Comcast Corporation

Approval Rate: 33%

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    Thu May 14 2009

    Comcast isn't too bad for a near monopoly. I can usually get a hold of a customer service person. If someone in my house forgets to pay the bill, ahem, cable is usually turned back on instantaneously once paid. There are plenty of channels, and plenty of HD channels. It could be just that I don't know anything other than Comcast, but they seem to be a decently run company.

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    Sun Apr 26 2009

    The absolute worst comapany ever in the world!!! they may as well be terrorists.they try to control you with their monopoly and nazi me im on the inside.They dont care anything about their customers or wokers.Alls they care about is manipulating their numbers to satisfy their shareholders and wall street numbers. Ive worked for them for years and ive seen it all.If they had any serious competition they would have been out of business years ago,wait til fios expands and conquers the market share,as they soon will. trust me they are the AIG of telecommunications. they treat hard working people like swines and dont even care. it truly is CON castic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Fri Apr 17 2009

    Brace yourself this will be a long one. This is over 6 months of continuous displeasure with Comcast. I moved from MA to MI. As soon as I moved in I called comcast from my cell phone and tried to get the Bundle package. The installers were three freakin days late. No call, no nothing. Having called them they agreed for me waiting the extra days they would throw in HBO and some other network for free for six months. ok cool, whatever right? Finally they came and connected me. (reserve these two things in your mind while reading, I have a MA cell phone number and the coaxial cable was only three feet long from the tv box to my laptop for their digital cable). Deciding that all three were really unnecessary I called to cancel my phone package due to already having a cell phone. The operator told me "well even if you switch you're only going to be paying a dollar less".....are you serious?! so for tv and internet you're telling me i'm going to be paying over a hundred dollars a month?!?!?!... Read more

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    Sat Mar 14 2009

    I was a long-time DirecTV user and was mostly happy with them. I left because they were slow on getting HD working, specifically mostly no HD with the Tivo PVR. I signed up for the "triple-play" w/ Comcast and ended up saving about $50 per month. So far, the price is right. However, the picture quality compared to DirecTV is abominable. Some channels are so pixelated they are almost unwatchable. In fact, one of the ways they sell comcast is to say how subject satellite is to pixellation and in fact the pixellation on Comcast is MUCH worse than anything I saw on DirecTV even in the worst rainstorm. Further, the color of channels is dramatically less vivid than DirecTV. The Comcast PVR is quite poor and much, much less functional than a Tivo. The channel guides they use, for example, frequently have no information on what is actually in a show. So, for example, it will record multiple copies of the same thing because it does not now which episode is playing; this is really bad ... Read more

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    Thu Jan 22 2009

    Service is almost nonexistant. Expensive as well.

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    Mon Jan 19 2009

    Too expensive. For a Digital & HD TV package the cost per unit feature is in the realm of a shiny new Corvette car. And, the product isn't nearly as good as the Vette.

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    Tue Dec 02 2008

    service and equipment very bad.customer service is nil.big rip off

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    Tue Nov 25 2008

    This is not a rating. This is a call for HELP!!! My cable has been out since 11/17/08. I have called every day for help. I have been told the same thing for several days now "Someone will be there by 5:00PM". 3 techs have been here and reported that there was an outage and they would not be able to fix the problem. They advised that they were sending a trouble ticke to maintenance. Please help me get my service on. My company name is Sugar Land Courier Services, phone: (281) 403-0022. Your help with this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Vera Anderson (281) 403-0022

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    Mon Oct 27 2008

    Comcast has been my high speed and digital cable provider for over two years. Initially, there were few problems with there internet or TV signals. That has changed over the past six months or so. There have been numerous outages in my area and long lasting technical problems with our TVs since receiving the new digital boxes. Worse than the technical issues and more disappointing is the poor service. We were offered six months of free upgrade three months ago due a lingering technical and customer service problem, but the upgrade doesn't really matter if you can't get a signal. Our digital service has had a 20% reliability rating over the past couple of weeks including going several days with no signal at all. It normally requires several days for a service technician to be deployed and on two occasions the technician simplied lied by calling in that no one was home even though in fact, we were. As this has now happened twice (the last time on 10-24-08), we'll be comparing oth... Read more

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    Wed Oct 22 2008

    My problem with comcast. A little over a year ago, I had both comcast internet and television with hbo, cinimax and starz installed in my new home. Then suddenly my bill only charged me for interent and hbo. But not for tv or cinimax and starz. I called comcast to give them the heads up that they were not charging me correctly. Though the service rep over the phone stated that it was a computer error, and there was nothing that we could do, only for the system to fix itself eventually. I then asked her if comcast could backcharge me at all? and she stated no, that I have just gotten lucky. So now, almost a year and a half later, I get a bill from comcast for a couple hundred dollars. I call to ask what is the charges and they are now back charging me for the past 6 months of service unpaid. I stated to them that this was their error, that I have tried to inform them in the past on this, and that I would not have all the upgraded television shows anyways without a promotional rate becau... Read more

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    Thu Sep 18 2008

    ZERO STARS. I went without cable and internet for three months because I had my hours cut at work and couldn't afford it until recently, and had to use every penny I had saved in order to move clsoer to work due to gas prices. I called Comcast because they had that Triple Play package deal going on. I figured I'd rather pay $99/mo for cable, internet *AND* phone service rather than pay ATT $140/mo just for phone & DSL. Fine; spoke to the rep, and set up a time for the guy to come by. I asked her SPECIFICALLY - "what type of payment can I give him? Can he take a debit card?" She assured me he could take debit, check, or cash. Ok, fine; I tell her I need cable for two rooms. She said she would set me up for two rooms. He actually shows up early and sets everything up, but only for the living room. I asked him about the bedroom; he was confused because he only had a work order for one room. Grrrr... Anyway, I decided it was best; don't want to pay for an extra box anyway, whi... Read more

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    Mon Sep 08 2008

    Worst service that I have ever had. I realize that they took over Adelphia facilites which were terrible but they have done nothing to improve things. And they eant me to switch my telephone service to them???? I think not.

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    Sun Aug 31 2008

    Comcast is useless. Never use Comcast

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    Mon Aug 25 2008

    I have no service trouble after a number of years with this company. However, I do take issue with the relative value of their product. Comcast (and Direct TV and others) are now using my cable service to air infomercials at various times of day. They should be paying me for taking up space that could be playing something I care to watch. I have expanded basic cable and it is more than $50 US per month. There are no more than 15 shows per week that are worth watching (including movies) and re-runs seem to dominate their product. They have a huge amount of pay-per-view offerings and I think eventually the only package programs not on a PPV basis will be those wonderful infomercials!Also, I have no use for spanish language channels or all the religious channels, they should be on a Spanish or Religious cable package. The company must be using 25% of my standard 75 channels on those programs. It would be nice if we could select to pay for only the channels we want to view.

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    Tue Aug 12 2008

    I ordered cable TV via their online chat services, and a tecnician was supposed to come in and set it up. I took a day off work because they wouldn't give me any particular time. I waited home all day on the appointed date and no one showed up. When I called in I was told that my date was scheduled for another week day. No one called me to discuss a change in the appointment date. I have spent two weeks at my new home without access to news or any tv service.

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    Thu Jul 24 2008

    6 months after you sign up,  they really sock it to ya!!  Over priced

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    Thu Jul 24 2008

    Have used the hammer and the greenback to keep satellite TV out of Massachusetts -- strongarm tactics in getting muncipalities to prohibit directTV dishes because they don't go with the quaint 18th-century building aesthetics, combined with so many soft money donations to John Kerry that they have managed to make the guy their personal b*(&h.; The resulting monopoly has hurt the consumer. Thankfully, there is another local internet provider with better service, but they still control the telly. What keeps this awful company honest is their sheer incompetence -- after years of screwing us over, they started to forget to bill us; like a feudal lord, they are rolling in so much money that they can afford to let the occasional peasant slide.

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    Wed Jul 23 2008

    I wish i could rate them less than a star...They will make you lose faith in your right to a decent , reliable cable service.

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    Wed Jun 11 2008

    Comcast SUCKS!! I've had them in three different states and they SUCK everywhere. Their workers are lazy, rude, mouth-breathing idiots and they screw up your bill.

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    Wed May 14 2008

    Our company sent a check for $89.69 into Comcast. They credited wrong and keyed it in as $11.00, the bank also did not catch this because comcast uses magnetic ink deposits to speed up their income. I called to complain. Shortly after we received a termintaion threat notice. Then they had a credit collection agent call and perosnally harrass one of our employees threatening to destroy her credit. All for a mistake they made and was 100% their fault. they would not even give us one week to write them a new check for the one they screwed up. Worst company ever. they cheat and they don't care.

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    Fri May 09 2008

    Comcast billing department doesn't use correct accounting procedures because it's systemized stealing. The billing department doesn't have the information they need because thier only function is to assert comcasts wrong bills in exactly the way they are shown to the customer. If you attack them with any sort of logic they will make numbers up and add and subract them together in any way possible to try to get the numbers to match up. Thier fraud is all about being wrong and asserting yourself until the customer gets tired of fighting the stupidy and either pays it or leaves. This leaves them with only stupid customers they can fleece who won't attack them.

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    Sun May 04 2008

    worst customer service I've ever had!

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    Tue Apr 08 2008

    This company has the worst customer service!! They are not reliable service providers and they don't offer any type of compensation for their errors.

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    Tue Jan 15 2008

    Worst customer service in the world.

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    Fri Dec 07 2007

    I have had the worst experience of my life with trying to get Comcast digital cable. Comcast is the most pathetic company and has the worst costumer service I've ever experienced. I ordered Comcast Digital Service in mid November for my new home. They told me that they had an appointment available for a technician to come and install the service on November 24. Everything good until now. On November 24, I get a phone call from someone in Comcast saying that Comcast is closed on Saturdays and that they won't be able to come and install the service. I was completely upset! How can someone from the sales department give me an appointment for that day and then someone calls me that same day and tells me that that's not possible? I asked the person to transfer me to customer service to complain and set up and appointment for Monday, but no one was available. I called on Monday, November 26, and tried to make a complaint but unfortunately, no one who can make decisions in this company ... Read more

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    Mon Nov 05 2007

    HDTV is iffy at best. Sometimes shows will have issues with audio or they will freeze.

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    Mon Oct 29 2007

    Comcast is very expensive. Unfortunately they are a monopoly in Middle TN. I really dislike their customer service. They have had over 14 technicians on-site to try and fix my "tiling" issue. They have been unsuccessful every time. They do not have any skilled individuals working for them. I keep asking them if there is anyone more skilled to come and help and they informed me that everyone leaves the company before they become "skilled". Please understand that they are way tooo big and they don't care about any of there customers because they know they are the only choice for Middle TN. So the reason they are receiving the lowest rating is for two reasons: Monopoly for TN and very poor on-site Technical Support.

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    Mon Oct 29 2007

    You know someone at Comcast reads this and other rating sites...the reviews are universally bad...they don't get it.  They started out in Philadelphia with the worst service to a community with the most corruption.  They pay big if you are a polititian who's vote they need to create the monopolies they have created everywhere.  Here in SE Pa, Verizon has taken them head on with better and cheaper service...guess what Comcast puts on as commercial as to how Verizon is taking advantage of poor people...who the hell do they think they are kidding.  If you are minority try to get their service at a reasonable rate.  They have a crooks mentality...they want all the money and too hell with their promises of service.  Someday they will have to compete and that day is not soon enough.  One star because I have to give a rating.

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    Sun Sep 23 2007

    Comcast is a thief. The rates keep going up. The service keeps going down. And I never knew a company that could find so many ways to cheat, con, and rip you off. Beware! - One of their latest rip-offs is their "Free Digital Upgrade For One Year" offer. I've already had just about enough go-rounds with this issue and I'm too mad to do it again right now. So I'll keep this simple and short. Comcast called me and offered their Digital Starter Kit and one year free Digital Service. They promised it at no additional cost. Then they charged me for the two Starter Kits (you can get up to four). Then they charged me more per month for Digital Service. After many hours and many phone calls, it turns out that they took away my Senior Citizen Discount. After many more hours of calling, an Executive named Wm. Cochrane agreed that the Senior Discount DOES apply to Digital Service. He said everything would be corrected on my next bill or two. Currently, Mr. Cochrane is not returning... Read more

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    Sun Sep 09 2007

    Good customer service and uptime as compaired to my previous provider Time Warner. Time Warner is the worst!

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    Sun Sep 02 2007

    Comcast has the worst service every. None of there stations work all the time and get blacked out. I pay for HD TV and most of the time those stations just say "one moment please" for house and show no picture. Also, the first weekend of college football some of the football games were not working and then when I called they told me they were blacked out in my market. But, then when I check back later in the games they were working. Comcast is a crappy service and they lie. I highly recommend getting WOW or Cox Cable, which are not available in my area. I am going to switch to Directv after the worst month of service I have ever received from a company in my life.

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    Mon Aug 27 2007

    Comcast: customer service is non-existent. After a storm took out service in the whole neighborhood, we called for three days and could only reach a recording that said service had been restored in our area. When I finally got through via the web, I was informed it would take another four days for for a technician to make it out to our house, leaving us without phone, internet, and tv for at least a week. -And we may have to pay a service fee of $49.95. I asked if Comcast would refund us money for the days we had no service because they couldn't get a tech out to us, and was told to take it up with the billing department. I hate Comcast but suspect they're all as bad.

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    Thu Aug 02 2007

    Can't decide what's worse, customer service, or those who hire customer service reps. Techs rarely resolve a problem on the first visit. Issues are rarely within the home, but you'll have to be there for every appointment.

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    Thu May 03 2007

    I agree Comcast is expensive but they're certainly not a--holes like DirecTV. I've had the worst experience of my life with DirecTV

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    Mon Apr 23 2007

    I have Charter, and I think all these cable companies are the worst sort of a-holes.  Everyone at Charter definitely deserves an inoperable tumor at the base of the spine.  Having said that - at least there are a precious few of you who actually have something nice to say about Comcast.  Charter has pretty much zero good feedback.  Comcast must ba at least marginally better.I challenge any of you Comcast subscribers - Charter sucks worse :-)

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    Tue Apr 17 2007

    Bring back Adelphia. Please. In all my years in local, national, and international business, I've not known a less consumer-focused business.

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    Mon Apr 09 2007

    concast bought media-one in my area a few years back,--my bill went up $10 a month for cable internet with no speed increase. I was paying low $50 dollars a month 3 years ago and now almost 63 dollars a month. I adverage 1-2.5 megs a second even though they say i can get up to 8 megs. the tech forgot to put a filter on the cable line so i get all the analog channels on my TV except the movie channels, thats the only reason i can stomach to pay it. I do notice something that tells me im getting f*cked over-i scan through the channels and see way to many comcast or vehix commercials, i notice at the end of some comcash comercials there will be a flash of another companies commercial ending . that means there buying commercial time from the broadcast channel to advertise them selves but i obviousley already have that service.these commercials are on all the time sometimes 3 in a row, that means there making so much money off subscriptions that they can piss it away. I could see if ... Read more

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    Tue Feb 27 2007

    horrible service, ridiculously expensive

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    Fri Dec 22 2006

    I had an installer come out to install my cable, internet and phone. He realized he had to do some work because the cabel for the TV had to be installed (No wall drops-outside run. He rescheduled - another installer came out a week later and came in with a box, looking for the connection. I said, you have to run a 50 ft cable. He said, he doesn't run cable and left.Therefore I have to rate with 0 stars

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    Tue Dec 12 2006

    Every week I have a different problem. Every weekend I have a Technician visiting me !!!!

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    Thu Nov 30 2006

    The prices and service packs are rediculous. Nobody should have to pay $52 for basic cable. What is worse is that if I were a new customer I could save almost 60 a month. TIme Warner changed to comcast and the rate all went up. I have had cable in three different time zones, and this one is more expensive by $20 on basic cable. O

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    Wed Oct 11 2006

    Comcast bought out Suscom in Mississippi. The month it happened Suscom told me they would give me a 6-month for $60.00 deal for Cable tv and Internet. Comcast billed me at the full rates and re-fused to fix the problem saying they knew of no such deal. I went back to Dishtv and DSL Bye Bye Comcast and there very bad customer service!!

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    Thu Aug 31 2006

    I wont say I have never had a problem with the service, but I have always had great customer service when I called to complain about it... however, it did take a while to fix... and if you watch your bills and watch the prorating billing you will never have a problem with the billing... I so far never have had any!

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    Mon Jun 26 2006

    comcast is shorthand for communist-broadcasting in case you didn't know. to date, comcast has not satisfactorily met any of their contractual obligations. over-billing for service, inept customer support, and frequent service blackouts are all common problems for comcast subscribers in my area ... and yet people still use them. i don't get it. a few years back i got fed up with comcasts "high-speed" internet and switched to verizon DSL. i couldn't be happier, not only does my DSL connection work 100% of the time, my bandwidth is constant. with comcast i observed a noticeable decrease in speed during peak hours, which apparently is from 4pm-12am. this means during those hours i'm unable to reliably game, or download anything above 35kb/sec. being more of a net addict than a tv addcit this was intolerable. it took another 3 years for me to drop my comcast cable service. i stuck with them for several reasons, mainly their kickass HD channel offerings and the on demand service. ... Read more

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    Fri Jun 02 2006

    The fact that I actually get video on my television from Comcast is amazing. Actually, the video is generally fine. My issue is with Comcast's ability to provide a DVR Cable Box that actually works. I have had FIVE (5) cable boxes in the past 3 weeks and they all have strange problems. With the first box, the FastForward or Rewind would occasionally lock up and I would be unable to stop it from FastForwarding right through the program. On the second box, the Hard Disk (for recording programs) froze up completely. Another box I brought home and the video being displayed was just horrible. Whenever I call Customer Service they tell me that they think something is wrong with the VIDEO CABLE coming from the street and that a technician has to come out and look at it. WHAT?? Are you KIDDING?? If I plug the cable directly in to my television, the analog signal comes through fine. The show does not FREEZE because their is no Hard Drive to FREEZE up! The guy on the phone doesn't se... Read more

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    Fri May 26 2006

    Picture quality and price are just way out of whack. Service is lousy.

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    Tue Apr 18 2006

    Comcast is a great company, I can't even say that the price is bad. It may be a bit higher than some of their competitors, but the customer service is bar none the best that I have ever experienced. Their channel line up is great, and is easy to navigate. They are constantly upgrading their service to make it better, quicker and easier to use. I did have to have a tech come over to check out my cable box one time becuase it had got wet (thanks to my wife watering a plant on top of it) I told him what had happend, he laughed about it and replaced the box free of charge. I am also having their internet installed this weekend. I ordered it a month ago or so, there was a mixup and they forgot to send out the modem. No biggie, as they were the ones who called me and admitted that there was a messup and are not charging me for the self install kit, and are providing (free of charge) installation. Most any other company would not even think about calling a customer up and admitting that they ... Read more

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    Fri Jan 13 2006


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    Fri Jan 06 2006

    Comcast, the company, sucks! Many of Comcast maintenance people are very good, a few aren't worth killing. I have Comcast cable TV and high-speed internet. The TV is good, the high-speed internet has been awful. The maintenance folks continue to work on the problems. Since Comcast is the sole provider in my part of the country, Hamilton County, TN, I'm stuck with the bastards.

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    Tue Jan 03 2006

    The installer did not show after I sat and waited for 3 hours. When I called customer service they assured me that he did and I somehow missed him. ?!? Here is my favorite part, "Because you missed your appointment we will need to re-schedule."'m going to miss another day of work for this. The biggest problem - I don't really have a choice.