Clay Aiken

Approval Rate: 75%

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    Fri Jan 02 2009

    I can't believe this no-talent is still around! The only reason his HORRENDOUS CDs sell ANY copies is because those creepy Claymates would buy ANYTHING he put out. PLUS, they buy multiple copies each!! His 15 minutes of fame expired long ago - make him go away. Have you people who think he sounds so wonderful heard him recently? I accidentally came across him singing to his spawn on some site and my ears have just now stopped bleeding. Horrible, horrible!! He may have sounded okay once, but those days are long gone.

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    Fri Nov 07 2008

    Synthetic, soulless warbler who's 99% technique/1% taste and delicacy. The musical equivalent of formica. But, what do you expect from an alumus of that revolting "American Idol?" They've tried to make stars of some of those no-talents, but, outside of a relative handful of tonedeaf cretins who bought into this crap, the general response has been, "Change the channel." I find it hiliarious that the "AI" performer who made the biggest splash was that good-natured William Hung.

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    Mon Sep 15 2008

    Mr. Furley from Three's Company would have a field day w/this guy.

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    Sat Aug 23 2008

    I don't know how anyone could find Barry Manilow's love child DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS. He was annoying on the Kelly and Regis show.

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    Tue Jul 29 2008

    His artistry can best be described as product.

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    Sat May 10 2008

    Clay just came out with a new CD called "On My Way Here" and it's amazing. He has the best voice I've ever heard and he only gets better and better. I am proud to be a devoted fan and as long as he keeps singing I will always be a fan. He just ended his fantastic run in Broadway's "Spamalot" which of course, he was phenomenal in. I don't care what anyone says, this boy has talent and he can REALLY sing!

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    Tue Jan 15 2008

    wow, I can't believe this garbage. Remember back when musicians actually played instruments, wrote their own music, and didn't look like total jackasses? One of the biggest mistakes people make these days is mistaking lack of talent for genious.

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    Mon Jul 16 2007

    This guy has the musical talent of a junior high-school choir, and is totally a creation of a media that has called him a star and fans who are too ignorant to know the difference. Elevator music for the hard of thinking.

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    Wed Jul 11 2007

    Clay's summer concert has been rated one of the twelve best concerts of the summer by Entertainment Weekly. Clay has a magnificent voice and can sing virtually any kind of music. Besides the great voice he has a wonderful personality and is funny as all get out, usually making fun of himself in his self deprecating style. Clay is hot!! They need to change the picture on this site to one of the many that show just how gorgeous the man is. Clay is also a great humanitarian. He has his own foundation (Bubel/Aiken Foundation) that helps integrate children with disabilities with those who do not, he is also an Ambassador for Unicef, and was appointed to the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities. He is also involved in many other charitable endeavors such as "Clothes Off Our Backs", Muscular Dystrophy Association, Ronald McDonald Houses, etc.

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    Tue Jul 10 2007

    We had the pleasure of attending Clay Aiken's recent Houston concert with the Houston Symphony (Jul07) and it was wonderful, entertaining, funny and versatile. Would you believe Rap, pop, and easy listening tunes, all while being entertainment the entire family could enjoy. My 17 yr old daughter went with me and she loved the show. Clay is down to earth again. At one point I think he was getting a bit of a big head but has snapped back to being the humble, appreciative and pleasant soul we loved from the start. God has blessed Clay with an amazing talent and I am thankful that he is sharing it with the world. I read recently that Clay has the highest grossing concert sales of all the American Idols and I can understand why. We love you Clay!

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    Sun Jun 17 2007

    Not a better singer has come from American Idol. Never off key. Pitch perfect and when he brings out a cd of originals (yes its coming), he will reach the superstar status he has always deserved.

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Clay Aiken is one of the most universal, versatile, and original sounding popular music artists in music today. I find him extremely talented on quite a few wavelengths, but what makes him standout is the fact he is flexible and can adapt to anything he sings. His voice is extremely natural, yet powerful, as well as, timeless, yet current. Clay possesses amazing range and his vocals are so unique because he can use eurythmics, without abusing them. He can stay in his element and still sing amazingly. He is very controlled, as well and possesses a natural timbre and gemintated vibrato that is very stunning and very rare to hear in popular music. Clay is great with projecting and connecting to what he sings on more than just an emotional level. When you hear Clay Aiken, you know it is him singing. One of my favorite songs by Mr. Aiken is his cover of "Solitaire". It is truly brilliant. I am very impressed with Clay Aiken as a person and with his vocals.

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    Tue May 29 2007

    Clay is a great singer i was disappointed in his last cd. He needs to pick out his own kind of music, that will bring songs into his own age group. Lovers All Alone he wrote it, should of been on his cd.

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    Sat May 12 2007

    They did horrible things to him when his manager booked an interview with my local ROCK station, 98 KUPD, and John Holmberg decided to throw a routine on him called "Johnny Midnight and The Ass." His accomplice Brady Bogen has to get five offensive questions out there and when the spits or swallows question hit I almost went off the road from laughing. The Ass got his questions in and the manager took over and hung up.

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    Thu Mar 08 2007

    He might sing alright but I can't get over the fact that he looks like a cross between K.D. Lang and Data from Star Trek.

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    Sun Feb 25 2007

    I love Clay Aiken. I love his voice, his personality, his charisma, his attitude, and his style. Clay Aiken is my favorite male singer and male entertainer. Clay Aiken Rocks!!! Clay Aiken Rules!!!

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    Sat Feb 17 2007

    Havent heard much about him over the last couple years. Seems like a one hit wonder.

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    Sun Feb 04 2007

    Clay Aiken has the most soothing voice out there in the music world! I could care less on what his sexuality is, I just love his voice and his character! I have been a fan since the beginning of his career & I will be a fan of his forever! He rocks live in concert! A must see and hear!

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    I'm amazed at the way some want to bash the man or their own personal issues... It's a sad comment on our society. I rated him 5 stars because from what I see and hear he deserves it, but out of principle I'd do it again to fight against the folks that I see posting such negative comments for no other reason that they can. Like bullies in the playground... hitting because they can.

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    His voice is pitch perfect and full of emotion and he is stunning in concert. He's going to be around a long, long time!

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    You can't deny the man can sing and he has a beautiful heart to go with that beautiful voice.

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    The voice. The man. THE BEST!

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    Sat Feb 03 2007

    I heard is Xmas album at a friend's house & it's decent. I also like his recording of "Proud Of Your Boy". But the bottom line is that he's about as exciting as a stale slice of white bread, or a wet noodle. He's NO Justin Guarini!

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    Thu Oct 05 2006

    Say what you want about his nerdy style, but this boy can sing his heart out. All he needs is a make-over. His vocal abilities gives me chills.

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    Wed Oct 04 2006

    More precisely, a wuss instead of a nerd... kind of reminds me of Xandir on that "Drawn Together Show," Aiken's a harmless but sappy elf with lugubrious teenybop friendly balladry. My best guess is that Elrond booted him out of Rivendell for his bathos riddled tripe.

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    Fri Jun 02 2006

    manafactured junk!

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    Sun Apr 02 2006

    Clay has a beautiful voice and is so unpretentious. Charisma flows. Unbelievable in concert.

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    Wed Jan 25 2006

    That man has a voice that like to no other I have ever heard. It grabs the heart and the soul and keeps you comming back for more.

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    Fri Dec 16 2005

    Dick Aiken.

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    Mon Nov 14 2005


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    Fri Nov 11 2005

    I've been a fan from the beginning and he just keeps getting better.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    His 15 minutes are just about up. A flash in the pan.

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    Wed Oct 26 2005

    Came for the voice..Stayed for the man..

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    Thu Oct 06 2005

    Annoyning, can't sing and needs to come out of the closet.

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    Mon Sep 19 2005

    This is for the morons that keep rating this guy with five stars. CLAY AIKEN sucks!! He is pathetic like everyone else who is on that show. If he had any talent he would not have needed three morons to tell him so. Who is the record company trying to kid with Measure of a Man, is that some sort of hidden joke. So crazed fans who ever you are give it up it is annoying and it just takes up space.

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    Mon Sep 19 2005

    I think Clay has a FABU voice. When you can sing LIVE and sound great it's a gift that should be shared!

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    Sun Sep 18 2005

    In the year 2010 BATMAN will admit that he's gay, and Clay Aiken will admit that he's BATMAN. CLAY AIKEN CAN'T sing

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    Sun Sep 11 2005

    I love Clay, he and his voice are super charming. In my opinion he is very very very talented! I love him no matter what, I don't care if he is gay or not, I am supporting him as long as I am alive!

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    Mon Sep 05 2005

    Clay Is AWESOME! What an amazing man! I love Clay!

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    Mon Sep 05 2005

    Jukebox tour was his best so far! I can't wait to see him in concert again!!

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    Thu Aug 11 2005

    Saw Clay's Concert in Bethleman,Pa last night and this was Fantastic....JUKE BOX TOUR a must to see...Don't miss this....Happy In Pa...

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    Sat Jul 09 2005

    I do not want to see him on tv or hear his trashy songs on the radio. No more gay Clay albums! Clay is gay. End American Idol now.

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    Mon Jun 20 2005

    Milquetoast! Weenine milksop! ---- The thomas kincade of singing And my manhood is just fine he really smells the place up

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    Thu May 19 2005

    Thanks for nothing American Idol fans. This guy isn't much of an artist or musician.

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    Sat May 14 2005

    Come on people be honest. He does have a pretty good voice. What's wrong with young singers of today is most can't sing. Here is one guy that honestly can sing.

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    Wed Apr 13 2005

    I heard that song Invisible. It's kinda cool. Though he sounds like he learned from the pros...

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    Thu Apr 07 2005

    hes talented and hes a cutie. i wish for him great success.

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    Wed Apr 06 2005

    i seriously cant stand this dude. i mean come'on he looks like an ELF! and his singing..PSHH! my dog can sing better than him! ha! 1 of the most annoying ppl in the UNIVERSE! trust me i can hear..unlike many of you that posted here. cookie2u..ur weird.. and claymate_100--heavenly voice?! pshh..

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    Wed Apr 06 2005

    Probably the best male vocalist i have ever heard. Good, clear, strong voice. With the right songs, he is outstanding. Anyone who doesn't like him needs a hearing test.

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    Sun Mar 20 2005

    he's hurtin