ever guess from a CSN (Y) tune. Marrakesh Express is quite good. Oh well, at least they're less offensive or derivative than most.
by avatar413
Mon Jan 22 2007One of the BEST concerts I have ever seen in my life was CSNY.
by greggorange
Sun Jan 14 2007Acoustic guitars, three part vocal harmony, hippies, marijuana, let's sit on the grass cross-legged and listen to the nice mellow music at the peace rally. Uh-huh...okay...uh...right...yeah...uh...
by mjhaag
Sat Jul 01 2006They had some good songs with great harmonies, especially early in their career. But how are they in second place on this list ahead of the Who, Zeppelin, Stones, Doors, etc?
by candylucy
Thu May 25 2006OK but I find them very dull.
by tekrider
Fri May 12 2006Finally got the old turntable hooked to my sound system and played their Deja Vu albun - still sounding good after ~36 years. Played Neil Young's 'Helpless' more than once after skipping thru the rest. He bears repeating. Stills almost messes up the end of 4 + 20 making it more real. Great seeing them live a couple of years back.
by penwah
Sun Apr 02 2006I'm with Kadone - my all time favorites. I think their impact gets lost in retrospect, but they were the first country-flavored rock band to incorporate incredible harmony with fantastic guitar, political statements and poetry. They made so much more than music. And as they age their message and music remains timeless.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Fri Dec 02 2005Kind of underachievers in my view. They looked poised to perhaps replace the Beatles as the biggest act going, but then they broke up for the first time right after The Fab Four did. Their first album isn't bad, but merely pretty good, it had a few classics like 'Long Time Gone' and "Suite:Judy Blue Eyes," but it hasn't aged all that well, doesn't hold up to repeated listenings, and foreshadowed all of the worst attributes of the singer-songwriter era. The Deja Vu album, with Neil Young was a classic marred only slightly by Nash's twee and sometimes annoying songs. Nash was a talented singer but surely the lightweight of the band, although his previous outfit, The Hollies, while nowhere near as good as the other guys' groups, The Byrds and Buffalo Springfield, put out some fine music from time to time. Crosby, whatever one thinks of him as a person, is a great singer, and there's no need to even get into Stills and especially Young - major talents both, though Stills lost it soon after... Read more
by kadone
Tue Jun 28 2005my all time favorites
by 93century
Tue Jun 21 2005Good wholesome music. Much better than the garbage today. I am 30 years old and got hooked on this band when my brother used to listen to them. Anyone who is 18+ years old that listens to this type of music has great taste! If music was this good now, the world would be a much better place. I bought the CD set of the album Carry On last year. It has a good unrealeased track of Suite Judy Blue Eyes plus many great other unrealeased tracks. I was dissapointed my favorite song Dark Star was a live track instead of the original track.
by texasyankee
Fri Apr 29 2005One of my favorite bands, growing up; still love listening to them. Even my dad likes them, and he never heard of them, before I brought it home :)
by kingguiness
Tue Apr 26 2005They were not nearly as good without Neil Young.
by djahuti
Sun Nov 14 2004When they're not sickly sweet,they're AMAZING.
by virilevagabond
Tue Apr 20 2004Crosby, Stills & Nash (and sometimes Young) were a talented, yet essentially not very diverse. The core three all came from relatively successful groups (ie David Crosby was with the Byrds, Graham Nash was in the Hollies, and Stephen Stills was a member of Buffalo Springfield) and wrote some of the signature songs of the period (eg Teach Your Children). This strength earned the group the Grammy for Best New Artists for 1969. The best way for the casual fan to get the most popular singles is the compilation So Far (1974). The band did find moderate success with the full-length Daylight Again (1982) (which includes Wasted On The Way and Southern Cross) and American Dream (1988) (that features Got It Made and the title track), but these singles are largely forgettable in light of their earlier work.
by rayvaun
Mon Mar 29 2004yeah they're OK.
by coleslough
Thu Dec 04 2003much better with neil young.
by gopman79
Tue Nov 04 2003Decent, but too rapped up in drugs for my taste. No wonder Neil decided to ditch them.
by trifold
Fri Aug 29 2003I find it absolutely ridiculous that CSN has only recieved 2 votes, The Who didn't even make the list, and John Mellencamp is considered classic rock. The Who, for crying out loud!!!! What's going on around here?