Circuit City

Approval Rate: 42%

42%Approval ratio

Reviews 49

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    Tue Dec 29 2009

    I bought this Sony GX255 DVD recorder online from CC to upgrade from my vcr. The ad said that this DVD recorder will record your favorite TV shows. I found out when I received this recorder that it will not record tv shows unless it is hooked up to a cable box. That would mean another bill to lease a box. I found out that my vcr does the job without a box and the extra monthly bill. I returned the recorder and CC gave me a prompt refund for the cost of the recorder. I lost $ on the shipping charges both ways which totaled about $36. Be careful before you buy this if you are buying to record. I am frustrated with CC that they did not reimburse me for at least 1 way shipping. If they were more clear about what this recorder does not do, I would not have bothered to buy it in the first place. I do not know too many people who do not have cable; does it make sense to sell a recorder that does not record cable tv shows? I learned a big lesson this time which is do not buy from a place that... Read more

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    Sat Nov 28 2009

    Bought a Cell phone. It was DOA. It looked like it had been returned/used. Cables unwrapped battery opened/used. Circuit City had no return for cell phones, had to send it to Florida company. At this point I am feeling Ripped Off! Stay-Away for these shysters ~!

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    Wed Nov 18 2009

    I give Circuit City a great rating because they have a good return policy, no questions asked. I recently bought an LCD television from there and my kids broke it by throwing their WII remote through it. Needless to say, I got a replacement that same day... no questions asked. They have a life long customer in me because of that. I was devastated thinking I wasted $1000 dollars of my hard earned money. In addition, I think their pricing is reasonable. Movies and things may cost a little more. But I am willing to pay it knowing that their products are guaranteed.

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    Tue Sep 15 2009

    You are all very stupid I am not sorry to say circuit city are the worst. I have a 3 year protection plan which they choose to ignore and circuit city (the new) choose not to recognize. Let's look at this for a second shall we. I originally bought a television which cost me near to 3000.00 and upon installation circuit city during the year 2007, installed the wrong television- a older version of the one i bought. Imagine my surprise! It took 2 weeks of complaints to get the correct television and when they did install i asked is this the correct wall mount to use with this television and they said if it doesn't work then you have a protection plan to fix it if it falls! The new circuit city is even worse they don't recognize anything i have gone through and are now a worst company than i thought they would ever become. 0.5

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    Wed Aug 05 2009

    B and M stores have long since left the building. Website only now. Very unlikely chance they'll go back to to their old ways of doing business. They just can't compete with Best Buy. From what I understand, their website is doing pretty well and I've always like the selection of items that had available for purchase. Their return policy was pretty flexible also, a no questions asked, 30 day one that I never had a problem with. Sales and service though was pretty shitty. The sales force seemed more interested in playing with the items and if you asked them a technical question or how the product stacked up against others of its kind, their head was likely to explode. Many times they'd try to steer you to a higher priced product or one that wasn't selling. Obfuscation, gibberish, and greed was the SOP. They may not have been paid a commission, but they were certainly graded on the number of units sold. Service was even worse, especially in the computer center, where they were fully s... Read more

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    Wed May 27 2009

    Circuit City was ok, but Best Buy was better. Circuit City's prices were higher sometimes, and the service was usually not as good as Best Buy. When they had a "going out of buisiness sale," I was suprised the sale prices were not lower.

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    Wed May 27 2009

    I loved Circuit City (and always hated Best Buy). I got an email from Circuit City that their website is back on line for business again. I know they were bought out by another electronics company. Does any one know if Circuit City stores will be opening again? I sent them an email and am yet to get a response.

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    Wed Dec 24 2008

    Whitehall, PA - Terrible customer service and I ended up buying a 'new' product that turns out was already opened. They refused to give me a refund, claiming that the scuff marks on the camera lens were of my doing. Now I can understand why the company is sinking so fast.

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    Mon Dec 15 2008

    My recent experience with the customer service was awful. We spent forever finding products that were supposed to be compatible with my laptop and camera. We brought in model numbers and everything. Then when they weren't compatible and we tried to return them they only offered us store credit no refund for over $250! Read about it on my blog at Don't shop at La Mesa, Ca Circuit City.

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    Sun Dec 14 2008

    Good customer service and "mostly" fair prices with price matching to fix any problems.. Just so all you know THERE IS A 15% RESTOCKING FEE....SURPRISE....oh wait.. its not. Whatd your think you can rip open a box and then expect the magical circuit city fairy to put it back together?? use the floor models, thats why they pay to have them there... then decide whether or not you want to open a box! its NOT complicated. And protection plans.. THEY ARE THROUGH A THIRD PARTY COMPANY! which means.... even in CC goes under, guess what, its still protected...who woulda thought.. ITS PROTECTED Look all in all its a retail store, and companies that make the products charge too much, we all know that, but dont complain when the store has to charge a price in order to at least pay for the goods that its selling.

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    Wed Dec 10 2008

    I bought a Plasma TV from CC. The sales rep told us we had to stand it up to get it home. We say OK just take off the bottom stand and bubble wrap it. When the two high schoolers brought it out to our truck it was bubble wrapped but the stand was on. They wedged it between my back and front seats. When I get home and removed the TV there was a good size rip down the front side of my back seat. I called the store and they said "Well you didn't notice it before you left here so we are not liable." So now I need to pay for a new seat on a 2yr old $40,000 truck because they ripped the leather part. I will never buy anything from them again.

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    Mon Dec 08 2008

    Unbelieveable how I got screwed on my laptop and the extended warranty. Stay far far away. No one would help. John

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    Thu Dec 04 2008

    Good customer service whenever I go there, and they always answer my questions.

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    Tue Dec 02 2008

    It really SUCKS!!! If people cant open the box how they can judge the product??? I bought a HP dv5 series notebook and went to return as it was having problem...They are charging 15% for restocking ......I want to know is is because of that you want to make money this way ...I just hate it and would suggest people not to buy from Circuit City sucks......They sell defective product to gain this 15%.

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    Sun Nov 30 2008

    Laptop crashed today. Went to Circuit City to have firedog fix and buy another computer. Black Friday - so busy. Purchase new computer and when I asked sales person return policy was informed 14 days. No mention of 15% restocking fee. Also paid to have new software installed on new computer. Drive 1.5 hours each way. Get back and attempt to download other software to no avail. Call my it guy and he informs me that firedog dowloaded software incorrectly and will not be able to fix - take back to Circuit city - Another 3 hours. When I walk in with my return am informed (11/29/2008) that they are not taking any returns today. I informed sales clerk I spoke with firedog this morning and they told me to bring it back. I just want my money back so I can go away. They make me take it back to firedog, I unload - he looks at it an says I need to take it back up front - they do the returns. I load it back in the cart take it up front and am informed there is a 15% restocking fee - first time I h... Read more

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    Fri Nov 28 2008

    My circuit city experience I can sum it up as HELL!!! I went to their site to find the availability for Sony 4GB Walkman they gave me a store in Rockville MD, went there the sales person in the section could not locate the color I wanted but gave me black, when I got to the register the price was not what was on line it was double ($100 instead of $49.99) of course I choose not to take it especially because it was not my color of choice. I then went back on line and located it in a another store about 20miles away We bought it online and the website claims the order will be ready in 24min. but because today is black Friday I gave them few hrs then went to the store to pickup the firs customer service found the Sony walkman and asked another sales person to help. The second sales person though I should not get the sony Walkman she want to give my walkman to another person and refunded my money to my card. Well I was with my 8yr old daughter did not want to cause any negative attentio... Read more

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    Mon Nov 17 2008

    So I saw this sweet looking desktop setup LG computer for $522.99 and I was like "yes I am getting that". There were hardly any customers in the store and it took me 3 minutes to get someone to help me with the comp. I told the guy i wanted to buy it but he cut me off saying "You need to sign up for a store credit card if you want to purchase anything". I thought "Ok.." I signed up because frankly, I wanted the computer. After waiting ten minutes, filling out paperwork i was signed up. I thought, "Does this hapen to everyone? I'm not liking this". So i go back and get the guy (who is off chatting with friends) and say I'm ready. I point to the computer I want and he hurries off and comes back with a tiny box and says " here you go" I say   dude I know the whole computer isn't in there we have a problem"  He's like "ohhh i thought you wanted the tower" "the whole setup will be $950.00 dollars.  He removes the $522.99 card and reveals the $950.00 pricetag underneath it.  I haven't been s... Read more

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    Sun Nov 16 2008

    I recently visited CC after the announcement of stores closing thinking that I could snag a decent deal. I was in the market for an adapter to play my iPod over my car stereo. The price of the Belkin was originally $89.99 minus 10% - sale price $81.99. Ok cool. I thought I was getting a deal. After paying for it, I asked the salesperson if the product doesn't work, can I return it? She said "No, all sales are final." I said, "Can I return it to a CC that's not closing?" She said, "No, we are liquidators so can't return it there either. You can return it now but if you walk out, you can't return it." I didn't want to take any chances so I returned it. I then went to a CC that's not closing and the same adapter was selling for $79.99!!!! WTF!!! They are jacking up there price and putting them on sale up to 20% off. What a ripoff!!! Do not shop at CC. Greedy bastards!!!!

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    Fri Nov 14 2008

    Google reviews about every retail store you can think of, its all the same everyone has had problems with every retail company. Now I may not love Circuit City but I have had problems everywhere I shop at. I know people that have been there since the 80's with kids and they cannot afford to be without a job.

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    Mon Nov 03 2008

    They are closing 155 stores all over the US as announced today. Going 10 years back it used to be all right store with better service. They fired all the long time emploees who were paid over 10US$/hr to re-hire anybody willling to take 8US$/hr. The CEO's cashed themselves with bonuses... They forced all their emploees to push extented warranty plans.Worthless!!!  Seeing going out of business another greedy corporation, -Priceless!!!  Just feel sorry for all their emploees who loosing jobs

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    Thu Oct 16 2008

    I recently purchased a home theatre amplifier from CC. I ordered the unit online and went to the relevant store to pickup the unit. Everything went fine, I got the box and off I went home. When I took the unit out of the box, I noticed a lot of rattling sounds coming (the unit was sealed in white protective covering. Upon taking the covering off, I saw that the unit had been completely damaged on one corner. It looked like the unit had been dropped and damaged. I put the unit back in the box and took it immediately back to CC. I showed it to the customer service rep and she accused me of damaging the unit and trying to pull a fast one on them. How do you reply back to that? Ironically another customer next to me had bought in something that he had purchased, that he claimed was also damaged when he took it out of the box. Now what are the chances of two completely different customers, buying two totally different devices, taking them home and finding them damaged. As you... Read more

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    Sat Sep 20 2008

    I can't remember the last time I shop in Circuit City. No way I'm getting myself ripped off.

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    Wed Aug 13 2008

    Do not purchase warrenty from this company they do not do what they say and it could take months to fix or replace what they say this company practices bad business.

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    Sun Jul 27 2008

    I found a new friend for technology products in Circuit City.  When I paid $268 for a GPS at WalMart, and then found that WM had it online for $213 but would not price match their own online item, I took the printout showing WM's online price to Circuit City, and they matched it without a hassle.  It was even lower than their own online price by $11.  (CC in Wheaton, MD)

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    Tue Jun 24 2008

    I ordered an AC on a Thursday. The next day, I received a delivery from FedEx. I was very impressed. But when I opened the packaging, I found a freezer! I mean come on! It was not even a different AC model, just completely a different thing! How they can make such a mistake? Anyways, I contacted them right away, explained what happened, and they told me a "case manager" will contact me very soon to resolve the issue. 14 days has passed, no "case manager" has contacted me. Every time I call circuit city, they tell me I have to wait until that mystery person, who I seriously doubt his/her existence, contacts me. They will not ship what I have ordered, or give me a refund, until that mystery person picks up the wrong item they have sent me. I have to sit in my hot room and sweat and stare at that big ugly freezer which occupies too much space. I am going to stay away from circuit city now. Even if they promise to send me a free HDTV, I wont accept. Because they might send me an elephan... Read more

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    Sun Jun 15 2008

    I tried to use the 3 year warranty on their "Customer Advantage" plan, and after three weeks was denied. I finally got someone to explain it to me, and he simply read me the contract that has a huge, huge list of exclusions. I could hardly think of anything that was covered. I just wish I had been smart enough to either take the time to read their tiny contract print before wasting my money, or to listen to Consumer Reports advice to never buy an extended warranty.

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    Wed May 14 2008

    I've bought a Advantage Protection Plan for my LCD TV at Circuit City in 06. The web site shows a policy of "service is typically completed within 14 business days". When the TV has a problem, one tech comes out two times but could not fix or improve the situation. By the time the 2nd tech comes out, it has been 35 days from the date that I have reported. The 2nd tech has no idea what parts the first tech have ordered and don't know what to do with it. I have escalated this case to a supervisor named Raz Abdul. Raz says that he will issue me a replacement and stop calling me since. I have left several messages until another supervisor named Veronica call to tell me to wait for the next appointment which 45 days from the time the problem first reported. They could not explain to me why the case has taken so long. I don't think anyone there care how long it takes. They give me nothing but run-around. I then escalated to the supervisor's manager and the store manager. They t... Read more

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    Mon Apr 14 2008

    What a loss. This place used to be the place you could go for a great demo, and superious product knowlede. Counselors would tell you what you needed, now what they had been told to sell. Now they have let all the good ones go, and it shows. You are lucky to find someone to help you, let alone someone who can help you. You probably know more than they do now. What a terrible waste of a good franchise.

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    Fri Apr 11 2008

    worst customer service in the radio install department! guy had me waiting for 20 minutes while he was on phone and tryed to charge me $500 for a simple car radio install. totally lied about prices. I had a professional install my radio for $60 Circuit city is a total rip off! women beware of the sales guys! I am a woman with an electrical engineering degree and I know how to install a simple radio just dont have time. -5 stars on CIRCUIT CITY

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    Tue Apr 01 2008

    If I could give them zero stars, I would in a heartbeat.  I have been finished with Circuit City since December of 2007.  It USED to be my "go-to" place, until about 4 months ago, when I was shopping with my sister for a new DVD player.  She POLITELY asked a sales associated if he could help us with a few questions so we could make a good choice.  The guy literally took two steps, snapped "no" at her as the answer and turned around to take off.  Well, needless to say I slung the DVD player I had in my hand (was wanting to purchase) down and chased him down.  I got his name and told him what I thought of his attitude.  Then I found the manager, explaining what the guy did, they both laughed.  That's when I asked for their customer service number and the manager blatantly lied and said he didn't know.  A manager NOT knowing the 1-800 #?? Puuhleease.  So I smiled at him, took a good look at his nametag, and marched off the the customer service desk where I got the number of Custumer Servi... Read more

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    Sun Mar 30 2008

    If you have a problem with Circuit City, just go straight to the Better Business Bureau and report them. It's the only way to shut them down. My in-laws are having a horrible time right now with them. Good luck to you all.

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    Sat Mar 29 2008

    DON'T BUY FROM CIRCUIT CITY. After reading other reviews, apparently I am in the majority when I say that buying from CC has been one of the sorriest experiences of my life. I spent two weeks online at their website and others reading reviews and making comparisons befor making a decision to buy a Sony tv that was on sale for 1299, and also had a $100 off coupon. With tax,for $1298 I would be getting what they said was an $1899 tv. I called the 800 number about 10 pm on Friday. The order was processed. Since I had $1000 credit on my CC credit card, and there was a no interest promotion, I wanted to charge 1,000 on the CC card, and the balance of 298.99 on my Visa card. The person told me that she could not except dual payments over the phone, and I would have to pay for it at the store when I picked it up. Next morning I go to pick up the tv, and was told that I owed over $1800. I argued with the clerk, then she pulled up the CC website, and overnight they had raised the price of 1299 ... Read more

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    Sun Mar 16 2008

    Terrible customer service! I'm so glad I found out before purchasing.

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    Mon Mar 10 2008

    REBATES ARE A SCAM. I purchased a 40" tv which entitled me to a $100. nfl shop rebate. Next day I sent in the required forms and pop. Waited the obligatory 6 weeks, no check. went to checkmyrebate website which is a joke, times out, so no luck there. Called the phone number provided on receipt, speaker phone waited over an hour (their 800 $). said they never received it and that the time had expired to resubmit it. NO REBATE coming. Don't count on it, don't accept any rebate offers from Circuit City they are a scam. Wrote Circuit City headquarters and got no response. When a salesperson tries to entice you to the great rebate, walk away, go to a store that discounts in store only and let Circuit City know you are doing it for that reason.

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    Wed Mar 05 2008

    a little better than best buy but still wayyyyy overpriced compared to like newegg.

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    Fri Feb 22 2008

    So just before Christmas, my husband and I ordered a video camera as our present from our whole family and to each other, to have for when our baby is born. The box showed up a couple weeks after we ordered it from The FedEx guy put the package on the ground and told my husband to sign for the box. The FedEx guy walked away Tim picked up the box and realized it was empty. He called Circuit City with in minutes of getting the empty package. Two months later, 20+ phone conversations with Circuit City and FedEd, where we were told no one higher than the trained monkey who answers the phone would ever talk to us, and they closed the case without telling us! No refund. CIRCUIT CITY has despicable costumer service, and I will make sure that everyone we know takes pause before purchasing from there again. If you look up reviews on Circuit City, they are horrible. We weren't the first or the last people to get the a raw deal from them. Don't make the same mista... Read more

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    Wed Feb 13 2008

    Buyer beware!! I purchased a digital SLR camera on a Saturday night. After getting home, i decided it might be more camera than I needed so I called the store to find out what their return policy was. I was told I could return it within 14 days in the original box. I then took the camera out and looked at it and held it in my hand and decided that I did not need that much camera. I tried to return it the following Wednesday and the "customer service" (ha ha) counter help at the store asked me if I knew I would have to pay a restocking charge of 15%. I asked for the manager and told him the story and he replied that that was their policy and it was posted all over the store. I asked for a number for their corporate office and they gave me the number to Verizon wireless. (Which I found out later when I called) After I got the true number to customer service i called and was told that their policy was to charge a 15% restocking charge and when I asked to speak to a supervisor, I w... Read more

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    Wed Feb 06 2008

    Circuit City service really BAD!!! I have applied their credit card which is issued by Chase Bank. I over paid my bill and ask for refund check, but I never receive it. When I ask to send me another one and stop the previous check. They told me that the check was cashed. They didn't stop the 1st check and send my another one and telling me I need to pay the 1st one that i never receive, so I e-mail them back and forth to complain that the 1st check was stolen by someone in the mail. Their customer service once told me the case is resolved in my favor and later I receive more bills to hassle to collect both payment. Circuit City and Chase Bank will not see you as their valued customer, but as their ATM. They will try to con you anyway they can, as for my case, only for $40. And then they want to charge you late charge and interst for no reason. To you shoppers out there, DO NOT apply Circuit City's credit card with Chase Bank.

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    Tue Feb 05 2008

    I bought a HP laptop last year. About a week after I bought it I went into the store to ask a simple question about it. After being ignored for a good five mintues at the service desk while the clerk was unwrapping stock he asks if he could help. I told him I had a question about my laptop. He then asks if I had a service contract and I said no. The clerk then says the question will be a minimum charge of $67. Never again will I buy from this outfit-unless they have a going out of business sale!

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    Tue Jan 22 2008

    It awesome!!!!

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    Mon Jan 21 2008

    I'd rate it -5 if possible. I bought an ATI S9950 video card online. The right box was delivered but inside was an X1050, with a note saying it was a "free upgrade" for a valued customer. The X1050 was hardly an upgrade; its average online retail price is lower and has poorer user reviews. Staples sells the S9950 for $105, and an X1550 -- a better product -- for $70, the same as I paid CC for what I THOUGHT would be an S9950 at a $35 saving. But now for the bad news. The X1050 was defective, so much so that it crashed my computer and I had to do a clean install of Windows XP. BUT WHEN I CALLED ABOUT RETURNING IT FOR A REFUND, THEY SAID THEY HAD TO DETERMINE THAT IT WAS REALLY DEFECTIVE, AND A REFUND WOULD NOT BE GRANTED IN ANY CASE UNLESS I RETURNED THE PRODUCT AS DESCRIBED IN THE BOX AND SHIPPING SHEET! That's pure fraud, not an honest mistake. Not even close.

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    Sat Dec 22 2007

    Rating is a ZERO - but I had to at least roll over a 1 to submit. My wife and I went to CC on Black Friday to purchase over $2000 on a television, auxilliary equipment, and electronic gifts for our family. We were patient as no one came to provide service to us. However, they serviced at least 6 customers that came in after us. I am a professional African American, and my wife is Korean. I am not asserting racial discrimination, but I do think because I was dressed in my workout attire they felt I wasn't a viable customer. I have never been treated so inhumanely ever. I wanted to talk to the manager but no one ever came to talk to us. We left after wasting 2 hours in the store (1.5 hrs waiting on customer service, and .5 hrs on the manager). We waited 1 week for me to calm down and returned to the store to talk to the manager. I approached a sales associate and he remembered us and told our story to the manager. After waiting 20 minutes the manager came out and I explained our ordea... Read more

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    Wed Dec 05 2007

    I purchased a philips HTIB (Home Theater in a box) on November 27, 2007 with a combination of gift cards and my debit card; paid 179.99 for the product plus tax and $4.99 for 3-day shipping. I thought all was well. Thats when the problems started rolling on in. The first problem was the fact that it didnt arrive until December third, which was not three day shipping. Second, the product came broken, in the box. The box was not damaged in any way, the receiver simply did not power up. Okay, fine, I thought this happens, just call and it will be resolved. No way. I called their customer service dept. around 6pm that night and was on the phone until about midnight, with no resolutions. I was traded between countless reps that I could NOT understand, Im assuming because of outsourcing. They all denied it getting replaced. I finally got escalated to a supervisor, whom I also could barely understand, whose best option for me was to pay a 15% restocking fee and $60 to ship it back to them, ... Read more

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    Sun Dec 02 2007

    My wife and I have been customer's of your store for many years. I have always found the Circuit City staff very kind, curtious, and helpful. With Xmas upon us, I once again I found myself at your Deptford, NJ store. After about 30 mins. of looking, I was not able to find the item I was there to purchase. I approached the store manager Mr. Applebaum who I asked about the item. I have never been treated so poorly in your store or any other store before. He was so rude and unkind that he so much as told me to go and shop somewhere else, which I will from now on. When I asked him what his name was, he just walked away. I had to ask another employee what his name was. I or anyone in my family will never shop in this or any other Circuit City again! I will also try my best to steer friends away from your store. I think if you check your records you will find that my wife and I are not just a casual customer. We have spent $10's of thousands of dollars in your store over the years. I see a... Read more

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    Thu Nov 29 2007

    Terrible experience, DO NOT GO THERE!!! Went there on Black Friday, wanted to buy a portable media player, got send back and forth to the line because it wasn't clear between the sales associate and the teller what needs to be done. Add to that the long lines, there's an hour spent with no progress what so ever. Left and went away frustrated, crossed the street to Best Buy - what a different experience, it was cheaper, better customer service, courteous and the nicest thing about it - no restocking fee (as opposed to 15% at CC). Thank you Circuit City for making me leave the store - Best Buy rules. I'm not affiliated in anyway with either Best Buy or Circuit City - just an unhappy CC customer Also - sent an email to notify of the experience, took them 5 days to respond!!! clearly from the response, the service rep didn't even bother to read my comments... I will never set foot again in Circuit City ever!!!!

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    Wed Nov 28 2007

    Good selection but overpriced. Use Best Buy instead for consumer-level shopping, and Fry's for the more technically minded among us. Update: Could be worse. I hear that the City does better then a few places on the web for price.

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    Tue Nov 27 2007

    Really rude customer service, both in store and on the phone. Went to pick up my order at the store with my online receipt in hand, and they didn't have my item. When I asked them to order it and price match, they couldn't. They also wouldn't give me the $24 gift card that is guaranteed! My $1000 or so in electronics that I buy annually will now be spent at Best Buy. I predict this store will be closing soon...

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    Mon Nov 26 2007

    PLZ DONT BUY ANYTHING IN CIRCUIT CITY ..THEY ARE LYERS AND CHEATERS THEY DO NOT STAD FOR THEIR PRICE AND EMPLOYEES ARE REAL ROOD..i bought HP laptop from 14th street.NYC branch was black friday sale , we were standing there from morning 2am and finally we reached to the counter by 10am..nobody was informed us that there are limited offer which does not mentioned in the add paper..and one employee seems to be newly joined he looked in to their database and it was showing 38 comuters are there with the price $549 but when we reach to line to purchase that employee was telling they dont have them and what they have are preinstalled..i made my husband to stand there for a min and went to other guy who checked for me before was showing 38..and the employee whose name is ROOT started bargaining and charged us 1148 instead of 549..and said mail in rebate..when we check the rebate even he charged 100 next day when we realize this and went back to return it..same ROOT was the... Read more

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    Wed Nov 14 2007

    I purchased a couple of Acer Aspire laptops for two of my sons (for school). That particular laptop was chosen because of some good rebates that were advertised online($200 worth of rebates for each laptop). I called CC to place the order and the lady that helped me agreed with me that the rebates for that laptop were great. Then she talked me into buying some Targus bags for the computers because of their great rebates. Thought I was getting a great deal. Unfortunately, I started receiving denials on the rebates because there was a limit provision (rebate on one item only) I called CC and told them that there was nothing on their ad that showed the limit provision and their salesperson never mentioned one to me while she was encouraging me to buy everything. They told me they would resubmit and send the rebate money to me. The only thing I received was another letter stating it was denied, once again, because of the limit provision. When I called this time, I was connected to s... Read more