Colorado Springs Fellowship
Approval Rate: n/a%
Reviews 3
by enoughofthat
Tue Feb 12 2013In all fairness I've never been to this church but my rating is for women preachers. If this church has a woman Pastor whose accused of being critical in other comments she must know there are others critical of women Pastors. There are Christians who believe that the Old and New Testament requires women to keep quiet in the church and never rule over men. I think that text is misinterpreted because women had a role in Jesus ministry when he was on earth. This was revolutionary and unheard of at the time. There is a verse in Galatians chapter three verse twenty eight that said: "There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Choosing a Pastor and church is a matter of prayerful personal preference. Like ones style of church music, some church goers like traditional choirs, other like contemporary Christian bands. It's ones personal choice and we have freedom of religion if you live in the USA. Where I draw the line in the sand is when ... Read more
by chinkeyes77
Fri Mar 26 2010I had to sign in as a different user to make a second comment. This message was sent to me from one of the members of "THE LOVING KINDNESS CHURCH" in response to my review. PLEASE ALSO READ 00522/ai_n9972051 Mail Call! Jesus4me sent you a message on RateItAll: Subject: Sister Rose Banks Message: The nerve of you to talk about MY pastor like that! You are going to Rot in hell. I have known her my whole life and NEVER has she done or said anything wrong to anybody! She preaches thr TRUTH and if you can't handle it, your going to HELL! You had only been going to my church for SIX months, you dont know NOTHING about my church, The envelopes are VERY expensive! You are not very smart at all, cause not ONCE has Mrs. Rose's rings EVER blinded me when she is preaching. YOU are a BOLD FACE LIAR!!!! And this is a free country, she can ride in a limo ANYTIME she wants. Why is it ANY of your business! And it is NOT the churches fault for you... Read more
by cutup08
Fri Mar 26 2010I attended this "church" for 6mos. At first I felt that God was really talking through Pastor Rose Banks. I attended service Sunday morning and evening and also Friday evening as I was working on becoming a "member". Pastor Rose on many occasions has stated during her sermons that her "members" are without sin. She has put down many local and national pastors/reverends. Such as the late Rev. Proby of St. John's Baptist Church and Joel Osteen to name a few. She even says that Rev. Proby is burning in hell and that all his followers will also. Ted Haggart is a common name in the "church" as she is always ridiculing homosexuals during every sermon. I am not homosexual but I believe that you should help a person not point and laugh. One occasion when I was going she embarrassed a homosexual man in front of the congregation. When he decided he'd had enough and got up to leave everyone laughed at him. That's when I started noticing something just wasn't right there. In order to speak with Pa... Read more