
Approval Rate: 71%

71%Approval ratio

Reviews 34

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    Sun Oct 23 2011

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Clindamycin) - I received the order and it was on time and the pills work great. P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 9sh73h

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    Sun Nov 28 2010

    For me clindamycin didn't do much of any good, but it didn't do anything bad either. My skin reacts horribly to most face medications(because i am a swimmer and have rediculously dry skin). I had been using it for almost a year now, and it didn't make my acne worse and it did help prevent a LITTLE bit of acne but not much. . . but the worse part is that i've had this clump of 4 blackheads and like 4 small under the skin pimples on my face for a year now and the clindamycin didn't help at all. in my experience it helps somewhat with prevention but it doesn't really clear what you already have so my derm just switched me to aczone so i'll see how that goes.

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    Sun Oct 03 2010

    I started Clindamycin treatment a little over a week ago. I apply it topically twice a day in conjunction with Benzoyl Peroxide. I know its still early into the treatment but I had to leave a review on the progress so far because I am so pleased with the results. It has cleared up my skin amazingly! I had terrible acne and blemishes that were so hard to control. First my MD put me on Tretinoin but it made my face so dry and peel like an onion. Then he switched me to Clindamycin and I love it! It completely takes away any painful inflammation. All of my pimples were about half their size two days later. My forehead is totally clear now and it was broken out just a few days ago. My skin is finally getting under control. Also, I tend to have extremely dry skin and this medication does not dry it out.

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    Fri Oct 01 2010

    I can recommend a reputable pharmacy (Clindamycin) I recieved my pills within one week of ordering them. P.S. 5% discount coupon code: 4y3g6f4k

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    Mon Aug 02 2010

    I'm 24, female, and have had acne for over 10 years. It changes its face. Sometimes I have little white heads about my chin, sometimes it is papules about the jaw line, sometimes it is cysts that seems to last forever on my cheeks. I have gone through periods where my skin seriously broken out and not a day goes by without several active blemishes and I have gone through periods where I might only have a few a week. I have tried both prescription and over the counter treatments, topical and oral. I have tried different diets and keep hydrated. Still the acne persists. I would call my condition moderate, certainly not mild but certainly not sever. I have sensitive skin that doesn’t heal well and has a tendency to scar (mostly pale Northern European). Clindamyacin Phosphate has worked well for my skin. I have been on it for about two months using the topical lotion once or twice day in conjunction with a prescription non-abrasive 5% Benzyl Peroxide cream wash. I also pre-wash with antim... Read more

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    Wed Feb 27 2008

    This works wonders with my skin. Well, actually, I have really clear skin in the first place but using this prevents the occasional breakouts. Unlike anything else I've tried it doesn't dry out my skin or cause my skin to peel, and it lets my skin remain a soft smooth texture. After the airlines lost my luggage with this in it, I noticed that in about three days, my skin was again adopting a rougher texture.

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    Fri Aug 03 2007

    It has helped to reduce blemishes etc..But after using Benzamycin ( which is the best product ive used and got rid of all my blemishes ) i was dissapointed with climdamycin..depends on the person I guess but for me it didnt do much :(

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    Mon May 28 2007

    I am allergic to anything with benzoyl peroxide (Duac made my face red, swollen, and ridiculously itchy), so I only use 1% clinamycin cream. It has worked wonders. I am also taking minocyclin. I have only been on this stuff for 2-3 weeks, but my skin has completely cleared up. I still have post-acne marks that have to go away, but I am blemish free!

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    Wed May 02 2007

    I use Benza-clin occationally to control my mild acne and it works better tham any other topical medication...BUT, I believe that bad acne can only be treated with Accutane (there are severaly risks associated with Accutane but from personal experience it's the only thing that works) You ever wonder how celebrities all have clear skin? One word...ACCUTANE! They couldn't possibly ALL be born wirh blemish free skin, trust me. Even after Accutane you may have mild acne accationally. I only use benzaclin at night. I swear by these two medications because they worked better than all the others and I've tried several. Beware this stuff will bleach your clothes!

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    Mon Feb 19 2007

    oh my god,i tried this cream for the first time 2 days ago,and i would rather stick needles in my eye's than put this rubbish on my face it feels like ive had acid rubbed in,and this is supposed to me making at better i don't think so somehow,

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    Fri Jan 05 2007

    The best thing i ever tried. It was like magic, Like in one week I had clean skin, everybody noticed that and were asking what happened but no it's gonne from all drug-stores in my country. So once again a have bumpy face with lots of acne :(( Where could I get DALACIN T????

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    Tue Aug 15 2006

    This stuff has worked wonders for my face. I'm 20 and I used to have chain breakouts since high school. I have sensitive skin, so Benzol Peroxide is out. My physician prescribed the topical solution. I was so embarrased about my acne that I told her it started when I started working out. After using it for 3 weeks, my face is clear for the first time since I can remember.

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    Sat Jun 10 2006

    This product does a decent job of reducing inflammation of blemishes. I used the lotion, and I could not use it all over my face as it left my skin looking greasy.

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    Wed Apr 05 2006

    There are 2 forms of Delacin-T (Clindamycin) which I have used. The first is a Lotion, which is not good for oily skin, like mine, but would work well for anyone with dry skin. The second is a Solution which is alcohol based and seems to be working for me. I have very oily skin, had to use benzoyl peroxide 5% cream, and Clean&Clear; Sensitive skin cleanser just to keep my skin fairly dry, plus keep drying it with tissues every 3-4hrs all day long. This worked, but was very time consuming, so I asked my doc for help and now am on Clindamycin which is working to keep skin dry for now.

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    Tue Feb 08 2005

    This is the worst antibiotic in the whole wide world. I dont wish anyone to take this unless they are in life of death need. I took this from a ent for a suspected tonsilitis and has only made my body suffer greatly. I had giving me an allergic reaction and the the worst diarreah in the whole world for at least 2 weeks now. Please dont take this unless you have to. Make you suffer from dehydration and cramping of the abdomin and I hate it. if its for your face maybe wont give the same oral reaction i had. but I hate this drug more than anything i have ever takin...

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    Wed Jun 23 2004

    Oh Man after having quite normal smooth skin with a little Rosacea I tried Clindamycin and had never seen my skin so bad. I had tiny little bumps all over my cheeks and temples. It was like a terrible rash. It itched so bad I had to call the doctor and he gave me Desowen wich made my skin perfect. I was told I could not use this all the time. Wish I could! I have now switched to Duac once a day, but if my skin continues to be red and bumpy I will ditch this medication for good. it has been a month and it has not done a thing for my skin.

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    Tue Jun 22 2004

    i tried a solution of this by itself, and it did nothing. however, i did try this w/ benoyl peroxide in cream form, and it made the oiliness go away for up to 12 hours. i haven't experienced anything like in 13 years! unfortunately, it gave me severe stomach cramps and diaherra and i had to stop taking it after a week. it didn't really make sense that i should react so badly to this, since i had used both seperately before, but maybe the combo was too much for me. i wish i could get my skin dry like that again.

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    Tue Mar 09 2004

    I have tried this medication for over 3 years and nothing has been resolved.

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    Fri Nov 07 2003

    Today is 11/07/2003 and I have been using this product since 10/7/2003. Maybe I haven't given it enough time but I have not noticed any change in my skin. It's like I'm not even using anything...

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    Fri Aug 22 2003

    I agree that it works for a little while at first. I am using some combination of Clindamycin and Benzoyl peroxide and now I have all of these white pustules on my forehead, temples, and chin. I had some on my cheeks that went away. It seems like some kind of allergic reaction. I think my body has built up immunity to the drug.

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    Sun Jun 08 2003

    I have been using a topical gel solution of Clindamycin Phosphate for about a week now and am already noticing drastic improvement. I have a lot of acne under the skin, especially in my T-zones around nose and chin and forehead. The alcohol solution it is in helps because 1st- it dries quickly and doesn't seem to make my skin oily like other medicated lotions or creams I've tried. Yes, the acne gets worse before it gets better- but that is because Cleocin works by inhibiting bacteria reproduction and growth- so as it inhibits, the body has to expel the bacteria somehow- so YES the acne gets worse, but will quickly get better with proper use of 2 times daily after cleansing your face with a soap-free cleanser. My doctor told me all of this and I was skeptical but she was right. Anyway, I recommend this product to anyone with a lot of under the surface acne and also a lot of whiteheads or blackheads- it works wonderfully.

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    Fri May 30 2003

    I have oily skin and I get little tiny bumps (rash-like) in addition to the red, bigger acne bumps. this prescription made me itchy, and oilier, and it seemed to be clearing me up at first cuz the acne seemed to be peeling off in layers, but the itching and scaley-peeling was tough. I could only use it a couple times a week cuz of the side effects, and that helped the side effects, but then the acne just got worse. I gave it a break and used nothing for a while and tried again, and again it did not help and i seemed to break out more. The second ingredient in the form I was given is isopropyl alcholol 50%, which can be a skin irritant. Why would they put an irritant in an acne treatment? Are there any forms of this treatment which do not contain alcohol? It was ineffective for me.

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    Sun Feb 02 2003

    For acne this is not a good topical treatment. The two stars are for the redness it reduced, and a week long riddance of surfacing whiteheads. If you apply this, use Benzoyl Peroxide too. As stated by my derm, the topical antibiotics lose effectiveness cause your acne can tolerate it much quicker without anything else to aide in the fight. Benzoyl works well since if it works once, it will always work. To sum up, expect short-term benefits. I still use this with oral antibiotics but I don't think the Clindamycin is working anymore.

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    Sat Dec 21 2002

    I am 28 and finally worked up the courage to see a doctor about my acne, usually occuring for two weeks out of the month in bad breakouts. I started using clindamycin liquid at the beginning of the two week period or 4 days after. I experienced 3 SMALL lesions...and from tht point on NONE. It was like a miracle for me. I am waiting for my next premenstrual cycle to start so I can see if it works as good this 2nd cycle as it did my first. I am actually amazed. I agree w/the post about oily skin. My skin is not oily at maybe that is why it worked?

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    Tue Nov 19 2002

    I don't want to totally slam this medication, cause it DID work for a few weeks. But after that, terrible burning, itching, dryness, oiliness, and red/rashy bumps started ocurring. It really didn't stop new pimples from forming nor help minimize existing ones. I used this lotion form, so maybe others are better. Better luck to others who are on this medication

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    Sat Jul 13 2002

    My doctor prescribed Cleocin-t. Didn't work for me.

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    Fri Jun 28 2002

    This stuff worked great for me! My skin is VERY sensative, so I have to be careful of using anything too harsh. Cleocin-T was mild enough that it fought my acne without drying out my skin. Dry skin always makes me break out more. I guess the reason it doesn't work for a lot of people on here is because they have oily skin and maybe this is not harsh enough? Great though for people whose skin is dry and sensative, I reccommend 100%. For those who have more oily skin, my sister had tremendous success when combined this with Retin-A.

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    Thu Jun 13 2002

    worked fairly well, but was a bit too drying at times. especially when used on an already sensitive patch of skin. liked the clear gel formula though.

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    Tue Feb 12 2002

    Just started using it this year. It has worked well for me but my sister who uses it says it doesn't work.

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    Sat Nov 24 2001

    I'm currently using this in conjunction with Avita (tretinoin) for these weird white bumps called millia (the doc said they were cysts, who knows). It smells AWFUL, it's very drying, and so far during the 2 months I've been using it my skin has not improved whatsoever. It's actually much worse. There's supposed to be an "adjustment" period, but this is ridiculous.

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    Wed Oct 24 2001

    Clindamycin caused my skin to break out in hundreds of little tiny pus-filled pimples--not like the regular pimples I was trying to get rid of, but like some sort of a very strange, ironically cruel allergic reaction. I recommend you try a spot test first!

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    Mon Feb 19 2001

    My dermatolgist prescribed clindamycin compounded with Neutrogena moisture lotion. It seemed too heavy at the time because I still wore makeup then, but my skin did improve and while I was using it I didn't get a single cyst. When she added Retin-A to the mix it all started to go downhill.

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    Fri Feb 09 2001

    I have always used Clindamycin but always with some other medication. I have used it for at least two years and now it doesn't seem to help my skin at all anymore.

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    Fri Jan 12 2001

    Wow, what a waste of time using cleocin-T. My doctor took me off of anything else to see if the cleocin-T would work. For 2 months I broke out like a freak. Clindamycin was like a sick joke for me.