Contessa Brewer
Approval Rate: 59%
Reviews 0
by chillout7655
Sun Mar 21 2010Vain and unwatchable....
by frogmore
Mon Sep 21 2009Contessa is marginal. She seems a bit stupid and her opinions are from a sophomoric mind. She offers no insight, she makes mistakes continually, and is oftentimes rude just to appear tough. There's not much there.
by rkurz9
Tue Sep 01 2009She is easily overcome by her obvious liberal opinions. I would think her role in covering news stories would be to at least try to appear unbiased. When dealing with guests she asks obvious leading questions and then becomes argumentative and emotional. Her distain for conservatives is plainly visable. When discussing political figures such as Dick Cheney her attitude just drips with contempt. Very unprofessional and hard to take.
by gabe3215
Fri Aug 21 2009this proves dems are blinded by their ideology, contessa doesn't know the difference between someone black and someone white and people who think she is beautiful must be liberals. to bad i am forced to give her a star.... kinda reminds me of how obama wants to take away my hard working earnings and give it to someone that might be too lazy to work..
by morgothius
Thu Aug 20 2009How does she sleep at night? Recently she reported on the guns being carried to Obama's Phoenix town hall meeting on healthcare. She played the "race card", talking about having a black President and how we now have white people showing up at healthcare town hall meetings carrying semi automatic rifles and pistols. A very carefully edit news video shows the rifle and pistol the person is carrying. The problem here is... the man with the rifle and pistol was BLACK. He is shown as being black on most other news sources, unedited. Is she that arrogant as to think that people ONLY watch her show on MSNBC? Or is she just plain stupid? How can she feel justified in such a flagrant falsehood and blatent race-baiting? I would make this review amusing and funny as suggested, but the ramifications of her attempts at social engineering are frightening.
by augusta
Wed Jan 07 2009She is the hottest woman on television, just look at her lovely hair, her gorgeous face, and that incredible mouth. Just knowing this incredible woman loves sex and is always ready to go down is a real turn-on.
by socoolbob
Tue Dec 23 2008God Bless Contessa Brewer and all the folks at MSNBC, FOX News, CNN and everyone else .. worldwide ...
by frozen
Mon Dec 08 2008Contesssa Brewer is simply dense. Why would MSNBC subject its guests to this dodo? Conversely, who would want to be interviewed by her? She must have a fantastic producer or give great head.I know she makes me gag. The fact is that she never improves. Perhaps Nickalodian could open a Saturday AM slot for her, if not then the Joan and Melissa Rivers show may have an opening on the TV Guide channel. MSNBC should require her to preface every question she asks with "This might be a stupid question but,..." At least she'd be on solid ground most of the time.
by sandyt39
Sat Nov 01 2008I am trying to make contact with Contessa Brewer. Her parents were friends of ours and she would come to our house at a younger age. They moved and we lost contact. I would like to make contact with her Mom, Cheryl. Would you let her know somehow that I am trying to get in touch. I would be Sandy Trueworthy fron Kezar Falls. My e-mail is [email protected] Thanks for the help
by meadowlark333
Fri Oct 24 2008Each time, in her shrillest voice, Contessa Brewer continually brings up prospect of a Democratic House and Senate and Presidency implying HORROR of HORRORS. Where was Ms. Brewer (and any other media) when the Republicans had total control of the House and Senate and Presidency? NO ONE said a word. Not one pundit. Not one anchor. Furthermore, the Republicans threatened and were fully prepared to change the fillibuster law to total removal of the fillibuster. Had Democrats exercised the fillibuster privilege, the Republicans would have jumped to void the law allowing it. It is not the first time Ms. Brewer's Republican bias has manifested itself. And frankly I am tired of it. Because she is so predictible in littering her show with her bias, I am tired of her. I reach for the remote and change to CNN or BBC. Brewer's manner is a bore
by goodvibrations
Tue Oct 21 2008Here is what Joe Biden recently said, ""Mark my words," Biden warned Sunday at a Democratic fund-raiser. "It will not be six months [after the inauguration] before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy."Just moments ago Contessa opted to use the word "ATTACK" instead of "tests" as Senator Biden is quoted as saying!!When you transpose words from a quote, that's a screw-up that warrants being shown the door!!!
by fredrosenberg
Tue Sep 23 2008Contesssa Brewer is simply dense. Why would MSNBC subject its guests to this dodo? Conversely, who would want to be interviewed by her? She must have a fantastic producer. I understand that Ashley Banfield may still be available as a replacement! MSNBC should require her to preface every question she asks with "This might be a stupid question but,..." At least she'd be on solid ground most of the time.
by kev8999c
Fri Sep 12 2008Just terrible. She's comes accross as a complete airhead and appears uninterested in what she's talking about. Unwatchable and probably the worst news personality on TV.
by platypus67
Mon Sep 01 2008Great ass !
by lwalter
Mon Jul 14 2008She is the worst on MSNBC!! Can't read-- sneers- her opinions are worthless- and the janitor at K-Mart must dress her-- sorry for the Janitor remark!!! Her horsey face and dumb remarks-- she must have a 5 star Daddy that owns lots of stock in the station... Only person dumber, and does have a super rich Daddy is Dan Abrams... Thank goodnes for the remote/
by ssa7c9d6
Fri Jun 20 2008brainless. i don't understand why msnbc punishes their viewers with this mess. aside from being all all-purpose moron, her interviewing skills are laughable. she obviously thinks she is asking tough questions during interviews, but all she does is spew out the usual spin with an aggravated facial expression and a snide voice. you can even tell she's thinking "i got him good with that question." no you didn't, you just asked him about a talking point in a bitchy tone. if she had blonde hair she'd be on foxnews.
by princemichael
Thu May 08 2008I think she is smart, sassy and beautiful. She has alot of things going for her. I would definately date her, if she is available. Is she available? And any guy saying negative things about her looks, is very very wrong. This chick is one classy lady.
by genghisthehun
Mon Apr 28 2008ANOTHER UPDATE: I am one of the few people who actually watch MSNBC. I see her from time to time. I don't think she has improved much since my last posting on March 10. 2007, but I do think that she has potential to improve. UPDATE: I bumped her up a notch as she is much better than when she was on Imus. Maybe that wasn't a fair trial, in the first place. ORIGINAL COMMENT: She had the deer in the headlights look when she was on Imus.
by chegon
Mon Apr 28 2008This person is a mystery. Who are her parents, who are her boyfriend, husband, college buddies... Someone is definitely looking out for her. Because I cannot understand what keeps her on air? She has NOTHING of substance to contribute on any matter or issue at all. She is dimwitted and basically an air head to be frank.
by dmwhipp
Thu Apr 17 2008Overly dramatic and too frequently ill-informed.
by nugg3t
Fri Mar 14 2008please take her off the air. shes great on the teleprompter but fails miserably at impromptu commentary/interviews. if you listen closely you can hear the wind whistling through the void between her ears even over the airwaves!
by cuvo4262
Fri Feb 29 2008Does not speak like someone who graduated magna cum laude from Syracuse University. Sounds more like a dope. Terrible, and an embarrassment to MSNBC.
by cbrowns72
Sat Jan 26 2008Shes a great anchor and extremely hot. Love watching her!
by jneeks
Fri Jan 11 2008Contessa is the best anchor on television, hands down. Everyone else is just jealous, especially the fat and homely chicks on here. Keep on with your bad self Tessa.
by umgriz
Thu Jan 03 2008She is God-awful! Yuck! She has the personality of a dirty dish rag. And speaking of rags, she is humorless, self-absorbed, and is convinced that she is hot. She is not. Hard to believe that a network that hires women with the qualities of good journalism, self-depricating humor, and great looks like Amy Robach, Chris Jansing, and Tamron Hall would hire this garbage bag. She should be working as a lackluster reporter in some low-end North Dakota market.
by dude1984
Mon Dec 10 2007She looks ok. She gets annoying at times. She is a mature Nicole Lapin.
by bertxavier
Wed Nov 07 2007air head.... can't formulate an interesting question.
by irishminden
Sat Sep 22 2007Gets flustered very easy and has trouble conducting a sensible interview. Check out the youtube video interview with Tommy Chong or Mike Malloy.
by fluffytuffy
Thu Jun 28 2007I will say, she is not the best news reader I have ever seen, but NO one deserves what she got from Imus, and that silly person who said she should smile more, why?? She just needs to learn how to read the news more professionally, she reads like it is the first time she has ever heard/seen the words before.
by injen88
Thu Jun 14 2007I've always liked Contessa. She has an actual personality on TV not a robot reading the prompter.
by evie1237b
Fri Jun 08 2007Contessa...PLEASE, no more of your personal and VERY dramatic opinoins, just PLEASE give us the news and let us decide what we feel about it.
by lkcarr
Thu Apr 26 2007Smart, beautiful & from Maine. Can't beat that!
by joe123456
Tue Mar 27 2007jack she not the hottest women alex witt blow her out of the water
by shadowsd
Thu Mar 08 2007Best anchor out there today - outstanding.
by samwind
Sat Feb 17 2007Should move to Fox, where she will be among her own kind
by jackblack35
Wed Jan 17 2007Absolutely in my view the hottest woman on MSNBC! Just so drop dead gorgeous and sexy. More than adequate news reader, but to build up her credibility she needs to do more field work. Are you listening Contessa? get from behind the desk and go out in the field to cover a story for us. But, still, the best looking thing at MSNBC. here's a yahoo group I started for her r
by lawprof
Tue Dec 19 2006Not only beautiful, but intelligent and personable. By the way, I applauded her for her comments about that long-haired, weird, old goat Imus.
by davemax518
Sun Oct 29 2006Brewer is the absolute best and drop-dead gorgeous as well.
by mikenolan
Sat Oct 14 2006Shes's a solid news anchor. Average looking though.
by krypto
Thu Oct 05 20065 Stars for looks and when she sticks with just reporting. Too bad she couldn't hack it with Imus. Notice how odd her mouth twists at times
by cal001
Sat Aug 12 2006I just saw North Country. It seems like there is still some standard that limits news women. Catie at CBS wil be the first female primary anchor, ever. Contessa is a genuine person, and was a real class act for not suing the ass off of Imus. She indicated in a private and intercepted conversation that the guy was a sexist, in so many words. Well Imus is somewhat sexist. So what if she is honest too. The management knows this, and he should not have said anything rude about her on air. I guess this is old stuff now, but Contessa has always done a great job for the network, and hopefully will remain part of MSNBC news for a long time. She is thin enough for me! She has always been very nice to me, and a pro with her work at the network. These jobs are hard to get, and she worked hard to get where she is now. She sure out classed that situation. Why is she not anchoring Early Today? She is the best anchor MSNBC havs. Get her back on NBC Today airtime, she will do a perfect ... Read more
by sarahp2006
Sat Jul 29 2006she's pretty but I agree with Imus, she was not really smart enough to be on his show - it requires some insight beyond looking pretty and reading the news. and when he made the comments she was a little bit heavier.
by craig36
Sat Jun 24 2006Ms. Brewers informal style does not detract from her intelligence.
by marbraerns
Tue Jun 06 2006Stiff news delivery, but so HOT! The best looking on MSNBC. No doubt.
by bubb83ae
Fri Apr 14 2006Drop Dead Gorgeous Looks!
by imanfan
Wed Apr 12 2006She can't read the news to save her life! How boring!!
by tman52a6
Sat Apr 08 2006Best on MSNBC!
by lestat2468
Sun Mar 19 2006Who?? Oh...MSNBC hack.
by stinkin
Sat Feb 11 2006i feel for this girl. I thought she was great when she used to exchange comments with the Iman, but she apparently tried to kick him in the balls. This is a no no and boy she got her tail kicked. However, her confidence is starting to come back and she could have a future in news...probably not at MSNBC but where ever the Iman isnt.
by cuntessalover
Mon Jan 30 2006I WOULD LOVE TO STICK MY TONGUE IN HER CUNT.....AGAIN!!!! I love cUntessa Brewer