Cindy Sheehan (right to left)

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    Fri Mar 24 2006

    Her only accomplishment has been to openly voice her anger and grief about her son who became a casualty of war and who (since there is no draft) joined the military of his own free will. If she deserves recognition for being angry about the war and the growing casualties, then so do several thousand other people. I don't see her as particularly important in the big scheme of things. At least, not individually.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Duh. Of course she's goofy. . .of course she's unbalanced. . .he son is taking the dirt nap due to a war begun under false pretenses and now alibied about. . .oh, and we still will leave (although the 'mission is accomplished') years from now. . .furthermore, those that question are attacked- this would cause anyone to (at least) consider the price of political or philosophical allegiances. . .that America still tolerates the lies from Washington speaks more of the desire for all of us to be led. . .no doubt she's goofy but her reaction is far more sane than those who habitually defend a liar at the cost of money, lives, and a probable geopolitical mess.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Actually, tbonya, it didn't happen overnight, as many right wing bloggers have pointed out re her initial meeting with the president. More to the point, she had never been active prior to her son's death. She is a staunch Roman Catholic, and she was raised in Norwalk, California before moving to Vacaville, both very conservative areas of the country. Her family is conservative, as the right wing bloggers have pointed out, although much of the family does in fact support her now. Her husband filed for divorce because he does not support her newfound politics, though he does oppose the war on a quiet level. Essentially, she had no politics before her son's death, but she was no radical. She is not well-educated, and some of her comments have considerably lacked sophistication. She is by all accounts not a seasoned activist. People I know who have met her say that she views her journey as having entered a "new world" that probably would have been closed to her had her son surviv... Read more

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    I have trouble believing this woman was ever on the right!

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    Wouldn't you be pissed IF you thought your kid died for misleading reasons, as she clearly does? I would hope that you would. I'll agree that hanging with Chavez is not cool, but people's views aren't set in stone, and even the oldest and most set in their ways people do change. I can see how some might get tired of her after a while, but if losing a child- and I've lost 2 by my gf's miscarriages- had happened to me, and I felt it was dubious, I'd be bullsh** too. Don't know much about her views before that happened, but constitutionally she has every right to protest or change anything, so long as she doesn't harm others by doing so.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    I personally couldn't care less about this woman (other than sympathy for the loss of her son) but her public behavior over the last year or so has been so gross, so insulting and so ridiculously manipulated by people who apparently hate America, I can't ignore her. It's funny how some here characterize her perceived "calling" to her new responsibilities is seen as religiously noble . . . but Pat Robertson is an idiot. One slant you won't receive in the daily American media: parents of other soldiers serving and dying for their country are insulted by her opportunistic change of politics. Desecrating her son's death for the temporary glare of her own personal spotlight is shameful. Sorry, there's no other word for it.

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    Thu Mar 23 2006

    I lost all respect for this lunatic when she went after a reporter who asked why her son has no tombstone.Why is that,Ms.Sheehan?