Civil Suit against McDonald's for causing obesity
Approval Rate: 22%
Reviews 23
by hellokitty09
Thu Jul 03 2008McDonalds list the nutrition information on their website. Nobody put a gun to your head and told you to stuff a 500 cal Big Mac down your throat
by misspackrat4je_sus
Fri Mar 21 2008Oh, boy, what'll be next?! Is the chubby population gonna start suing their mothers because home cooking caused obesity? Don't blame Mickey Dee's. It's just a simple matter of knowing when enough is enough.
by irishgit
Fri Oct 12 2007Maybe someone should sue their hand for sticking 7000 Big Mac's in their mouth for them too.
by ladyjesusfan77_7
Thu Aug 09 2007It's not McDonald's making people fat. It's the ones that are choosing to make McDonald's part of their diet every other day. Ridiculous lawsuit.
by ilikepie
Tue Mar 13 2007"Ronald McDonald told me to do it..."Stupidity at its highest
by jonesy503
Mon Mar 12 2007These people know they don't HAVE to go there and eat, right?
by randyman
Mon Mar 12 2007Utterly ridiculous! Somebody should be tarred and feathered..... or worse.
by numbah16tdhaha
Mon Mar 12 2007Oy Vay, these people should sue themselves for eating there too much and not working out enough...
by kamylienne
Mon Mar 12 2007. . . please raise your hand if you actually thought that this crap, the stuff which has a fat content so ridiculous that makes its wrappers and even the sack that holds it translucent, was GOOD for you? People shouldn't be awarded for proclaiming their stupidity.
by oscargamblesfr_o
Mon Mar 12 2007Speaking of obesity lawsuits, there should be one filed against them on behalf of one of their star figures: Grimace.
by silver_eagle_252
Sun Apr 23 2006Another creative gem brought to us by the plaintiff's bar. Can't help noticing though that McDonalds is coming up with healthier menu items.
by drummond
Tue Jan 10 2006The dismissal of the suit was justified, but McDonalds should be held accountable for deliberate misinformation, even if it takes an idiot to believe it. Even stupid people are entitled to protection from fraud.
by billy_no_mates
Tue Jan 10 2006The food is Top notch if you want to be covered in greasy spots and be a size 28! mcdonalds is the worst fastfood restaurant (if you can call it a restaurant). Obese people are catered for by the NHS. We pay taxes for these overweight people and this is caused mainly by fastfood restaurants
by twitchin_monkey
Tue Jan 10 2006i still don't see how you sue someone for somthing that's your fault. is it a mystery that McDonald's food is bad for you? I'm pretty sure that's common knowledge. tired of gaining wait? put down the big mac.
by 222333
Fri Nov 11 2005there are some fat ass people who have no idea how to put a burger down and pick up a salad, its so sad that these obese people represent almost half of the united states
by abichara
Mon Oct 31 2005Of course the food at McDonalds is harmful if consumed excessively. Everything there in fact is cooked in saturated fat, that is a widely known fact to anyone. In the final analysis, the damage caused here is self-inflicted, hence technically MD has no liability here.
by redoedo
Mon Oct 31 2005Well, I mean come on, we wouldn't actually expect members of today's "lawsuit society" to embrace let alone comprehend the idea of personal responsibility.
by historyfan
Sun Oct 30 2005Kat woman said it best. "You have no one to blame but yourself." I'm chunky myself (between 150 and 240) and I admit that I made poor food choices. And you know what? I blame MYSELF, not the fast food industry, not Ray Croc, not Ronald McDonald, and not even Morgan Spurlock, the guy who made the Super Size Me movie. Because of my bad choices and genetics (runs on dad's side, mostly), I am taking the initiative to lose weight so I won't die of a heart attack while I'm working on my Ph.D. Stay away from the freakin' big macs, KFC, Taco Bell, or whatever. Suing them is ridiculous and shows that you lack the ability to take responsibility for your own actions (it also shows that you are also out to make a quick buck without really working).
by kattwoman
Sun May 29 2005this was way out there. come on takes some responsibility for your own actions unless mcdonalds put a gun to your heads you have noone to blame but yourself.
by molfan
Wed May 04 2005Does not surprise me in this blame someone else, sue happy country. Anyone has got to know that fast food is not low calorie, and rarely good for you. Eating this type of food will put on weight for most people,{ unless you are one of the lucky ones who never gain weight} I do not see anyone forcing others into this building to eat the food.
by castlebee
Wed May 04 2005You mean these people also can't pronounce the words, I'd like a salad with low cal dressing and a diet coke.? OH MY GAWD!!! What has the educational system come to! (Taking personal responsibility can be so daunting!)
by swangmaster8
Wed May 04 2005To me this is a lame ass reason to get money. I really want to know who started this lawsuit. It makes me sick. Mickey D's is just trying to make some money. Leave them alone. Its your own fault you are getting fat.
by scarletfeather
Sun Aug 22 2004This is just plain dumb. If you think the food at McDonald's is making you fat, don't go there! You have a choice. It's not like someone is putting a gun to your head. I seldom eat at McDonald's, because I think their food sucks. If I want a good burger I'll go to Burger King, or even better to Rush's.