
Approval Rate: 70%

70%Approval ratio

Reviews 52

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    Wed Apr 20 2011

    I have lived here for 7 years now. The state is crazy as can be. No alcohol sales on Sunday or holidays, give me a break!!! Time to move up to reality. The taxes are nuts and the people are extremely rude; although, on the southeastern shoreline the people are the nicest they can be. As soon as you hit Norwich, they turn into the total opposite. In my small town, just north of Norwich, people here think they are so much better than anyone else. WHY??? I just don't understand it. I feel as though they treat me like I was not born here so I am a nobody. This is just not right. For example, I can become friendly with people and if I see them in a store and say hey, how are you? They don't say anything back, almost like they did not even hear you. You know if you don't want me to live in your over priced state, then fine. I will move back to Long Island, were the taxes are even higher and politics are more corrupt but the people are the nicest. At least on the island you did not have to in... Read more

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    Sat Feb 05 2011

    Lived here in the 7th grade, (new haven, westhaven) rudest freakin place I've ever lived... Absolutely Hated living here.

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    Fri Oct 08 2010


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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    Depends on what part of the state you drive through. Taking I-95 from NY to Rhode Island (or Boston) is an ordeal, for sure. Besides being a treacherous highway, it meanders along forever, and the cities you pass through become interchangeable-- are we through Bridgeport yet? Did we pass Stamford, or does that come after Bridgeport? Or before New Haven, or maybe I'm thinking of New London? Oh my God, we're not even in New Haven yet? That means we're not even halfway...Can ya reach in the glove compartment there and see if I have any of that Vicodin left? I feel a migraine coming on...(Just kidding-- I never drove on I-95 stoned, although years and years ago a friend and I did drive back from Boston on the Massachusetts Turnpike whacked out on pain-killers, before I had my painful epiphany about driving anywhere in that condition.) There have to be an even dozen rest-stops on the way, which is nice if you have to use a bathroom, but not so nice if you're hungry, as all of them feature ... Read more

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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    Gotta agree with Lena, a dull drive in this state. The least " New Englandy" of the New England States. There's a McDonald's every 64 feet on I-95. And if you get lost in the part of the state between Bridgeport and New York City, you're in Biff, Muffy, and Chip heaven.

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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    Not so fondly referred to as America's filing cabinet, Connecticut offers nothing but traffic with a dull view of insurance company high-rises as you slowly make your way through the state on your way to somewhere more worthwhile like Boston or NYC. On this particular journey, you spend more than half your time in Connecticut, significantly more if they happen to be performing unfortunately timed road construction and limiting the number of lanes available for travel as is often the case. Despite all the construction, the roads aren't in particularly good shape. They only fix the areas near the larger cities. Other drivers, reminded of the fact that they have car insurance thanks to the view tend drive rather aggressively causing frequent accidents on this well-traveled route. Don't bother trying to beat traffic by driving at night. Instead of road rage you'll have to deal with deadly sleepy truck drivers.

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    Thu Jun 18 2009

    Beautiful country up there, the scenery is magnificent especially in the fall. And there area lot of old churches and older buildings that I love the architecture on. I understand that taxes are high though and there seem to be a lot of rural areas, so I guess no place is perfect.

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    Sun Dec 07 2008

    CT has a lot of great things, but it's got a personality issue. It's unsure if it wants to be New York or Boston. Hartford's got the business, but lacks the citylife. Stamford and Bridgeport are New York's bigger suburbs. New Haven is the only decent city, though it lacks the corporations, but makes up for that with Yale University.

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    Home of the Psychopathic uptight right wing white man.  The state is ruled predominatly by Marty McGillicuddy shamrock-tatooed parochial pinheads and cousins of cement executives. Corrupticut.

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    Sat Aug 02 2008

    Connecticut, for the most part, is a generic state that could be anywhere. It's not like upper New England at all. The housing is a mixed bag, and the cutesy historic areas are sparse. The rolling green hills remind me of Pennsylvania, but at least they are smart enough here not to have billboards along every highway. The restraint on billboards means less visual pollution and many roads are pleasant to drive. The CT cops are everywhere, probably because there is little crime outside of the depressed areas and the best way to bring in revenue is with speeding tickets. Culturally, there's not that much here compared to other areas. Hartford is the largest urban area, but I'd compare it more to a big town rather than a true city. It's dominated by the insurance industry and is comparable to Wilmington, Del. which is dominated by banking. The downtown area is only about 5 blocks and the surrrounding areas are rather depressed. There is no real diversity. The only areas with a r... Read more

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    Tue Jul 01 2008

    I live in Ct. and I really do enjoy living here.. I am almost 25 years old and have lived here for my whole life. I like Ct. because their are a lot of things to do and a lot of diversity. Much more diversity than the other New England States and the school systems are amazing. The weather is somewhat stable.. no real natural disasters that you need to worry about..The only thing is that I believe the stereotype of of people being rude is somewhat true. People are very stand offish and can be quite snooty.. not everyone is but I do notice it... Even when I went to Vermont I noticed such a huge difference. People actually opened doors for you and would wave hello to you.. here in Ct. you basically just get the finger.. The cost of living is ridiculously high and for younger people to buy a house is almost impossible.. the towns are extremely expensive to live in and a lot of towns are almost becoming little Beverly Hills towns. But in all I really do enjoy the state because it has bea... Read more

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    Sat Jun 14 2008

    I have not seen much of the state, as I only been through it for a few hours, and stopped once at a gas station in the northeastern portion of the state after Hartford and before we entered the Boston area. The scenery was pretty and hilly as we entered the state from NY on I-84, and got less intersting as we drove through the state. Traffic was backed up a bit during rush hour in Hartford, but the drivers did not seem as bad as Boston and traffic was not as bad as many other cities in the region. If I have a good reason to come here or am taking a road trip in the Northeast again, I would be happy to see more of Connecticut, but there are many more places I would rather visit.

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    Sun May 04 2008

    One of the richest states in the usa,Ct is visually one of the most beautiful places if ever seen. My family lived here about 3 years when I was in High school. We moved here from the east of England where its damp and cool most all the time,and I remember freezing to death the first winter iin Connecticut.  My dad loved living here because his cost of living he got from his job almost doubled! the locals for the most part keep to themselves and to the outsider it may seem like they are being rude and aloof,but really most of the time it;s just an edge they have.

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    Wed Apr 16 2008

    Connecticut, the state I can never spell correctly. If Ive learned anything from living the past 4 years in CT, its that theres good and bad everywhere. I grew up in Michigan, which despite its gloomy economy (and winters), has some exceptionally beautiful areas and friendly people. With that background, Ive had some difficulties with CT. Ill be as honest, and fair, as I can. CT is such a hybrid of things its hard to rate it at all. It is beautiful geographically hills, winding roads, streams, the ocean. There are plenty of things to do and places to see. Its a great jumping off point to explore New England so many places worth seeing no more than a few hours drive. The hiking trails are incredible. Every town has its own character and peculiar charm, something thats missing in the Midwest. Thats what I love about it, and will miss when I leave. Culturally it has a lot of variety. Its a mish-mash of small towns like Chester and cities like New Haven, some ok, others very grimy. Wh... Read more

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    Sat Jun 30 2007

    Connecticut just doesn't interest me as a state that much.  There seems to be a lack of attractions: no real shoreline beaches, no amusement parks, etc.  The scenery is nicer towards the mountains in the northwest part of the state.  All the large cities in CT have seen better days.  It's okay though.

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    Tue Jun 19 2007

    I just spent the weekend in Eastern Connecticut and really enjyed the place. Towns like Old Saybrook, Essex, Mystic and Guilford really capture that vintage and quaint New England charm. In Essex there is a nostalgic 1920's steam train that makes a scenic journey up around Deep River and drops you off at a landing on the Connecticut River for a river cruise which gives one the oppurtunity to take in the gorgeous scenery of rolling green hills and historic landmarks like Gillette Castle & the Goodspeed opera house. Eastern Connecticut has a lot of appeal with the previous stated attractions, a nice shoreline on Long Island sound, Mystic Seaport, and probably the best tribal casinos in the country (Foxwoods & Mohegan Sun). Lots of liitle towns with historic character and lovingly restored old homes.Other parts of the state are a bit different like Fairfield county which  pretty much resembles the Connecticut steriotype  with wealthy bedroom communities and commuter suburbs like Greenwich... Read more

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    Connecticut is okay I guess.  I'm not that impressed at all by cities like Hartford, New Haven, and Bridgeport.  They don't have any real ocean either since it is all on the long island sound.  Seems to be either very poor or very rich.

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    I spent 4.5 years at college in CT.  There are some very beautiful locations in CT and it is especially scenic in fall.  It's nice for a visit, but I don't know if I'd ever aspire to live there.  Too cold in winter and I had a lot of allergies there.  I found Hartford to be a particularly boring town.  Not enough restaurants, shopping, or entertainment.  The alcohol regulations are very frustrating.

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    Fri Mar 30 2007

    This is not so much a rating as much as a query. I am planning to move to the Hartford area from IL: I have always preferred the East Coast in terms of scenery and general mindset. I visited last year and absolutely fell in love with the area, particularly around Farmington and West Hartford:  the rolling hills, the weather, the architecture (unique and not much cookie-cutter crap), as well as the sense of history. And yes, real estate prices: nowhere near as overpriced as where I currently live in the Chicago area--a place where a piddly house less than half an acre can set you back at least a million! Does anyone here know anything about West Hartford, Wethersfield, or Wolcott? What are city services like? Are these places tolerant of minorities?

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    Tue Feb 06 2007

    My Connecticut sophisticated for the most- arts personified, enlightened people, well for the most part. Flaws- yes- but would I live in Tennessee? NO

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    Thu Sep 07 2006

    Connecticut is overcrowded, the traffic is bad even in smaller towns, and the cost of living is too high. It also has some of the most ridiculous alcohol laws. The fact that you can't buy beer after 8:00 pm is ridiculous. I also had a 4th of July barbecue where everyone was limited to one beer because we tried to buy some beer, but found out that they don't sell alcohol on holidays either.

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    Wed Jul 26 2006

    Moved to Connecticut from Virginia about 7 years ago... I must say where I live along the coast of Connecticut, the climate is pretty mild. There are leaves on the trees about 8 months a year along the Connecticut coast. Snow fall usally turns to rain along the coast of connecticut. Summers are long and hot though.Also, the coast can get hurricanes. Locals told me that a hurricane in 1938 killed hundreds here. Mary

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    Mon Jul 03 2006

    Saw an interesting article recently that rated how dangerous various states are because of possible natural disasters or crime or whatever. The net-net was that Connecticut was calculated to be the safest place to live in the USA! I just moved south after 30 years there, and it was a great place to raise a family and be part of a vital community IF your family's breadwinner has a lucrative job. Mine worked in NYC so it was very convenient. But the six months a year when there are no leaves on the trees go VERY slowly. And in Fairfield County, the people are very status/money oriented. I don't miss it.

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    Thu May 11 2006

    i have lived in connecticut my entire life... it was no choice for me to stay or go. i live in a tiny town in southeastern connecticut. yes mystic is gorgeous, but after a lifetime of summers there, give me a break. and how many saturday nights can i spend at the casinos? it gets old when you live here and that is the only thing to do. everything closes early and there is nothing around here for people of my age (18-25 year olds). me and my friends go to providence as much as we can so we can actually have a good time. at first glance connecticut might be "classy" or "elegant", but you have to see the real connecticut to get the gist of it. all the bad roads and bad neighborhoods. all the rich kids abusing drugs. it is a horrible state. and i go to college in new haven (unable to afford to get out for college) which a kid just got shot in a bad neighborhood. new haven is not shaping up at all. once i graduate i am getting out. better jobs outside this state. better way of life outside ... Read more

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    Wed Apr 26 2006

    Just a weather word to the wise... I moved down to southern Connecticut from New Hampshire...summers below Boston are hazy, hot and humid. Connecticut summers are much closer to summers in the mid-Atlatic than New England. Also, Hurricanes can hit Long Island, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. A storm in the 1930's killed 1,000 people here.

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    Mon Apr 24 2006

    Connecticut is much better then average state- Comparing it to Florida or California is like comparing apples and oranges. All of New England is a 'nation' and in that nation there are differences. Connecticut is highly urban, compared to New Hampshire, Maine or Vermont. While Boston has more 'action' the people can be stuck up- to say the least, but its funny the natives are more friendly then the newcomers. Providence is a nice small city as well- which offers more nightlife- but it also tends to 'close rather' early. There are to be sure gritty landscapes in CT such as those in Groton or Hartford- however one must look below the grit and seemingly there is much to be found. A low crime rate, good schools, much culture, a pretty shoreline and coast, and affordable housing costs for its location (Fairfield county excluded). There is great diversity as well. Places like New-London/Groton are indeed known as a 'blue collar' area- EB is the reason for that, but go to the New Haven are... Read more

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    Fri Apr 21 2006

    Traffic can be bad along coastal Connecticut (I-95). Just a word to the wise about the climate: Southern Connecticut and Long Island may have a semi nice climate 9 months a year, Hot and humid summers, cold winters and heavy rainfall, but Hurricanes have hit here several times. A storm in the 30's killed 1,000 people in Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Long Island.

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    Thu Mar 09 2006

    Connecticut is a BEAUTIFUL state! I remember the gorgeous and scenic rides my friends and I used to take up to the Lime Rock Racetrack. Now i'm stuck in this redneck cesspool otherwise known as Ohio for the past decade, since my wife is from here. You denizens of Connecticut don't know how good you have it, until you move to crapholes like Ohio!!!

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    Thu Mar 02 2006

    Lived here for 32 years. It is either to cold or to humid. To Expensive. Bad roads. Lazy State Employees. The people are rude and there is nothing for children to do. IM moving West

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    Mon Jan 16 2006

    I've lived in eastern CT for around 10 years. I moved from Oregon because I could't find anyone willing to hire me besides McDonalds. The BEST thing about CT is the abundance of jobs. I found a wonderful job here and am now doing my dream job of working from home, and making excellent $. The casinos in this area are ALWAYS hiring, and most of the jobs are very well paying. The downside of living in CT is everything else. The winters are horrible, that cold snap could last for months! The summers are horrible Hot, Humid, Disgusting! There is nothing to do besides go to the casino...There is nothing but Dunkin Donuts and pizza places. The taxes are crazy, the gas price is horrible, everything is crazy expensive! I'm starting to get ready for the move back to Oregon soon...

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    Thu Dec 22 2005

    Have lived here about 8-years now. Lived in Southern Cal before. It was time to move out of Cal, crime, too many people, costs. But I love the ocean. So my choices were few. I live in a seaside town in eastern Connecticut. Its a great place to live. The eastern part of Connecticut is by far the best part of the state. Ramshackle beach cottages, clam shacks, and nice uncrowed beaches. House prices are still reasable in eastern Connecticut. I love the huge waves in Rhode Island (only 15 - min away)! And dont be fooled, the climate of coastal Connecticut and southern Rhode Island is mild. Temps are great 9- months a year, most of the snow turns to rain in eastern Connecticut/Rhode Island. People call Connecticut "New England", but this is not a true New England climate.

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    Sun Nov 13 2005

    Connecticut is a fine state- that like the rest of New England strongly resembles Europe, compared to regions in the center of the country. There is great culture, sensible people, and despite the dense population lots of open spaces that are near great east coast urban centers, the seacoast, mountains and more.

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    Mon Nov 07 2005

    Since moving to this state decades ago- I have found the people to be reserved but genuine. There is much in the way of amentities for those of all age groups- and a highly intelligent populace that is sophisticated and tolerant. As far as being 'left wing' the people of this small state seem to have had the right idea in 2000 and 2004 when they did not vote for the disastrous policies of Bush and the republican far right. And in the near future there will be more to pay in the economic follies of GW Bush- in any case.. If you want wide open spaces move to Wyoming or Montana- and live with the Zenophobes in those hell holes.

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    Thu Oct 20 2005

    Pretty much eastern urban sprawl, but stay East of New Haven and you're ok. The little towns retain much of the New England charm.

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    Wed Oct 19 2005

    I can't get out of this F**KING state fast enough!!! I am tired of all the bulls**t, high taxes, crime, corruption and the pretentious ultra-left wing liberals.

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    Tue Oct 18 2005

    Gawd, I got out of this hippie hellhole as soon as I could. Best thing I ever did. Do they have ANYTHING to do yet? ....and then there's the corruption which rivals Chicago.

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    Fri Sep 16 2005

    I used to live in MA and went to CT a lot. Some nice small towns in the east part of the state but overall, this state is not very exciting. Hartford is and always will be a DUMP, end of story. People are rude and stuck up here, everything closes early, too expensive etc. Nice to visit in the Fall for the leaf peepers but other than that, not much else, i never would live n CT.

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    Fri Aug 26 2005

    My family moved from East Tennessee to Litchfield Hills Connecticut when I was seven years old. Twenty nine years and three children later, my husband and I now make our home in New Canaan and have no desire to move into something better because it doesn't get any better than this. The rolling hills, winding roads, quaint downtown and white steepled churches presents the quintessential New England atmosphere. The excellent schools, low crime rate, community events, church influence, and friendly neighbors who pitch in together for someone in need and keep watchful eyes on their neighbors children as they do their own creates a wonderful sense of community not that easily found these days. The fact that we are within 10 minutes of Long Island Sound, 45 minutes away from NYC, 1 1/2 hours from the Atlantic, and less than one hour from the Berkshile Hills (Litchfield -north)provides us a plethora of exciting weekend things to do before coming back to our small piece of heaven right here in... Read more

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    Sun Aug 14 2005

    Connecticut has an envied quality of life that most states can only dream of. 'Ancient' cities and towns, great coastline and countryside, incredibly diverse, with much culture. In the many times I have been here, I have been impressed more and more. to AvalonMan96 I suggest you mature a bit- or better yet move to some hellholes in the deep south or perhaps live in pricey California. CT has a high quality of life- perhaps in the top five states in the country- I think you are too stupid/or young to see that- move to Oklahoma or Wyoming or Indiana- then you will meet 'stupid people'......

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    Fri Aug 12 2005

    As somebody who has lived here their entire life, I have to say that Connecticut is a truly awful place to live. The taxes are insane, as are the gas prices. The state is also very overpriced to live in as well, with overexorbitant prices for a house that should've been demolished long ago. Most of the mid-sized and larger cities are cess-pools with numerous ghettos. The traffic is crazy no matter of what area or road you drive. The newscasters here are very high on this state too, I have no idea why, but I want what they're smoking. The weather here is crappy to, too much snow and cold in the winter, too much heat and humidity during the summer. The cost to own a car here are very high as well. Not only in gas prices, but also the car tax we have to pay year after year (based on falsified car values by the city), as well as high registration costs. Also the annoyance of UConn basketball fanatisism is quite tiring after a while. I live in the central part of the state which i... Read more

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    Tue Jul 12 2005

    Despite being one of the smallest and most densely populated states in the highly urban northeastern corridor, Connecticut offers forests, charming small towns and villages, and pastoral farm lands that are not far from sophisticated cultural amenities. Look into Putnam in the secluded northeastern corner for antiques and historic homes. Or check out the urban grit of New Haven- for Yale University and great places to eat. Litchfield in the quiet northwestern hills has a neat town center and green with white steeple churches and interesting shops. Mystic seaport and the southeastern coast offer historic sites and fine beaches- especially for a former Californian like myself. So much to do for visiting or living, yet close to everything. A very progressive state, that offers broad minded tolerance for all.

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    Wed Jun 15 2005

    Blah! Blah! Blah! The home of Vince Mcmahon and his evil empire. The only good thing to come out of Connecticut was a band called the Miracle Legion from New Haven.

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    Tue Jun 14 2005

    An under rated and unknown state to those living in the 'hinterlands' of the nation. Much charm and urbane sophistication (which is what one would one expect it to be- being between New York and Boston) Charming towns with greens and churches. Some grit also in Hartford and New Haven- but they are rebuilding and reinventing themselves. Much history. Great towns like Ivoryton and Litchfield. The Connecticut coast from the New York border to about New Haven is highly urbanized- and traffic along I 95 is at times tedious- but the lifestyle is sophisticated and the cultural haunts endless. The Connecticur river valley is also highly urbanized- but again the trip from town to country or shore is short. The eastern part of the state is an antique hunters paradise while being rural and peaceful While the states western hills are home to many entertainers. Costs are high for housing along the shoreline from New Haven to the New York border. There are also nice hills, winding roads with small t... Read more

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    Thu Jun 09 2005

    Eastern Connecticut is very nice, it appeals to the image that most poeple have of New England, nice little towns, beautiful landscaps and friendly people. Southwestern CT is another story. It is mostly uppity bankers and corperate executives that work in Manhattan. Stepford was based on SW Connecticut. But there is no denying that it is the most educated, and as a result, richest state in the union.

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    Mon May 16 2005

    If i could give it a zero i would. I hate it now beacuse act like it is nicer than New Jersey but it is not! New Jersey has a lot more attractions

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    Mon May 16 2005

    My god, the traffic. . .that stretch of 95 must exist in hell.

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    Sat Mar 05 2005

    Hartford is indeed a basket case- but change is slowly coming- and perhaps this old and historic state capital well again prosper- Hartford is surrounded by some very attractive suburbs- some of the best in the northeast- and the quality of life would put many areas of the nation in envy. New Haven is a city also rebuilding- with Yale as a center-this old city is making great strides. Eastern CT is a gem- and is slowly being discovered by Bostonians, New Yorkers and Californians with its small towns,quiet living, culture, wineries and history- its closeness to the sea and mild climate are among its many treasures. This state has issues-like slow job growth, some cities in stress, and at times a climate that is not pleasant-however the plus factors outweigh the negatives- and overall the state offers one of the highest qualities of life in the USA. The concept of old money and pretention is a falacy- for in this state there is wealth-but there also is incredible diversity- from rich and... Read more

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    Fri Mar 04 2005

    A state with much to offer- small but with an incredible amount lifestyle choices and with a laid back sophistication, that is not stuffy but inviting. Proximity to New York and Boston- along the great eastern seaboard corridor- offering broad minded tolerance. A beautiful shoreline- with rocky coves and sandy beaches- the eastern shore/coast nearly on the Atantic ocean, with points to the west on the peaceful Long Island sound. Lots of history, dating back to 1614. With many great places to eat- many ethnic cuisines available from Italian to Indian to Thai and more. New Haven and Hartford are rebuilding with new cities rising along riverfronts and harbors. Some great colleges- Yale of course- visit the famous campus in New Haven- and the great Yale Art Gallery. The Arts abound,and Connecticut is a progressive thinking populace, that looks out for the envirionment (very active in climate change)looks out for its elderly, small children, protects and encourages the arts.With rolling ... Read more

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    Fri Jan 28 2005

    Hartford is in fact in the process of rebuilding- and despite what some say- it has a prime geographic location - that many other cities would envy. To judge the whole state on the basis of Hartford is without merit. A visit to the shore, the peaceful northeastern 'quiet corner' or the northwest hills would seem to make a rating of 1 rather silly for this old and very distinquished state. Try visiting Yale in New Haven, or perhaps the British Museum of Art. I have spent time in this state- and despite the problems of Hartford and some other cities- it does not rate a One.

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    Tue Jan 18 2005

    Hartford is a hole. The countryside is beautiful but I have never been in a more dead downtown, not to mention depressing. I have to give it a 1 to offset the myopic.