Cocaine Energy Drink

only available in 11 US states

Approval Rate: 62%

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  • by


    Tue Aug 27 2013

    Looks like I'm one of the few that really like the taste. I like the bite it gives you in the back of the throat, kinda like cinnamon schnapps but better. Combined with the cherry taste it's quite nice, just wish they were in bigger cans... Does little to nothing for energy but then again, few energy drinks do for me (Redline, Spike, Endorush, etc.). Yeah, it has above average amounts of caffeine but nothing else that's special. However, the choice of name is irresponsible, misleading, inaccurate and just plain stupid. You name your drink after a recreational drug and stupid people are gonna abuse it like one and go to the hospital. For that, it deserves to be pulled from shelves... Taste - 4 Energy - 3 Name - 1 = a reluctant 4 stars Bottom line: I would only snort this cocaine on a dare.

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    Mon Dec 22 2008

    3 stars for the name, but the product yelded little effect. Not to mention tasted like shit.

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    Thu Aug 21 2008

    3 words, The FDA Sucks. Before this got pulled off the local stores shelves near me I had a chance to drink it a few times, I mean who can resist with a name like cocaine. It tasted good and kicked great. You can now buy them off the internet if they don't sell near you.

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    Thu Nov 08 2007

    How do I get one LOL juuuust kidding

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    Fri Sep 21 2007

    It was probbably the strongest, most controversial, and worst tasting energy drink to hit the market, RIP Cocaine. Hah.

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    Sat Aug 25 2007

    I'm glad it was taken off the market - that was probably the worst name ever for an energy drink.  I heard it caused some people to have very rapid heartbeats.

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    Tue Jul 24 2007

    They got pulled because of their name. And I bet it made people want to get their hands on it.

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    Sun Jul 08 2007

    A friend of mine drank 4 of these in an hour and had to go to the hospital for a stomach pump and Defilibration (a.k.a. WAY to rapid heartbeat). This stuff is literally LETHAL. Unlike others, such as red bull, which (the last recorded in my medical files) needs 12 cans to be lethal. I'm also told that it tastes like battery acid

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    Mon Jun 25 2007

    it burns my throat. i hated it.

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    Sun May 13 2007

    Dunno, they're pulling it from the shelves last I heard...

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    Sun May 13 2007

    I think it's unfortunate that this stuff has gotten pulled from the shelves. Sure, the guy marketing it is a sleazeball, but so are a lot of other executives. I acquired a can from eBay a little while ago, and I have to say that this drink's nasty taste reflects a a socially responsible move on the part of the manufacturer. I can't imagine someone drinking more than one can at a time, because getting even just a few sips down is hard to stomach. Unlike many other energy drinks, there is no way to mask the peppery taste or the disgustingly cloying chalky-fruit flavor. I wouldn't buy another one -- but precisely for that reason, I think the pressure to remove this product was completely overdone.

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    Tue May 08 2007

    everyone complains about how it burns your throat, but to me its just a tingle & it feels awesome. i was bouncing off the walls after drinking this, i got more energy from this than from any other drink. bad side: it made me pee a million times. but it was worth it. it tastes somewhat like cherry, but the cocaine makers discribe it the best: a cherry fireball, but you won't understand that until you taste it.

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    Thu Apr 12 2007

    amazing, simply amazing

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    Wed Apr 11 2007

    This one takes the cake as being one of the worse drinks on the market!  I had to try it after seeing all the hype.  Personally I wasn't impressed with the name at all and wanted to see if the product's taste was any better.  Well... you know how your throat feels and tastes when you've vomited?  That's exactly how I experienced this drink.  Why in the world would someone want to drink a drink that makes you feels like you just puked?  Frankly... I couldn't finish it to experience the energy--I was too desperate trying to relief my throat of the chemical burn I had just subjected myself to.

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    Fri Apr 06 2007

    Funny name - the taste of this drink has 2 parts. The first part is that it is strong and sweet, and actually tastes like you are drinking candy. Then, you swallow - OOPS! it burns, but not like cinnamon or spice, but like puke. It literally tastes like you have just thrown-up. It is the most disgusting drink I have ever had, and would have given it a 1, but it is so bold and provocative that I gotta give it props for that.

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    Mon Mar 19 2007

    A feeling of euphoria and hours of endless energy!!!  The ultimate energy drink!