Comedy Central

Approval Rate: 83%

83%Approval ratio

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    Sat Aug 27 2011

    The only reason I remotely know about this channel is because it was playing on a TV in a hospital waiting room. Just plain garbage, that's all it is.

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    Thu Jul 28 2011

    I love Comedy Central. It's one of my all time favorites. I enjoy the stand up comediens and Tosh.0! I also enjoy the movies they show. I know if I'm in a bad mood I can just switch to that channel and get some laughs in!

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    Wed Jun 23 2010

    Aside from South Park Comedy Central isn't all that funny. I am so tired of those stupid celebrity roasts and haven't watched one since like the fifteenth minute of the first one they released. If I owned Comedy central it would be pretty simple, feature acts from the hottest comedy club circuits.

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    Wed Mar 31 2010

    Quite frankly, it's about as funny as a visit to the accountant.

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    Wed Jul 01 2009

    Depends on what's on. Some of the programming is funny and some of it sucks. I particularly like premium blend, get to see all the up and comming stand up talent.

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    Sun Jul 20 2008

    love south park and Reno 911

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    Sat Jul 19 2008

    don't really watch it.

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    Thu Jul 17 2008

    South Park!

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    Tue Jul 15 2008

    chris rock: bigger and blacker~!

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    Sun Jul 13 2008

    hmmm? south park? futurama? dane cook? oh yeah!

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    Sat Jul 12 2008

    I love to laugh! HAHAHA, loud & long & clear! lol

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    I like most of the programming and love a lot of the movies they play, my complaint is way too many comercials.

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    Sun Jan 13 2008

    Almost always something good on.

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    Sun Nov 11 2007

    Has gone downhill, but still ok.

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    Mon Sep 24 2007

    Comedy Central used to be a great channel when they focused more on stand up comedy.  These days, the only thing it has going for it is South Park.  The Daily Show could possibly be the most overrated TV Show that exists today.

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    Thu Aug 02 2007

    They need to flush South Park !

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    Sun Jul 08 2007

    I love this channel. South Park is one of the best shows of all time. Only problem I have with this channel is when a new show comes out. If there is a new episode coming out the week after, expect to see the one shown this week at least 4 times a day. Needs less repetition.

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    Wed May 09 2007

    Other than South Park, this channel is pretty worthless to me.

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    Tue May 08 2007

    It always brings a smile to my face.

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    Thu Feb 22 2007

    I like some of the movies on this channel. But what makes it a 5 star channel is South Park and Chappelle’s Show

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    Fri Nov 10 2006

    The roasts of various celebs have been great. The Shatner roast in particular was brilliant. Also gets points for South Park, even if it is slipping a bit.

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    Thu Oct 12 2006

    every network shows reruns of old crap, granted comedy central shows more then it's fair share of retarted movies over and over, but its thier origional programming that makes this station #1 IMO. South Park, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Drawn Together; all consistently the funniest shows on TV.

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    Tue Sep 19 2006

    i like southpark the best, followed by reno 911. i liked the chapelle show when it was new. i wish strangers with candy played more. i dont like the daily show at all. i watch comedy central to get away from the political bashing thats all over tv now. thats all the daily show seems to be about

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    Sat Apr 01 2006

    I give it five stars just for South Park and Drawn Together they rock!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mon Feb 06 2006

    1 word: funny

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    Mon Jan 30 2006

    One of the last stations for men.

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    Sun Nov 13 2005

    The only reason I didn't rate this site as great is because often times Comedy Central has stand up comedians that aren't funny, TOO MUCH mad TV, and movies that everyone has seen at least five times each. Other than that I love Comedy Central. It is probably my favorite channel. Also old people that don't find this channel funny need to shut up. They simply aren't keeping an open mind to this new comedy. NO ONE can deny the hilariousness of South Park and the Daily Show. However, my favorite show was I'm With Busy.

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    Thu Oct 27 2005

    Well, after the 88th showing of ONE CRAZY SUMMER (in 59 days), I finally had to say "ENOUGH!". Took over 7 years, but the suits at Comedy Central have managed to inter this once-respectable enterprise so deep into the landfill that no backhoe ever designed could ferret it out. THE DAILY SHOW is the quality holdout (which speaks more for the talent of John Stewart than anything else; they've also got the equally-nice Kilborn run collecting dust somewhere); the vast remainder of it hefts groceries. Stand-up has been a dead artform for 20 years (early Lewis Black being the exception), but Comedy Central keeps slavishly training a camera on it, as if it were the Christ child in the manger. SOUTH PARK's getting long in the tooth, SNL only has a collective 5 hours of "funny" value, RENO 911 is suck-ass turgid, and DRAWN TOGETHER (while subversive) is too esoteric to survive (much like the dearly-departed DUCKMAN). They took off an intelligent puppet show (MST3K), and what'd they replace it w... Read more

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    South Park is still great! Daily Show is excellent. Reno 911 is horrible! Bring back Upright Citizens Brigade!!!!!!

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    Bring back the Beat the Geeks quiz show.

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    Wed Oct 12 2005

    Although completely turned off by the "rawer" and tasteless shows such as South Park and Crank Yankers, Comedy has some superb shows which can stand up against anything the etworks have. Prime examples are The Daily Show and Reno 911. Of course, there are the clunkers, such as the Adam Corolla mess, but that is to be expected when a channel is as inventive and courageous as the Comedy Channel.

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    Wed Sep 28 2005

    More smarmy than funny. Please give us something to laugh at.

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    Sun Aug 28 2005

    It's been over two years since my personal boycott of this completely useless channel went into effect, and to this very day, I have seen no reason to lift it. A mix of uncreative C-level comedy movies, trashy and mean-natured stand-up, liberally biased news satire programs, and unbeliveably foul cartoons add to a completely unappealing station. Most of their shows are simply not nice. To Comedy Central, comedy has to be crude and mean to be enjoyable--since nothing remotably good-natured or family-friendly has aired on this network has aired in many years. Or, it has to be biting social commentary which, in my opinion, has truly grown old and well beyond its life cycle. How many Family Guy like shows do we need anyway? South Park is truly a (NON)shining example as to why this station is so terrible. They should just call it Channel, because to this reviewer, no comedy can be found in this television network.

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    Tue Jun 07 2005

    I love MAD TV! I love how they have so much of it I have laugh attacks.

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    Tue Jun 07 2005

    Not very good anymore.SNL was about the only thing worth watching.Strangers With Candy,Kids In The Hall and Crank Yankers have to be some of the most pathetic ideas in TV history.Reno 9-11 is not even a little bit funny and when the Daily Show and South Park are people's favorites we are in serious trouble.Then there is that crack-head Dave Chappelle,who is on his way to the nuthouse or the morgue.

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    Tue Jun 07 2005

    They've got some pretty good stuff. Dave Chappelle is good, and South Park is great. I've also become a bit of a Mad TV fan by watching the reruns on Comedy Central. Reno 911 has been surprisingly funny as well.

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    Sat Apr 30 2005

    I don't have time to watch a whole lot of TV, but what I've seen of this is pretty funny. If you can catch a good stand-up, or the Daily Show, you're good...otherwise, most of it's weaker. Chapelle's show can be funny at times too, but is very raunchy and not for kids.

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    Mon Apr 25 2005

    still my favorite channel.

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    Sat Apr 23 2005

    My favorite thing to watch... I happe nto love comedy!

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    Thu Apr 21 2005

    Too much of Comedy Central's programming is not innovative or consists of old comedy show reruns. They don't have very many original series and the ones they do have fail to make me laugh which sort of defeats the purpose of a comedy channel. They show some good movies but they also air terrible movies that never should have seen the light of day, much less be aired again and again. All in all, this channel is much too inconsistent and there just isn't enough quality programming.

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    Tue Apr 12 2005

    i love south park and stand up and there movies one of my fav channels CM rocks!

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    Sat Mar 26 2005

    The only thing worth watching here most of the time is South Park and some old cartoons like Dilbert.

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    Wed Feb 23 2005

    The only thing really worth watching is the Daily Show. Crank Yankers? MADtv? What the hell? P.S.: Dear Comedy Central: will you PLEASE stop rerunning that damn Chappelle's show episode with the drug & STD muppets? I've seen it at least four times in the past two days.

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    Sat Jan 29 2005

    Comedy Central is great. I have always been a big fan, and have loved how they have turned out great shows like South Park, Chapelle's Show, and Reno 911. I am upset that they lost SNL to E, and now have to run MadTV, but Comedy Central is still one of my top cable channels.

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    Mon Jan 24 2005

    The daily show is the best show on tv, the only one which actually has interesting interviews.

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    Thu Jan 20 2005

    MAD TV!!!!! Enough said. Love Comedy Central.

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    Wed Jan 12 2005

    One of the people in their ads made me laugh out loud. The joke's can be a little racey though.

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    Mon Dec 06 2004

    The best channel it has the best shows and plays good movies you should now bow down to thhis channel.

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    Sat Oct 09 2004

    Has gone way downhill the last 5 years. Still churning out some good shows like Reno 911. South Park is still one of the best but we need some new episodes.

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    Mon Jul 26 2004

    Don't have Comedy Central in Canada, but we do get Insomiac With Dave Attell, South Park, Reno 911, and Daily Show With Jon Stewart, some of my favorite shows.