Chris Tolles
Chris Tolles is the CEO and co-founder of Topix. Prior to Topix, Chris co-founded and was the VP of Marketing ...
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Reviews 0
by missionofmercy
Fri Jun 08 2012I think a previous review summed it up. I don't know this person but the business ethics of this company and the lack of caring and morality is of great concern. It isn't good business to constantly be regarded as the most dangerous site on the internet as I have heard it descrived and then claim you are some kind of news.
by katrinabena
Tue Nov 22 2011Let me begin by stating, any review I write is talking about a person's business ethics. I do not believe a person should go attacking one personally sitting behind a keyboard. That is the mark of a coward. My review is based on the business ethics of Topix CEO Chris Tolles, some interviews I have read, and other things. One of the things I have become convicted about as the mother of two is the issue of cyberbullying. Bullying has always existed and I think we are just now learning how serious that can be. I have a friend who was bullied in school and though she grew up to be a very successful, beautiful woman she still suffers from self-esteem issues and the pain of her childhood. When I read stories about children like Megan Meier who committed suicide when bullied by an adult (that adult should be rotting in a prison cell the rest of her life), I realize more needs to be done. Don't get me wrong, I believe in the first amendment, but that has been so misinterepted. Telling lies a... Read more