
Approval Rate: 30%

30%Approval ratio

Reviews 24

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    Thu May 31 2012

    Horrible service!!!!with too many "extra" charges. Customer service will tell you any lie to make you go away then there is no follow up! It took 4 weeks to get the install done and during that they stood me up twice and when they did show up, the man stunk up my entire house like an dead elephant rotting in the Texas Sun! The remote he tried to give me still had food stuck in the button from the last client!! Now they are charging me $150 because I cancelled 5 (FIVE) days before my one year contract was up and they wont budge on it.

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    Mon Jun 13 2011

    I have been with Comcast for many years and never really thought about my bill because with my job I had a lot of global travel...One day on down time, I noticed I was paying $80 a month for the past 7 yrs and I do not even have a preminum station, No HD or fancy I called and told me them if they wanted to retain me...they would have to make me an offer..oh they offered a $53 a mo for 1 yr deal with HBO free for 6 mos..I said you should offer it for a year..they refused so Itook it...I was afraid of the satellite dishes and things because I just can't see if its windy or stormy and them blowing away or something...but last week I was billed for 6 months is not over and I called and I had to hold and hold to try and find out why....they said they began HBO in Nov free for me...LIE...I didn't even call until January of 2011. Their problem is they don't read each others notes, they don't initial who talk t you the last time nor do they care, you have to repeat the who... Read more

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    Sat Jun 04 2011

    This is worst and evil cable ever in the cable industry.

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    Mon Apr 04 2011

    IF i could give it NO stars i would. Channel TLC constantly FREEZES on me, changed the box, and it still does it, this is the 3rd time this has happened, TWICE i was charged a FEE for a service call, now they want to charge me ANOTHER service call fee for the same problem!!!! THIS COMPANY IS A MONOPLY THEY'RE A BUNCH OF CROOKS, THEIFS, WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THEM...EVER...Now i'm switching to satellite because of this nonsense.

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    Tue Mar 22 2011

    I typically haven't minded Comcast too much. They have always been bad but I've managed to live with it since their monopoly doesn't give me much choice. (True, I could buy DSL from the phone company that has offered abhorrent service since its inception; so it pretty much boils down to this worthless company or that worthless company.) But Comcast is always trying to find new ways to alienate their customers, and raising prices just doesn't make them happy enough. Most recently, they've added a 'new' on-screen menu. In fact, this 'new' menu looks like something straight from DOS 3.1. It contains much less information, uses much LARGER (and primitive) font and eats up much more real estate on your screen. So this means that you'll have a much harder time trying to check other channels for their programming. Furthermore, you'll have 1/3 of your screen eaten up every time you change a channel just so they can use the DOS 3.1 font to display the current program name. You'll have ... Read more

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    Sat Feb 19 2011

    The internet constantly cuts in and out. I will be working on my laptop right next to the wifi router and my computer will show that I am connected, but the wed browser won't be able to access anything. I would not recommend this Provider if you have a lifestyle which needs consistent and reliable service!

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    Tue Feb 08 2011

    I believe that the price of cable is just too high. Seems like there's so few companies providing the service that there's not enough competition to keep prices affordable. I'm paying twice what I used to pay.

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    Fri Feb 04 2011

    Comcast customer service is confused, dense and unprofessional. They can't understand a problem and offer no solutions when a fix is needed. Billing errors never get fixed. Stay away.

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    Thu Feb 03 2011

    How bad can a company get by providing bad service and overcharging for it? Well apparently can't get much worse than Comcast. I spent years with this company just to watch my TV disappear right when you are watching your favorit show or waiting for it to start. We had TV service being on and off for hours at a time, internet would be gone during day time and every time time you call them to report outage, they would never offer a credit. Our sound would disappear in the middle of the movie and you just had to give up on a movie. Their On Demand program sounded like a great idea in the beginning with good free movies. I loved watching them and occasionally I would buy pay per view movies and shows. They weren't satisfied; they wanted more money. So, their collection of free movies became so bad that I stopped wasting my time scanning through them; and of course, I would not watch pay-per-view either. Their loss. It became almost my part time job hunting for their deals to make mediocr... Read more

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    Thu Feb 03 2011

    With Comcast you don't just pay your money bill in dollars, but also in wasted time and frustration. I initially chose Comcast because it was the preferred hookup for my apartment complex and they had a decently priced package. Turns out the package was false advertising and gave up after being passed telephonically between various Comcast desks for an hour. Still, Comcast was the preferred hookup so I decided to just go with the regular hookup. For initial setup I made an appointment and stayed home, but no installer came. Re-made appointment at next best date ~10 days hence, but instead on an entirely different day I received an irritated call that the installer has arrived and I am not answering the door. Of course I wasn't answering the door, the appointment wasn't for that day and I wasn't even in state! After several tries finally an installer came for an appointment. Appointment took 2.5 hours because while installer was great guy (competent and friendly lad fresh out of the ... Read more

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    Sat Jan 29 2011

    Just had Comcast hooked up today! Was suppose to keep my phone number, NOT they F'd up and gave me a different phone number, now I'm getting calls for Stephanie! Main TV and bedroom TV were to have all the channels, spare TV guest bedroom to have just Basic service. You guessed it! Main TV can only get basic, other TVs that we don't use have all the channels! Now we are without a working phone line because nobody knows the new number. I hope no one gets sick or worse!!! Can't watch TV either in any compfortable room! Had Comcast once before, 10 years ago and dropped them because of issues. Guess I should have known better than to think anything has changed. Can't stand all the incompetent people that they have!!! COMCAST SUCKS!!!!!

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    Thu Oct 14 2010

    I sent this email to the local media today in an attempt to get their help in resolving my issue with Comcast. This message says it all: To Whom it May Concern: Over the years I have watched you advocate for people who have been wronged by companies. I hope you may be willing to go to bat for me, because I really I don't know where else to turn. Last week, I was double charged by Comcast after paying my bill through their online service. Their mistake has cost me $317.13, and I have been actively trying to get them to reimburse me for their error since last week. I have been lied to, hung up on by a service rep, and I am still without the money that I had earmarked for groceries. Here is the rundown on my Comcast experience over the past week: Tuesday, October 5: I went to and made a payment to my account in the amount of $161. I used their electronic check feature which allows them to debit my checking account. After making the payment, I checked ... Read more

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    Sun Feb 28 2010

    I now call it Comcast Crap... Latest is getting charged for a PPV purchase we never selected. Just my wife and I at home, we're both adults, and do not select PPV movies. A chat with Comcast, and they could care less. Found others on their forum with the same problem and the same 'care less' attitude of Comcast. Eight months into a bundled package, and we have had Comcast to our home two or three times more than DirectTV in 18 months of service. We have had three DVR's after only six months. The first two were scratch and dent models that Comcast likes to give out. Finally a new one on the third unit, but it is now acting up. Another basic receiver had to be replaced. I think Comcast gave us a rebuilt model that was probably 10 years old. Four or five times the size of their latest basic models. If you like headaches and frustrations, use Comcast. Even their installers and service people are frustrated having to give out rebuilt equipment. One installer told me "how do you... Read more

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    Tue Feb 23 2010

    Intermittent service. On average, you should expect your basic channels to work the majority of the time. However, Comcast On Demand and any premium channels you may subscribe to may or may not work at any given moment. This seems to be different for every account, as I hardly ever have a problem accessing On Demand but some other people I know can only access it around 5-10% of the time. Premium channels unavailable. I have had many conversations with Comcast representatives about why my subscribed premium channels are not available. When paying for extra channels, you should expect them to work, but that is asking a lot from Comcast's service. I have talked with three customer service representatives in a day, all who have directed me to call another support number after a thirty minute conversation regarding my problem with premium channels. Account problems. Comcast will sometimes be spot-on with your account subscriptions and service for a certain receiver, but will compl... Read more

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    Fri Feb 19 2010

    Comcast is terrible. A few years ago when we had the major hurricanes hit South Florida we lost our cable. For about 3 months we were without cable. And every time we called they said they would look into it. 4 times they showed up before the problem was fixed. Soon after that we started seeing messages that state that some channels would be moved up to the 100's. Which of course meant if you still wanted to watch Halmark Channel or Game Show Network or Oxygen you would have to go digital. Lately it seems though that we keep getting "blackouts" or black screens on a lot of our channels. Last night was the last straw. I called Comcast to try and find out why one the channels I watched on a nightly basis for Adult Swim of course was no longer working. After going through their automated service (which is of no help either) I get this reply from the rep: "In your area we are upgrading to digital. So you will lose some channels. Anything from 2-79 can go at any given time. You won't be ... Read more

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    Fri Nov 20 2009

    Acabo de llamar a comcast y por supuesto como hispana mi primera opción era intentar comunicarme en my propio idioma, lo increíble fue que el representante no podía enviarme la señal a mi caja convertidora por que el departamento que maneja mi cuenta cierra a las 5:00 de la tarde, así es de que les recomiendo que investiguen el horario en el que trabaja el departamento que tiene sus cuentas y pues de algún modo prográmense para que sus sistemas les fallen únicamente cuando el departamento este en sus horas de trabajo. Por parte de los servicios de cable se puede decir que está bien pero nada más, de parte de los servicios del personal que tienen en servicio al cliente en español, es una pesadilla, lo malo es que nos hacen pensar que todas las compañías que ofrecen servicio al cliente tienen el mismo personal incapacitado o discapacitado se podría decir; pero no es así solo que Comcast contrato a todos aquellos que tuvieran como requisito experiencia en servicio al cliente, discapaci... Read more

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    Fri Nov 20 2009

    Comcast is lousy! Their channel packages are too expensive (service rep claimed the government forces them to charge those high prices, I'm serious). Their service and support is the worst. I'd never go back!

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    Fri Oct 30 2009

    Comcast has the poorest customer service I have ever dealt with. First off in my area they are upgrading to full digital, which means every televison in your home has to now be equipped with a digital box. I ordered the boxes, and spent approx. 7 hours of my time to upgrade their service so I could save the service call fees. The tech support is poor and transfers you from place to place, if you can even get through, and then good luck getting a english speaking person. The following is my opinion of this upgrade provided to their customers. 1. I was perfectly happy with the exsisting service I had, yet I was forced to spend my time to upgrade for comcast or be charged a sevice fee for a tech to do the upgrades they requested. 2. They want you to go Green with your bill, yet think nothing of the millions of digital boxes that stay on 24/7 and conusme the energy you pay for. 3. The remotes to their boxes are crap at best, unless you are directly in front of the box they do not work, I... Read more

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    Tue Sep 29 2009

    Worst experiance I've ever had with cable... They are downright dishonest. If you use them watch your bills like a hawk!

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    Mon Sep 28 2009

    after complaining about Comcast on Twitter, they sent me to a *special* department and credited by entire month. So, if you have a problem with Twitter, do not call customer service. type something in Twitter with the @comcast and you'll be pleased.

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    Thu Sep 17 2009

    Cuts out all of the time! HD DVR box lags like crazy. If they are gonna offer a HD box, than at least make sure the hardware can keep up with it. Every single channel is re-runs and there isn't a show that I can't watch online with limited or no commercials, so why even keep the god damn TV! Like the guy below me says they are pretty much a monopoly, so they don't have to change a god damn thing. My box is out right now, has been for about 15 minutes now right in the middle of one of the few 'new' shows I watch. Eat a dick comcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Mon Aug 03 2009

    I'm officially at my wits' end with Comcast so I figured venting my honest opinion to someone other than myself and to my boyfriend might do me a little good. We've got internet, which runs alright other than being a little slow at times, and HD cable which if I could, would rate negative stars from me as well. Our DVR works selectively, channels randomly cut out completely and blur at least once or twice, if not more, per every hour of television watched, and even though we pay for all of the channels, more often times than not a show will come on that we choose to watch and when we switch to the channel we recieve a message saying "One moment please, this channel should be available shortly." The shows we normally watch are generally on both HD and regular channels but when we find we can't watch the show in HD and try the normal channel, we get the same error message, even though they are two different channels. We pay for them, something rediculous I might add, and yet can't wa... Read more

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    Sat Jul 18 2009

    Biggest bunch of con artists ever assembled in one corporate cover. I have their service and when I tied to find outr what chaqnnels are supposed to be included in my $75.00 a month package, no one had any idea where to find a correct listing for my area. Suggestion was turn on the TV, start at 1 and click through to 700 to see which ons I get and which are blocked. Tried to get a before and after channel lineup to see what channels will be left for the orphaned sets at my house that I DON'T rent set top boxes or adaters for, once their "Network Enhancement" is done, can't get that either. Asked to have someone confirm that once the "upgrade" to services is done, my $4500.00 digital LCDTV will be able to tune channels without a box, and got a verbal runaround, then told expert customer service person #6 that their own upgrade faq sheet says NO TV regardless of what tuner it has will get ANY signal except through their boxes when their "upgrade" is completed. Read the whole passage ... Read more

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    Fri Jul 17 2009

    I was forced to switch from Direct TV to Comcast because I couldn't get reception. The sales gal on the phone was nice and promised that Comcast was the greatest thing since sliced bread. The install guy brings the wrong DVR so they had to come back and when he does he brings a broken down used DVR that barely worked. The hard drive in the DVR made a very high-pitched whine that was very loud which means we had to unplug it at night in order to sleep as the TV is in the bedroom. I called Comcast to discuss the problem, keep in mind I'm a new client for them, and all they can suggest is that either a service guy will come out for $50 or that I take the DVR into their repair center. I took the DVR into their repair center during my lunch and was met with an ocean of unsatisfied customers at their headquarters in Beaverton, OR who all said pretty similar stories. A very angry mob of people. I literally took a number and waited just over an hour. When my number was called the gal informed... Read more