Condoleezza Rice

Approval Rate: 65%

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    Thu Jun 02 2011

    With her, the Repubs can LOOK "progressive" while keeping their tongues firmly up the asses of their obscenely wealthy masters.

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    Thu Jun 02 2011

    We need a strong GOP candidate to get Obama out of office in 2012. It cannot be a woman. I know that Ms. Rice is very intelligent and was much respected and needed in the Bush administration, however, I personally feel she comes off as having a temper. Could be stress. I have not met her personally. She would not be my choice as President of the United States.

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    Fri Jan 28 2011

    Probably one of the few smart people ever in the political scene, which is why she won't be nominated. Democrats and Republicans only present dumb fucks as presidential candidates.

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    Sat Jan 08 2011

    Dr. Rice would be perfect. She is well-known, highly respected around the world, has conservative credentials but is socially moderate. She is privately devout, but in no way pushes her religious beliefs other than through example. She is from Alabama but lives in California, speaks several languages, is obviously a genius, and has rock-star charisma. She is unflappable, is unquestionably patriotic, and has experience in foreign policy and high-level diplomacy. In my opinion, the GOP would be wise to put her on the top of the ticket. If she doesn't volunteer, then draft her in convention. If the Republicans want a clear winner in 2012, it will be Condoleezza Rice.

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    Fri Aug 27 2010

    It would just be a re-run of the worst parts of the Bush administration.

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    A Phd level academic with a depth of experience and working credentials at the highest levels in public administration and foriegn relations? I think they'll pick Sarah Palin instead.

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    Fri Dec 11 2009

    She would probably be a good candidate if she wanted to run for president, but I can't give her more than three stars as she doesn't appear to have any interest in it.

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    Thu Sep 24 2009

    Wouldn't that be kind of like electing Bush again?

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    Tue Jul 21 2009

    Too closely connected to the liberally biased media bashed GW

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    Fri Jun 26 2009

    Please not her! We have had enough of Condi for a while.

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    Thu Mar 12 2009

    If Condi Rice wins the 2012 election I will move to Canada. Rice is the least favorite Conservative in the Bush Adm. besides Bush. No Rice, It's all Nice.

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    Fri Nov 21 2008

    If Condi Rice had any political ambitions, she would have let us know already. I expect that she'll return to California back to academia. She a little too close for comfort to the Bush Administration. Every blunder that occured under Bush's watch will transferred over to Rice, and as we learned in 2008, that millstone can be very hard to carry.

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    Mon Nov 17 2008

    Tainted by her ultimate insider identity in the Handjob administration.  Totally overrated and just another "yes girl."  She should go off and be a lobbyist for some greedhead industry, line her pockets and pipe down.  She has no ideas, vision of discernable talent, so, her political shelf life has long expired.

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    Some intelligence.  Some gifts.  But two things (that a person could argue aren't really her fault) - (1) Her lap-dog approach and stringent obedience to dubs. . .one of the worst foreign-policy thinkers any sensible person can think of and (2) DC whispers of Condi's sexuality that would (even as a rumor) get a rise out of the sexually-backward faction of the party of the Puritans.  There's just no sizzle to this steak.

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    Has no reasonable shot, and no discernable interest.  Certainly has the skills for the job, but I doubt she has the political chops for it.

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    Sun Nov 09 2008

    Nobody in the Bush cabinet has a political future.

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    I think she would be a awesome candidate!

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    Thu Nov 06 2008

    Is she qualified?  ABSOLUTELY.  Has she shown any interest in running for a higher office?   Not lately.  I don't know if that will change in the future.

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    Thu Nov 06 2008

    She has no interest and could not garner enough support.  I think she's one of the real long shots, particularly today.

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    Thu Nov 06 2008

    just as good as palin and petraeus, another of my personal picks, and she'd be the best female president (or palin). if only she'd run!

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    Thu Nov 06 2008

    If I were a leftist/ Obamanoid/ Democrat....I'd love nothing more than to see another Bush-wing neocon give it another shot. Haven't we had enough?