contraception (birth control)

Approval Rate: 59%

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    Thu Jul 21 2011

    Avoiding pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases whilst enjoying the subtle joys of sexual intercourse should not be under-appreciated.

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    Fri Jun 24 2011

    The world is overpopulated and growing at an exponential rate. Our resources can not hold out forever and we are inhabiting a finite space. (You think traffic sucks now?) Adding more people to the equation is only going to hurt. Many people (myself included) realize that they are selfish and irresponsible. Putting a child in their hands would be a huge mistake. Many people can not afford kids and many people are too young to have kids themselves. STDs are very real and do not need to be spread any further than they already have. I would have to say that contraception is very helpful to society.

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    Thu Jun 02 2011

    I like to refer to it as idiot reduction. Some people are so goddamn stupid and then the end up raising stupid and ignorant ass kids. The way I see is that every time birth control is used, it increases the chances of an other asshole not being born. Sorry, guess you can say that I am just a little cynical.... just a tad cynical.

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    Mon Dec 20 2010

    Half the people I randomly meet on the street do things that exponentially strengthens my advocacy for birth control.

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    Sun Jan 17 2010

    A great preventative measure. Remember, if your going to go out in the rain, be sure to wear your coat!

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    Wed Nov 25 2009

    Its definitely a problem when its not available, since it prevents unwanted pregnancies often because the mother (or parents in some cases), cannot afford to provide the child the care they need. This is a huge problem in third world countries, and even with many in the US and first world countries and leads to overpopulation, economic and environmental exploitation, and even conflict and war.

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    Wed Jun 03 2009

    Babies are fucking annoying.

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    Fri May 29 2009

    Its is a choice by americans & everyone else! Wrap it cuz STD's are BoP. [ If you play WoW you'll understand the reference]

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    Sun May 03 2009

    this form of birth control is much better than the deadly poisonous now allowed by the FDA morning after drug , however does to some extent encourage illicit sex

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    Sat Apr 18 2009

    I think that when it works, Birth Control is VERY helpful to society. But be advised, it is not one hundred percent effective. I lived with a woman for seven years, we had two precious little boys together. Both were conceived while she was on the pill. I am very glad that it was not effective those two times, as my guys mean the world to me. But remember that having a kid changes everything, unprotected sex is just stupid this day and Age. But even protected sex is not bullet proof. Be careful out there.

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    Mon Apr 13 2009

    South America is kept in poverty largely because of unrestrained birth rates. It's a bad idea to have children you cannot afford and cannot take care of properly. Biology and finances often don't mesh.

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    Wed Mar 18 2009

    I totally think contraception products are great......... however none of them are 100%. So think before you do the deed

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    Mon Mar 16 2009

    Unless you wanna have a kid accidentally? I dont

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    Sat Feb 28 2009

    I am a strong supporter of birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies and std's. Although, I strongly believe in abstinence as the only 110% effective birth control, but since that isn't realistic for most people, I do think that everyone should use protection, unless they are married and/or want to get pregnant or are with a committed partner who is regularly tested for std's!

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    Mon Jan 05 2009

    are you kidding, it's not used enough---helpful- if people used it MORE, especially when they can't afford to have more kids, then they already can't afford, then that would save us alot of money we use on assistance programs...I know some people need this help, and that is fine, but once you do, you should not be having more kids--and if you do, it should be taken away from you...we should not support neglecting to help themselves, by helping them every time they eff up!

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    Thu Dec 11 2008

    Definitely helps reduced the risk of unwanted pregnancy, and helps reduce the risk of abortion choices. It also helps fight disease, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, and more. It also helps prevent people who shouldn't reproduce do to genetic disorders.

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    Wed Oct 15 2008

    ummm, HELLO?

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    Mon Oct 13 2008

    Great, only catholics see a downside to it really.

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    It's only   helpful when stupid people remember to use it.  Abortion, however, should not be a method of birth control, but it sure would be nice if people knew who they were having sex with, who the baby daddy was, without having to go to Maury Povich 100 times.

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    Sat Oct 11 2008

    Even though I'm Roman Catholic...I believe in birth control 100 percent

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    Fri Oct 10 2008

    Who needs more babies???? Don't we have enough??

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    Thu Oct 09 2008

    Keeping it in your pants is more natural.

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    Wed Oct 08 2008

    some people should skip straight to the snip snip if you know what i mean

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    Tue Oct 07 2008

    should everyone you know have a child they didn't intend on having? should everyone you know be a parent? If you can't abstain - then use some sense.

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    Mon Oct 06 2008

    This helps on several levels...1st it slows down unwanted pregnancies and 2nd it curbs the population explosion.

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    Contrary to the moralistic puritanism of some below, contraception is valuable to society.  There are a few basics that we as an animal species must have, because they are necessary to survival and thus became genetic as we came into existence, even before we evolved into humans: water, food, and sex.  When deprived of them, we are compelled to obey our instincts to get them.  Getting them is rewarded by pleasurable, albeit temporary, satiation; not having them will ultimately result in extinction.  They are strong urges, and it is wrong-headed to try to deny them. Before the advent of contraception, society, mostly through religion, encouraged sex to take place only in the context of marriage, for a number of reasons, including having a male provider/hunter/farmer to provide food for babies so they could survive.  After contraception became available, the need for the marital context for sex ceased to exist.  People can now seek to satisfy the instinctual, pleasurable need for sex pu... Read more

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    Sun Oct 05 2008

    I think the best birth control is not having sex

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    Sat Oct 04 2008

    The world is to over populated and there are entirely to many stupid people making children.

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    Thu Oct 02 2008

    To each their own, I say. Makes me wanna turn on some Loretta.

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    Wed Oct 01 2008

    i think using protection is's called STD's

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    Stop with the baby making!!!!

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    Tue Sep 30 2008

    nice to meet you can we be friends?

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    Tue Sep 30 2008


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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    It saves from abortion,orunwanted babies

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    Sun Sep 28 2008

    We have been created with a natural birth control method. Anything else is chemical manipulation of the human body and is damaging to the overall health of the person, both physical and mental. It is an enormous price to pay for the lack of self control.

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    Sat Sep 27 2008 are having sex early as 10 now its scary...the average 10 years ago was 16. so they are gonna be doing it anyways, we need to stop reproducting so much

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    Helps with population control, un wanted pregnancies, and spread of disease

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    Sat Sep 27 2008

    if people do not want to have children but want to enjoy the pleasure of sex birth control is an exclent thing! why would anybody think that it does not help society?

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    Thu Sep 25 2008

    I think it should be old fassion way nothing till mairage

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    I take birth control so I feel it is great. If no birth control there will be babies every where.

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    Very necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancies and overpopulation.

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    It's helpful and society could use all of the help that it can get in this area.  And you can tell the Pope I said so.

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    Wed Sep 24 2008

    I don't know that I'd describe it as either "helpful" or "hurtful" but rather "useful."  The folks opposed to birth control or sex education seem unwilling or unable to admit that a lot of people have sex for fun, and more to the point have been doing so for centuries.  That kind of behaviour isn't caused by drugs or MTV or television commercials, its caused by hard-wired human behaviour.What that used to result in (and still does in many parts of the world) was a lot of unwanted pregnancies, with babies abandoned or killed, back street abortions, and women cast into shame and degradation.  Personally, I think I'll take birth control over those options.

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    Have you seen what age people start having sex now? Do you WANT 10 year olds having babies? And how about that crackwhore on the corner, screwing someone for drugs? Should she have a drug addicted baby? Not to mention the diseases that would spread if there weren't condoms. I don't even want to think about how quickly the entire world would crumble without it.

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    Why not unless you wanna have millions of kids

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    however does not always work (too bad)

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    more people should use it

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    otherwise we are overrun with unwanted babies

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    Tue Sep 23 2008

    It is helpful.