Credit Cards are EVIL...

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    Sat Mar 20 2010

    Credit cards not evil? Do you fucking people work for those scum bags that call them selfs businesses? What next cigarettes are a good source of vitaimin c? Credit cards are a ticket to hell with the demon that it comes from printed on it. The more shit you buy with them and the more stupid and careless you get with them; the further they suck you into finical hell. Dammit theses bastards even target the elderly, the retarded, maybe even fucking kids!

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    Fri Feb 12 2010

    While credit cards are not necessarily inherently evil, the corporations that issue them do use them for nefarious purposes when allowed to do so by the politicians they essentially own.

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    Mon Nov 23 2009

    Credit cards? no. The credit card companies? probably. What ever happened to the usury laws that once existed?

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    Mon Nov 23 2009

    No, they're not evil. Like everything else in life, BALANCE is key. Credit cards are good for convenience, but some people don't have any self-control when it comes to usage. A lot of people, in my experience, say "I'll wait until tomorrow to deal with it". Well, tomorrow usually comes... There is plenty of blame to go around for this. On the other end, some of the credit card companies policies on interest rates are bad and should be restricted. A couple of months ago, I suggested that all lenders should be prohibited from making any loans from 10 basis points above prime. It was surprisingly controversial, especially considering the profound debt problem we're facing. Banks claims that they need to be able to "price for risk" in order to make credit available to the consumer. They use this tactic on Congress, to scare them into not backing any substantive reforms in this area. If they do pass reform, the line goes, they'll simply reduce the flow of credit into the market... Read more

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    Tue Oct 13 2009

    It's the fact that you can't function effectively in these united states without one. No "score"? Where do you live? This culture has pandered to these "corporations", (please look up Fascism) to the extent that to function, get an apartment, ie own a house, car, etc. you mus have a good "score" as they call it. you have no choice but to use one. It's like government incentive prostitution (lobbyists), you pay the Johns cards so everyone gets their penny. All the "reform" that just theoretically happened? It changes nothing but the blatant power over of un-notified rate hikes and late fees. They still get their holes fed, they just have to tell you prior to the rape fest that you will be the star of the show and everyone gets in free to watch. There isn't a way to avoid them, they are curled right up next to Sams balls, ask Suzi Orman about that if you need. Try living cash and see how much you will be penalized for it. Don't even think you'll have access to the "American ... Read more

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    Tue Jan 13 2009

    They can be if you let them control your life. A person really needs to learn how to use credit cards wisely, and it can be hard for some when the newest and latest electronic gadgets come out, or whatever may have a hold on your life.

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    Mon Apr 10 2006

    I finally payed off one of my cards, I felt trapped dudes. It's too tempting to use a credit card wherever I go, and when I payed my credit card off, they offered me a new one. Instead of increasing my credit limit, they'd rather send me card after card.

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    Tue Mar 14 2006

    Consider the impact on those who don't want to use credit cards. Not only do credit card holders pay outrageous interest rates, the merchants who accept credit cards pay a percentage of each sale too. The merchants raise their prices to cover credit card transactions - yes even you cash-payers are taking a hit. The CC companies get paid by everyone. Credit card holders don't forget, if you default on your balance, VISA doesn't care...they've already made more than their share, and they can sell your debt to the collection agencies who dog you endlessly until it's all paid off...or you declare bankruptcy.

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    Sat Oct 15 2005

    Using cards to finance a lifestyle is a terrible thing to do. I you live within the basic rules, pay the balance off monthly and pay upon receipt of the statement, they can be quite beneficial.

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    You want to be a slave to something get a wallet full of these!

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    Mon Apr 04 2005

    UPDATE: With interest rates up to 24% or higher I think credit card companies really do a disservice to those who use their cards. Don't get caught up in the credit card spending game because in the long run the game turns into a nightmare. If you use credit cards, pay them off monthly to avoid the high interest. ORIGINAL MESSAGE: Sometimes I think they really are.

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    Fri Jun 25 2004

    Credit cards cause nothing but trouble for most individuals, because most lack discipline in their spending habits. There really is no use for credit cards except for emergencies, as no one should spend money that they don't have.

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    Tue May 25 2004

    The cards may not be evil, the profit ceo's make off cardholders are at least immoral. Try asking the person on the phone (if you can find one) how much they make, or if they even know the ceo's name and salary. Anyone out there for a maximum wage?

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    Tue May 04 2004

    Blaming your credit card when you go into debt is like blaming your car when you get stopped for speeding. You're blaming an inanimate object for your poor choices.

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    Mon May 03 2004

    A lot of my friends are sunk up to their eyeballs in credit card debt. Bad idea. It's like quicksand, and the deeper in you get, the harder it is to get out. Credit cards aren't inherently evil, but they can sure SEEM that way if you let them suck the life out of you.

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    Mon May 03 2004

    Not evil in themselves, but they tempt the issuer to do evil things, in the sense that they victimize the cardholder. Face it: the more debt you carry, and the less you are able to pay on a monthly basis, the happier the bank is. Issuers bombard you with offers in the hopes of snagging another victim; they coulod care less about your financial situation or how much better a card is going to make your life. It's exploitation, pure and simple (well, maybe not so pure, and compounded, not simple!).

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    Mon May 03 2004

    I don't imagine everyone would be singing this tune if they didn't exist...if you use them properly they are perfectly fine...