Citizens Bank

Approval Rate: 29%

29%Approval ratio

Reviews 50

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    Wed Aug 24 2011

    I have been banking with citizens since 2007. Since then they have changed my overdraft options, charged me for once free services. Such as overdraft protection, and even paper statements. I signed up for an ebay/checking account a year later, and the employee gave me an account opposite of what I asked for. I started the account with $100 in case it was ever stolen. However they signed me up for an account the charges me fees if my balance is under $500 which defeats the purpose of a second checking account just for ebay. Now I have been using their website, citizensbankonline to review my balance instead of paying $3 for paper statements. I have been charged twice in the last 3 days for innacurate balances on their website. Charges and deductions have not been posting on their website until they are charging me for over draft fees. Citizens bank also deducts credit purchases immediately regardless of when the vendor actually acquires the money from your account. Making credit purcha... Read more

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    Thu Jul 21 2011

    Do not use this bank for a checking account and DO NOT USE for a mortgage. Their on line checking account sucks, I have had to call customer service 10 times in the first month just to get it working properly and the fees are outrageous. As for a mortgage, the day before closing they raised the rate by .25% and asked for an additional 5% down (we were already putting 20% down). Something smell fishy with them. Just avoid them. They suck.

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    Thu Jul 21 2011

    I am so done with this bank! OMG! Ok I admit that I screwed up my checkbook by forgetting to write in an auto-payment for my sons braces. I realize I am due to pay NSFees. But to look at the paperwork, see that the thing that overdrew my account was the fact of items being held, while other things cleared which brought my account balance down, then have the items they were already holding ginalize and get charged more nsf fees for that is inacceptable. So $300 in fees later and they tell me that its only a "soft" hold against my acct that they can count it to give me the first nsf fess, but then when the "hard" hold goes through they can accrue nsf fees on those items as well is beyond belief. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! Taking my banking elsewhere, writing to the BBB and contacting a lawyer to see about a class action suit because this is BS!

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    Tue Jun 07 2011

    I am sick and tired of Citizens Bank abusive fee structures. I have had nothing but endless problems with them, and this is the last straw. I am a student, and my wife and I are trying to keep together our family of five on her paltry salary until I am finished. When you are forced to live a life where your monthly expenses are very often more than what you bring in, charging $74 (or $110 or $500!!) for small errors is egregious. So I have decided to take advantage of the age of social media and start a group. A group that I hope I can raise to thousands of followers so maybe the banks will listen. It is called Citizens Against Citizens Bank. Come join and tell your story, then tell your friends!

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    Mon Apr 25 2011

    Nightmare bank. I will be closing my account tomorrow. I have had expereinces with this bank charging me overdraft fees for "held items" even though deposits were made by the time the Money was claimed. I have had to call customer service and show them that my account never went negative. I have only had fees refunded once. When they did the same thing a second time, I was told there was "nothing they could do" Now their new policy of having to specifically "opt in" for overdraft protection? I did not opt in. However, they continue to pay items and charge me when I go into a negative (of course by my checkbook register, I never actually go negative as money is deposited to cover things before they are cashed or claimed. I sent an e-mail stated that I NEVER opted in for overdrafts to be paid and received a response that I "did choose an option, and therefore it was defaulted to "opt in". I am now requesting my signed or explicit choice of opting in to overdraft, knowing they do not have... Read more

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    Fri Apr 22 2011

    A classic example of a scummy organized crime style banking experience. They don't due anything illegal but the way they rape you on fees is in direct contradiction to the propaganda plastered all over there offices. if you want to be nickel and dime to death you chosen the perfect bank. Inflexible and evil this is they are everything that is wrong with capitalism. there is strong evidence to me of RICO violations. but like all that are in bed with government there will never be changes or prosecutions. A TERRIBLE IS TO KIND OF A RATING FOR THESE EVIL SCUMBAGS.

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    Fri Mar 25 2011

    Not sure if you have to sign up for an account to post a review on this website, but I'm more than willing to take the time just to add to this. BTW, I love how there's 4 1/2 pages of one star vs. half a page of anything above one star. Suits them well. So I got a job at... well I wont say the name of the place and they use Citizen's Bank for their payroll. I haven't had a bank account in about a year because I didn't really have much use for one, It's just simpler to cash checks at Walmart. Unfortunately for some-odd reason, Citizen's Bank payroll checks wont cash at Walmart. I've worked for like 3 different companies and never EVER had a problem with a paycheck cashing there. Ok, big deal, I go to Citizens and ask to cash the check. They want to charge me $7 because I don't have an account (which seems somewhat reasonable). So I say OK, give me an account so I don't have to pay the money. Half hour later I walk out with a checking account with $99 and a savings with $1. Th... Read more

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    Sat Feb 26 2011

    I would give a zero as a review..... . This institution has become to larger to care about customer service, it's an un-flexible bank with poor back ups in place to stop unnecessary fees. They charge outrageous fees and customer service supports these fees with the statement " standards are set by the federal government". Does that mean they would charge even higher fees if standards were not in place???. Citizens bank takes advantage of its customers and refuses to return fees to its customers without looking at your past banking history with them. Customer service repeatedly did not call back in the time frame they stated if at all over many calls over the last 2 years. At one point they were out and out rude when I refused to give a telephone agent my SS#, but offered other options of identification . they rudely said call your local branch and hung up. This is not to say that i haven't received good customer service in the past, it's meant to say I have had enough bad customer serv... Read more

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    Tue Feb 01 2011

    Whatever you do, don't bank at Citizens Bank; it is a corporation filled with the most incompetent morons you will ever deal with in your life. It is definitely the worst bank IIIII have ever dealt with. Lost my debit card in October, received a new one end of JANUARY. Between those four months I issued to get a new debit card twice. I was not seated with a teller, but always told I'd be mailed one. I didn't know I could receive one directly from the bank, and not one teller informed me, so I sat around waiting until January. Finally got new debit card at bank while believing I had $91 dollars in my account. All of a sudden I had $89 dollars. Now that $2 dollars didn't make me mad; I was just frustrated because I didn't know where my money was going. So I took out $80 dollars on Jan 20th. Then the following week after my pay was directly deposited, I had the belief that I had about $112 dollars. Two days after I called the bank to make sure before I bought something online, and all... Read more

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    Fri Jan 14 2011

    The worst customer service ever on the planet!! Somebody has stolen my debit card number and after 3 weeks I claimed it, this problem isn't yet solved. All what i hear from ALL the guys over there is: "There is nothing i can do for the moment maa'm, but i really understand your frustration, yes, i really understand...". Result: I just need to wait about 7-10 more days for it to be solved. I don't want to make any deposit on my accompt given this situation, and the way I have to pay my own bills is not of their business... Citizen's bank is the faster ever to take you fees on the air you breath in their branch, but if you need them to be efficient regarding real problems, come back next month! Run far away from this bank!!!!!

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    Thu Jan 13 2011

    I went to the Citizen's Bank branch at the Acme in Folsom, PA to cash a check, written to me from a company with an account at Citizens Bank. Like so many banks these days, they tell you if you, yourself, are not a customer at their bank, there is a $7.00 service fee to cash a check. SEVEN DOLLARS!. How in hell do banks get away with this extortion? The manager (mismanager) was rude and looked at me like I was nuts when I told her that I shouldn't have to pay to cash a check from one of their customers' accounts, written to me. Then they tell you to deposit it into your own financial institution (so They can hold you money for a while), which is what I ended up doing. These bankers think everyone is at their mercy and has to kiss their asses these days. They are crooks who prey on working people who are without the resources to tell tell them to go to hell. If you have money you can wait for a check to clear, but if you need your money right now, they'll screw you for seven doll... Read more

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    Tue Dec 14 2010

    terrible!!!!!!! this bank is the worst customer service and very un friendely representives all over at german town branch one to speak at philly.i will not recomond to any one to open account in this bank.very,very poor service,they will take your money,i have 15 years exprence with this bank.over all NO GOOD BANK OR THE STAFF.USELESS BANK.THANK GOD I MOVED ALONG.

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    Mon Nov 29 2010

    Citizens bank is the MOST unfriendly bank I have ever done buisness with in my entire life. They are not quick to resolve issues and their customer service is the worst in the buisness. They DO NOT CARE about their customer only the almighty dollar, I would encourage anyone and everyone to bank anywhere but citizens bank.

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    Wed Nov 03 2010

    Worst bank EVER!!! They POST things to your account, then tell you that the transaction isn't completed. I've sent in a charge dispute over two months ago and have not heard anything back at all! I called, and supposedly they never received my dispute in the mail, yet somehow I don't have to sign an affidavit. Probably because they already have the one I mailed them, they just didn't want to admit that they hadn't done anything with my dispute! I've been charged an overdraft fee on $.40 and when I called and said that it shows on my account that I had money in my account and that it was posted, the service rep told me that the deposit hadn't cleared (even though it was posted), and that there's nothing she can do about it unless it was a bank error. I told her it was a bank error because the deposit was posted to my account, and she said that didn't mean anything. So, we have no way of knowing when our money is available to us. Less than a week later, I deposited a check and I asked wh... Read more

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    Fri Oct 29 2010

    For the last year Citizens Bank has taken a free fall in its quality of serving its customers. The bank's fees are sucking the financial life blood of its citizen clients, and the bank's practices are ethically questionable.

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    Tue Oct 26 2010

    Refinanced my Citizens mortgage to get a lower rate. Tried to cheat me out of $600 on the refinancing by ordering new title insurance instead of renewing the current policy...especially after they told me they would use the less expensive renewal rate. They also screwed up the mortgage closing amount on the old loan, in their favor of course. Then to continue cheating the customer, they said they can't turn off the autopayment on the old loan for 4 days, so they will take the monthly mortgage payment from my checking account on the loan that was refinanced. Said I'll get it back several weeks later, without interest. The banker at the local branch was so smug and uncaring that I wanted to close my accounts right then.

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    Mon Oct 18 2010

    I have an ongoing problem with Citizens Bank gift cards. The bottom line is this: they cancelled my two active gift card before their expiration date, but they continued to charge me a monthly 'service charge' for these cards, cards which were no longer in service. Think about that: a service fee when they had cancelled the service! When I complained, they refused to reimburse me for service charges on the out of service cards. Doesn't a service charge mean that you are paying for a service? If Citizens cancelled the service (i.e. use of the gift cards), how can the service fee continue to be charged? I am just as angry about the very poor way I have been treated. Citizens could have made it easy to find out that the cards had been deactived, but they did not. I used the card and it didn't go thru at one business. Odd I thought, so I tried a second time, different place, a few weeks later. Still no luck. I went to the website, typed in my card info, an... Read more

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    Sun Oct 17 2010

    This bank is the worst. Not only are their fees ridiculous but they lack basic courtesy. The customer service is so bad. I had a problem when I stopped an automatic withdrawal and they assured me that it was all set. They continued to let it go through. When my account went negative because they let this go through, they charged me a fee and would not reverse it. The woman I spoke to was rude and basically told me that it is not her problem. So, I hope that people think twice before opening an account here. They are definitely not the community bank that they portray themselves as. In fact, they do very little to assist their customers.

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    Tue Oct 12 2010

    Much of this I wasn't aware of until after the fact - shame on me! Good old Citizen's Bank was happy to rip off my 96 year old father for a $5 a month service charge on a checking account with an average balance well over $15,000. They seemed to be happy to take advantage of a very Senior Citizen! Maybe that's what they mean by their name. Same with my wife who only had about $8,000 in her account. They treated an estate account as a business account and were constantly sending emails about business services - they are also very sensitive. Got stuck with a car loan with them and the branch tellers are always happy to ignore your efforts to pay by having something more important to do. Half my contacts with them are disasters. I was beginning to think it was me, but I straightened myself out by checking their reviews and finding I had lots of good company! So let's recap: riping off senior Citizens, total lack of sensitivity and bad customer service - what a place! The only good thing t... Read more

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    Mon Sep 27 2010

    These people are a bunch of greedy fracking low lifes. Their total existance is predicated upon bilking their customers with hidden charges. They change fees without giving notifications. I had a check bounce due to my wife forgetting to enter it in the check book and not only did they hit me for a NSF fee, but for a $6.99 charge each day that it was not taken care of. They know that mistakes cause havoc with your finances and they are going to do everything they are going to do everything in their power to maximize your pain and financial loss. I am closing my account and I will NEVER deal with these low lifes again!

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    This bank is horrible! I have a checking account there for a non profit group. A $9.74 check from Nov was presented in Aug for this account and they processed it! Not only that they processed it for a wrong amount of $15.74. This put the account in arreas. I only know the check bounced due to me asking for a balance to close out this account. I asked them when they were planning on notifying me that a check bounced since it had been 10 days, they told me it was probably in the mail. So I went to cover the bounce fee, because iI did bounce it, only to find out I now owe $84.00 because they charge $6.99 a day! REALLY!! $6.99 a day??!! They started charging me the day after it bounced! How is anyone to know they bounced a check by 8am the next day??? When I asked how a check in Nov can be processed in Aug they told me every bank allows that. I told them they were wrong since I tried to deposit a check that old before and my bank wouldn't allow it. I have never heard of a bank char... Read more

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    Tue Sep 07 2010

    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Just moved my account over to $#itizens bank, I wish I had of seen all of these horror stories first. Fortunately, for me, I have not incurred any over draft fees yet. So this is what happened...This Labor day weekend i go into my local stop and shop saturday at about 8:00 a.m and make a deposit of 300.00 cash into the atm there. I only had 3.29 in it to begin with(dont use it very much). so the receipt says, available balance 3.29. O.k thats somewhat normal, even though most banks will give you up to 100.00 of your deposit to be available right away. My Sovereign account does anyway. So anyway I noticed a sign that said "Open Labor Day" isnt that nice, i thought to myself, didnt think i would need the $ this weekend but just in case i did it was good to know. Now Labor day weekend is over, Tuesday afternoon I go back to the S&S and put my card in the ATM, check the balance...You guessed it, 3.29!!!! Even with the holiday how could it take cash this long to cle... Read more

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    Sun Aug 29 2010

    I had to close my account when I relocated -I couldn't do it before I moved - when I called to cancel the bank manager told me I had to come in and sign a form. I told him I wasn't able to, that I was 800 miles away, and asked if they could mail it to me so I could sign and return. He said no. I tried over 3 times eto close it - each time, the person in Customer service said that it will now be closed. A week later I got overdraft and late charges. It took about 2 months to close a checking account that had about $200 in it. Terrible. And they weren't even nice about it.

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    Mon Aug 16 2010

    I had to call Citizen's Bank to clarify something, and asked an admittedly stupid question, and the representative was extremely condescending and made me feel even more stupid with his tone of voice. I am a young person with little banking experience, and I thought I could turn to Citizen's Customer Service to answer any questions I have regarding my checking account, no matter how dumb they may be. Regardless of the question, a competent customer service rep who is good at his job should ALWAYS be courteous to customers. That, I think, should be common sense.

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    Tue Jul 27 2010

    I recently switched from Citizens to Bank of America. I had banked with Citizens for about 7 years, and should have switched a long time ago. The kicker for me was when I had fraudulant purchases made on my account. Not only were various bankers over the phone quite rude to me, they all told me different information. When I went to the store to get it taken care of, I felt better at least temporarily. However, it has been over three weeks now since this has gone through and I still don't have all the money back. Also, I was told after my bank card was cancelled that a new one would automatically be ordered and sent to me, this isn't true either! I finally called to see what was taking so long and it hadn't been ordered and my banker was just wrong. So I finally went in, took my money out of my savings and moved it to bank of america. I can't close my checking until everything is settled, so frustrating. When I sit down with Bank of America, they tell me how they call you the se... Read more

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    Tue Jul 27 2010

    I had no complaints on Citizens bank, that is until I closed my account. So, 2 months ago I closed my account, 2 months later I received a letter saying that I own them money. I called in a confusion, after two hours and 5 different people, I got the whole story. Apparently, I enrolled in the overdraft protection back in 2007 or something. Now, at the time I enrolled, it didn't have an annual fee. But, apparently at some point, they started to charge annual fee...which I had no knowledge of what so ever. When I close my account, apparently I didn't close the overdraft protection program, and the annual fee is slap on my face. Since, I took all my money out when I close the account, they couldn't take any money out of my account, now they decided they want to charge me interest on it ($20 a month). I got a letter 2 months later, saying that I own 70 some dollars.....I tried to reason with them, because 1. I have no knowledge of the annual fee. 2. I don't understand why they di... Read more

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    Wed Jul 21 2010

    if i could i would rate this zero stars i dont like anything about citizens bank...i make sure i dont overdraft and at random times i have one or two over drafts ($37 each)..they charge your account with a bill that should have been paid weeks ago but didnt go can they do that when i cant even take out $20 from an atm when my account is too short??? they are scam artists...i have been on hold for a half hr now...thanks for giving me time to right a review citizens... i have a two yr old and paying $80 right now for overdraft means im not going to be able to buy food this week...i told the woman i spoke to and she said i can take down a number and the people who deal with INQUIRIES WILL GET BACK TO ME IN 24 TO 48 HRS!!! why should i have to wait for a bank who is screawing me out of my grocery money....maybe its my fault but when i run out to the bank and deposit what i overdraft and then call and explain whats going on they should be able to do somthing for not ste... Read more

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    Fri Jul 16 2010

    I am confused. I'm paranoid enough about money to keep track of my bank account. I went on a small trip last weekend and my account had about $100... yes I am broke. I spent about $80 on this trip on gas and food leaving me with $20 in my account? I check my balance "yes $20". I go to a grocery store and pick up some food $10, I go the gas station $7. next time I look at my balance -60. I go online to see how I might have over drafted. It shows me that the overdraft was caused by an overdraft fee $20 - $22 in as an overdraft fee, new balance -2 and that my balance was now -100. My account was doing it's job adding and subtracting money 100, 60, 40,20 then Bam! overdraft fees adding up to $100 in about a half hour. I called the 1800 number and asked if I was reading my statement wrong in some way or was this a bank error. The woman on the phone was nice enough but told nothing and put me on hold so I could talk to another person. all the while adding up the statement and balance in my h... Read more

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    Sat Jul 10 2010

    I've been with Citizens bank for about 4 and 1/2 years. I don't know why I've tortured myself this long! Their customer service is the worst and I don't think that someone with a degree in fincance could figure out their policies especially their insufficient funds policies. It's not that I can't manage my money and over draw all the time, but it happens to everyone now and then. And when it does with Citizens look out! Overdrawing your account by a couple of dollars can cost you undreds in fees! I even signed up for an alert by text if my account gets below $100. I know it's set up right because it actually did alert me once. But not always, so I accidently overdrew and WHAM! It's ridiculous! I even knew that I overdrew and put money in the same day and I still got hit. I called customer service and had a supervisor speaking to me as if I were a child. I would say that they are unfair, but that is childish. What they are is unethical. They rip you off any way they can. My mortgage is ... Read more

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    Thu Jul 08 2010


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    Wed Jul 07 2010

    Had Citizens bank for 5 months until they showed they're true colors. By far the WORST Bank I have EVER dealt with. They are a bunch of crooks!!!!!!!!! as I had nothing but terrible service, they even yelled out my private information across the lobby. I cannot emphasize enough how trashy of a bank they are!! I would not recommend this "bank to my worst enemy. I Transferred all my money out of their "Money PIT" to a Real bank! and have had smooth sailing ever since!

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    Sun Jun 27 2010

    for all of you that have been screwed by sh**izens bank go to the occ web site, tell them what happened and you may get most of your fees back. citizens screwed me, i complained to the occ and got 4 of 5 fees reversed.

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    Sat Jun 19 2010

    OMG! I thought it was me! This bank is, well it should not be a bank. They made me feel like I was on trial, like I was guilty, no jury, nothing! wow, I can't believe all the reviews here. I feel comforted to know it's not me, it is this bank. They make you feel worthless, but I see now they are not an establishment that should exist; afterall it us, the customers, that make them thrive. After reading all of this information here, I will be closing my accounts, (and my savings is a good amount too) asap. Why should I allow this bank to invest in my money and make money off of it. Thank you everyone; I also like the facebook idea, and I had no idea about the lawsuite. I investigated further on the internet and found another article: (hope this link will post): ... Read more

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    Fri Jun 18 2010

    the WORST. i cannot count how many times in 3 years i have: *been hung up *been mocked (literally) *been erroneously charged overdraft fees *been told "there's nothing we can do" they will inconvenience you and absolutely not give a sh*t. the unprofessionalism and lack of customer care is astounding.

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    Thu Jun 17 2010

    With all the negative comments here, just think of all the many many people who also hate Citizens Bank and have not found this site to comment. My favorite line from them, " unless it's a banking error " hahahah, what a joke; just read all the reasons why here! I am looking for other sites to post about Citizens Bank, maybe even do a write up in a newspaper, why not! People need to be aware and hell hath no fury, and I'm furious and will only get more so as time goes by. This is not resting with me. Anyway, if anyone else knows of any other sites, please post them. I will also find some myself. Thanks

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    Thu Jun 17 2010

    THEY ARE THIEVES!! Point blank, they steal your money, and call it legit. They will not work with you, meet you half way, etc. You can not trust their online information. It is not accurate and changes to fit their needs. IF YOU ARE BANKING ONLINE........TAKE SCREENSHOTS OR YOU WILL NOT HAVE PROOF!!! Because the next day it all changes.......even deposit dates are changes, like when you transfer money. Take screen shots, it's your only chance for even a fight. Which you must do. Oh I am not done with Citizens.. I am closing my accounts, but everyone will hear about Citizens Bank. I almost feel a duty to warn innocent hard working people of the "legal" thievery system at Citizens Bank. And don't waste your time with branch managers either, they have no power and will give you the same line over and over again. PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT BANK AT CITIZENS BANK. I know it is a hassle to open a new account, order checks, etc. ,but really This is Not a Bank for you or anyone. Plea... Read more

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    Thu Jun 17 2010

    The worst bank I have ever dealt with! I am a customer service representative, not with a banking institution though. Regardless, you can search other banks here and really not find much, hmmmm. Wake up Citizens Bank and get a clue. People.....If you have recently opened up an account with Citizens Bank, do yourself a favor: CLOSE IT!!! Really, go take the time and do it, it will be worth it, and you won't be kicking yourself for not doing it later on. I am going to tell everyone I speak to about how not to be with or go to Citizens Bank.. It's funny, I've called other banks and inquired about their checking account programs and they ALL are aware of Citizens Bank by all the complaints and transfers.....WAKE UP CITIZENS BANK, YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE IS HORRIBLE!!! I also will go to every site I can find to add (because I'm sure they exist already) to the poor quality of this banking institution. DO NOT BANK AT CITIZENS BANK OR YOU WILL REGRET IT EVENTUALLY BY THE WAY YOU WILL B... Read more

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    Thu Jun 17 2010

    FACEBOOK! People make a post on your facebooks pages...etc. Warn all your friends. College kids..young adults who just graduated, newly married couples, or just starting on your own, whatever the case: AVOID CITIZENS BANK. Everyone warn anyone! Let's really pass this news around and keep it going. In today's economy we don't need legal robbers holding our money.

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    Thu Jun 17 2010

    Thanks Ruthie222 for this link, and I'd like to repost for everyone too:

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    Wed Jun 16 2010

    No customer loyalty!!!! After 15 years with no issues, I make a deposit (2 checks and 200.00 in cash) on Saturday and my mortgage payment comes in on Monday (86.00 short)...what do they do??? They charge me $37.00 for insufficent funds and the checks clear Tuesday...Will they waive the fee? Nope but they are willing to charge me $30.00 per year for overdraft protection and keep my 37.00.....What did I do??? I closed my account on the spot and went down the street to St. Mary's Bank...As I'm asking for them to waive the fee and they are telling me no, I'm looking at a big sign on the window..."We treat our customers like neighbors". Sure ya do....

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    Tue Jun 15 2010

    It is awful, my parents opened an account there one year ago and they were not here to use the account, and the bank put a hold on account now that they are back and want to deposit some money in it the branch tells us there is a hold on the account. Although there is no debt on the account they do not let us even close the account and have the balance back. It is more than three weeks we are going there and coming back and I am really frustrated. They do not give us any good reason for doing this. I may have to go to join the following guys if they do not solve my problem:

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    Thu May 06 2010

    I have read many of the reviews about Citizens Bank. I have used this bank for 20+ years and will soon be closing my accounts. I have had several issues with this institution that were not rectified in a satisfactory mannor. If you really care to know what's going on with "your" bank, check out there are class action lawsuits being filed against this bank. They are robbing customers in any and every possible way they can. I would have spoken positively about citizens bank in the past, but it seems as though their ethics, customer service policies and just plain common decency has declined along with the economy. My husband feels strongly enough about the problems we have encountered, he will be picketing the manchester elm st branch mon-fri between the hours of 11am and 1pm and welcomes other frustrated account holders to join him. Let me add this..... we're all entitled to our opinions. Th... Read more

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    Mon Apr 26 2010

    “Mangar Michelle Frascarelli rush on me like she is gang leader with hand on her waist” I have two business account since 1998 and I want to deposit $200 BANK MONEY ORDER and this supper great Citizens bank wants to put hold on Money order which is from other bank Westerly credit union. I asked the taylor for not depostiong as a cash to give me somthing in writing then this Michelle Frascarelli just simply rush towareds me with her hand on waist without listening waht I am trying to do, she was acting like a GANG LEADER not manager and she need my photo ID to write on papaer that She can not deposit $200 money order as a cash in business account. Best she could have done verify my business history with Citizen and pick up the phone and verify with issuing bank rather than acting as a GANG LEADER. Then anothe smart man come in picture who is head taylor and he is telling me I have not seen before this then I told him there is lots of banks in same street then he replied me that " you ca... Read more

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    Thu Apr 08 2010

    This is the worst bank in the history of the entire industry. I used to be employed by this god awful place so I know the deceptive policies first hand. Dont ever bank here you will regret it. Listen to this story and behold: I recently made a transaction at Citizens bank where I wrote a check on Friday to pay my car payment I had the money there and all when I checked my account Monday realized that I had transfered too much money to my savings and needed to transfer money to checking and my balance at that time was well in the positve but under the amount I needed to cover the check that had not posted to my account yet. I transfered money to my checking account via the ATM frrom MY savings to MY Checking on Monday at 5:30 while my account at that time they had not posted the check. So when I left the Atm at that time my available balance read over the amount I needed per the Atm machine. I awoke to find that my balance was negative almost 300.00 because the bank posted the check ... Read more

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    Wed Mar 24 2010

    I would not even give them one star. I just opened my account three weeks ago and I have dealt with so many inconsistencies it's disgusting. I opened my account with a payroll check and they had no problem taking my money and making it immediately available. But now...I make a deposit with the same payroll check and they tell me I have to wait five business days for it to clear. WTF. Customer service tells me there this is policy for the first 60 days of your account. Then I get transferred to the supervisor and she tells me that it is 25 days. The woman at the branch origianlly told me there is a one day wait. I am not sure who to believe at this point. I now see that it is all about money with these people. Do whatever it takes to get you as a member and then inconsistent customer service which really makes your life a lot more difficult than it needs to be. I will be closing my account today and I will never go back.

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    Tue Mar 16 2010

    Citizens Bank is thw worst ever that anyone can expect. Their bill-pay system is faulty and is a bait for overdraft charges, Their customer service is full of brainless individuals, who are untamed and non-traied to speak with customers. DO NOT sign-up with this bank.

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    Tue Mar 16 2010

    THEY SUCK I have been trying to close my account and all I get is different answers...all I know is if you close your account with citizens...they don't close or block you account for 60 days... I have had to pay a over 250$ in fees when I opened my account and know i have to pay 200$+ in fees to close it. I have had my biz and personal accounts for years without any penalties they suck the employees are misinformed or just stupid and the managers are puppets

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    Thu Mar 11 2010

    i used to like them but they just royally screwed me over. my account went into the negatives by about $50. i didn't know (a check was cashed that i had written a while ago) and i continued to use my card. i bought some coffees and my medication. the next day i found out my account was overdrawn and i immediately deposited some work checks and a check from my dad (who has citizens, so his check should have cleared very quickly) and that amount should have taken care of it. normally his checks clear immediately. i logged on the next day and i was negative $80. they had held his check and the other checks overnight, and put in "pending overdraft fees" for other purchases i had made, just so that my account would go into the negatives. absolutely insane. they have taken $312 from me in two days. an assistant manager told me you can go in and ask for a rebate, but it's not a certainty and it's a one time thing. i am switching banks asap.

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    Fri Feb 26 2010

    Citizens bank will take every opportunity to take advantage of you- beware! It is common practice for them to put a "hold' on a check that has shown as cleared for several days, this has happened way too often to my husband and I, which has lost us at least $700 in overdraft fees in the past year alone! They will not put a hold on your account if you have "overdrawn" your account due to their decision to hold a check that has already cleared. instead they will allow you to keep spending and make no effort to contact you or communicate in anyway that your $2 cup of coffee each morning is suddenly costing $41. Their customer service line was useless, no matter what I said to them they would only respond using a half-relevent pre written script which they would just repeat every time I would try to point out that their response didn't really address my situation. The bank manager at the location I go to is even worse. She actually yelled at me across the counter when I tried to dispute a... Read more

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    Fri Feb 19 2010

    OK, I have had my car loan with Citizens for 2 years. Have paid it 1-2 weeks before the due date. during one of the times I dropped my payment off, I was told about this interesting promotion they have for car loan costomers. Have the payment automaticly taken out of a new checking account monthly and by the 6th month we will deposit the amount of a car payment into your account. Wow, sounds like a great deal....Wait is there a minimum balance required? No, special promotion for car loan costomers. Hummm...Ok, then they say why don't you open a saving account. I tell them that I have my check and ny husbands check deposited into another bank. I don't make that much money, so I would be spreading myself to thin by splitting the money into tow banks. Wait, they have another idea....How about having your husband on your account and he can make a small deposit from his check and it can go into the savings account. Great way to save. Minimal amount needed they say, 5, 10, 20, what ever you... Read more